diff options
authorMaksim Sukharev <antreesy.web@gmail.com>2024-07-22 18:02:41 +0200
committerMaksim Sukharev <antreesy.web@gmail.com>2024-07-24 18:33:41 +0200
commit9ed5c96e3aed3d27966e06041a4e899a91d34b00 (patch)
parent09eb3075ea2c3aa46b86e6d32fc3e7557220cca7 (diff)
fix(files): validate input when creating file/directory
Signed-off-by: Maksim Sukharev <antreesy.web@gmail.com>
2 files changed, 67 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue
index 4b387071a4a..5411d8657b9 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/FileEntry/FileEntryName.vue
@@ -223,25 +223,22 @@ export default Vue.extend({
isFileNameValid(name) {
const trimmedName = name.trim()
+ const char = trimmedName.indexOf('/') !== -1
+ ? '/'
+ : forbiddenCharacters.find((char) => trimmedName.includes(char))
if (trimmedName === '.' || trimmedName === '..') {
throw new Error(t('files', '"{name}" is an invalid file name.', { name }))
} else if (trimmedName.length === 0) {
throw new Error(t('files', 'File name cannot be empty.'))
- } else if (trimmedName.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
- throw new Error(t('files', '"/" is not allowed inside a file name.'))
+ } else if (char) {
+ throw new Error(t('files', '"{char}" is not allowed inside a file name.', { char }))
} else if (trimmedName.match(OC.config.blacklist_files_regex)) {
throw new Error(t('files', '"{name}" is not an allowed filetype.', { name }))
} else if (this.checkIfNodeExists(name)) {
throw new Error(t('files', '{newName} already exists.', { newName: name }))
- const toCheck = trimmedName.split('')
- toCheck.forEach(char => {
- if (forbiddenCharacters.indexOf(char) !== -1) {
- throw new Error(this.t('files', '"{char}" is not allowed inside a file name.', { char }))
- }
- })
return true
checkIfNodeExists(name) {
diff --git a/apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue b/apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue
index 4087b58c607..46c39890dc9 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue
+++ b/apps/files/src/components/NewNodeDialog.vue
@@ -34,10 +34,12 @@
<form @submit.prevent="onCreate">
<NcTextField ref="input"
+ class="dialog__input"
- :value.sync="localDefaultName" />
+ :value.sync="localDefaultName"
+ @keyup="checkInputValidity" />
@@ -48,15 +50,19 @@ import type { PropType } from 'vue'
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n'
import { getUniqueName } from '@nextcloud/files'
+import { loadState } from '@nextcloud/initial-state'
import NcButton from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcButton.js'
import NcDialog from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcDialog.js'
import NcTextField from '@nextcloud/vue/dist/Components/NcTextField.js'
+import logger from '../logger.js'
interface ICanFocus {
focus: () => void
+const forbiddenCharacters = loadState<string[]>('files', 'forbiddenCharacters', [])
export default defineComponent({
name: 'NewNodeDialog',
components: {
@@ -161,6 +167,60 @@ export default defineComponent({
this.$emit('close', null)
+ /**
+ * Check if the file name is valid and update the
+ * input validity using browser's native validation.
+ * @param event the keyup event
+ */
+ checkInputValidity(event: KeyboardEvent) {
+ const input = event.target as HTMLInputElement
+ const newName = this.localDefaultName.trim?.() || ''
+ logger.debug('Checking input validity', { newName })
+ try {
+ this.isFileNameValid(newName)
+ input.setCustomValidity('')
+ input.title = ''
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof Error) {
+ input.setCustomValidity(e.message)
+ input.title = e.message
+ } else {
+ input.setCustomValidity(t('files', 'Invalid file name'))
+ }
+ } finally {
+ input.reportValidity()
+ }
+ },
+ isFileNameValid(name: string) {
+ const trimmedName = name.trim()
+ const char = trimmedName.indexOf('/') !== -1
+ ? '/'
+ : forbiddenCharacters.find((char) => trimmedName.includes(char))
+ if (trimmedName === '.' || trimmedName === '..') {
+ throw new Error(t('files', '"{name}" is an invalid file name.', { name }))
+ } else if (trimmedName.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(t('files', 'File name cannot be empty.'))
+ } else if (char) {
+ throw new Error(t('files', '"{char}" is not allowed inside a file name.', { char }))
+ } else if (trimmedName.match(window.OC.config.blacklist_files_regex)) {
+ throw new Error(t('files', '"{name}" is not an allowed filetype.', { name }))
+ }
+ return true
+ },
+<style lang="scss" scoped>
+.dialog__input {
+ :deep(input:invalid) {
+ // Show red border on invalid input
+ border-color: var(--color-error);
+ color: red;
+ }