diff options
authorFlorian Zschocke <>2021-12-16 23:46:28 +0100
committerFlorian Zschocke <>2022-02-01 22:58:30 +0100
commit5ba51f4f48a5307ac4bc5435ecabfb4919b47c45 (patch)
parenta35868ddfb30c5e76ad6695f845045e6273b7332 (diff)
build: Allow for updating an existing draft release
When creating a release draft and uploading assets, provision for the case that a draft release already exists. In that case, instead of creating a release, the existing release (changelog) is edited and the assets are deleted before the new built ones are uploaded. This commit also introduces the `${gh.repo}` property in build.xml, so that the Github project could be chosen dynamically. Not really needed, to be honest, but, yeah, whatever.
2 files changed, 366 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/
index 6ac429d5..6c541c6b 100755
--- a/.github/
+++ b/.github/
@@ -52,8 +52,11 @@
# Output some text in Markdown format.
-export NAME=$(basename "$0")
-export VERSION='0.5.1'
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC2220
+NAME=$(basename "$0")
+export NAME
+export VERSION='0.7.0'
export OK_SH_URL=${OK_SH_URL:-''}
export OK_SH_ACCEPT=${OK_SH_ACCEPT:-'application/vnd.github.v3+json'}
@@ -205,8 +208,8 @@ __main() {
local OPTARG
local OPTIND
local quiet=0
- local temp_dir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/${NAME}.${$}.$(awk \
- 'BEGIN {srand(); printf "%d\n", rand() * 10^10}')"
+ local temp_dir
+ temp_dir="${TMPDIR-/tmp}/${NAME}.${$}.$(awk 'BEGIN {srand(); printf "%d\n", rand() * 10^10}')"
local summary_fifo="${temp_dir}/oksh_summary.fifo"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
@@ -403,8 +406,11 @@ _format_json() {
function isnum(x){ return (x == x + 0) }
function isnull(x){ return (x == "null" ) }
function isbool(x){ if (x == "true" || x == "false") return 1 }
- function isnested(x) { if (substr(x, 0, 1) == "[" \
- || substr(x, 0, 1) == "{") return 1 }
+ function isnested(x) {
+ if (substr(x, 0, 1) == "[" || substr(x, 0, 1) == "{") {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
function castOrQuote(val) {
if (!isbool(val) && !isnum(val) && !isnull(val) && !isnested(val)) {
sub(/^('\''|")/, "", val) # Remove surrounding quotes
@@ -509,8 +515,7 @@ _filter_json() {
- "${OK_SH_JQ_BIN}" -c -r "${_filter}"
- [ $? -eq 0 ] || printf 'jq parse error; invalid JSON.\n' 1>&2
+ "${OK_SH_JQ_BIN}" -c -r "${_filter}" || printf 'jq parse error; invalid JSON.\n' 1>&2
_get_mime_type() {
@@ -625,7 +630,8 @@ _opts_qs() {
# _opts_qs "$@"
# _get "/some/path${qs}"
- local querystring=$(_format_urlencode "$@")
+ local querystring
+ querystring=$(_format_urlencode "$@")
@@ -784,36 +790,39 @@ _response() {
- headers="http_version: ${http_version}
-status_code: ${status_code}
-status_text: ${status_text}
+ headers="HTTP_VERSION: ${http_version}
+STATUS_CODE: ${status_code}
+STATUS_TEXT: ${status_text}
while IFS=": " read -r hdr val; do
# Headers stop at the first blank line.
[ "$hdr" = "$crlf" ] && break
+ # Headers are case insensitive
+ hdr="$(printf '%s' "$hdr" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')"
# Process each header; reformat some to work better with sh tools.
case "$hdr" in
# Update the GitHub rate limit trackers.
- X-RateLimit-Remaining)
printf 'GitHub remaining requests: %s\n' "$val" 1>&$LSUMMARY ;;
- X-RateLimit-Reset)
awk -v gh_reset="$val" 'BEGIN {
srand(); curtime = srand()
print "GitHub seconds to reset: " gh_reset - curtime
}' 1>&$LSUMMARY ;;
# Remove quotes from the etag header.
- ETag) val="${val#\"}"; val="${val%\"}" ;;
+ ETAG) val="${val#\"}"; val="${val%\"}" ;;
# Split the URLs in the Link header into separate pseudo-headers.
- Link) headers="${headers}$(printf '%s' "$val" | awk '
+ LINK) headers="${headers}$(printf '%s' "$val" | awk '
BEGIN { RS=", "; FS="; "; OFS=": " }
sub(/^rel="/, "", $2); sub(/"$/, "", $2)
sub(/^ *</, "", $1); sub(/>$/, "", $1)
- print "Link_" $2, $1
+ print "LINK_" toupper($2), $1
" # need trailing newline
@@ -827,6 +836,7 @@ status_text: ${status_text}
# Output requested headers in deterministic order.
for arg in "$@"; do
_log debug "Outputting requested header '${arg}'."
+ arg="$(printf '%s' "$arg" | awk '{print toupper($0)}')"
output=$(printf '%s' "$headers" | while IFS=": " read -r hdr val; do
[ "$hdr" = "$arg" ] && printf '%s' "$val"
@@ -1125,12 +1135,68 @@ org_members() {
local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
# A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ local qs
shift 1
_opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
- _get "/orgs/${org}/members" \
- | _filter_json "${_filter}"
+ _get "/orgs/${org}/members${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
+org_collaborators() {
+ # List organization outside collaborators
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # org_collaborators org
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ local org="${1:?Org name required.}"
+ # Organization GitHub login or id.
+ #
+ # Keyword arguments
+ #
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ local qs
+ shift 1
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ _get "/orgs/${org}/outside_collaborators${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
+org_auditlog() {
+ # Interact with the Github Audit Log
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # org_auditlog org
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ local org="${1:?Org name required.}"
+ # Organization GitHub login or id.
+ #
+ # Keyword arguments
+ #
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.actor)\t\(.action)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ local qs
+ shift 1
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ _get "/orgs/${org}/audit-log${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
team_members() {
@@ -1184,8 +1250,10 @@ list_repos() {
# * `sort`
# * `type`
+ # User is optional; is this a keyword arg?
+ case "$user" in *=*) user='' ;; esac
+ if [ -n "$user" ]; then shift 1; fi
- shift 1
local qs
_opts_filter "$@"
@@ -1239,6 +1307,47 @@ list_branches() {
_get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
+list_commits() {
+ # List commits of a specified repository.
+ # ( )
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # list_commits user repo
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ # GitHub user login or id for which to list branches
+ # Name of the repo for which to list branches
+ #
+ local user="${1:?User name required.}"
+ local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
+ shift 2
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ #
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.sha) \(.author.login) \( \(.committer.login) \("'
+ # Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
+ #
+ # * `sha`
+ # * `path`
+ # * `author`
+ # * `since` Only commits after this date will be returned. This is a timestamp in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
+ # * `until`
+ local qs
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ url="/repos/${user}/${repo}/commits"
+ _get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_contributors() {
# List contributors to the specified repository, sorted by the number of commits per contributor in descending order.
# ( )
@@ -1541,6 +1650,7 @@ create_repo() {
+ export OK_SH_ACCEPT="application/vnd.github.nebula-preview+json"
_format_json "name=${name}" "$@" | _post "$url" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
@@ -1888,6 +1998,54 @@ upload_asset() {
| _filter_json "$_filter"
+delete_asset() {
+ # Delete a release asset
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # delete_asset user repo 51955388
+ #
+ # Example of deleting release assets:
+ #
+ # release_assets <user> <repo> <release_id> \
+ # _filter='.[] | .id' \
+ # | xargs -L1 ./ delete_asset "$myuser" "$myrepo"
+ #
+ # Example of the multi-step process for grabbing the release ID for
+ # a specific version, then grabbing the release asset IDs, and then
+ # deleting all the release assets (whew!):
+ #
+ # username='myuser'
+ # repo='myrepo'
+ # release_tag='v1.2.3'
+ # list_releases "$myuser" "$myrepo" \
+ # | awk -F'\t' -v tag="$release_tag" '$2 == tag { print $3 }' \
+ # | xargs -I{} ./ release_assets "$myuser" "$myrepo" {} \
+ # _filter='.[] | .id' \
+ # | xargs -L1 ./ -y delete_asset "$myuser" "$myrepo"
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ local owner="${1:?Owner name required.}"
+ # A GitHub user or organization.
+ local repo="${2:?Repo name required.}"
+ # A GitHub repository.
+ local asset_id="${3:?Release asset ID required.}"
+ # The unique ID of the release asset; see release_assets.
+ shift 3
+ local confirm
+ _get_confirm 'This will permanently delete a release asset. Continue?'
+ [ "$confirm" -eq 1 ] || exit 0
+ _delete "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases/assets/${asset_id}"
+ exit $?
# ### Issues
# Create, update, edit, delete, list issues and milestones.
@@ -1969,6 +2127,47 @@ create_milestone() {
| _filter_json "$_filter"
+list_issue_comments() {
+ # List comments of a specified issue.
+ # ( )
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # list_issue_comments someuser/somerepo number
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ # GitHub owner login or id for which to list branches
+ # Name of the repo for which to list branches
+ # Issue number
+ #
+ local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
+ local number="${2:?Issue number is required.}"
+ shift 2
+ local _follow_next
+ # Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
+ local _follow_next_limit
+ # Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.body)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ _opts_pagination "$@"
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ #
+ # Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
+ #
+ # * `direction`
+ # * `sort`
+ # * `since`
+ local qs
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ url="/repos/${repo}/issues/${number}/comments"
+ _get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
add_comment() {
# Add a comment to an issue
@@ -1998,6 +2197,48 @@ add_comment() {
| _filter_json "${_filter}"
+list_commit_comments() {
+ # List comments of a specified commit.
+ # ( )
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # list_commit_comments someuser/somerepo sha
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ # GitHub owner login or id for which to list branches
+ # Name of the repo for which to list branches
+ # Commit SHA
+ #
+ local repo="${1:?Repo name required.}"
+ local sha="${2:?Commit SHA is required.}"
+ shift 2
+ local _follow_next
+ # Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
+ local _follow_next_limit
+ # Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.body)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ _opts_pagination "$@"
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ #
+ # Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
+ #
+ # * `direction`
+ # * `sort`
+ # * `since`
+ local qs
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ url="/repos/${repo}/commits/${sha}/comments"
+ _get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
add_commit_comment() {
# Add a comment to a commit
@@ -2227,6 +2468,49 @@ org_issues() {
_get "/orgs/${org}/issues${qs}" | _filter_json "$_filter"
+list_starred() {
+ # List starred repositories
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # list_starred
+ # list_starred user
+ #
+ # Positional arguments
+ #
+ local user="$1"
+ # Optional GitHub user login or id for which to list the starred repos.
+ #
+ # Keyword arguments
+ #
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.name)\t\(.html_url)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ #
+ # Querystring arguments may also be passed as keyword arguments:
+ #
+ # * `direction`
+ # * `per_page`
+ # * `sort`
+ # * `type`
+ # User is optional; is this a keyword arg?
+ case "$user" in *=*) user='' ;; esac
+ if [ -n "$user" ]; then shift 1; fi
+ local qs
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ if [ -n "$user" ] ; then
+ url="/users/${user}/starred"
+ else
+ url='/user/starred'
+ fi
+ _get "${url}${qs}" | _filter_json "${_filter}"
list_my_orgs() {
# List your organizations
@@ -2277,6 +2561,30 @@ list_orgs() {
_get "/organizations" | _filter_json "$_filter"
+list_users() {
+ # List all users
+ #
+ # Usage:
+ #
+ # list_users
+ #
+ # Keyword arguments
+ #
+ local _follow_next
+ # Automatically look for a 'Links' header and follow any 'next' URLs.
+ local _follow_next_limit
+ # Maximum number of 'next' URLs to follow before stopping.
+ local _filter='.[] | "\(.login)\t\(.id)"'
+ # A jq filter to apply to the return data.
+ local qs
+ _opts_pagination "$@"
+ _opts_filter "$@"
+ _opts_qs "$@"
+ _get "/users" | _filter_json "$_filter"
labels() {
# List available labels for a repository
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 6f5de7f1..d15cf305 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
<!-- GitHub user/organization name -->
<property name="" value="gitblit" />
+ <!-- GitHub project name -->
+ <property name="gh.repo" value="gitblit" />
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@
<arg value="-version" />
<echo>Java/JVM version: ${java.version}</echo>
+ <echo>Github coordinates: ${}/${gh.repo}</echo>
@@ -826,7 +829,7 @@
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" >
<arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} gitblit ${} tag_name='${release.tag}'"></arg>
+ <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} ${gh.repo} ${} tag_name='${release.tag}'"></arg>
@@ -1208,14 +1211,27 @@ GBLT_RELEASE_TAG=${project.tag}
<attribute name="releaselog" />
<attribute name="releasetag" />
- <echo>creating release ${release.tag} draft on GitHub</echo>
- <exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="">
- <arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} create_release ${} gitblit @{releasetag} name=${project.version} draft=true | cut -f2"></arg>
- </exec>
+ <mx:if>
+ <isset property="updateRelease" />
+ <then>
+ <echo>updating release @{releasetag} draft on GitHub</echo>
+ <exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="">
+ <arg value="-c" />
+ <arg value="${octokit} list_releases ${} ${gh.repo} _filter='.[] | &quot;\(.name)\t\(.id)&quot;' | grep ${project.version} | cut -f2"></arg>
+ </exec>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <echo>creating release @{releasetag} draft on GitHub</echo>
+ <exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="">
+ <arg value="-c" />
+ <arg value="${octokit} create_release ${} ${gh.repo} @{releasetag} name=${project.version} draft=true | cut -f2"></arg>
+ </exec>
+ </else>
+ </mx:if>
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="ghrelease.upldUrl">
<arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} release ${} gitblit ${} _filter=.upload_url | sed 's/{.*$/?name=/'"></arg>
+ <arg value="${octokit} release ${} ${gh.repo} ${} _filter=.upload_url | sed 's/{.*$/?name=/'"></arg>
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="ghrelease.notes">
<arg value="-c" />
@@ -1223,7 +1239,7 @@ GBLT_RELEASE_TAG=${project.tag}
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" >
<arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} gitblit ${} body='${ghrelease.notes}'"></arg>
+ <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} ${gh.repo} ${} tag_name='@{releasetag}' body='${ghrelease.notes}'"></arg>
@@ -1237,6 +1253,18 @@ GBLT_RELEASE_TAG=${project.tag}
<attribute name="source"/>
<attribute name="target"/>
+ <mx:if>
+ <isset property="updateRelease" />
+ <then>
+ <echo>removing @{target} on GitHub from release ${}</echo>
+ <exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="-c" />
+ <arg value="${octokit} release_assets ${} ${gh.repo} ${} | grep @{target} | cut -f1 | xargs -L1 ${octokit} -y delete_asset ${} ${gh.repo}"></arg>
+ </exec>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ </else>
+ </mx:if>
<echo>uploading @{source} to GitHub release ${}</echo>
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" >
<arg value="-c" />
@@ -1256,7 +1284,7 @@ GBLT_RELEASE_TAG=${project.tag}
<echo>publishing GitHub release draft @{releaseid}</echo>
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" >
<arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} gitblit @{releaseid} draft=false"></arg>
+ <arg value="${octokit} -q edit_release ${} ${gh.repo} @{releaseid} draft=false"></arg>
@@ -1271,7 +1299,7 @@ GBLT_RELEASE_TAG=${project.tag}
<exec executable="bash" logError="true" failonerror="true" outputproperty="">
<arg value="-c" />
- <arg value="${octokit} list_releases ${} gitblit _filter='.[] | &quot;\(.name)\t\(.tag_name)\t\(.id)&quot;' | grep @{releaseVersion} | cut -f3"></arg>
+ <arg value="${octokit} list_releases ${} ${gh.repo} _filter='.[] | &quot;\(.name)\t\(.tag_name)\t\(.id)&quot;' | grep @{releaseVersion} | cut -f3"></arg>