path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.packaging
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* JGit v4.8.0.201706111038-rv4.8.0.201706111038-rMatthias Sohn2017-06-1118-18/+18
* Update Orbit to the Oxygen version R20170516192513Matthias Sohn2017-05-307-11/+11
* Prepare 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2017-05-1718-18/+18
* JGit v4.8.0.201705170830-rc1v4.8.0.201705170830-rc1Matthias Sohn2017-05-1718-18/+18
* Update jetty to 9.4.5Mat Booth2017-05-119-97/+77
* Update eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.1.4Matthias Sohn2017-04-201-1/+1
* Prepare 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2017-04-0518-20/+20
* Merge branch 'stable-4.6'Matthias Sohn2017-04-027-57/+77
| * Update Jetty to 9.3.17.v20170317Matthias Sohn2017-04-028-77/+77
| * Revert "Update Jetty to 9.4.1.v20170120"David Pursehouse2017-03-318-77/+77
| * Prepare 4.6.2-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2017-03-0718-18/+18
| * JGit v4.6.1.201703071140-rv4.6.1.201703071140-rMatthias Sohn2017-03-0718-18/+18
| * Update Jetty to 9.4.1.v20170120Matthias Sohn2017-03-068-77/+77
| * Update build to use Tycho 1.0.0Matthias Sohn2017-03-061-1/+1
* | Downgrade jetty to 9.3.9.v20160517Matthias Sohn2017-03-318-77/+77
* | Update orbit to S20170306214312 (Oxygen M6)Matthias Sohn2017-03-227-11/+11
* | Update Jetty to 9.4.3.v20170317Matthias Sohn2017-03-228-77/+77
* | Update Jetty to 9.4.1.v20170120Matthias Sohn2017-02-198-77/+77
* | Update build to use Tycho 1.0.0Matthias Sohn2017-02-151-1/+1
* | Merge branch 'stable-4.6'David Pursehouse2017-01-267-19/+21
| * Update Orbit to S20170120205402 and com.jcraft.jsch to 0.1.54Matthias Sohn2017-01-237-19/+21
| * Fix preparation of 4.6.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2017-01-231-2/+2
* | Prepare 4.7.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-12-2718-20/+20
* Update tycho version to 0.26Matthias Sohn2016-12-261-1/+1
* Update maven pluginsMatthias Sohn2016-12-261-2/+2
* Prepare 4.6.1-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-12-2418-18/+18
* JGit v4.6.0.201612231935-rv4.6.0.201612231935-rMatthias Sohn2016-12-2418-18/+18
* Add Oxygen target platform and remove target platforms older than MarsMatthias Sohn2016-11-175-101/+27
* Update JavaEWAH to 1.1.6Dave Borowitz2016-11-175-6/+89
* Use consistent feature and category namesMatthias Sohn2016-09-234-8/+7
* Change JGit minimum execution environment to JavaSE-1.8Matthias Sohn2016-09-202-3/+3
* Prepare 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-09-1918-20/+20
* Remove duplicate LFS feature from P2 repositoryChristian Halstrick2016-07-051-3/+0
* Update Neon orbit repository to final release R20160520211859Matthias Sohn2016-06-103-5/+5
* Prepare 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-06-0118-20/+20
* Update Orbit repository to S20160518051658 for Neon RC2Matthias Sohn2016-05-193-9/+9
* Update Maven pluginsMatthias Sohn2016-05-071-4/+4
* Prepare Neon target platformMatthias Sohn2016-05-024-17/+17
* Prepare 4.4.0-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-04-0818-20/+20
* Prepare 4.3.1-SNAPSHOT versionsMatthias Sohn2016-04-0818-18/+18
* JGit v4.3.0.201604071810-rv4.3.0.201604071810-rMatthias Sohn2016-04-0818-18/+18
* JGit v4.3.0.201604071045-rMatthias Sohn2016-04-0718-18/+18
* Prepare 4.3-SNAPSHOT buildsMatthias Sohn2016-04-0518-18/+18
* JGit v4.3.0.201603230630-rc1v4.3.0.201603230630-rc1Matthias Sohn2016-03-2318-18/+18
* Update Mars orbit repository to R20160221192158Matthias Sohn2016-02-263-9/+9
* Remove the profiles for selecting the target platformMatthias Sohn2016-02-191-37/+1
* Add Neon target platformMatthias Sohn2016-02-183-0/+116
* Fix packaging of lfs bundlesMatthias Sohn2016-02-122-0/+8
* Support LFS protocol and a file system based LFS storageMatthias Sohn2016-02-043-0/+24
* Add 2.2.4.v201311231704 to target platformMatthias Sohn2016-02-045-1/+6