path: root/services/asymkey/commit.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'services/asymkey/commit.go')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/services/asymkey/commit.go b/services/asymkey/commit.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df29133972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/asymkey/commit.go
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright 2025 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+package asymkey
+import (
+ "context"
+ "strings"
+ asymkey_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/asymkey"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db"
+ user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/git"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log"
+ "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting"
+ "github.com/ProtonMail/go-crypto/openpgp/packet"
+// ParseCommitWithSignature check if signature is good against keystore.
+func ParseCommitWithSignature(ctx context.Context, c *git.Commit) *asymkey_model.CommitVerification {
+ var committer *user_model.User
+ if c.Committer != nil {
+ var err error
+ // Find Committer account
+ committer, err = user_model.GetUserByEmail(ctx, c.Committer.Email) // This finds the user by primary email or activated email so commit will not be valid if email is not
+ if err != nil { // Skipping not user for committer
+ committer = &user_model.User{
+ Name: c.Committer.Name,
+ Email: c.Committer.Email,
+ }
+ // We can expect this to often be an ErrUserNotExist. in the case
+ // it is not, however, it is important to log it.
+ if !user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+ log.Error("GetUserByEmail: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.no_committer_account",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ParseCommitWithSignatureCommitter(ctx, c, committer)
+func ParseCommitWithSignatureCommitter(ctx context.Context, c *git.Commit, committer *user_model.User) *asymkey_model.CommitVerification {
+ // If no signature just report the committer
+ if c.Signature == nil {
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false, // Default value
+ Reason: "gpg.error.not_signed_commit", // Default value
+ }
+ }
+ // If this a SSH signature handle it differently
+ if strings.HasPrefix(c.Signature.Signature, "-----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE-----") {
+ return asymkey_model.ParseCommitWithSSHSignature(ctx, c, committer)
+ }
+ // Parsing signature
+ sig, err := asymkey_model.ExtractSignature(c.Signature.Signature)
+ if err != nil { // Skipping failed to extract sign
+ log.Error("SignatureRead err: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.extract_sign",
+ }
+ }
+ keyID := asymkey_model.TryGetKeyIDFromSignature(sig)
+ defaultReason := asymkey_model.NoKeyFound
+ // First check if the sig has a keyID and if so just look at that
+ if commitVerification := HashAndVerifyForKeyID(
+ ctx,
+ sig,
+ c.Signature.Payload,
+ committer,
+ keyID,
+ setting.AppName,
+ ""); commitVerification != nil {
+ if commitVerification.Reason == asymkey_model.BadSignature {
+ defaultReason = asymkey_model.BadSignature
+ } else {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ }
+ // Now try to associate the signature with the committer, if present
+ if committer.ID != 0 {
+ keys, err := db.Find[asymkey_model.GPGKey](ctx, asymkey_model.FindGPGKeyOptions{
+ OwnerID: committer.ID,
+ })
+ if err != nil { // Skipping failed to get gpg keys of user
+ log.Error("ListGPGKeys: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys",
+ }
+ }
+ if err := asymkey_model.GPGKeyList(keys).LoadSubKeys(ctx); err != nil {
+ log.Error("LoadSubKeys: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys",
+ }
+ }
+ committerEmailAddresses, _ := user_model.GetEmailAddresses(ctx, committer.ID)
+ activated := false
+ for _, e := range committerEmailAddresses {
+ if e.IsActivated && strings.EqualFold(e.Email, c.Committer.Email) {
+ activated = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ // Pre-check (& optimization) that emails attached to key can be attached to the committer email and can validate
+ canValidate := false
+ email := ""
+ if k.Verified && activated {
+ canValidate = true
+ email = c.Committer.Email
+ }
+ if !canValidate {
+ for _, e := range k.Emails {
+ if e.IsActivated && strings.EqualFold(e.Email, c.Committer.Email) {
+ canValidate = true
+ email = e.Email
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if !canValidate {
+ continue // Skip this key
+ }
+ commitVerification := asymkey_model.HashAndVerifyWithSubKeysCommitVerification(sig, c.Signature.Payload, k, committer, committer, email)
+ if commitVerification != nil {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if setting.Repository.Signing.SigningKey != "" && setting.Repository.Signing.SigningKey != "default" && setting.Repository.Signing.SigningKey != "none" {
+ // OK we should try the default key
+ gpgSettings := git.GPGSettings{
+ Sign: true,
+ KeyID: setting.Repository.Signing.SigningKey,
+ Name: setting.Repository.Signing.SigningName,
+ Email: setting.Repository.Signing.SigningEmail,
+ }
+ if err := gpgSettings.LoadPublicKeyContent(); err != nil {
+ log.Error("Error getting default signing key: %s %v", gpgSettings.KeyID, err)
+ } else if commitVerification := VerifyWithGPGSettings(ctx, &gpgSettings, sig, c.Signature.Payload, committer, keyID); commitVerification != nil {
+ if commitVerification.Reason == asymkey_model.BadSignature {
+ defaultReason = asymkey_model.BadSignature
+ } else {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ defaultGPGSettings, err := c.GetRepositoryDefaultPublicGPGKey(false)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Error getting default public gpg key: %v", err)
+ } else if defaultGPGSettings == nil {
+ log.Warn("Unable to get defaultGPGSettings for unattached commit: %s", c.ID.String())
+ } else if defaultGPGSettings.Sign {
+ if commitVerification := VerifyWithGPGSettings(ctx, defaultGPGSettings, sig, c.Signature.Payload, committer, keyID); commitVerification != nil {
+ if commitVerification.Reason == asymkey_model.BadSignature {
+ defaultReason = asymkey_model.BadSignature
+ } else {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{ // Default at this stage
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Warning: defaultReason != asymkey_model.NoKeyFound,
+ Reason: defaultReason,
+ SigningKey: &asymkey_model.GPGKey{
+ KeyID: keyID,
+ },
+ }
+func checkKeyEmails(ctx context.Context, email string, keys ...*asymkey_model.GPGKey) (bool, string) {
+ uid := int64(0)
+ var userEmails []*user_model.EmailAddress
+ var user *user_model.User
+ for _, key := range keys {
+ for _, e := range key.Emails {
+ if e.IsActivated && (email == "" || strings.EqualFold(e.Email, email)) {
+ return true, e.Email
+ }
+ }
+ if key.Verified && key.OwnerID != 0 {
+ if uid != key.OwnerID {
+ userEmails, _ = user_model.GetEmailAddresses(ctx, key.OwnerID)
+ uid = key.OwnerID
+ user = &user_model.User{ID: uid}
+ _, _ = user_model.GetUser(ctx, user)
+ }
+ for _, e := range userEmails {
+ if e.IsActivated && (email == "" || strings.EqualFold(e.Email, email)) {
+ return true, e.Email
+ }
+ }
+ if user.KeepEmailPrivate && strings.EqualFold(email, user.GetEmail()) {
+ return true, user.GetEmail()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false, email
+func HashAndVerifyForKeyID(ctx context.Context, sig *packet.Signature, payload string, committer *user_model.User, keyID, name, email string) *asymkey_model.CommitVerification {
+ if keyID == "" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ keys, err := db.Find[asymkey_model.GPGKey](ctx, asymkey_model.FindGPGKeyOptions{
+ KeyID: keyID,
+ IncludeSubKeys: true,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("GetGPGKeysByKeyID: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys",
+ }
+ }
+ if len(keys) == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ for _, key := range keys {
+ var primaryKeys []*asymkey_model.GPGKey
+ if key.PrimaryKeyID != "" {
+ primaryKeys, err = db.Find[asymkey_model.GPGKey](ctx, asymkey_model.FindGPGKeyOptions{
+ KeyID: key.PrimaryKeyID,
+ IncludeSubKeys: true,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("GetGPGKeysByKeyID: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.failed_retrieval_gpg_keys",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ activated, email := checkKeyEmails(ctx, email, append([]*asymkey_model.GPGKey{key}, primaryKeys...)...)
+ if !activated {
+ continue
+ }
+ signer := &user_model.User{
+ Name: name,
+ Email: email,
+ }
+ if key.OwnerID != 0 {
+ owner, err := user_model.GetUserByID(ctx, key.OwnerID)
+ if err == nil {
+ signer = owner
+ } else if !user_model.IsErrUserNotExist(err) {
+ log.Error("Failed to user_model.GetUserByID: %d for key ID: %d (%s) %v", key.OwnerID, key.ID, key.KeyID, err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.no_committer_account",
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ commitVerification := asymkey_model.HashAndVerifyWithSubKeysCommitVerification(sig, payload, key, committer, signer, email)
+ if commitVerification != nil {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ }
+ // This is a bad situation ... We have a key id that is in our database but the signature doesn't match.
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Warning: true,
+ Reason: asymkey_model.BadSignature,
+ }
+func VerifyWithGPGSettings(ctx context.Context, gpgSettings *git.GPGSettings, sig *packet.Signature, payload string, committer *user_model.User, keyID string) *asymkey_model.CommitVerification {
+ // First try to find the key in the db
+ if commitVerification := HashAndVerifyForKeyID(ctx, sig, payload, committer, gpgSettings.KeyID, gpgSettings.Name, gpgSettings.Email); commitVerification != nil {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ // Otherwise we have to parse the key
+ ekeys, err := asymkey_model.CheckArmoredGPGKeyString(gpgSettings.PublicKeyContent)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Unable to get default signing key: %v", err)
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.generate_hash",
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ekey := range ekeys {
+ pubkey := ekey.PrimaryKey
+ content, err := asymkey_model.Base64EncPubKey(pubkey)
+ if err != nil {
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.generate_hash",
+ }
+ }
+ k := &asymkey_model.GPGKey{
+ Content: content,
+ CanSign: pubkey.CanSign(),
+ KeyID: pubkey.KeyIdString(),
+ }
+ for _, subKey := range ekey.Subkeys {
+ content, err := asymkey_model.Base64EncPubKey(subKey.PublicKey)
+ if err != nil {
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Reason: "gpg.error.generate_hash",
+ }
+ }
+ k.SubsKey = append(k.SubsKey, &asymkey_model.GPGKey{
+ Content: content,
+ CanSign: subKey.PublicKey.CanSign(),
+ KeyID: subKey.PublicKey.KeyIdString(),
+ })
+ }
+ if commitVerification := asymkey_model.HashAndVerifyWithSubKeysCommitVerification(sig, payload, k, committer, &user_model.User{
+ Name: gpgSettings.Name,
+ Email: gpgSettings.Email,
+ }, gpgSettings.Email); commitVerification != nil {
+ return commitVerification
+ }
+ if keyID == k.KeyID {
+ // This is a bad situation ... We have a key id that matches our default key but the signature doesn't match.
+ return &asymkey_model.CommitVerification{
+ CommittingUser: committer,
+ Verified: false,
+ Warning: true,
+ Reason: asymkey_model.BadSignature,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil