path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/.classpath
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update minimum Java version to 17Matthias Sohn2024-05-021-1/+1
* Bump minimum required Java version to 11Matthias Sohn2021-09-291-1/+5
* Configure classpath for separate test sources in EclipseMichael Keppler2018-10-171-2/+10
* Change JGit minimum execution environment to JavaSE-1.8Matthias Sohn2016-09-201-1/+1
* Set minimum required Java version to Java 7Matthias Sohn2015-02-091-1/+1
* Allow to write tests with CLI syntaxTomasz Zarna2012-04-181-0/+8
* Revert "Allow to write tests with CLI syntax"Matthias Sohn2012-03-231-8/+0
* Allow to write tests with CLI syntaxTomasz Zarna2012-03-221-0/+8