path: root/src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java')
1 files changed, 1041 insertions, 1063 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java b/src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java
index 7a8a1ff..d26e7b7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/iciql/Query.java
@@ -17,15 +17,6 @@
package com.iciql;
-import java.lang.reflect.Field;
-import java.sql.ResultSet;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
-import java.util.List;
import com.iciql.Iciql.DataTypeAdapter;
import com.iciql.Iciql.EnumType;
import com.iciql.NestedConditions.And;
@@ -35,1015 +26,1002 @@ import com.iciql.util.IciqlLogger;
import com.iciql.util.JdbcUtils;
import com.iciql.util.Utils;
+import java.lang.reflect.Field;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
* This class represents a query.
- * @param <T>
- * the return type
+ * @param <T> the return type
public class Query<T> {
- private Db db;
- private SelectTable<T> from;
- private ArrayList<Token> conditions = Utils.newArrayList();
- private ArrayList<UpdateColumn> updateColumnDeclarations = Utils.newArrayList();
- private int conditionDepth = 0;
- private ArrayList<SelectTable<T>> joins = Utils.newArrayList();
- private final IdentityHashMap<Object, SelectColumn<T>> aliasMap = Utils.newIdentityHashMap();
- private ArrayList<OrderExpression<T>> orderByList = Utils.newArrayList();
- private ArrayList<Object> groupByExpressions = Utils.newArrayList();
- private long limit;
- private long offset;
- private Query(Db db) {
- this.db = db;
- }
- /**
- * from() is a static factory method to build a Query object.
- *
- * @param db
- * @param alias
- * @return a query object
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- static <T> Query<T> from(Db db, T alias) {
- Query<T> query = new Query<T>(db);
- TableDefinition<T> def = (TableDefinition<T>) db.define(alias.getClass());
- query.from = new SelectTable<T>(db, query, alias, false);
- def.initSelectObject(query.from, alias, query.aliasMap, false);
- return query;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- static <T> Query<T> rebuild(Db db, T alias) {
- Query<T> query = new Query<T>(db);
- TableDefinition<T> def = (TableDefinition<T>) db.define(alias.getClass());
- query.from = new SelectTable<T>(db, query, alias, false);
- def.initSelectObject(query.from, alias, query.aliasMap, true);
- return query;
- }
- public long selectCount() {
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
- stat.appendSQL("COUNT(*) ");
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
- try {
- rs.next();
- long value = rs.getLong(1);
- return value;
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
- } finally {
- JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
- }
- }
- public List<T> select() {
- return select(false);
- }
- public T selectFirst() {
- List<T> list = limit(1).select(false);
- return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
- }
- public List<T> selectDistinct() {
- return select(true);
- }
- public <X, Z> X selectFirst(Z x) {
- List<X> list = limit(1).select(x);
- return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
- }
- public <X> void createView(Class<X> viewClass) {
- TableDefinition<X> viewDef = db.define(viewClass);
- SQLStatement fromWhere = new SQLStatement(db);
- appendFromWhere(fromWhere, false);
- SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
- db.getDialect().prepareCreateView(stat, viewDef, fromWhere.toSQL());
- IciqlLogger.create(stat.toSQL());
- stat.execute();
- }
- public <X> void replaceView(Class<X> viewClass) {
- db.dropView(viewClass);
- createView(viewClass);
- }
- public String getSQL() {
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
- stat.appendSQL("*");
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- return stat.getSQL().trim();
- }
- /**
- * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
- * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
- * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
- * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
- *
- * @return the sql query as plain text
- */
- public String toSQL() {
- return toSQL(false);
- }
- /**
- * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
- * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
- * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
- * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
- *
- * @param distinct
- * if true SELECT DISTINCT is used for the query
- * @return the sql query as plain text
- */
- public String toSQL(boolean distinct) {
- return toSQL(distinct, null);
- }
- /**
- * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
- * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
- * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
- * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
- *
- * @param distinct
- * if true SELECT DISTINCT is used for the query
- * @param k
- * k is used to select only the columns of the specified alias
- * for an inner join statement. An example of a generated
- * statement is: SELECT DISTINCT t1.* FROM sometable AS t1 INNER
- * JOIN othertable AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.id WHERE t2.flag = true
- * without the alias parameter the statement would start with
- * @return the sql query as plain text
- */
- public <K> String toSQL(boolean distinct, K k) {
- SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(getDb());
- if (updateColumnDeclarations.size() > 0) {
- stat.appendSQL("UPDATE ");
- from.appendSQL(stat);
- stat.appendSQL(" SET ");
- int i = 0;
- for (UpdateColumn declaration : updateColumnDeclarations) {
- if (i++ > 0) {
- stat.appendSQL(", ");
- }
- declaration.appendSQL(stat);
- }
- appendWhere(stat);
- } else {
- stat.appendSQL("SELECT ");
- if (distinct) {
- stat.appendSQL("DISTINCT ");
- }
- if (k != null) {
- SelectTable<?> sel = getSelectTable(k);
- if (sel == null) {
- // unknown alias, use wildcard
- IciqlLogger.warn("Alias {0} is not defined in the statement!", k.getClass());
- stat.appendSQL("*");
- } else if (isJoin()) {
- // join query, use AS alias
- String as = sel.getAs();
- stat.appendSQL(as + ".*");
- } else {
- // schema.table.*
- String schema = sel.getAliasDefinition().schemaName;
- String table = sel.getAliasDefinition().tableName;
- String as = getDb().getDialect().prepareTableName(schema, table);
- stat.appendSQL(as + ".*");
- }
- } else {
- // alias unspecified, use wildcard
- stat.appendSQL("*");
- }
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- }
- return stat.toSQL().trim();
- }
- <Z> String toSubQuery(Z z) {
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
- SelectColumn<T> col = aliasMap.get(z);
- String columnName = col.getFieldDefinition().columnName;
- stat.appendColumn(columnName);
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- return stat.toSQL();
- }
- private List<T> select(boolean distinct) {
- List<T> result = Utils.newArrayList();
- TableDefinition<T> def = from.getAliasDefinition();
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
- def.appendSelectList(stat);
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
- try {
- // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
- if (!rs.isClosed()) {
- int[] columns = def.mapColumns(db.getDialect(), false, rs);
- while (rs.next()) {
- T item = from.newObject();
- def.readRow(db.getDialect(), item, rs, columns);
- result.add(item);
- }
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
- } finally {
- JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public int delete() {
- SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
- stat.appendSQL("DELETE FROM ");
- from.appendSQL(stat);
- appendWhere(stat);
- IciqlLogger.delete(stat.getSQL());
- return stat.executeUpdate();
- }
- public <A> Query<T> setNull(A field) {
- return set(field).to(null);
- }
- public <A> UpdateColumnSet<T, A> set(A field) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(field);
- return new UpdateColumnSet<T, A>(this, field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Boolean> set(boolean field) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Byte> set(byte field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Short> set(short field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Integer> set(int field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Long> set(long field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Float> set(float field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnSet<T, Double> set(double field) {
- return setPrimitive(field);
- }
- private <A> UpdateColumnSet<T, A> setPrimitive(A field) {
- A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
- if (alias == null) {
- // this will result in an unmapped field exception
- return set(field);
- }
- return set(alias);
- }
- public <A> UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A> increment(A field) {
- return new UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A>(this, field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Byte> increment(byte field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Short> increment(short field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Integer> increment(int field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Long> increment(long field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Float> increment(float field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Double> increment(double field) {
- return incrementPrimitive(field);
- }
- private <A> UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A> incrementPrimitive(A field) {
- A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
- if (alias == null) {
- // this will result in an unmapped field exception
- return increment(field);
- }
- return increment(alias);
- }
- public int update() {
- if (updateColumnDeclarations.size() == 0) {
- throw new IciqlException("Missing set or increment call.");
- }
- SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
- stat.appendSQL("UPDATE ");
- from.appendSQL(stat);
- stat.appendSQL(" SET ");
- int i = 0;
- for (UpdateColumn declaration : updateColumnDeclarations) {
- if (i++ > 0) {
- stat.appendSQL(", ");
- }
- declaration.appendSQL(stat);
- }
- appendWhere(stat);
- IciqlLogger.update(stat.getSQL());
- return stat.executeUpdate();
- }
- public <X, Z> List<X> selectDistinct(Z x) {
- return select(x, true);
- }
- public <X, Z> List<X> select(Z x) {
- return select(x, false);
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private <X, Z> List<X> select(Z x, boolean distinct) {
- Class<?> clazz = x.getClass();
- if (Db.isToken(x)) {
- // selecting a function
- return selectFunction((X) x, distinct);
- } else {
- // selecting a column
- SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(x);
- if (col == null) {
- col = getColumnByReference(getPrimitiveAliasByValue(x));
- }
- if (col != null) {
- return (List<X>) selectColumn(col, clazz, distinct);
- }
- }
- // selecting into a new object type
- Class<?> enclosingClass = clazz.getEnclosingClass();
- if (enclosingClass != null) {
- // anonymous inner class
- clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
- }
- return select((Class<X>) clazz, (X) x, distinct);
- }
- private <X> List<X> select(Class<X> clazz, X x, boolean distinct) {
- List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
- TableDefinition<X> def = db.define(clazz);
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
- def.appendSelectList(stat, this, x);
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
- try {
- // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
- if (!rs.isClosed()) {
- int[] columns = def.mapColumns(db.getDialect(), false, rs);
- while (rs.next()) {
- X row = Utils.newObject(clazz);
- def.readRow(db.getDialect(), row, rs, columns);
- result.add(row);
- }
- }
- } catch (SQLException e) {
- throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
- } finally {
- JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
- }
- return result;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private <X> List<X> selectFunction(X x, boolean distinct) {
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
- appendSQL(stat, null, x);
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
- List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
- try {
- // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
- if (!rs.isClosed()) {
- while (rs.next()) {
- X value = (X) rs.getObject(1);
- result.add(value);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
- } finally {
- JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
- }
- return result;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- private <X> List<X> selectColumn(SelectColumn<T> col, Class<X> clazz, boolean distinct) {
- SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
- col.appendSQL(stat);
- appendFromWhere(stat);
- ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
- List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
- Class<? extends DataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter = col.getFieldDefinition().typeAdapter;
- try {
- // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
- if (!rs.isClosed()) {
- while (rs.next()) {
- X value = (X) db.getDialect().deserialize(rs, 1, clazz, typeAdapter);
- result.add(value);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
- } finally {
- JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
- }
- return result;
- }
- private SQLStatement getSelectStatement(boolean distinct) {
- SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
- stat.appendSQL("SELECT ");
- if (distinct) {
- stat.appendSQL("DISTINCT ");
- }
- return stat;
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive boolean field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive boolean field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Boolean> where(boolean x) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive short field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive short field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Byte> where(byte x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive short field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive short field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Short> where(short x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive int field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive int field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Integer> where(int x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive long field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive long field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Long> where(long x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive float field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive float field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Float> where(float x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begin a primitive double field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the primitive double field to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public QueryCondition<T, Double> where(double x) {
- return wherePrimitive(x);
- }
- /**
- * Begins a primitive field condition clause.
- *
- * @param value
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- private <A> QueryCondition<T, A> wherePrimitive(A value) {
- A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(value);
- if (alias == null) {
- // this will result in an unmapped field exception
- return where(value);
- }
- return where(alias);
- }
- /**
- * Begin an Object field condition clause.
- *
- * @param x
- * the mapped object to query
- * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
- */
- public <A> QueryCondition<T, A> where(A x) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(x);
- return new QueryCondition<T, A>(this, x);
- }
- public <A> QueryWhere<T> where(Filter filter) {
- HashMap<String, Object> fieldMap = Utils.newHashMap();
- for (Field f : filter.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
- f.setAccessible(true);
- try {
- Object obj = f.get(filter);
- if (obj == from.getAlias()) {
- List<TableDefinition.FieldDefinition> fields = from.getAliasDefinition().getFields();
- String name = f.getName();
- for (TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field : fields) {
- String n = name + "." + field.field.getName();
- Object o = field.field.get(obj);
- fieldMap.put(n, o);
- }
- }
- fieldMap.put(f.getName(), f.get(filter));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new IciqlException(e);
- }
- }
- Token filterCode = new ClassReader().decompile(filter, fieldMap, "where");
- // String filterQuery = filterCode.toString();
- conditions.add(filterCode);
- return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
- }
- public QueryWhere<T> where(String fragment, List<?> args) {
- return this.where(fragment, args.toArray());
- }
- public QueryWhere<T> where(String fragment, Object... args) {
- conditions.add(new RuntimeToken(fragment, args));
- return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
- }
- public Query<T> where(And<T> conditions) {
- whereTrue();
- addConditionToken(conditions.where.query);
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> where(Or<T> conditions) {
- whereFalse();
- addConditionToken(conditions.where.query);
- return this;
- }
- public QueryWhere<T> whereTrue() {
- return whereTrue(true);
- }
- public QueryWhere<T> whereFalse() {
- return whereTrue(false);
- }
- public QueryWhere<T> whereTrue(Boolean condition) {
- Token token = new Function("", condition);
- addConditionToken(token);
- return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the Limit and Offset of a query.
- *
- * @return the query
- */
- public Query<T> limit(long limit) {
- this.limit = limit;
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> offset(long offset) {
- this.offset = offset;
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(boolean field) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(byte field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(short field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(int field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(long field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(float field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(double field) {
- return orderByPrimitive(field);
- }
- Query<T> orderByPrimitive(Object field) {
- Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
- if (alias == null) {
- return orderBy(field);
- }
- return orderBy(alias);
- }
- public Query<T> orderBy(Object expr) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
- OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, false, false, false);
- addOrderBy(e);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Order by a number of columns.
- *
- * @param expressions
- * the columns
- * @return the query
- */
- public Query<T> orderBy(Object... expressions) {
- for (Object expr : expressions) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
- OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, false, false, false);
- addOrderBy(e);
- }
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(byte field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(short field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(int field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(long field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(float field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(double field) {
- return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
- }
- Query<T> orderByDescPrimitive(Object field) {
- Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
- if (alias == null) {
- return orderByDesc(field);
- }
- return orderByDesc(alias);
- }
- public Query<T> orderByDesc(Object expr) {
- OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, true, false, false);
- addOrderBy(e);
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(boolean field) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(byte field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(short field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(int field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(long field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(float field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(double field) {
- return groupByPrimitive(field);
- }
- Query<T> groupByPrimitive(Object field) {
- Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
- if (alias == null) {
- return groupBy(field);
- }
- return groupBy(alias);
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(Object expr) {
- from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
- groupByExpressions.add(expr);
- return this;
- }
- public Query<T> groupBy(Object... groupBy) {
- this.groupByExpressions.addAll(Arrays.asList(groupBy));
- return this;
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param stat
- * the statement
- * @param alias
- * the alias object (can be null)
- * @param value
- * the value
- */
- public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object value) {
- if (Function.count() == value) {
- stat.appendSQL("COUNT(*)");
- return;
- }
- if (RuntimeParameter.PARAMETER == value) {
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- addParameter(stat, alias, value);
- return;
- }
- Token token = Db.getToken(value);
- if (token != null) {
- token.appendSQL(stat, this);
- return;
- }
- if (alias != null && value != null && value.getClass().isEnum()) {
- // special case:
- // value is first enum constant which is also the alias object.
- // the first enum constant is used as the alias because we can not
- // instantiate an enum reflectively.
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- addParameter(stat, alias, value);
- return;
- }
- SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(value);
- if (col != null) {
- col.appendSQL(stat);
- return;
- }
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- addParameter(stat, alias, value);
- }
- /**
- *
- * @param stat
- * the statement
- * @param alias
- * the alias object (can be null)
- * @param valueLeft
- * the value on the left of the compound clause
- * @param valueRight
- * the value on the right of the compound clause
- * @param compareType
- * the current compare type (e.g. BETWEEN)
- */
- public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object valueLeft, Object valueRight,
- CompareType compareType) {
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- stat.appendSQL(" ");
- switch (compareType) {
- case BETWEEN:
- stat.appendSQL("AND");
- break;
- }
- stat.appendSQL(" ");
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- addParameter(stat, alias, valueLeft);
- addParameter(stat, alias, valueRight);
- }
- public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Iterable<Object> values,
- CompareType compareType) {
- boolean first = true;
- stat.appendSQL("(");
- for (Object value : values) {
- if (first) {
- first = false;
- } else {
- stat.appendSQL(", ");
- }
- stat.appendSQL("?");
- addParameter(stat, alias, value);
- }
- stat.appendSQL(")");
- }
- private void addParameter(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object value) {
- SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(alias);
- if (col != null && value != null && value.getClass().isEnum()) {
- // enum
- TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field = col.getFieldDefinition();
- EnumType type = field.enumType;
- Enum<?> anEnum = (Enum<?>) value;
- Object y = Utils.convertEnum(anEnum, type);
- stat.addParameter(y);
- } else if (col != null) {
- // object
- TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field = col.getFieldDefinition();
- Class<? extends DataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter = field.typeAdapter;
- if (value != null && value instanceof String) {
- if (field.trim && field.length > 0) {
- // clip strings (issue-15)
- String s = (String) value;
- if (s.length() > field.length) {
- value = s.substring(0, field.length);
- }
- }
- }
- Object parameter = db.getDialect().serialize(value, typeAdapter);
- stat.addParameter(parameter);
- } else {
- // primitive
- stat.addParameter(value);
- }
- }
- void addConditionToken(Token condition) {
- if (condition == ConditionOpenClose.OPEN) {
- conditionDepth ++;
- } else if (condition == ConditionOpenClose.CLOSE) {
- conditionDepth --;
- if (conditionDepth < 0) {
- throw new IciqlException("unmatch condition open-close count");
- }
- }
- conditions.add(condition);
- }
- void addConditionToken(Query<T> other) {
- for (Token condition : other.conditions) {
- addConditionToken(condition);
- }
- }
- void addUpdateColumnDeclaration(UpdateColumn declaration) {
- updateColumnDeclarations.add(declaration);
- }
- void appendWhere(SQLStatement stat) {
- if (conditionDepth != 0) {
- throw new IciqlException("unmatch condition open-close count");
- }
- if (!conditions.isEmpty()) {
- stat.appendSQL(" WHERE ");
- boolean skipNextConjunction = false;
- for (Token token : conditions) {
- if (skipNextConjunction && token instanceof ConditionAndOr) {
- skipNextConjunction = false;
- continue;
- }
- token.appendSQL(stat, this);
- stat.appendSQL(" ");
- if (ConditionOpenClose.OPEN == token) {
- skipNextConjunction = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void appendFromWhere(SQLStatement stat) {
- appendFromWhere(stat, true);
- }
- void appendFromWhere(SQLStatement stat, boolean log) {
- stat.appendSQL(" FROM ");
- from.appendSQL(stat);
- for (SelectTable<T> join : joins) {
- join.appendSQLAsJoin(stat, this);
- }
- appendWhere(stat);
- if (!groupByExpressions.isEmpty()) {
- stat.appendSQL(" GROUP BY ");
- int i = 0;
- for (Object obj : groupByExpressions) {
- if (i++ > 0) {
- stat.appendSQL(", ");
- }
- appendSQL(stat, null, obj);
- stat.appendSQL(" ");
- }
- }
- if (!orderByList.isEmpty()) {
- stat.appendSQL(" ORDER BY ");
- int i = 0;
- for (OrderExpression<T> o : orderByList) {
- if (i++ > 0) {
- stat.appendSQL(", ");
- }
- o.appendSQL(stat);
- stat.appendSQL(" ");
- }
- }
- db.getDialect().appendLimitOffset(stat, limit, offset);
- if (log) {
- IciqlLogger.select(stat.getSQL());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Join another table.
- *
- * @param alias
- * an alias for the table to join
- * @return the joined query
- */
- public <A> QueryJoin<T> innerJoin(A alias) {
+ private Db db;
+ private SelectTable<T> from;
+ private ArrayList<Token> conditions = Utils.newArrayList();
+ private ArrayList<UpdateColumn> updateColumnDeclarations = Utils.newArrayList();
+ private int conditionDepth = 0;
+ private ArrayList<SelectTable<T>> joins = Utils.newArrayList();
+ private final IdentityHashMap<Object, SelectColumn<T>> aliasMap = Utils.newIdentityHashMap();
+ private ArrayList<OrderExpression<T>> orderByList = Utils.newArrayList();
+ private ArrayList<Object> groupByExpressions = Utils.newArrayList();
+ private long limit;
+ private long offset;
+ private Query(Db db) {
+ this.db = db;
+ }
+ /**
+ * from() is a static factory method to build a Query object.
+ *
+ * @param db
+ * @param alias
+ * @return a query object
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ static <T> Query<T> from(Db db, T alias) {
+ Query<T> query = new Query<T>(db);
+ TableDefinition<T> def = (TableDefinition<T>) db.define(alias.getClass());
+ query.from = new SelectTable<T>(db, query, alias, false);
+ def.initSelectObject(query.from, alias, query.aliasMap, false);
+ return query;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ static <T> Query<T> rebuild(Db db, T alias) {
+ Query<T> query = new Query<T>(db);
+ TableDefinition<T> def = (TableDefinition<T>) db.define(alias.getClass());
+ query.from = new SelectTable<T>(db, query, alias, false);
+ def.initSelectObject(query.from, alias, query.aliasMap, true);
+ return query;
+ }
+ public long selectCount() {
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
+ stat.appendSQL("COUNT(*) ");
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
+ try {
+ rs.next();
+ long value = rs.getLong(1);
+ return value;
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
+ } finally {
+ JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public List<T> select() {
+ return select(false);
+ }
+ public T selectFirst() {
+ List<T> list = limit(1).select(false);
+ return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
+ }
+ public List<T> selectDistinct() {
+ return select(true);
+ }
+ public <X, Z> X selectFirst(Z x) {
+ List<X> list = limit(1).select(x);
+ return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
+ }
+ public <X> void createView(Class<X> viewClass) {
+ TableDefinition<X> viewDef = db.define(viewClass);
+ SQLStatement fromWhere = new SQLStatement(db);
+ appendFromWhere(fromWhere, false);
+ SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
+ db.getDialect().prepareCreateView(stat, viewDef, fromWhere.toSQL());
+ IciqlLogger.create(stat.toSQL());
+ stat.execute();
+ }
+ public <X> void replaceView(Class<X> viewClass) {
+ db.dropView(viewClass);
+ createView(viewClass);
+ }
+ public String getSQL() {
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
+ stat.appendSQL("*");
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ return stat.getSQL().trim();
+ }
+ /**
+ * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
+ * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
+ * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
+ * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
+ *
+ * @return the sql query as plain text
+ */
+ public String toSQL() {
+ return toSQL(false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
+ * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
+ * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
+ * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
+ *
+ * @param distinct if true SELECT DISTINCT is used for the query
+ * @return the sql query as plain text
+ */
+ public String toSQL(boolean distinct) {
+ return toSQL(distinct, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * toSQL returns a static string version of the query with runtime variables
+ * properly encoded. This method is also useful when combined with the where
+ * clause methods like isParameter() or atLeastParameter() which allows
+ * iciql to generate re-usable parameterized string statements.
+ *
+ * @param distinct if true SELECT DISTINCT is used for the query
+ * @param k k is used to select only the columns of the specified alias
+ * for an inner join statement. An example of a generated
+ * statement is: SELECT DISTINCT t1.* FROM sometable AS t1 INNER
+ * JOIN othertable AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.id WHERE t2.flag = true
+ * without the alias parameter the statement would start with
+ * @return the sql query as plain text
+ */
+ public <K> String toSQL(boolean distinct, K k) {
+ SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(getDb());
+ if (updateColumnDeclarations.size() > 0) {
+ stat.appendSQL("UPDATE ");
+ from.appendSQL(stat);
+ stat.appendSQL(" SET ");
+ int i = 0;
+ for (UpdateColumn declaration : updateColumnDeclarations) {
+ if (i++ > 0) {
+ stat.appendSQL(", ");
+ }
+ declaration.appendSQL(stat);
+ }
+ appendWhere(stat);
+ } else {
+ stat.appendSQL("SELECT ");
+ if (distinct) {
+ stat.appendSQL("DISTINCT ");
+ }
+ if (k != null) {
+ SelectTable<?> sel = getSelectTable(k);
+ if (sel == null) {
+ // unknown alias, use wildcard
+ IciqlLogger.warn("Alias {0} is not defined in the statement!", k.getClass());
+ stat.appendSQL("*");
+ } else if (isJoin()) {
+ // join query, use AS alias
+ String as = sel.getAs();
+ stat.appendSQL(as + ".*");
+ } else {
+ // schema.table.*
+ String schema = sel.getAliasDefinition().schemaName;
+ String table = sel.getAliasDefinition().tableName;
+ String as = getDb().getDialect().prepareTableName(schema, table);
+ stat.appendSQL(as + ".*");
+ }
+ } else {
+ // alias unspecified, use wildcard
+ stat.appendSQL("*");
+ }
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ }
+ return stat.toSQL().trim();
+ }
+ <Z> String toSubQuery(Z z) {
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(false);
+ SelectColumn<T> col = aliasMap.get(z);
+ String columnName = col.getFieldDefinition().columnName;
+ stat.appendColumn(columnName);
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ return stat.toSQL();
+ }
+ private List<T> select(boolean distinct) {
+ List<T> result = Utils.newArrayList();
+ TableDefinition<T> def = from.getAliasDefinition();
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
+ def.appendSelectList(stat);
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
+ try {
+ // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
+ if (!rs.isClosed()) {
+ int[] columns = def.mapColumns(db.getDialect(), false, rs);
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ T item = from.newObject();
+ def.readRow(db.getDialect(), item, rs, columns);
+ result.add(item);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
+ } finally {
+ JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public int delete() {
+ SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
+ stat.appendSQL("DELETE FROM ");
+ from.appendSQL(stat);
+ appendWhere(stat);
+ IciqlLogger.delete(stat.getSQL());
+ return stat.executeUpdate();
+ }
+ public <A> Query<T> setNull(A field) {
+ return set(field).to(null);
+ }
+ public <A> UpdateColumnSet<T, A> set(A field) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(field);
+ return new UpdateColumnSet<T, A>(this, field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Boolean> set(boolean field) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Byte> set(byte field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Short> set(short field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Integer> set(int field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Long> set(long field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Float> set(float field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnSet<T, Double> set(double field) {
+ return setPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ private <A> UpdateColumnSet<T, A> setPrimitive(A field) {
+ A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ // this will result in an unmapped field exception
+ return set(field);
+ }
+ return set(alias);
+ }
+ public <A> UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A> increment(A field) {
+ return new UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A>(this, field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Byte> increment(byte field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Short> increment(short field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Integer> increment(int field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Long> increment(long field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Float> increment(float field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public UpdateColumnIncrement<T, Double> increment(double field) {
+ return incrementPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ private <A> UpdateColumnIncrement<T, A> incrementPrimitive(A field) {
+ A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ // this will result in an unmapped field exception
+ return increment(field);
+ }
+ return increment(alias);
+ }
+ public int update() {
+ if (updateColumnDeclarations.size() == 0) {
+ throw new IciqlException("Missing set or increment call.");
+ }
+ SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
+ stat.appendSQL("UPDATE ");
+ from.appendSQL(stat);
+ stat.appendSQL(" SET ");
+ int i = 0;
+ for (UpdateColumn declaration : updateColumnDeclarations) {
+ if (i++ > 0) {
+ stat.appendSQL(", ");
+ }
+ declaration.appendSQL(stat);
+ }
+ appendWhere(stat);
+ IciqlLogger.update(stat.getSQL());
+ return stat.executeUpdate();
+ }
+ public <X, Z> List<X> selectDistinct(Z x) {
+ return select(x, true);
+ }
+ public <X, Z> List<X> select(Z x) {
+ return select(x, false);
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <X, Z> List<X> select(Z x, boolean distinct) {
+ Class<?> clazz = x.getClass();
+ if (Db.isToken(x)) {
+ // selecting a function
+ return selectFunction((X) x, distinct);
+ } else {
+ // selecting a column
+ SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(x);
+ if (col == null) {
+ col = getColumnByReference(getPrimitiveAliasByValue(x));
+ }
+ if (col != null) {
+ return (List<X>) selectColumn(col, clazz, distinct);
+ }
+ }
+ // selecting into a new object type
+ Class<?> enclosingClass = clazz.getEnclosingClass();
+ if (enclosingClass != null) {
+ // anonymous inner class
+ clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();
+ }
+ return select((Class<X>) clazz, (X) x, distinct);
+ }
+ private <X> List<X> select(Class<X> clazz, X x, boolean distinct) {
+ List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
+ TableDefinition<X> def = db.define(clazz);
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
+ def.appendSelectList(stat, this, x);
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
+ try {
+ // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
+ if (!rs.isClosed()) {
+ int[] columns = def.mapColumns(db.getDialect(), false, rs);
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ X row = Utils.newObject(clazz);
+ def.readRow(db.getDialect(), row, rs, columns);
+ result.add(row);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (SQLException e) {
+ throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
+ } finally {
+ JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <X> List<X> selectFunction(X x, boolean distinct) {
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
+ appendSQL(stat, null, x);
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
+ List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
+ try {
+ // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
+ if (!rs.isClosed()) {
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ X value = (X) rs.getObject(1);
+ result.add(value);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
+ } finally {
+ JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ private <X> List<X> selectColumn(SelectColumn<T> col, Class<X> clazz, boolean distinct) {
+ SQLStatement stat = getSelectStatement(distinct);
+ col.appendSQL(stat);
+ appendFromWhere(stat);
+ ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
+ List<X> result = Utils.newArrayList();
+ Class<? extends DataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter = col.getFieldDefinition().typeAdapter;
+ try {
+ // SQLite returns pre-closed ResultSets for query results with 0 rows
+ if (!rs.isClosed()) {
+ while (rs.next()) {
+ X value = (X) db.getDialect().deserialize(rs, 1, clazz, typeAdapter);
+ result.add(value);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw IciqlException.fromSQL(stat.getSQL(), e);
+ } finally {
+ JdbcUtils.closeSilently(rs, true);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ private SQLStatement getSelectStatement(boolean distinct) {
+ SQLStatement stat = new SQLStatement(db);
+ stat.appendSQL("SELECT ");
+ if (distinct) {
+ stat.appendSQL("DISTINCT ");
+ }
+ return stat;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive boolean field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive boolean field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Boolean> where(boolean x) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive short field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive short field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Byte> where(byte x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive short field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive short field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Short> where(short x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive int field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive int field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Integer> where(int x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive long field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive long field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Long> where(long x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive float field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive float field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Float> where(float x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin a primitive double field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the primitive double field to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public QueryCondition<T, Double> where(double x) {
+ return wherePrimitive(x);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begins a primitive field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param value
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ private <A> QueryCondition<T, A> wherePrimitive(A value) {
+ A alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(value);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ // this will result in an unmapped field exception
+ return where(value);
+ }
+ return where(alias);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Begin an Object field condition clause.
+ *
+ * @param x the mapped object to query
+ * @return a query condition to continue building the condition
+ */
+ public <A> QueryCondition<T, A> where(A x) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(x);
+ return new QueryCondition<T, A>(this, x);
+ }
+ public <A> QueryWhere<T> where(Filter filter) {
+ HashMap<String, Object> fieldMap = Utils.newHashMap();
+ for (Field f : filter.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
+ f.setAccessible(true);
+ try {
+ Object obj = f.get(filter);
+ if (obj == from.getAlias()) {
+ List<TableDefinition.FieldDefinition> fields = from.getAliasDefinition().getFields();
+ String name = f.getName();
+ for (TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field : fields) {
+ String n = name + "." + field.field.getName();
+ Object o = field.field.get(obj);
+ fieldMap.put(n, o);
+ }
+ }
+ fieldMap.put(f.getName(), f.get(filter));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new IciqlException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ Token filterCode = new ClassReader().decompile(filter, fieldMap, "where");
+ // String filterQuery = filterCode.toString();
+ conditions.add(filterCode);
+ return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
+ }
+ public QueryWhere<T> where(String fragment, List<?> args) {
+ return this.where(fragment, args.toArray());
+ }
+ public QueryWhere<T> where(String fragment, Object... args) {
+ conditions.add(new RuntimeToken(fragment, args));
+ return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
+ }
+ public Query<T> where(And<T> conditions) {
+ whereTrue();
+ addConditionToken(conditions.where.query);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> where(Or<T> conditions) {
+ whereFalse();
+ addConditionToken(conditions.where.query);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public QueryWhere<T> whereTrue() {
+ return whereTrue(true);
+ }
+ public QueryWhere<T> whereFalse() {
+ return whereTrue(false);
+ }
+ public QueryWhere<T> whereTrue(Boolean condition) {
+ Token token = new Function("", condition);
+ addConditionToken(token);
+ return new QueryWhere<T>(this);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the Limit and Offset of a query.
+ *
+ * @return the query
+ */
+ public Query<T> limit(long limit) {
+ this.limit = limit;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> offset(long offset) {
+ this.offset = offset;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(boolean field) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(byte field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(short field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(int field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(long field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(float field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(double field) {
+ return orderByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ Query<T> orderByPrimitive(Object field) {
+ Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ return orderBy(field);
+ }
+ return orderBy(alias);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderBy(Object expr) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
+ OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, false, false, false);
+ addOrderBy(e);
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Order by a number of columns.
+ *
+ * @param expressions the columns
+ * @return the query
+ */
+ public Query<T> orderBy(Object... expressions) {
+ for (Object expr : expressions) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
+ OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, false, false, false);
+ addOrderBy(e);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(byte field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(short field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(int field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(long field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(float field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(double field) {
+ return orderByDescPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ Query<T> orderByDescPrimitive(Object field) {
+ Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ return orderByDesc(field);
+ }
+ return orderByDesc(alias);
+ }
+ public Query<T> orderByDesc(Object expr) {
+ OrderExpression<T> e = new OrderExpression<T>(this, expr, true, false, false);
+ addOrderBy(e);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(boolean field) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleBooleans();
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(byte field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(short field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(int field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(long field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(float field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(double field) {
+ return groupByPrimitive(field);
+ }
+ Query<T> groupByPrimitive(Object field) {
+ Object alias = getPrimitiveAliasByValue(field);
+ if (alias == null) {
+ return groupBy(field);
+ }
+ return groupBy(alias);
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(Object expr) {
+ from.getAliasDefinition().checkMultipleEnums(expr);
+ groupByExpressions.add(expr);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Query<T> groupBy(Object... groupBy) {
+ this.groupByExpressions.addAll(Arrays.asList(groupBy));
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param stat the statement
+ * @param alias the alias object (can be null)
+ * @param value the value
+ */
+ public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object value) {
+ if (Function.count() == value) {
+ stat.appendSQL("COUNT(*)");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (RuntimeParameter.PARAMETER == value) {
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ addParameter(stat, alias, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ Token token = Db.getToken(value);
+ if (token != null) {
+ token.appendSQL(stat, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (alias != null && value != null && value.getClass().isEnum()) {
+ // special case:
+ // value is first enum constant which is also the alias object.
+ // the first enum constant is used as the alias because we can not
+ // instantiate an enum reflectively.
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ addParameter(stat, alias, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(value);
+ if (col != null) {
+ col.appendSQL(stat);
+ return;
+ }
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ addParameter(stat, alias, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param stat the statement
+ * @param alias the alias object (can be null)
+ * @param valueLeft the value on the left of the compound clause
+ * @param valueRight the value on the right of the compound clause
+ * @param compareType the current compare type (e.g. BETWEEN)
+ */
+ public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object valueLeft, Object valueRight,
+ CompareType compareType) {
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ stat.appendSQL(" ");
+ switch (compareType) {
+ case BETWEEN:
+ stat.appendSQL("AND");
+ break;
+ }
+ stat.appendSQL(" ");
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ addParameter(stat, alias, valueLeft);
+ addParameter(stat, alias, valueRight);
+ }
+ public void appendSQL(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Iterable<Object> values,
+ CompareType compareType) {
+ boolean first = true;
+ stat.appendSQL("(");
+ for (Object value : values) {
+ if (first) {
+ first = false;
+ } else {
+ stat.appendSQL(", ");
+ }
+ stat.appendSQL("?");
+ addParameter(stat, alias, value);
+ }
+ stat.appendSQL(")");
+ }
+ private void addParameter(SQLStatement stat, Object alias, Object value) {
+ SelectColumn<T> col = getColumnByReference(alias);
+ if (col != null && value != null && value.getClass().isEnum()) {
+ // enum
+ TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field = col.getFieldDefinition();
+ EnumType type = field.enumType;
+ Enum<?> anEnum = (Enum<?>) value;
+ Object y = Utils.convertEnum(anEnum, type);
+ stat.addParameter(y);
+ } else if (col != null) {
+ // object
+ TableDefinition.FieldDefinition field = col.getFieldDefinition();
+ Class<? extends DataTypeAdapter<?>> typeAdapter = field.typeAdapter;
+ if (value != null && value instanceof String) {
+ if (field.trim && field.length > 0) {
+ // clip strings (issue-15)
+ String s = (String) value;
+ if (s.length() > field.length) {
+ value = s.substring(0, field.length);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Object parameter = db.getDialect().serialize(value, typeAdapter);
+ stat.addParameter(parameter);
+ } else {
+ // primitive
+ stat.addParameter(value);
+ }
+ }
+ void addConditionToken(Token condition) {
+ if (condition == ConditionOpenClose.OPEN) {
+ conditionDepth++;
+ } else if (condition == ConditionOpenClose.CLOSE) {
+ conditionDepth--;
+ if (conditionDepth < 0) {
+ throw new IciqlException("unmatch condition open-close count");
+ }
+ }
+ conditions.add(condition);
+ }
+ void addConditionToken(Query<T> other) {
+ for (Token condition : other.conditions) {
+ addConditionToken(condition);
+ }
+ }
+ void addUpdateColumnDeclaration(UpdateColumn declaration) {
+ updateColumnDeclarations.add(declaration);
+ }
+ void appendWhere(SQLStatement stat) {
+ if (conditionDepth != 0) {
+ throw new IciqlException("unmatch condition open-close count");
+ }
+ if (!conditions.isEmpty()) {
+ stat.appendSQL(" WHERE ");
+ boolean skipNextConjunction = false;
+ for (Token token : conditions) {
+ if (skipNextConjunction && token instanceof ConditionAndOr) {
+ skipNextConjunction = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ token.appendSQL(stat, this);
+ stat.appendSQL(" ");
+ if (ConditionOpenClose.OPEN == token) {
+ skipNextConjunction = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void appendFromWhere(SQLStatement stat) {
+ appendFromWhere(stat, true);
+ }
+ void appendFromWhere(SQLStatement stat, boolean log) {
+ stat.appendSQL(" FROM ");
+ from.appendSQL(stat);
+ for (SelectTable<T> join : joins) {
+ join.appendSQLAsJoin(stat, this);
+ }
+ appendWhere(stat);
+ if (!groupByExpressions.isEmpty()) {
+ stat.appendSQL(" GROUP BY ");
+ int i = 0;
+ for (Object obj : groupByExpressions) {
+ if (i++ > 0) {
+ stat.appendSQL(", ");
+ }
+ appendSQL(stat, null, obj);
+ stat.appendSQL(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!orderByList.isEmpty()) {
+ stat.appendSQL(" ORDER BY ");
+ int i = 0;
+ for (OrderExpression<T> o : orderByList) {
+ if (i++ > 0) {
+ stat.appendSQL(", ");
+ }
+ o.appendSQL(stat);
+ stat.appendSQL(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ db.getDialect().appendLimitOffset(stat, limit, offset);
+ if (log) {
+ IciqlLogger.select(stat.getSQL());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Join another table.
+ *
+ * @param alias an alias for the table to join
+ * @return the joined query
+ */
+ public <A> QueryJoin<T> innerJoin(A alias) {
return join(alias, false);
- }
+ }
public <A> QueryJoin<T> leftJoin(A alias) {
return join(alias, true);
- @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
+ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
private <A> QueryJoin<T> join(A alias, boolean outerJoin) {
TableDefinition<T> def = (TableDefinition<T>) db.define(alias.getClass());
SelectTable<T> join = new SelectTable(db, this, alias, outerJoin);
@@ -1052,63 +1030,63 @@ public class Query<T> {
return new QueryJoin(this, join);
- Db getDb() {
- return db;
- }
- SelectTable<T> getFrom() {
- return from;
- }
- boolean isJoin() {
- return !joins.isEmpty();
- }
- SelectTable<?> getSelectTable(Object alias) {
- if (from.getAlias() == alias) {
- return from;
- } else {
- for (SelectTable<?> join : joins) {
- if (join.getAlias() == alias) {
- return join;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * This method returns a mapped Object field by its reference.
- *
- * @param obj
- * @return
- */
- private SelectColumn<T> getColumnByReference(Object obj) {
- SelectColumn<T> col = aliasMap.get(obj);
- return col;
- }
- /**
- * This method returns the alias of a mapped primitive field by its value.
- *
- * @param obj
- * @return
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- <A> A getPrimitiveAliasByValue(A obj) {
- for (Object alias : aliasMap.keySet()) {
- if (alias.equals(obj)) {
- SelectColumn<T> match = aliasMap.get(alias);
- if (match.getFieldDefinition().isPrimitive) {
- return (A) alias;
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- void addOrderBy(OrderExpression<T> expr) {
- orderByList.add(expr);
- }
+ Db getDb() {
+ return db;
+ }
+ SelectTable<T> getFrom() {
+ return from;
+ }
+ boolean isJoin() {
+ return !joins.isEmpty();
+ }
+ SelectTable<?> getSelectTable(Object alias) {
+ if (from.getAlias() == alias) {
+ return from;
+ } else {
+ for (SelectTable<?> join : joins) {
+ if (join.getAlias() == alias) {
+ return join;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns a mapped Object field by its reference.
+ *
+ * @param obj
+ * @return
+ */
+ private SelectColumn<T> getColumnByReference(Object obj) {
+ SelectColumn<T> col = aliasMap.get(obj);
+ return col;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method returns the alias of a mapped primitive field by its value.
+ *
+ * @param obj
+ * @return
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
+ <A> A getPrimitiveAliasByValue(A obj) {
+ for (Object alias : aliasMap.keySet()) {
+ if (alias.equals(obj)) {
+ SelectColumn<T> match = aliasMap.get(alias);
+ if (match.getFieldDefinition().isPrimitive) {
+ return (A) alias;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ void addOrderBy(OrderExpression<T> expr) {
+ orderByList.add(expr);
+ }