path: root/tests
diff options
authorKeith Wood <kbwood.au@gmail.com>2008-07-18 08:28:31 +0000
committerKeith Wood <kbwood.au@gmail.com>2008-07-18 08:28:31 +0000
commit0f1592128fadf1b65d335e0cd34d54a503ea9f89 (patch)
tree98ad8e762d764df9540014ac43a225d36dd9f5e6 /tests
parent83f858aa286c6351c0a48004ca11f205b2833887 (diff)
Added tests for inline datepicker
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 135 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/tests/datepicker.html b/tests/datepicker.html
index d90394de5..e1b32ed8d 100644
--- a/tests/datepicker.html
+++ b/tests/datepicker.html
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
<ol id="tests"></ol>
<div id="main" style="position:absolute;top:-2000000px;">
- <p><input type="text" id="inp"/><input type="text" id="alt"/></p>
+ <p><input type="text" id="inp"/><input type="text" id="alt"/><div id="inl"></div></p>
diff --git a/tests/datepicker.js b/tests/datepicker.js
index 153b37e6e..65b0ef59a 100644
--- a/tests/datepicker.js
+++ b/tests/datepicker.js
@@ -94,6 +94,18 @@ test('destroy', function() {
ok(!inp.is('.hasDatepicker'), 'Both - marker class cleared');
ok(!$.data(inp[0], PROP_NAME), 'Both - instance absent');
ok(inp.next().is('#alt'), 'Both - button and append text absent');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ ok(inl.is('.hasDatepicker'), 'Inline - marker class set');
+ ok(inl.html() != '', 'Inline - datepicker present');
+ ok($.data(inl[0], PROP_NAME), 'Inline - instance present');
+ ok(inl.next().length == 0 || inl.next().is('p'), 'Inline - button absent');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ inl = $('#inl');
+ ok(!inl.is('.hasDatepicker'), 'Inline - marker class cleared');
+ ok(inl.html() == '', 'Inline - datepicker absent');
+ ok(!$.data(inl[0], PROP_NAME), 'Inline - instance absent');
+ ok(inl.next().length == 0 || inl.next().is('p'), 'Inline - button absent');
test('change', function() {
@@ -276,6 +288,44 @@ test('baseStructure', function() {
ok(month.is('div.ui-datepicker-one-month') && !month.is('div.ui-datepicker-new-row'),
'Structure multi - fourth month division');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline - main div');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure inline - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline - not multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline - child count');
+ var links = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(links.is('div.ui-datepicker-links'), 'Structure inline - links division');
+ equals(links.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline - links child count');
+ var month = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(month.is('div.ui-datepicker-one-month') && month.is('div.ui-datepicker-new-row'),
+ 'Structure inline - month division');
+ var header = month.children(':first');
+ ok(header.is('div.ui-datepicker-header'), 'Structure inline - month header division');
+ equals(header.children().length, 2, 'Structure inline - month header child count');
+ var table = month.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(table.is('table.ui-datepicker'), 'Structure inline - month table');
+ ok(table.children(':first').is('thead'), 'Structure inline - month table thead');
+ ok(table.children(':eq(1)').is('tbody'), 'Structure inline - month table body');
+ ok(dp.children('.ui-datepicker-status').length == 0, 'Structure inline - status');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
+ // Inline multi-month
+ inl = init('#inl', {numberOfMonths: 2});
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline multi - main div');
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline multi - not multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 4, 'Structure inline multi - child count');
+ var links = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(links.is('div.ui-datepicker-links'), 'Structure inline multi - links division');
+ equals(links.children().length, 3, 'Structure inline multi - links child count');
+ var month = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(month.is('div.ui-datepicker-one-month') && month.is('div.ui-datepicker-new-row'),
+ 'Structure inline multi - first month division');
+ month = dp.children(':eq(2)');
+ ok(month.is('div.ui-datepicker-one-month') && !month.is('div.ui-datepicker-new-row'),
+ 'Structure inline multi - second month division');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
test('customStructure', function() {
@@ -371,6 +421,23 @@ test('customStructure', function() {
'Structure show status - status division');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl', {showStatus: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true,
+ minDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4), maxDate: new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 14)});
+ dp = inl.children();
+ ok(dp.is('.ui-datepicker-inline'), 'Structure inline - main div');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-rtl'), 'Structure inline - not right-to-left');
+ ok(!dp.is('.ui-datepicker-multi'), 'Structure inline - not multi-month');
+ equals(dp.children().length, 5, 'Structure inline - child count');
+ var links = dp.children(':first');
+ ok(links.is('div.ui-datepicker-links'), 'Structure inline - links division');
+ equals(links.children().children().length, 0, 'Structure inline - links child count');
+ var month = dp.children(':eq(1)');
+ ok(month.is('div.ui-datepicker-one-month') && month.is('div.ui-datepicker-new-row'),
+ 'Structure inline - month division');
+ ok(dp.children(':last').prev().is('div.ui-datepicker-status'),
+ 'Structure inline - status');
+ inl.datepicker('destroy');
test('enableDisable', function() {
@@ -607,6 +674,32 @@ test('mouse', function() {
$('.ui-datepicker tr:eq(2) td:first', dp).simulate('mouseover', {});
ok($('.ui-datepicker tr:eq(2)', dp).is('.ui-datepicker-week-over'),
'Mouse over - week highlight');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ var dp = $('.ui-datepicker-inline', inl);
+ var date = new Date();
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date);
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(10)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(10);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click inline');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 12),
+ 'Mouse click inline - preset');
+ $('.ui-datepicker-current a', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(14)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ date.setDate(14);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date, 'Mouse click inline - current');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker-prev a', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(16)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 1 - 1, 16),
+ 'Mouse click inline - previous');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', new Date(2008, 2 - 1, 4));
+ $('.ui-datepicker-next a', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(18)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), new Date(2008, 3 - 1, 18),
+ 'Mouse click inline - next');
test('defaultDate', function() {
@@ -771,7 +864,7 @@ test('minMax', function() {
simulate('keydown', {keyCode: $.simulate.VK_ENTER});
equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), maxDate,
'Min/max - null, 12/07/2008 - ctrl+pgdn');
- // relative dates
+ // Relative dates
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() - 7);
inp.datepicker('change', {minDate: '-1w', maxDate: '+1 M +10 D '}).
@@ -794,6 +887,7 @@ test('setDate', function() {
var inp = init('#inp');
var date1 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
var date2 = new Date();
+ ok(inp.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Set date - default');
inp.datepicker('setDate', date1);
equalsDate(inp.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date - 2008-06-04');
date1 = new Date();
@@ -839,6 +933,24 @@ test('setDate', function() {
'Set date range - -2w');
isObj(inp.datepicker('getDate'), [null, null], 'Set date range - null');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl');
+ var date1 = new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 4);
+ var date2 = new Date();
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date inline - default');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - 2008-06-04');
+ date1 = new Date();
+ date1.setDate(date1.getDate() + 7);
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', +7);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - +7');
+ date2.setFullYear(date2.getFullYear() + 2);
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', '+2y');
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date2, 'Set date inline - +2y');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date1, date2);
+ equalsDate(inl.datepicker('getDate'), date1, 'Set date inline - two dates');
+ inl.datepicker('setDate');
+ ok(inl.datepicker('getDate') == null, 'Set date inline - null');
test('ranges', function() {
@@ -930,6 +1042,27 @@ test('ranges', function() {
[new Date(2008, 5 - 1, 28), new Date(2008, 6 - 1, 11)],
'Range min/max - ctrl+up/enter/ctrl+down/ctrl+down/enter');
+ // Inline
+ var inl = init('#inl', {rangeSelect: true});
+ var dp = $('.ui-datepicker-inline', inl);
+ date1 = new Date();
+ date1.setDate(12);
+ date2 = new Date();
+ date2.setDate(19);
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDateArray(inl.datepicker('getDate'), [date1, date1],
+ 'Range inline - same day');
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(10)', dp).simulate('click', {}); // Doesn't select
+ equalsDateArray(inl.datepicker('getDate'), [date1, date1],
+ 'Range inline - prev');
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {}); // Selects
+ inl.datepicker('setDate', date1);
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(12)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ $('.ui-datepicker tbody a:contains(19)', dp).simulate('click', {});
+ equalsDateArray(inl.datepicker('getDate'), [date1, date2],
+ 'Range inline - next');
test('altField', function() {