path: root/tools
diff options
authorwxiaoguang <wxiaoguang@gmail.com>2025-03-11 21:06:59 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2025-03-11 21:06:59 +0800
commitf61f30153b51f2db50d96268e718a1319f5c03b2 (patch)
treeaeee1abad789b59b587d15a2d35346c2cb8db835 /tools
parent608ccc32e590b57b2147e95d6d6aca4e135929fc (diff)
Fix file icon mapping (#33855)
Use the file extension mapping from VSCode's extensions. Otherwise js/ts/vba/... files won't get correct icons.
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 588 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tools/generate-svg-vscode-extensions.json b/tools/generate-svg-vscode-extensions.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b258d3f1a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/generate-svg-vscode-extensions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+ "pkg:bat": {
+ "bat": [
+ ".bat",
+ ".cmd"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:clojure": {
+ "clojure": [
+ ".clj",
+ ".cljs",
+ ".cljc",
+ ".cljx",
+ ".clojure",
+ ".edn"
+ ]
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+ ".cson",
+ ".iced"
+ ]
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+ ".code-workspace",
+ "language-configuration.json",
+ "icon-theme.json",
+ "color-theme.json"
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+ ]
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+ ".cxxm",
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+ ".hpp",
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+ ".hxx",
+ ".h++",
+ ".h",
+ ".ii",
+ ".ino",
+ ".inl",
+ ".ipp",
+ ".ixx",
+ ".tpp",
+ ".txx",
+ ".hpp.in",
+ ".h.in"
+ ],
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+ ".cuh"
+ ]
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+ "csharp": [
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+ ".cake"
+ ]
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+ ]
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+ ]
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+ ".rej"
+ ]
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+ ".containerfile"
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+ ".fsscript"
+ ]
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+ ".gitignore",
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+ ]
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ".groovy",
+ ".gvy",
+ ".gradle",
+ ".jenkinsfile",
+ ".nf"
+ ]
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+ "handlebars": [
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+ ".hbs",
+ ".hjs"
+ ]
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+ ".hlsl",
+ ".hlsli",
+ ".fx",
+ ".fxh",
+ ".vsh",
+ ".psh",
+ ".cginc",
+ ".compute"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "html": [
+ ".html",
+ ".htm",
+ ".shtml",
+ ".xhtml",
+ ".xht",
+ ".mdoc",
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+ ".jshtm",
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+ ".rhtml"
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+ ],
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+ ".properties",
+ ".cfg",
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+ ".gitconfig",
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+ ".repo"
+ ]
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+ ".jav"
+ ]
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+ ],
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+ ".pac"
+ ]
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+ ".json",
+ ".bowerrc",
+ ".jscsrc",
+ ".webmanifest",
+ ".js.map",
+ ".css.map",
+ ".ts.map",
+ ".har",
+ ".jslintrc",
+ ".jsonld",
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+ ".ipynb",
+ ".vuerc"
+ ],
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+ ".jsonc",
+ ".eslintrc",
+ ".eslintrc.json",
+ ".jsfmtrc",
+ ".jshintrc",
+ ".swcrc",
+ ".hintrc",
+ ".babelrc"
+ ],
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+ ".jsonl",
+ ".ndjson"
+ ],
+ "snippets": [
+ ".code-snippets"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "julia": [
+ ".jl"
+ ],
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+ ".jmd"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "tex": [
+ ".sty",
+ ".cls",
+ ".bbx",
+ ".cbx"
+ ],
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+ ".tex",
+ ".ltx",
+ ".ctx"
+ ],
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+ ".bib"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "less": [
+ ".less"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "log": [
+ ".log",
+ "*.log.?"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "lua": [
+ ".lua"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "makefile": [
+ ".mak",
+ ".mk"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:markdown-basics": {
+ "markdown": [
+ ".md",
+ ".mkd",
+ ".mdwn",
+ ".mdown",
+ ".markdown",
+ ".markdn",
+ ".mdtxt",
+ ".mdtext",
+ ".workbook"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "wat": [
+ ".wat",
+ ".wasm"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "ignore": [
+ ".npmignore"
+ ],
+ "properties": [
+ ".npmrc"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:objective-c": {
+ "objective-c": [
+ ".m"
+ ],
+ "objective-cpp": [
+ ".mm"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:perl": {
+ "perl": [
+ ".pl",
+ ".pm",
+ ".pod",
+ ".t",
+ ".PL",
+ ".psgi"
+ ],
+ "raku": [
+ ".raku",
+ ".rakumod",
+ ".rakutest",
+ ".rakudoc",
+ ".nqp",
+ ".p6",
+ ".pl6",
+ ".pm6"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:php": {
+ "php": [
+ ".php",
+ ".php4",
+ ".php5",
+ ".phtml",
+ ".ctp"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:powershell": {
+ "powershell": [
+ ".ps1",
+ ".psm1",
+ ".psd1",
+ ".pssc",
+ ".psrc"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:pug": {
+ "jade": [
+ ".pug",
+ ".jade"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:python": {
+ "python": [
+ ".py",
+ ".rpy",
+ ".pyw",
+ ".cpy",
+ ".gyp",
+ ".gypi",
+ ".pyi",
+ ".ipy",
+ ".pyt"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:r": {
+ "r": [
+ ".r",
+ ".rhistory",
+ ".rprofile",
+ ".rt"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:razor": {
+ "razor": [
+ ".cshtml",
+ ".razor"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "restructuredtext": [
+ ".rst"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:ruby": {
+ "ruby": [
+ ".rb",
+ ".rbx",
+ ".rjs",
+ ".gemspec",
+ ".rake",
+ ".ru",
+ ".erb",
+ ".podspec",
+ ".rbi"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:rust": {
+ "rust": [
+ ".rs"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:scss": {
+ "scss": [
+ ".scss"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:search-result": {
+ "search-result": [
+ ".code-search"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:shaderlab": {
+ "shaderlab": [
+ ".shader"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:shellscript": {
+ "shellscript": [
+ ".sh",
+ ".bash",
+ ".bashrc",
+ ".bash_aliases",
+ ".bash_profile",
+ ".bash_login",
+ ".ebuild",
+ ".eclass",
+ ".profile",
+ ".bash_logout",
+ ".xprofile",
+ ".xsession",
+ ".xsessionrc",
+ ".Xsession",
+ ".zsh",
+ ".zshrc",
+ ".zprofile",
+ ".zlogin",
+ ".zlogout",
+ ".zshenv",
+ ".zsh-theme",
+ ".fish",
+ ".ksh",
+ ".csh",
+ ".cshrc",
+ ".tcshrc",
+ ".yashrc",
+ ".yash_profile"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:sql": {
+ "sql": [
+ ".sql",
+ ".dsql"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:swift": {
+ "swift": [
+ ".swift"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:typescript-basics": {
+ "typescript": [
+ ".ts",
+ ".cts",
+ ".mts"
+ ],
+ "typescriptreact": [
+ ".tsx"
+ ],
+ "json": [
+ ".tsbuildinfo"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:vb": {
+ "vb": [
+ ".vb",
+ ".brs",
+ ".vbs",
+ ".bas",
+ ".vba"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:xml": {
+ "xml": [
+ ".xml",
+ ".xsd",
+ ".ascx",
+ ".atom",
+ ".axml",
+ ".axaml",
+ ".bpmn",
+ ".cpt",
+ ".csl",
+ ".csproj",
+ ".csproj.user",
+ ".dita",
+ ".ditamap",
+ ".dtd",
+ ".ent",
+ ".mod",
+ ".dtml",
+ ".fsproj",
+ ".fxml",
+ ".iml",
+ ".isml",
+ ".jmx",
+ ".launch",
+ ".menu",
+ ".mxml",
+ ".nuspec",
+ ".opml",
+ ".owl",
+ ".proj",
+ ".props",
+ ".pt",
+ ".publishsettings",
+ ".pubxml",
+ ".pubxml.user",
+ ".rbxlx",
+ ".rbxmx",
+ ".rdf",
+ ".rng",
+ ".rss",
+ ".shproj",
+ ".storyboard",
+ ".svg",
+ ".targets",
+ ".tld",
+ ".tmx",
+ ".vbproj",
+ ".vbproj.user",
+ ".vcxproj",
+ ".vcxproj.filters",
+ ".wsdl",
+ ".wxi",
+ ".wxl",
+ ".wxs",
+ ".xaml",
+ ".xbl",
+ ".xib",
+ ".xlf",
+ ".xliff",
+ ".xpdl",
+ ".xul",
+ ".xoml"
+ ],
+ "xsl": [
+ ".xsl",
+ ".xslt"
+ ]
+ },
+ "pkg:yaml": {
+ "yaml": [
+ ".yaml",
+ ".yml",
+ ".eyaml",
+ ".eyml",
+ ".cff",
+ ".yaml-tmlanguage",
+ ".yaml-tmpreferences",
+ ".yaml-tmtheme",
+ ".winget"
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/tools/generate-svg.js b/tools/generate-svg.js
index 7368392d01..ec04bf655e 100755
--- a/tools/generate-svg.js
+++ b/tools/generate-svg.js
@@ -63,17 +63,32 @@ async function processMaterialFileIcons() {
fs.writeFileSync(fileURLToPath(new URL(`../options/fileicon/material-icon-svgs.json`, import.meta.url)), JSON.stringify(svgSymbols, null, 2));
+ const vscodeExtensionsJson = await readFile(fileURLToPath(new URL(`generate-svg-vscode-extensions.json`, import.meta.url)));
+ const vscodeExtensions = JSON.parse(vscodeExtensionsJson);
const iconRulesJson = await readFile(fileURLToPath(new URL(`../node_modules/material-icon-theme/dist/material-icons.json`, import.meta.url)));
const iconRules = JSON.parse(iconRulesJson);
// The rules are from VSCode material-icon-theme, we need to adjust them to our needs
// 1. We only use lowercase filenames to match (it should be good enough for most cases and more efficient)
- // 2. We do not have a "Language ID" system: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers#_known-language-identifiers
- // * So we just treat the "Language ID" as file extension, it is not always true, but it is good enough for most cases.
+ // 2. We do not have a "Language ID" system:
+ // * https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/identifiers#_known-language-identifiers
+ // * https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/tree/1.98.0/extensions
delete iconRules.iconDefinitions;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(iconRules.fileNames)) iconRules.fileNames[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(iconRules.folderNames)) iconRules.folderNames[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(iconRules.fileExtensions)) iconRules.fileExtensions[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
- for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(iconRules.languageIds)) iconRules.fileExtensions[k.toLowerCase()] = v;
+ // Use VSCode's "Language ID" mapping from its extensions
+ for (const [_, langIdExtMap] of Object.entries(vscodeExtensions)) {
+ for (const [langId, names] of Object.entries(langIdExtMap)) {
+ for (const name of names) {
+ const nameLower = name.toLowerCase();
+ if (nameLower[0] === '.') {
+ iconRules.fileExtensions[nameLower.substring(1)] ??= langId;
+ } else {
+ iconRules.fileNames[nameLower] ??= langId;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
const iconRulesPretty = JSON.stringify(iconRules, null, 2);
fs.writeFileSync(fileURLToPath(new URL(`../options/fileicon/material-icon-rules.json`, import.meta.url)), iconRulesPretty);