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  1. [[themes]]
  2. == Themes
  3. ((("theme", id="term.themes", range="startofrange")))
  4. ((("CSS", id="term.themes-css", range="startofrange")))
  5. This chapter provides details about using and creating __themes__ that control
  6. the visual look of web applications. Themes are created using Sass, which is an
  7. extension of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or with plain CSS. We provide an
  8. introduction to CSS, especially concerning the styling of HTML by element
  9. classes.
  10. include::themes-overview.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  11. include::themes-css.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  12. include::themes-sass.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  13. include::themes-compiling.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  14. include::themes-creating.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  15. include::themes-eclipse.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  16. include::themes-valo.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  17. include::themes-fonticon.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  18. include::themes-fonts.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  19. include::themes-responsive.asciidoc[leveloffset=+2]
  20. (((range="endofrange", startref="term.themes")))
  21. (((range="endofrange", startref="term.themes-css")))