diff options
authorIvan Frade <ifrade@google.com>2024-11-05 15:03:26 -0800
committerIvan Frade <ifrade@google.com>2024-11-05 15:08:10 -0800
commita3dbf3af63db5dce8566a3a1ad03f67c1e0bd090 (patch)
parent31ff8955d6ed23aa41456b00b1f151913f28120d (diff)
[errorprone] bc: Remove unused SExprParser#parseSecretKey
errorprone complains about using Date in the SExprParser class. All the usages are in a variant of the parseSecretKey method that doesn't have any callers. Remove the unused method. Change-Id: I80f5aa58877b9da31729cb90b0219e45d96144a8
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 148 deletions
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/src/org/eclipse/jgit/gpg/bc/internal/keys/SExprParser.java b/org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/src/org/eclipse/jgit/gpg/bc/internal/keys/SExprParser.java
index fd030ee032..b062eadb43 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/src/org/eclipse/jgit/gpg/bc/internal/keys/SExprParser.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/src/org/eclipse/jgit/gpg/bc/internal/keys/SExprParser.java
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Date;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x9.ECNamedCurveTable;
@@ -40,8 +39,6 @@ import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ECSecretBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ElGamalPublicBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.ElGamalSecretBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.HashAlgorithmTags;
-import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.PublicKeyAlgorithmTags;
-import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.PublicKeyPacket;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.RSAPublicBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.RSASecretBCPGKey;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.S2K;
@@ -50,7 +47,6 @@ import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPException;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPPublicKey;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPSecretKey;
-import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.KeyFingerPrintCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBEProtectionRemoverFactory;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBESecretKeyDecryptor;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PGPDigestCalculator;
@@ -262,150 +258,6 @@ public class SExprParser {
throw new PGPException("unknown key type found");
- /**
- * Parse a secret key from one of the GPG S expression keys.
- *
- * @param inputStream
- * to read from
- * @param keyProtectionRemoverFactory
- * for decrypting encrypted keys
- * @param fingerPrintCalculator
- * for calculating key fingerprints
- *
- * @return a secret key object.
- * @throws IOException
- * if an IO error occurred
- * @throws PGPException
- * if a PGP error occurred
- */
- public PGPSecretKey parseSecretKey(InputStream inputStream,
- PBEProtectionRemoverFactory keyProtectionRemoverFactory,
- KeyFingerPrintCalculator fingerPrintCalculator)
- throws IOException, PGPException {
- SXprUtils.skipOpenParenthesis(inputStream);
- String type;
- type = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream, inputStream.read());
- if (type.equals("protected-private-key")
- || type.equals("private-key")) {
- SXprUtils.skipOpenParenthesis(inputStream);
- String keyType = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream,
- inputStream.read());
- if (keyType.equals("ecc")) {
- SXprUtils.skipOpenParenthesis(inputStream);
- String curveID = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream,
- inputStream.read());
- String curveName = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream,
- inputStream.read());
- if (curveName.startsWith("NIST ")) {
- curveName = curveName.substring("NIST ".length());
- }
- SXprUtils.skipCloseParenthesis(inputStream);
- byte[] qVal;
- SXprUtils.skipOpenParenthesis(inputStream);
- type = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream, inputStream.read());
- // JGit: c.f. https://github.com/bcgit/bc-java/issues/1590.
- // There may be a flags sub-list here for ed25519 or curve25519.
- if (type.equals("flags")) {
- SXprUtils.readString(inputStream, inputStream.read());
- SXprUtils.skipCloseParenthesis(inputStream);
- SXprUtils.skipOpenParenthesis(inputStream);
- type = SXprUtils.readString(inputStream,
- inputStream.read());
- }
- if (type.equals("q")) {
- qVal = SXprUtils.readBytes(inputStream, inputStream.read());
- } else {
- throw new PGPException("no q value found");
- }
- PublicKeyPacket pubPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(
- PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.ECDSA, new Date(),
- new ECDSAPublicBCPGKey(
- ECNamedCurveTable.getOID(curveName),
- new BigInteger(1, qVal)));
- SXprUtils.skipCloseParenthesis(inputStream);
- BigInteger d = processECSecretKey(inputStream, curveID,
- curveName, qVal, keyProtectionRemoverFactory);
- return new PGPSecretKey(
- new SecretKeyPacket(pubPacket,
- SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags.NULL, null, null,
- new ECSecretBCPGKey(d).getEncoded()),
- new PGPPublicKey(pubPacket, fingerPrintCalculator));
- } else if (keyType.equals("dsa")) {
- BigInteger p = readBigInteger("p", inputStream);
- BigInteger q = readBigInteger("q", inputStream);
- BigInteger g = readBigInteger("g", inputStream);
- BigInteger y = readBigInteger("y", inputStream);
- BigInteger x = processDSASecretKey(inputStream, p, q, g, y,
- keyProtectionRemoverFactory);
- PublicKeyPacket pubPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(
- PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.DSA, new Date(),
- new DSAPublicBCPGKey(p, q, g, y));
- return new PGPSecretKey(
- new SecretKeyPacket(pubPacket,
- SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags.NULL, null, null,
- new DSASecretBCPGKey(x).getEncoded()),
- new PGPPublicKey(pubPacket, fingerPrintCalculator));
- } else if (keyType.equals("elg")) {
- BigInteger p = readBigInteger("p", inputStream);
- BigInteger g = readBigInteger("g", inputStream);
- BigInteger y = readBigInteger("y", inputStream);
- BigInteger x = processElGamalSecretKey(inputStream, p, g, y,
- keyProtectionRemoverFactory);
- PublicKeyPacket pubPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(
- PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.ELGAMAL_ENCRYPT, new Date(),
- new ElGamalPublicBCPGKey(p, g, y));
- return new PGPSecretKey(
- new SecretKeyPacket(pubPacket,
- SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags.NULL, null, null,
- new ElGamalSecretBCPGKey(x).getEncoded()),
- new PGPPublicKey(pubPacket, fingerPrintCalculator));
- } else if (keyType.equals("rsa")) {
- BigInteger n = readBigInteger("n", inputStream);
- BigInteger e = readBigInteger("e", inputStream);
- BigInteger[] values = processRSASecretKey(inputStream, n, e,
- keyProtectionRemoverFactory);
- // TODO: type of RSA key?
- PublicKeyPacket pubPacket = new PublicKeyPacket(
- PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.RSA_GENERAL, new Date(),
- new RSAPublicBCPGKey(n, e));
- return new PGPSecretKey(
- new SecretKeyPacket(pubPacket,
- SymmetricKeyAlgorithmTags.NULL, null, null,
- new RSASecretBCPGKey(values[0], values[1],
- values[2]).getEncoded()),
- new PGPPublicKey(pubPacket, fingerPrintCalculator));
- } else {
- throw new PGPException("unknown key type: " + keyType);
- }
- }
- throw new PGPException("unknown key type found");
- }
private BigInteger readBigInteger(String expectedType,
InputStream inputStream) throws IOException, PGPException {