diff options
authorScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2011-05-10 13:56:59 -0400
committerScott González <scott.gonzalez@gmail.com>2011-05-10 13:56:59 -0400
commit7fddb1c5b5137887f6c145f54e47f946ceb9741d (patch)
parent319c5eb2c123c24983e38cc9d9fe3058ab045cf4 (diff)
Tabs: Fixed show event.
2 files changed, 50 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js b/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js
index 49999670f..539e9b94d 100644
--- a/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js
+++ b/tests/unit/tabs/tabs_deprecated.js
@@ -251,24 +251,45 @@ test( "disable", function() {
element.tabs( "disable", 1 );
-test('show', function() {
- expect(5);
- var uiObj, eventObj;
- el = $('#tabs1').tabs({
- show: function(event, ui) {
- uiObj = ui;
- eventObj = event;
- }
+test( "show", function() {
+ expect( 13 );
+ var element = $( "#tabs1" ).tabs({
+ active: false,
+ collapsible: true
+ }),
+ tabs = element.find( ".ui-tabs-nav a" ),
+ panels = element.find( ".ui-tabs-panel" );
+ // from collapsed
+ element.one( "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( !( "originalEvent" in event ), "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual( ui.tab, tabs[ 0 ], "ui.tab" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 0 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
- ok(uiObj !== undefined, 'trigger callback after initialization');
- equals(uiObj.tab, $('a', el)[0], 'contain tab as DOM anchor element');
- equals(uiObj.panel, $('div', el)[0], 'contain panel as DOM div element');
- equals(uiObj.index, 0, 'contain index');
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", 0 );
+ tabs_state( element, 1, 0, 0 );
- el.find( "li:eq(1) a" ).simulate( "click" );
- equals( eventObj.originalEvent.type, "click", "show triggered by click" );
+ // switching tabs
+ element.one( "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ equals( event.originalEvent.type, "click", "originalEvent" );
+ strictEqual( ui.tab, tabs[ 1 ], "ui.tab" );
+ strictEqual( ui.panel, panels[ 1 ], "ui.panel" );
+ equal( ui.index, 1 );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ });
+ tabs.eq( 1 ).click();
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 1, 0 );
+ // collapsing
+ element.one( "tabsshow", function( event, ui ) {
+ ok( false, "collapsing" );
+ });
+ element.tabs( "option", "active", false );
+ tabs_state( element, 0, 0, 0 );
test('select', function() {
diff --git a/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js b/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js
index cd9b04f0d..dca6a538d 100644
--- a/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js
+++ b/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.js
@@ -108,15 +108,7 @@ $.widget( "ui.tabs", {
var panel = that._getPanelForTab( this.active );
this.lis.eq( options.active ).addClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- // TODO: we need to remove this or add it to accordion
- // seems to be expected behavior that the activate callback is fired
- that.element.queue( "tabs", function() {
- that._trigger( "activate", null, that._ui( that.active[ 0 ], panel[ 0 ] ) );
- });
this.load( options.active );
} else {
this.active = $();
@@ -968,8 +960,16 @@ if ( $.uiBackCompat !== false ) {
show: null,
select: null
- var _trigger = prototype._trigger;
+ var _create = prototype._create,
+ _trigger = prototype._trigger;
+ prototype._create = function() {
+ _create.call( this );
+ if ( this.options.active !== false ) {
+ this._trigger( "show", null, this._ui(
+ this.active[ 0 ], this._getPanelForTab( this.active )[ 0 ] ) );
+ }
+ }
prototype._trigger = function( type, event, data ) {
var ret = _trigger.apply( this, arguments );
if ( !ret ) {
@@ -981,8 +981,12 @@ if ( $.uiBackCompat !== false ) {
panel: data.newPanel[ 0 ],
index: data.newTab.closest( "li" ).index()
- } else if ( type === "activate" ) {
- ret = _trigger.call( this, "show", event, data );
+ } else if ( type === "activate" && data.newTab.length ) {
+ ret = _trigger.call( this, "show", event, {
+ tab: data.newTab[ 0 ],
+ panel: data.newPanel[ 0 ],
+ index: data.newTab.closest( "li" ).index()
+ });
}( jQuery, jQuery.ui.tabs.prototype ) );