path: root/dcevm
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Improving versions parsing in testsIvan Dubrov2015-07-081-11/+7
* Verify that JMX attach still works fineIvan Dubrov2015-06-262-0/+18
* Fixing issue with vmindex not being properly updated.Ivan Dubrov2015-06-242-2/+163
* Adding test to verify JMX could be loadedIvan Dubrov2015-06-181-0/+16
* Moving two tests which are currently supported only on Java 8light-jdk7u51+10Ivan Dubrov2014-05-052-0/+4
* Handle removed/changed fields in DMHIvan Dubrov2014-05-052-30/+103
* Try to used serializable lambdas to force compiler to generate stable namesIvan Dubrov2014-05-024-7/+18
* Disable lambda's test for nowIvan Dubrov2014-05-021-0/+1
* Allow classes to reside outside of test class.Ivan Dubrov2014-05-015-34/+53
* Working on lambda testsIvan Dubrov2014-05-012-17/+127
* Fixing MH's in case of instance fields swappingIvan Dubrov2014-05-012-2/+115
* Working on static field DMH's fixesIvan Dubrov2014-05-011-0/+118
* Fixing interface methods testlight-jdk8u5+50Ivan Dubrov2014-04-301-1/+1
* Implementing tests for interface methods and lambdasIvan Dubrov2014-04-302-0/+166
* Unused line deletedIvan Dubrov2014-04-301-1/+0
* Updating ASM versionIvan Dubrov2014-04-301-2/+2
* Updating MethodHandle testIvan Dubrov2014-04-301-6/+6
* Working on MethodHandle testsIvan Dubrov2014-04-292-2/+111
* Unneeded import removedIvan Dubrov2014-04-281-1/+0
* Enabling natives testsIvan Dubrov2014-04-251-3/+3
* Don't use deprecated AssertIvan Dubrov2014-04-256-11/+7
* Fixing line encodingIvan Dubrov2014-04-255-1176/+1176
* Excluding certain tests on 'light' flavorIvan Dubrov2014-04-2510-0/+31
* Adding 'full' testsIvan Dubrov2014-04-2535-449/+2652
* Renaming org.dcevm -> com.github.dcevmIvan Dubrov2014-04-2555-209/+180
* Renaming test/java to test/java7Ivan Dubrov2014-04-2547-0/+0
* Duplicate class deletedIvan Dubrov2014-04-251-81/+0
* Adding Java 7 patch, support running tests on Java 7Ivan Dubrov2014-04-2455-0/+6574
ain">cpp os: windows env: # From https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/reference/windows/ before_install: - |- choco install --no-progress -y innosetup [[ ! -f C:/tools/msys64/msys2_shell.cmd ]] && rm -rf C:/tools/msys64 choco uninstall -y mingw choco upgrade --no-progress -y msys2 export msys2='cmd //C RefreshEnv.cmd ' export msys2+='& set MSYS=winsymlinks:nativestrict ' export msys2+='& C:\\tools\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd -defterm -no-start' export mingw64="$msys2 -mingw64 -full-path -here -c "\"\$@"\" --" export msys2+=" -msys2 -c "\"\$@"\" --" $msys2 pacman --sync --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain $msys2 pacman --sync --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-fltk mingw-w64-x86_64-libjpeg-turbo mingw-w64-x86_64-gnutls mingw-w64-x86_64-pixman taskkill //IM gpg-agent.exe //F # https://travis-ci.community/t/4967 export PATH=/C/tools/msys64/mingw64/bin:$PATH export MAKE=mingw32-make # so that Autotools can find it script: - cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM=mingw32-make -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE=CXX_COMPILER=g++ . && mingw32-make && mingw32-make installer winvnc_installer before_cache: - |- # https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/137322/107554 $msys2 pacman --sync --clean --noconfirm cache: directories: - $HOME/AppData/Local/Temp/chocolatey - /C/tools/msys64 - language: cpp os: osx # The default image is buggy ATM, use the latest osx_image: xcode11.5 env: addons: homebrew: packages: - gettext - fltk before_install: script: - cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug . && make && make dmg - language: java # compile with java 8 for backwards compatibility dist: xenial env: jdk: openjdk8 before_install: - sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk addons: apt: update: true script: - cd java && cmake . && make before_install: - docker build -t tigervnc/$DOCKER .travis/$DOCKER script: - .travis/$DOCKER/build.sh