path: root/org.eclipse.jgit.test/.settings/org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.prefs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use commit message best practices for Mylyn Commit templateMatthias Sohn2011-09-051-0/+4
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 * jquery.simulate - simulate browser mouse and keyboard events
 * Copyright (c) 2007 Eduardo Lundgren (
 * and Richard D. Worth (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT ( 
 * and GPL ( licenses.

;(function($) {

	simulate: function(type, options) {
		return this.each(function() {
			var opt = $.extend({}, $.simulate.defaults, options || {});
			new $.simulate(this, type, opt);

$.simulate = function(el, type, options) { = el;
	this.options = options;
	if (/^drag$/.test(type)) {
		this[type].apply(this, [, options]);
	} else {
		this.simulateEvent(el, type, options);

$.extend($.simulate.prototype, {
	simulateEvent: function(el, type, options) {
		var evt = this.createEvent(type, options);
		this.dispatchEvent(el, type, evt, options);
		return evt;
	createEvent: function(type, options) {
		if (/^mouse(over|out|down|up|move)|(dbl)?click$/.test(type)) {
			return this.mouseEvent(type, options);
		} else if (/^key(up|down|press)$/.test(type)) {
			return this.keyboardEvent(type, options);
	mouseEvent: function(type, options) {
		var evt;
		var e = $.extend({
			bubbles: true, cancelable: (type != "mousemove"), view: window, detail: 0,
			screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0,
			ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false,
			button: 0, relatedTarget: undefined
		}, options);
		var relatedTarget = $(e.relatedTarget)[0];
		if ($.isFunction(document.createEvent)) {
			evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
			evt.initMouseEvent(type, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.view, e.detail,
				e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX, e.clientY,
				e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
				e.button, e.relatedTarget || document.body.parentNode);
		} else if (document.createEventObject) {
			evt = document.createEventObject();
			$.extend(evt, e);
			evt.button = { 0:1, 1:4, 2:2 }[evt.button] || evt.button;
		return evt;
	keyboardEvent: function(type, options) {
		var evt;
		var e = $.extend({ bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window,
			ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false, metaKey: false,
			keyCode: 0, charCode: 0
		}, options);
		if ($.isFunction(document.createEvent)) {
			try {
				evt = document.createEvent("KeyEvents");
				evt.initKeyEvent(type, e.bubbles, e.cancelable, e.view,
					e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
					e.keyCode, e.charCode);
			} catch(err) {
				evt = document.createEvent("Events");
				evt.initEvent(type, e.bubbles, e.cancelable);
				$.extend(evt, { view: e.view,
					ctrlKey: e.ctrlKey, altKey: e.altKey, shiftKey: e.shiftKey, metaKey: e.metaKey,
					keyCode: e.keyCode, charCode: e.charCode
		} else if (document.createEventObject) {
			evt = document.createEventObject();
			$.extend(evt, e);
		if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) {
			evt.keyCode = (e.charCode > 0) ? e.charCode : e.keyCode;
			evt.charCode = undefined;
		return evt;
	dispatchEvent: function(el, type, evt) {
		if (el.dispatchEvent) {
		} else if (el.fireEvent) {
			el.fireEvent('on' + type, evt);
		return evt;
	drag: function(el) {
		var self = this, center = this.findCenter(, 
			options = this.options,	x = Math.floor(center.x), y = Math.floor(center.y), 
			dx = options.dx || 0, dy = options.dy || 0, target =;
		var coord = { clientX: x, clientY: y };
		this.simulateEvent(target, "mousedown", coord);
		coord = { clientX: x + 1, clientY: y + 1 };
		this.simulateEvent(document, "mousemove", coord);
		coord = { clientX: x + dx, clientY: y + dy };
		this.simulateEvent(document, "mousemove", coord);
		this.simulateEvent(document, "mousemove", coord);
		this.simulateEvent(target, "mouseup", coord);
	findCenter: function(el) {
		var el = $(, o = el.offset();
		return {
			x: o.left + el.outerWidth() / 2,
			y: + el.outerHeight() / 2

$.extend($.simulate, {
	defaults: {
		speed: 'sync'
	VK_TAB: 9,
	VK_ENTER: 13,
	VK_ESC: 27,
	VK_PGUP: 33,
	VK_PGDN: 34,
	VK_END: 35,
	VK_HOME: 36,
	VK_LEFT: 37,
	VK_UP: 38,
	VK_RIGHT: 39,
	VK_DOWN: 40
