You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

Drupal.gitignore 472B

  1. sites/default/files
  2. sites/default/private
  3. sites/default/settings.php
  4. cache/
  5. files/
  6. /README.txt
  7. /CHANGELOG.txt
  8. /COPYRIGHT.txt
  9. /INSTALL*.txt
  10. /LICENSE.txt
  11. /MAINTAINERS.txt
  12. /UPGRADE.txt
  13. robots.txt
  14. sites/all/README.txt
  15. sites/all/modules/README.txt
  16. sites/all/themes/README.txt
  17. .htaccess
  18. #for non core developer
  19. #only include "sites" folder without exclusions before
  20. cron.php
  21. index.php
  22. install.php
  23. update.php
  24. xmlrpc.php
  25. /includes
  26. /misc
  27. /modules
  28. /profiles
  29. /scripts
  30. /themes