diff options
authorDaniel Calviño Sánchez <danxuliu@gmail.com>2024-07-30 03:05:27 +0200
committerskjnldsv <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2024-09-04 09:46:17 +0200
commitbd4de5208d6e8fb052f9b36f0a3b2f2d66c7c8cd (patch)
parent8350aef72310160f8ab3b0798befb89acaad1874 (diff)
fix: Fix unmodified placeholder replacing the actual value when updating
When updating global storages and user storages a property is not updated by "StoragesService::updateStorage()" if the value matches the unmodified placeholder. However, userglobal storages are not updated through the "StoragesService"; as only the authentication mechanism is updated it is directly done with "saveBackendOptions()" in "IUserProvided" or "UserGlobalAuth". Due to this the unmodified placeholder value needs to be explicitly checked in those cases and replaced by the actual value (note that in this case it is not possible to just skip updating a specific property). Signed-off-by: Daniel Calviño Sánchez <danxuliu@gmail.com>
3 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserGlobalAuth.php b/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserGlobalAuth.php
index 4c277405b18..84f2c698f07 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserGlobalAuth.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserGlobalAuth.php
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace OCA\Files_External\Lib\Auth\Password;
use OCA\Files_External\Lib\Auth\AuthMechanism;
+use OCA\Files_External\Lib\DefinitionParameter;
use OCA\Files_External\Lib\InsufficientDataForMeaningfulAnswerException;
use OCA\Files_External\Lib\StorageConfig;
use OCA\Files_External\Service\BackendService;
@@ -41,6 +42,12 @@ class UserGlobalAuth extends AuthMechanism {
if (!isset($backendOptions['user']) && !isset($backendOptions['password'])) {
+ if ($backendOptions['password'] === DefinitionParameter::UNMODIFIED_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ $oldCredentials = $this->credentialsManager->retrieve($user->getUID(), self::CREDENTIALS_IDENTIFIER);
+ $backendOptions['password'] = $oldCredentials['password'];
+ }
// make sure we're not setting any unexpected keys
$credentials = [
'user' => $backendOptions['user'],
diff --git a/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserProvided.php b/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserProvided.php
index fe9fd357b89..a7c51d7353a 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserProvided.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/lib/Lib/Auth/Password/UserProvided.php
@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ class UserProvided extends AuthMechanism implements IUserProvided {
public function saveBackendOptions(IUser $user, $mountId, array $options) {
+ if ($options['password'] === DefinitionParameter::UNMODIFIED_PLACEHOLDER) {
+ $oldCredentials = $this->credentialsManager->retrieve($user->getUID(), $this->getCredentialsIdentifier($mountId));
+ $options['password'] = $oldCredentials['password'];
+ }
$this->credentialsManager->store($user->getUID(), $this->getCredentialsIdentifier($mountId), [
'user' => $options['user'], // explicitly copy the fields we want instead of just passing the entire $options array
'password' => $options['password'] // this way we prevent users from being able to modify any other field
diff --git a/build/integration/files_features/external-storage.feature b/build/integration/files_features/external-storage.feature
index 134b8c54c73..d313cfb3287 100644
--- a/build/integration/files_features/external-storage.feature
+++ b/build/integration/files_features/external-storage.feature
@@ -80,6 +80,22 @@ Feature: external-storage
Then fields of last external storage match with
| status | 0 |
+ Scenario: Save an external storage again with an unmodified password provided by user
+ Given Logging in using web as "admin"
+ And logged in user creates external global storage
+ | mountPoint | "ExternalStorageTest" |
+ | backend | "owncloud" |
+ | authMechanism | "password::userprovided" |
+ | backendOptions | {"host":"http://localhost:8080","secure":false} |
+ And fields of last external storage match with
+ | status | 2 |
+ And logged in user updates last external userglobal storage
+ | backendOptions | {"user":"admin","password":"admin"} |
+ When logged in user updates last external userglobal storage
+ | backendOptions | {"user":"admin","password":"__unmodified__"} |
+ Then fields of last external storage match with
+ | status | 0 |
Scenario: Save an external storage with global credentials provided by user
Given Logging in using web as "admin"
And logged in user creates external global storage
@@ -93,3 +109,19 @@ Feature: external-storage
| backendOptions | {"user":"admin","password":"admin"} |
Then fields of last external storage match with
| status | 0 |
+ Scenario: Save an external storage again with unmodified global credentials provided by user
+ Given Logging in using web as "admin"
+ And logged in user creates external global storage
+ | mountPoint | "ExternalStorageTest" |
+ | backend | "owncloud" |
+ | authMechanism | "password::global::user" |
+ | backendOptions | {"host":"http://localhost:8080","secure":false} |
+ And fields of last external storage match with
+ | status | 2 |
+ And logged in user updates last external userglobal storage
+ | backendOptions | {"user":"admin","password":"admin"} |
+ When logged in user updates last external userglobal storage
+ | backendOptions | {"user":"admin","password":"__unmodified__"} |
+ Then fields of last external storage match with
+ | status | 0 |