path: root/tests/src/test/resources/org/aspectj/systemtest/ajc1921/ajc1921.xml
blob: 6d454c423080f90464aee09958a35bcb40376bbe (plai
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<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "../tests/ajcTestSuite.dtd"[]>

	JDK 21 (https://openjdk.org/projects/jdk/21/):
		Language features:
			JEP 430: String Templates (Preview)
			JEP 440: Record Patterns
			JEP 441: Pattern Matching for switch
			JEP 443: Unnamed Patterns and Variables (Preview)
			JEP 445: Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview)
		API or JVM only:
			JEP 431: Sequenced Collections
			JEP 439: Generational ZGC
			JEP 442: Foreign Function & Memory API (Third Preview)
			JEP 444: Virtual Threads
			JEP 446: Scoped Values (Preview)
			JEP 448: Vector API (Sixth Incubator)
			JEP 449: Deprecate the Windows 32-bit x86 Port for Removal
			JEP 451: Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents
			JEP 452: Key Encapsulation Mechanism API
			JEP 453: Structured Concurrency (Preview)

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching preview 4 java">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternPreview4OK.java" options="-21" />
		<run class="SwitchPatternPreview4OK" vmargs="">
				<line text="null" />
				<line text="int 123" />
				<line text="long 999" />
				<line text="double 12.340000" />
				<line text="String foo" />
				<line text="[123, foo, 999, 12.34]" />
				<line text="Non-circle" />
				<line text="Small circle" />
				<line text="Large circle" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-class A" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-class B" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-record C" />
				<line text="absolute value 1: -1" />
				<line text="other integer: 0" />
				<line text="positive integer: 42" />
				<line text="other integer: -99" />
				<line text="positive integer: 123" />
				<line text="value unavailable: null" />
				<line text="42" />

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1920/java20" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching preview 4 error">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternPreview4Error.java" options="-21">
			<message kind="error" file="SwitchPatternPreview4Error.java" text="This case label is dominated by one of the preceding case labels"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching preview 3 aspect">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternPreview3Aspect.aj" options="-21" />
		<run class="Application" vmargs="">
				<line text="null" />
				<line text="int 123" />
				<line text="long 999" />
				<line text="double 12.340000" />
				<line text="String foo" />
				<line text="[123, foo, 999, 12.34]" />
				<line text="Non-circle" />
				<line text="Small circle" />
				<line text="Large circle" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-class A" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-class B" />
				<line text="Sealed sub-record C" />
				<line text="absolute value 1: -1" />
				<line text="other integer: 0" />
				<line text="positive integer: 42" />
				<line text="other integer: -99" />
				<line text="positive integer: 123" />
				<line text="value unavailable: null" />

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features198/java17" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching error">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternError.java" options="-21">
			<message kind="error" file="SwitchPatternError.java" text="This case label is dominated by one of the preceding case labels"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching preview 3 error 1">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternPreview3Error1.java" options="-21">
			<!-- No more error message as of Java 21 -->
			<!--<message kind="error" file="SwitchPatternPreview3Error1.java" text="This case label is dominated by one of the preceding case labels"/>-->

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 17, 18, 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="switch pattern matching preview 3 error 2">
		<compile files="SwitchPatternPreview3Error2.java" options="-21">
			<message kind="error" file="SwitchPatternPreview3Error2.java" text="This case label is dominated by one of the preceding case labels"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="record patterns">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1OK.java" options="-21"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="record patterns error">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1Error.java" options="-21">
			<!-- https://github.com/eclipse-jdt/eclipse.jdt.core/issues/450 (fixed for preview 2 in Eclipse 2023-03, 4.27) -->
			<message kind="error" file="RecordPatternsPreview1Error.java" text="Raw types are not allowed in record patterns"/>
			<message kind="error" file="RecordPatternsPreview1Error.java" text="Raw types are not allowed in record patterns"/>
		<run class="RecordPatternsPreview1Error" vmargs="">
				<line text="I'm a box"/>
				<line text="I'm a box"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="record patterns exhaustiveness 1">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessOK1.java" options="-21"/>
		<run class="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessOK1" vmargs="">
				<line text="y"/>
				<line text="a"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="record patterns exhaustiveness aspect">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessAspect.aj" options="-21"/>
		<run class="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessAspect" vmargs="">
				<line text="y"/>
				<line text="a"/>
				<line text="Pair[x=C@000, y=D@000]"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="record patterns aspect">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1Aspect.aj" options="-21"/>
		<run class="RecordPatternsPreview1Aspect" vmargs="">
				<line text="9"/>
				<line text="14"/>
				<line text="Doing something with Point[x=2, y=7]"/>
				<line text="Upper-left color: RED"/>
				<line text="Upper-left color: RED"/>
				<line text="Upper-left x coordinate: 1"/>
				<line text="Doing something with Rectangle[upperLeft=ColoredPoint[p=Point[x=1, y=6], c=RED], lowerRight=ColoredPoint[p=Point[x=4, y=6], c=BLUE]]"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="record patterns exhaustiveness error">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessError.java" options="-21">
			<message kind="error" file="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessError.java" text="An enhanced switch statement should be exhaustive; a default label expected"/>

	<!-- Java 21 final, Java 19, 20 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1919/java19" vm="21" title="record patterns exhaustiveness 2">
		<compile files="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessOK2.java" options="-21"/>
		<run class="RecordPatternsPreview1ExhaustivenessOK2" vmargs="">
				<line text="Bob 12"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="string patterns">
		<compile files="StringPatternsPreview1.java" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="StringPatternsPreview1" vmargs="--enable-preview">
			<stdout ordered="yes">
				<line text="Bill Duck"/>
				<line text="10 + 20 = 30"/>
				<line text="You have a special New Year's sale discount waiting for you!"/>
				<line text="Access at 2011-11-11 11:11:11 from localhost/"/>
				<line text="The file _dummy.dat does not exist"/>
				<line text="The time is 11:11:11 or roughly eleven after eleven"/>
				<line text="apples, oranges, peaches"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="&lt;html&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;head&gt;"/>
				<line text="    &lt;title&gt;My Web Page&lt;/title&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;/head&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;body&gt;"/>
				<line text="    &lt;p&gt;Hello, world&lt;/p&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;/body&gt;"/>
				<line text="&lt;/html&gt;"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="Description     Width    Height     Area"/>
				<line text="Alfa            17.80    31.40      558.92"/>
				<line text="Bravo            9.60    12.40      119.04"/>
				<line text="Charlie          7.10    11.23       79.73"/>
				<line text="                             Total  757.69"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="My name is Joan"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="string patterns aspect">
		<compile files="StringPatternsPreview1Aspect.aj" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="StringPatternsPreview1Aspect" vmargs="--enable-preview">
			<stdout ordered="yes">
				<line text="execution(void StringPatternsPreview1Aspect.main(String[]))"/>
				<line text="Bill Duck"/>
				<line text="10 + 20 = 30"/>
				<line text="You have a special New Year's sale discount waiting for you!"/>
				<line text="Access at 2011-11-11 11:11:11 from localhost/"/>
				<line text="The file _dummy.dat does not exist"/>
				<line text="The time is 11:11:11 or roughly eleven after eleven"/>
				<line text="apples, oranges, peaches"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="&lt;html&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;head&gt;"/>
				<line text="    &lt;title&gt;My Web Page&lt;/title&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;/head&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;body&gt;"/>
				<line text="    &lt;p&gt;Hello, world&lt;/p&gt;"/>
				<line text="  &lt;/body&gt;"/>
				<line text="&lt;/html&gt;"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="Description     Width    Height     Area"/>
				<line text="Alfa            17.80    31.40      558.92"/>
				<line text="Bravo            9.60    12.40      119.04"/>
				<line text="Charlie          7.10    11.23       79.73"/>
				<line text="                             Total  757.69"/>
				<line text=""/>
				<line text="My name is Joan"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="unnamed patterns">
		<compile files="UnnamedPatternsPreview1.java" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="UnnamedPatternsPreview1" vmargs="--enable-preview">
			<stdout ordered="yes">
				<line text="2"/>
				<line text="side effect"/>
				<line text="0"/>
				<line text="1"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=1,y=2]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=4,y=5]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=1,y=0]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=4,y=0]"/>
				<line text="Bad number: 123xy"/>
				<line text="Doing something within scoped context"/>
				<line text="Closing scoped context"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="unnamed patterns aspect">
		<compile files="UnnamedPatternsPreview1Aspect.aj" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="UnnamedPatternsPreview1Aspect" vmargs="--enable-preview">
			<stdout ordered="yes">
				<line text="execution(void UnnamedPatternsPreview1Aspect.main(String[]))"/>
				<line text="2"/>
				<line text="side effect"/>
				<line text="0"/>
				<line text="1"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=1,y=2]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=4,y=5]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=1,y=0]"/>
				<line text="java.awt.Point[x=4,y=0]"/>
				<line text="Bad number: 123xy"/>
				<line text="Doing something within scoped context"/>
				<line text="Closing scoped context"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="new" vm="21" title="underscore can still be used in pointcut patterns on Java 21+ - 1">
		<compile files="NotCharInPointcut.java" options="--enable-preview -21">
			<message kind="warning" line="51" text="advice defined in A has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]"/>
			<message kind="warning" line="52" text="advice defined in A has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]"/>
			<message kind="warning" line="53" text="advice defined in A has not been applied [Xlint:adviceDidNotMatch]"/>
		<run class="NotCharInPointcut" vmargs="--enable-preview"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="underscore can still be used in pointcut patterns on Java 21+ - 2">
		<compile files="UnderscoreInPointcutAspect.aj" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="UnderscoreInPointcutAspect" vmargs="--enable-preview">
				<line text="[starts with underscore] execution(int UnderTest._add(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="[contains underscore] execution(int UnderTest._add(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="16"/>
				<line text="[starts with underscore] execution(int UnderTest._subtract(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="[contains underscore] execution(int UnderTest._subtract(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="8"/>
				<line text="[ends with underscore] execution(int UnderTest.multiply_(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="[contains underscore] execution(int UnderTest.multiply_(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="48"/>
				<line text="[ends with underscore] execution(int UnderTest.divide_(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="[contains underscore] execution(int UnderTest.divide_(int, int)) -> 12, 4"/>
				<line text="3"/>
				<line text="[contains underscore] execution(int UnderTest.power_of(int, int)) -> 3, 3"/>
				<line text="27"/>
				<line text="[no underscore] execution(int UnderTest.squareRoot(int)) -> 49"/>
				<line text="7"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="named class with simple main method">
		<!-- Compiles without preview mode, but needs preview mode to run -->
		<compile files="NamedClassWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1.java" options="-21"/>
		<run class="NamedClassWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1" vmargs="--enable-preview">
				<line text="Hello world!"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="named aspect with simple main method">
		<!-- Compiles without preview mode, but needs preview mode to run -->
		<compile files="NamedAspectWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1.aj" options="-21"/>
		<run class="NamedAspectWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1" vmargs="--enable-preview">
				<line text="Hello world!"/>

	<!-- Java 21 preview -->
	<ajc-test dir="features1921/java21" vm="21" title="unnamed class with simple main method">
		<compile files="UnnamedClassWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1.java" options="--enable-preview -21"/>
		<run class="UnnamedClassWithSimpleMainMethodPreview1" vmargs="--enable-preview">
				<line text="Hello world!"/>

	<!-- https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/issues/279, AspectJ -->
	<ajc-test dir="bugs1921/github_279" vm="8" title="same class woven concurrently in parallel-capable classloader">
		<compile files="Application.java Greeter.java GreeterImpl.java ParallelCapableClassLoader.java" options="-8"/>
		<compile files="HelloInterceptor.java" options="-8 -Xlint:ignore"/>
		<!-- Problem only reproduces in forked JVM with java agent, hence Ant build -->
		<ant file="ant.xml" target="same class woven concurrently in parallel-capable classloader" verbose="true"/>

		https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/issues/285, AspectJ

		See also org.aspectj.systemtest.ajc171.NewFeatures::testSharedCache. This is a quasi negative test missing back in
		1.7.2 when the shared cache was introduced.
	<ajc-test dir="bugs1921/github_285" title="shared cache negative test">
		<compile files="Unwoven.java" options="-1.5"/>
		<run class="Unwoven" ltw="aop.xml" usefullltw="true"
			vmargs="-Daj.weaving.cache.enabled=true -Daj.weaving.cache.dir=./ -Daj.weaving.cache.impl=shared">
				<line text="Hello world"/>
				Nothing should be printed on stderr, especially no fatal NPE with message
				'Cannot read the array length because "b" is null' and subsequent ajcore.*.txt

		https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/issues/141, AspectJ
	<ajc-test dir="bugs1921/github_288" title="memory leak for @AspectJ nested, non-inlined around-advice - AssertionError">
		<compile files="NestedAroundClosureMemoryLeakTest.java MemoryHog.java FirstAspect.aj SecondAspect.aj" options="-1.8 -XnoInline"/>
		<run class="NestedAroundClosureMemoryLeakTest" vmargs="-ea --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED">
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="Finished executing tasks"/>
				<line text="Finished executing GC"/>
				<line text="Test passed - all inheritable thread-locals are null after GC"/>
			<!-- No AssertionError on stderr-->

		https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/issues/141, AspectJ
	<ajc-test dir="bugs1921/github_288" title="memory leak for @AspectJ nested, non-inlined around-advice - OutOfMemoryError">
		<compile files="NestedAroundClosureMemoryLeakTest.java MemoryHog.java FirstAspect.aj SecondAspect.aj" options="-1.8 -XnoInline"/>
		<run class="NestedAroundClosureMemoryLeakTest" vmargs="-ea --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx512M" options="oom">
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="FirstAspect"/>
				<line text="SecondAspect"/>
				<line text="Executing task"/>
				<line text="Finished executing tasks"/>
				<line text="Finished executing GC"/>
				<line text="Test passed - no OutOfMemoryError due to inheritable thread-locals memory leak"/>
			<!-- No fatal OutOfMemoryError on stderr -->
