diff options
authorLukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch>2016-09-13 17:40:19 +0200
committerMorris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>2016-09-13 18:17:15 +0200
commitc0656fb4ef77cfa7f95912a97a8cef27180ec089 (patch)
parente89ce4a681ca540677fef846c961cc6df78e1d1d (diff)
Move Travis tests to DroneCI
Should give us some quicker test execution speed as we're not limited by Travis Explicitly invoke with "bash" Install instance already Use newest litmus container
4 files changed, 75 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/.drone.yml b/.drone.yml
index 90536976738..10c7813d3e6 100644
--- a/.drone.yml
+++ b/.drone.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,73 @@ pipeline:
TESTS: jsunit
+ check-autoloader:
+ image: nextcloudci/php7.0:php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - bash ./build/autoloaderchecker.sh
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: check-autoloader
+ app-check-code:
+ image: nextcloudci/php7.0:php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - ./occ app:check-code admin_audit
+ - ./occ app:check-code comments
+ - ./occ app:check-code federation
+ - ./occ app:check-code workflowengine
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: app-check-code
+ syntax-php5.6:
+ image: nextcloudci/php5.6:php5.6-2
+ commands:
+ - composer install
+ - ./lib/composer/bin/parallel-lint --exclude lib/composer/jakub-onderka/ --exclude 3rdparty/symfony/polyfill-php70/Resources/stubs/ --exclude 3rdparty/patchwork/utf8/src/Patchwork/Utf8/Bootup/ --exclude 3rdparty/paragonie/random_compat/lib/ --exclude lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php --exclude 3rdparty/composer/autoload_static.php .
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: syntax-php5.6
+ syntax-php7.0:
+ image: nextcloudci/php7.0:php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - composer install
+ - ./lib/composer/bin/parallel-lint --exclude lib/composer/jakub-onderka/ --exclude 3rdparty/symfony/polyfill-php70/Resources/stubs/ --exclude 3rdparty/patchwork/utf8/src/Patchwork/Utf8/Bootup/ --exclude 3rdparty/paragonie/random_compat/lib/ --exclude lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php --exclude 3rdparty/composer/autoload_static.php .
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: syntax-php7.0
+ litmus-v1:
+ image: nextcloudci/litmus-php7.0:litmus-php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - bash tests/travis/install.sh sqlite
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v1/script.sh
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: litmus-v1
+ litmus-v2:
+ image: nextcloudci/litmus-php7.0:litmus-php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - bash tests/travis/install.sh sqlite
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v2/script.sh
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: litmus-v2
+ caldavtester:
+ image: nextcloudci/litmus-php7.0:litmus-php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - bash tests/travis/install.sh sqlite
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/caldav/install.sh
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/caldav/script.sh
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: caldavtester
+ carddavtester:
+ image: nextcloudci/litmus-php7.0:litmus-php7.0-2
+ commands:
+ - bash tests/travis/install.sh sqlite
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/carddav/install.sh
+ - bash apps/dav/tests/travis/carddav/script.sh
+ when:
+ matrix:
+ TESTS: carddavtester
image: nextcloudci/php5.6:php5.6-2
@@ -89,6 +156,14 @@ matrix:
- TESTS: integration
- TESTS: jsunit
+ - TESTS: check-autoloader
+ - TESTS: app-check-code
+ - TESTS: syntax-php5.6
+ - TESTS: syntax-php7.0
+ - TESTS: litmus-v1
+ - TESTS: litmus-v2
+ - TESTS: caldavtester
+ - TESTS: carddavtester
PHP: 5.6
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ddcba167af1..00000000000
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-sudo: false
-language: php
- - 5.6
- global:
- - TEST_DAV=$(tests/travis/changed_app.sh dav)
- - TC=litmus-v2
- matrix:
- - DB=sqlite
- only:
- - master
- - /^stable\d+(\.\d+)?$/
- apt:
- packages:
- - realpath
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash tests/travis/before_install.sh $DB; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash tests/travis/install.sh $DB; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash apps/dav/tests/travis/$TC/install.sh; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TC' = 'syntax' ]; then composer install && lib/composer/bin/parallel-lint --exclude lib/composer/jakub-onderka/ --exclude 3rdparty/symfony/polyfill-php70/Resources/stubs/ --exclude 3rdparty/patchwork/utf8/src/Patchwork/Utf8/Bootup/ --exclude 3rdparty/paragonie/random_compat/lib/ --exclude lib/composer/composer/autoload_static.php --exclude 3rdparty/composer/autoload_static.php .; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TC' = 'app:check-code' ]; then ./occ app:check-code admin_audit; ./occ app:check-code comments; ./occ app:check-code federation; ./occ app:check-code workflowengine; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TC' = 'autoloader' ]; then bash build/autoloaderchecker.sh; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' != '1' ]; then echo \"Not testing DAV\"; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then echo \"Testing DAV\"; fi"
- - sh -c "if [ '$TEST_DAV' = '1' ]; then bash apps/dav/tests/travis/$TC/script.sh; fi"
- include:
- - php: 7.0
- env: TC=autoloader;TEST_DAV=0
- - php: 5.6
- env: DB=pgsql;TC=litmus-v1
- - php: 5.6
- env: DB=sqlite;TC=carddav
- - php: 5.6
- env: DB=sqlite;TC=caldav
- - php: 5.6
- env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
- - php: 7.0
- env: DB=sqlite;TC=syntax;TEST_DAV=0
- - php: 5.6
- env: DB=sqlite;TC=app:check-code;TEST_DAV=0
- fast_finish: true
diff --git a/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v1/install.sh b/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v1/install.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee2cb08d82..00000000000
--- a/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v1/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# compile litmus
-if [ ! -f /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz ]; then
- mkdir -p /tmp/litmus
- wget -O /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz http://www.webdav.org/neon/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz
- cd /tmp/litmus
- tar -xzf litmus-0.13.tar.gz
- cd /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13
- ./configure
- make
diff --git a/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v2/install.sh b/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v2/install.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ee2cb08d82..00000000000
--- a/apps/dav/tests/travis/litmus-v2/install.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# compile litmus
-if [ ! -f /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz ]; then
- mkdir -p /tmp/litmus
- wget -O /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz http://www.webdav.org/neon/litmus/litmus-0.13.tar.gz
- cd /tmp/litmus
- tar -xzf litmus-0.13.tar.gz
- cd /tmp/litmus/litmus-0.13
- ./configure
- make