path: root/installer
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixes #145 - show hidden files in file chooserNeal Hunter2018-06-251-0/+1
* Do not require jre directory to be prefixed with 'jre'Vladislav Rassokhin2015-05-141-1/+1
* Allow changing installer JAR namelight-jdk8u45+3Ivan Dubrov2015-04-281-0/+3
* #22 - Installer now support both - replace current JVM or install as altjvm i...Jiří Bubník2014-05-237-71/+211
* Do not copy data in installer build when don't have anyfull-7u51+3Ivan Dubrov2014-04-281-3/+6
* Moving installer from the separate branchlight-jdk8u5+36Ivan Dubrov2014-04-2811-0/+1120