diff options
authorMichał Gołębiowski-Owczarek <m.goleb@gmail.com>2019-04-29 22:04:52 +0200
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-04-29 22:04:52 +0200
commit58f0c00bed695f934bb205c6115e5fe99dd5c27b (patch)
parent6f2fae7c410dcb5876814866a03fc819f0502290 (diff)
Core: Remove deprecated jQuery APIs
Fixes gh-4056 Closes gh-4364
6 files changed, 14 insertions, 497 deletions
diff --git a/src/css.js b/src/css.js
index f9277bf6c..c92fc684a 100644
--- a/src/css.js
+++ b/src/css.js
@@ -199,10 +199,6 @@ jQuery.extend( {
- // Add in properties whose names you wish to fix before
- // setting or getting the value
- cssProps: {},
// Get and set the style property on a DOM Node
style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
diff --git a/src/css/finalPropName.js b/src/css/finalPropName.js
index 352d18a27..c290eb2b4 100644
--- a/src/css/finalPropName.js
+++ b/src/css/finalPropName.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
define( [
- "../var/document",
- "../core"
-], function( document, jQuery ) {
+ "../var/document"
+], function( document ) {
"use strict";
@@ -24,9 +23,9 @@ function vendorPropName( name ) {
-// Return a potentially-mapped jQuery.cssProps or vendor prefixed property
+// Return a potentially-mapped vendor prefixed property
function finalPropName( name ) {
- var final = jQuery.cssProps[ name ] || vendorProps[ name ];
+ var final = vendorProps[ name ];
if ( final ) {
return final;
diff --git a/src/deprecated.js b/src/deprecated.js
index e24de4818..ecdf9f450 100644
--- a/src/deprecated.js
+++ b/src/deprecated.js
@@ -71,28 +71,4 @@ jQuery.holdReady = function( hold ) {
jQuery.ready( true );
-jQuery.isArray = Array.isArray;
-jQuery.parseJSON = JSON.parse;
-jQuery.nodeName = nodeName;
-jQuery.isFunction = isFunction;
-jQuery.isWindow = isWindow;
-jQuery.camelCase = cssCamelCase;
-jQuery.type = toType;
-jQuery.now = Date.now;
-jQuery.isNumeric = function( obj ) {
- // As of jQuery 3.0, isNumeric is limited to
- // strings and numbers (primitives or objects)
- // that can be coerced to finite numbers (gh-2662)
- var type = jQuery.type( obj );
- return ( type === "number" || type === "string" ) &&
- // parseFloat NaNs numeric-cast false positives ("")
- // ...but misinterprets leading-number strings, particularly hex literals ("0x...")
- // subtraction forces infinities to NaN
- !isNaN( obj - parseFloat( obj ) );
} );
diff --git a/test/unit/css.js b/test/unit/css.js
index 150f5b908..74daa2b2d 100644
--- a/test/unit/css.js
+++ b/test/unit/css.js
@@ -1108,23 +1108,6 @@ QUnit.test( "box model properties incorrectly returning % instead of px, see #10
assert.equal( el2.css( "marginLeft" ), "100px", "css('marginLeft') returning incorrect pixel value, see #12088" );
} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.cssProps behavior, (bug #8402)", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 2 );
- var div = jQuery( "<div>" ).appendTo( document.body ).css( {
- "position": "absolute",
- "top": 0,
- "left": 10
- } );
- jQuery.cssProps.top = "left";
- assert.equal( div.css( "top" ), "10px", "the fixed property is used when accessing the computed style" );
- div.css( "top", "100px" );
- assert.equal( div[ 0 ].style.left, "100px", "the fixed property is used when setting the style" );
- // cleanup jQuery.cssProps
- jQuery.cssProps.top = undefined;
-} );
QUnit.test( "widows & orphans #8936", function( assert ) {
var $p = jQuery( "<p>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );
@@ -1713,13 +1696,6 @@ QUnit.test( "Do not throw on frame elements from css method (#15098)", function(
( function() {
var vendorPrefixes = [ "Webkit", "Moz", "ms" ];
- function resetCssPropsFor( name ) {
- delete jQuery.cssProps[ name ];
- jQuery.each( vendorPrefixes, function( index, prefix ) {
- delete jQuery.cssProps[ prefix + name[ 0 ].toUpperCase() + name.slice( 1 ) ];
- } );
- }
QUnit.test( "Don't default to a cached previously used wrong prefixed name (gh-2015)", function( assert ) {
// Note: this test needs a property we know is only supported in a prefixed version
@@ -1753,9 +1729,6 @@ QUnit.test( "Do not throw on frame elements from css method (#15098)", function(
assert.expect( !!appearanceName + !!transformName + 1 );
- resetCssPropsFor( "appearance" );
- resetCssPropsFor( "transform" );
elem = jQuery( "<div/>" )
.css( {
msAppearance: "none",
diff --git a/test/unit/data.js b/test/unit/data.js
index 849b86ee3..07628bfd4 100644
--- a/test/unit/data.js
+++ b/test/unit/data.js
@@ -755,6 +755,7 @@ QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable hyphenated/camelCase get/set of proper
QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable removal of hyphenated/camelCase properties", function( assert ) {
var div = jQuery( "<div/>", { id: "hyphened" } ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
+ rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/g,
datas = {
"non-empty": "a string",
"empty-string": "",
@@ -773,11 +774,19 @@ QUnit.test( ".data supports interoperable removal of hyphenated/camelCase proper
assert.expect( 27 );
+ function fcamelCase( all, letter ) {
+ return letter.toUpperCase();
+ }
jQuery.each( datas, function( key, val ) {
div.data( key, val );
assert.deepEqual( div.data( key ), val, "get: " + key );
- assert.deepEqual( div.data( jQuery.camelCase( key ) ), val, "get: " + jQuery.camelCase( key ) );
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ div.data( key.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase ) ),
+ val,
+ "get: " + key.replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase )
+ );
div.removeData( key );
diff --git a/test/unit/deprecated.js b/test/unit/deprecated.js
index d8b5a5181..fd920fb73 100644
--- a/test/unit/deprecated.js
+++ b/test/unit/deprecated.js
@@ -117,367 +117,6 @@ QUnit[ jQuery.fn.click ? "test" : "skip" ]( "Event aliases", function( assert )
} );
} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.parseJSON", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 20 );
- assert.strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( null ), null, "primitive null" );
- assert.strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( "0.88" ), 0.88, "Number" );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.parseJSON( "\" \\\" \\\\ \\/ \\b \\f \\n \\r \\t \\u007E \\u263a \"" ),
- " \" \\ / \b \f \n \r \t ~ \u263A ",
- "String escapes"
- );
- assert.deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( "{}" ), {}, "Empty object" );
- assert.deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( "{\"test\":1}" ), { "test": 1 }, "Plain object" );
- assert.deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( "[0]" ), [ 0 ], "Simple array" );
- assert.deepEqual(
- jQuery.parseJSON( "[ \"string\", -4.2, 2.7180e0, 3.14E-1, {}, [], true, false, null ]" ),
- [ "string", -4.2, 2.718, 0.314, {}, [], true, false, null ],
- "Array of all data types"
- );
- assert.deepEqual(
- jQuery.parseJSON( "{ \"string\": \"\", \"number\": 4.2e+1, \"object\": {}," +
- "\"array\": [[]], \"boolean\": [ true, false ], \"null\": null }" ),
- { string: "", number: 42, object: {}, array: [ [] ], "boolean": [ true, false ], "null": null },
- "Dictionary of all data types"
- );
- assert.deepEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( "\n{\"test\":1}\t" ), { "test": 1 },
- "Leading and trailing whitespace are ignored" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON();
- }, null, "Undefined raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "" );
- }, null, "Empty string raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "''" );
- }, null, "Single-quoted string raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- var result = jQuery.parseJSON( "0101" );
- // Support: IE <=9 only
- // Ensure base-10 interpretation on browsers that erroneously accept leading-zero numbers
- if ( result === 101 ) {
- throw new Error( "close enough" );
- }
- }, null, "Leading-zero number raises an error or is parsed as decimal" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "{a:1}" );
- }, null, "Unquoted property raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "{'a':1}" );
- }, null, "Single-quoted property raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "[,]" );
- }, null, "Array element elision raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "{},[]" );
- }, null, "Comma expression raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "[]\n,{}" );
- }, null, "Newline-containing comma expression raises an error" );
- assert.throws( function() {
- jQuery.parseJSON( "\"\"\n\"\"" );
- }, null, "Automatic semicolon insertion raises an error" );
- assert.strictEqual( jQuery.parseJSON( [ 0 ] ), 0, "Input cast to string" );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.isArray", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 1 );
- assert.strictEqual( jQuery.isArray, Array.isArray, "Array.isArray equals jQuery.isArray" );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.nodeName", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 8 );
- assert.strictEqual( typeof jQuery.nodeName, "function", "jQuery.nodeName is a function" );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "div" ), "div" ),
- true,
- "Basic usage (true)"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "div" ), "span" ),
- false,
- "Basic usage (false)"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "div" ), "DIV" ),
- true,
- "Ignores case in the name parameter"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "section" ), "section" ),
- true,
- "Works on HTML5 tags (true)"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "section" ), "article" ),
- false,
- "Works on HTML5 tags (false)"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "custom-element" ), "custom-element" ),
- true,
- "Works on custom elements (true)"
- );
- assert.strictEqual(
- jQuery.nodeName( document.createElement( "custom-element" ), "my-element" ),
- false,
- "Works on custom elements (true)"
- );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "type", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 28 );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( null ), "null", "null" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( undefined ), "undefined", "undefined" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( true ), "boolean", "Boolean" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( false ), "boolean", "Boolean" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( Boolean( true ) ), "boolean", "Boolean" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( 0 ), "number", "Number" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( 1 ), "number", "Number" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( Number( 1 ) ), "number", "Number" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( "" ), "string", "String" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( "a" ), "string", "String" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( String( "a" ) ), "string", "String" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( {} ), "object", "Object" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( /foo/ ), "regexp", "RegExp" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new RegExp( "asdf" ) ), "regexp", "RegExp" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( [ 1 ] ), "array", "Array" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new Date() ), "date", "Date" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new Function( "return;" ) ), "function", "Function" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( function() {} ), "function", "Function" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new Error() ), "error", "Error" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( window ), "object", "Window" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( document ), "object", "Document" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( document.body ), "object", "Element" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( document.createTextNode( "foo" ) ), "object", "TextNode" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( document.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) ), "object", "NodeList" );
- // Avoid Lint complaints
- var MyString = String,
- MyNumber = Number,
- MyBoolean = Boolean,
- MyObject = Object;
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new MyBoolean( true ) ), "boolean", "Boolean" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new MyNumber( 1 ) ), "number", "Number" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new MyString( "a" ) ), "string", "String" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( new MyObject() ), "object", "Object" );
-} );
-QUnit[ typeof Symbol === "function" ? "test" : "skip" ]( "type for `Symbol`", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 2 );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( Symbol() ), "symbol", "Symbol" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.type( Object( Symbol() ) ), "symbol", "Symbol" );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "isFunction", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 20 );
- var mystr, myarr, myfunction, fn, obj, nodes, first, input, a;
- // Make sure that false values return false
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction(), "No Value" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( null ), "null Value" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( undefined ), "undefined Value" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( "" ), "Empty String Value" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( 0 ), "0 Value" );
- // Check built-ins
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( String ), "String Function(" + String + ")" );
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( Array ), "Array Function(" + Array + ")" );
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( Object ), "Object Function(" + Object + ")" );
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( Function ), "Function Function(" + Function + ")" );
- // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
- mystr = "function";
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( mystr ), "Function String" );
- // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
- myarr = [ "function" ];
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( myarr ), "Function Array" );
- // When stringified, this could be misinterpreted
- myfunction = { "function": "test" };
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( myfunction ), "Function Object" );
- // Make sure normal functions still work
- fn = function() {};
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( fn ), "Normal Function" );
- assert.notOk( jQuery.isFunction( Object.create( fn ) ), "custom Function subclass" );
- obj = document.createElement( "object" );
- // Some versions of Firefox and Chrome say this is a function
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( obj ), "Object Element" );
- // Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
- //assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction(obj.getAttribute), "getAttribute Function" );
- nodes = document.body.childNodes;
- // Safari says this is a function
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( nodes ), "childNodes Property" );
- first = document.body.firstChild;
- // Normal elements are reported ok everywhere
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( first ), "A normal DOM Element" );
- input = document.createElement( "input" );
- input.type = "text";
- document.body.appendChild( input );
- // Since 1.3, this isn't supported (#2968)
- //assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction(input.focus), "A default function property" );
- document.body.removeChild( input );
- a = document.createElement( "a" );
- a.href = "some-function";
- document.body.appendChild( a );
- // This serializes with the word 'function' in it
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isFunction( a ), "Anchor Element" );
- document.body.removeChild( a );
- // Recursive function calls have lengths and array-like properties
- function callme( callback ) {
- function fn( response ) {
- callback( response );
- }
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( fn ), "Recursive Function Call" );
- fn( { some: "data" } );
- }
- callme( function() {
- callme( function() {} );
- } );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "isFunction(cross-realm function)", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 1 );
- var iframe, doc,
- done = assert.async();
- // Functions from other windows should be matched
- Globals.register( "iframeDone" );
- window.iframeDone = function( fn, detail ) {
- window.iframeDone = undefined;
- assert.ok( jQuery.isFunction( fn ), "cross-realm function" +
- ( detail ? " - " + detail : "" ) );
- done();
- };
- iframe = jQuery( "#qunit-fixture" )[ 0 ].appendChild( document.createElement( "iframe" ) );
- doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
- doc.open();
- doc.write( "<body onload='window.parent.iframeDone( function() {} );'>" );
- doc.close();
-} );
- {
- GeneratorFunction: "function*() {}",
- AsyncFunction: "async function() {}"
- },
- function( subclass, source ) {
- var fn;
- try {
- fn = Function( "return " + source )();
- } catch ( e ) {}
- QUnit[ fn ? "test" : "skip" ]( "isFunction(" + subclass + ")",
- function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 1 );
- assert.equal( jQuery.isFunction( fn ), true, source );
- }
- );
- }
-QUnit[ typeof Symbol === "function" && Symbol.toStringTag ? "test" : "skip" ](
- "isFunction(custom @@toStringTag)",
- function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 2 );
- var obj = {},
- fn = function() {};
- obj[ Symbol.toStringTag ] = "Function";
- fn[ Symbol.toStringTag ] = "Object";
- assert.equal( jQuery.isFunction( obj ), false, "function-mimicking object" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.isFunction( fn ), true, "object-mimicking function" );
- }
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.isWindow", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 14 );
- assert.ok( jQuery.isWindow( window ), "window" );
- assert.ok( jQuery.isWindow( document.getElementsByTagName( "iframe" )[ 0 ].contentWindow ), "iframe.contentWindow" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow(), "empty" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( null ), "null" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( undefined ), "undefined" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( document ), "document" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( document.documentElement ), "documentElement" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( "" ), "string" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( 1 ), "number" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( true ), "boolean" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( {} ), "object" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( { setInterval: function() {} } ), "fake window" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( /window/ ), "regexp" );
- assert.ok( !jQuery.isWindow( function() {} ), "function" );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.camelCase()", function( assert ) {
- var tests = {
- "foo-bar": "fooBar",
- "foo-bar-baz": "fooBarBaz",
- "girl-u-want": "girlUWant",
- "the-4th-dimension": "the-4thDimension",
- "-o-tannenbaum": "OTannenbaum",
- "-moz-illa": "MozIlla",
- "-ms-take": "msTake"
- };
- assert.expect( 7 );
- jQuery.each( tests, function( key, val ) {
- assert.equal( jQuery.camelCase( key ), val, "Converts: " + key + " => " + val );
- } );
-} );
-QUnit.test( "jQuery.now", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 1 );
- assert.ok( typeof jQuery.now() === "number", "jQuery.now is a function" );
-} );
QUnit.test( "jQuery.proxy", function( assert ) {
assert.expect( 9 );
@@ -525,78 +164,3 @@ QUnit.test( "jQuery.proxy", function( assert ) {
cb = jQuery.proxy( fn, null, "arg1", "arg2" );
cb.call( thisObject, "arg3" );
} );
-QUnit.test( "isNumeric", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 43 );
- var t = jQuery.isNumeric,
- ToString = function( value ) {
- this.toString = function() {
- return String( value );
- };
- };
- assert.ok( t( "-10" ), "Negative integer string" );
- assert.ok( t( "0" ), "Zero string" );
- assert.ok( t( "5" ), "Positive integer string" );
- assert.ok( t( -16 ), "Negative integer number" );
- assert.ok( t( 0 ), "Zero integer number" );
- assert.ok( t( 32 ), "Positive integer number" );
- assert.ok( t( "-1.6" ), "Negative floating point string" );
- assert.ok( t( "4.536" ), "Positive floating point string" );
- assert.ok( t( -2.6 ), "Negative floating point number" );
- assert.ok( t( 3.1415 ), "Positive floating point number" );
- assert.ok( t( 1.5999999999999999 ), "Very precise floating point number" );
- assert.ok( t( 8e5 ), "Exponential notation" );
- assert.ok( t( "123e-2" ), "Exponential notation string" );
- assert.ok( t( "040" ), "Legacy octal integer literal string" );
- assert.ok( t( "0xFF" ), "Hexadecimal integer literal string (0x...)" );
- assert.ok( t( "0Xba" ), "Hexadecimal integer literal string (0X...)" );
- assert.ok( t( 0xFFF ), "Hexadecimal integer literal" );
- if ( +"0b1" === 1 ) {
- assert.ok( t( "0b111110" ), "Binary integer literal string (0b...)" );
- assert.ok( t( "0B111110" ), "Binary integer literal string (0B...)" );
- } else {
- assert.ok( true, "Browser does not support binary integer literal (0b...)" );
- assert.ok( true, "Browser does not support binary integer literal (0B...)" );
- }
- if ( +"0o1" === 1 ) {
- assert.ok( t( "0o76" ), "Octal integer literal string (0o...)" );
- assert.ok( t( "0O76" ), "Octal integer literal string (0O...)" );
- } else {
- assert.ok( true, "Browser does not support octal integer literal (0o...)" );
- assert.ok( true, "Browser does not support octal integer literal (0O...)" );
- }
- assert.equal( t( new ToString( "42" ) ), false, "Only limited to strings and numbers" );
- assert.equal( t( "" ), false, "Empty string" );
- assert.equal( t( " " ), false, "Whitespace characters string" );
- assert.equal( t( "\t\t" ), false, "Tab characters string" );
- assert.equal( t( "abcdefghijklm1234567890" ), false, "Alphanumeric character string" );
- assert.equal( t( "xabcdefx" ), false, "Non-numeric character string" );
- assert.equal( t( true ), false, "Boolean true literal" );
- assert.equal( t( false ), false, "Boolean false literal" );
- assert.equal( t( "bcfed5.2" ), false, "Number with preceding non-numeric characters" );
- assert.equal( t( "7.2acdgs" ), false, "Number with trailing non-numeric characters" );
- assert.equal( t( undefined ), false, "Undefined value" );
- assert.equal( t( null ), false, "Null value" );
- assert.equal( t( NaN ), false, "NaN value" );
- assert.equal( t( Infinity ), false, "Infinity primitive" );
- assert.equal( t( Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Positive Infinity" );
- assert.equal( t( Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ), false, "Negative Infinity" );
- assert.equal( t( new ToString( "Devo" ) ), false, "Custom .toString returning non-number" );
- assert.equal( t( {} ), false, "Empty object" );
- assert.equal( t( [] ), false, "Empty array" );
- assert.equal( t( [ 42 ] ), false, "Array with one number" );
- assert.equal( t( function() {} ), false, "Instance of a function" );
- assert.equal( t( new Date() ), false, "Instance of a Date" );
-} );
-QUnit[ typeof Symbol === "function" ? "test" : "skip" ]( "isNumeric(Symbol)", function( assert ) {
- assert.expect( 2 );
- assert.equal( jQuery.isNumeric( Symbol() ), false, "Symbol" );
- assert.equal( jQuery.isNumeric( Object( Symbol() ) ), false, "Symbol inside an object" );
-} );