path: root/ui/widgets/controlgroup.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/widgets/controlgroup.js')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ui/widgets/controlgroup.js b/ui/widgets/controlgroup.js
index 3887c7abf..4e68ad7a8 100644
--- a/ui/widgets/controlgroup.js
+++ b/ui/widgets/controlgroup.js
@@ -80,25 +80,25 @@ return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", {
// Make sure the widget actually exists and has a selector set
if ( $.fn[ widget ] && selector ) {
- // Find instances of this widget inside controlgroup and run method or set options
+ // Find instances of this widget inside controlgroup and set options
widgets = that.element.find( selector )[ widget ]( options );
- // Don't set data or add to the collection if the method is destroy
widgets.each( function() {
- var element = $( this );
+ var element = $( this ),
// Set data on the widget element pointing to the this.element of the widget
// and telling us what type of widget this is
- var widgetElement =
- element[ widget ]( "widget" ).data( "ui-controlgroup-data", element.data( "ui-" +
- widget.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + widget.slice(1) ) );
+ widgetElement = element[ widget ]( "widget" ).data(
+ "ui-controlgroup-data",
+ element.data( "ui-" + widget.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + widget.slice(1) )
+ );
childWidgets.push( widgetElement[ 0 ] );
} );
} else if ( selector && widget === "controlgroupLabel" ) {
labels = that.element.find( selector );
that._addClass( labels, null, "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-state-default" );
- Array.prototype.push.apply( childWidgets, labels );
+ Array.prototype.push.apply( childWidgets, labels.get() );
} );
@@ -116,6 +116,15 @@ return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", {
} );
+ _updateCornerClass: function( element, position ) {
+ var remove = "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-left ui-corner-right",
+ add =
+ this._buildSimpleOptions( position, this.options.direction, "label" ).classes.label;
+ this._removeClass( element, null, remove );
+ this._addClass( element, null, add );
+ },
_buildSimpleOptions: function( position, direction, key ) {
var result = {
classes: {}
@@ -217,6 +226,8 @@ return $.widget( "ui.controlgroup", {
that.options.direction === "vertical"
+ } else {
+ that._updateCornerClass( children[ value ](), value );
} );