path: root/lib/connector
diff options
authorFrank Karlitschek <frank@owncloud.org>2013-10-17 01:37:38 -0700
committerFrank Karlitschek <frank@owncloud.org>2013-10-17 01:37:38 -0700
commitd70a6c3f984be62ebbd2e8b5385de3d11a9aef06 (patch)
treeab0fbd22d7dcd5db43d11e2d4ded2065b5ba676b /lib/connector
parent810816916cb60633de06621f3338435bd6a2a19f (diff)
parentc2b6775efc185da8993443097ec602cc41bc1186 (diff)
Merge pull request #4935 from owncloud/webdav-depth-fix-master
WebDAV depth infinity support - the dirty way
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/connector')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/connector/sabre/server.php b/lib/connector/sabre/server.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41e8885917a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/connector/sabre/server.php
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ * ownCloud / SabreDAV
+ *
+ * @author Markus Goetz
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Rooftop Solutions. All rights reserved.
+ * @author Evert Pot (http://www.rooftopsolutions.nl/)
+ * @license http://code.google.com/p/sabredav/wiki/License Modified BSD License
+ */
+ * Class OC_Connector_Sabre_Server
+ *
+ * This class reimplements some methods from @see Sabre_DAV_Server.
+ *
+ * Basically we add handling of depth: infinity.
+ *
+ * The right way to handle this would have been to submit a patch to the upstream project
+ * and grab the corresponding version one merged.
+ *
+ * Due to time constrains and the limitations where we don't want to upgrade 3rdparty code in
+ * this stage of the release cycle we did choose this approach.
+ *
+ * For ownCloud 7 we will upgrade SabreDAV and submit the patch - if needed.
+ *
+ * @see Sabre_DAV_Server
+ */
+class OC_Connector_Sabre_Server extends Sabre_DAV_Server {
+ /**
+ * @see Sabre_DAV_Server
+ */
+ protected function httpPropfind($uri) {
+ // $xml = new Sabre_DAV_XMLReader(file_get_contents('php://input'));
+ $requestedProperties = $this->parsePropFindRequest($this->httpRequest->getBody(true));
+ $depth = $this->getHTTPDepth(1);
+ // The only two options for the depth of a propfind is 0 or 1
+ // if ($depth!=0) $depth = 1;
+ $newProperties = $this->getPropertiesForPath($uri,$requestedProperties,$depth);
+ // This is a multi-status response
+ $this->httpResponse->sendStatus(207);
+ $this->httpResponse->setHeader('Content-Type','application/xml; charset=utf-8');
+ $this->httpResponse->setHeader('Vary','Brief,Prefer');
+ // Normally this header is only needed for OPTIONS responses, however..
+ // iCal seems to also depend on these being set for PROPFIND. Since
+ // this is not harmful, we'll add it.
+ $features = array('1','3', 'extended-mkcol');
+ foreach($this->plugins as $plugin) {
+ $features = array_merge($features,$plugin->getFeatures());
+ }
+ $this->httpResponse->setHeader('DAV',implode(', ',$features));
+ $prefer = $this->getHTTPPrefer();
+ $minimal = $prefer['return-minimal'];
+ $data = $this->generateMultiStatus($newProperties, $minimal);
+ $this->httpResponse->sendBody($data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Small helper to support PROPFIND with DEPTH_INFINITY.
+ */
+ private function addPathNodesRecursively(&$nodes, $path) {
+ foreach($this->tree->getChildren($path) as $childNode) {
+ $nodes[$path . '/' . $childNode->getName()] = $childNode;
+ if ($childNode instanceof Sabre_DAV_ICollection)
+ $this->addPathNodesRecursively($nodes, $path . '/' . $childNode->getName());
+ }
+ }
+ public function getPropertiesForPath($path, $propertyNames = array(), $depth = 0) {
+ // if ($depth!=0) $depth = 1;
+ $path = rtrim($path,'/');
+ $returnPropertyList = array();
+ $parentNode = $this->tree->getNodeForPath($path);
+ $nodes = array(
+ $path => $parentNode
+ );
+ if ($depth==1 && $parentNode instanceof Sabre_DAV_ICollection) {
+ foreach($this->tree->getChildren($path) as $childNode)
+ $nodes[$path . '/' . $childNode->getName()] = $childNode;
+ } else if ($depth == self::DEPTH_INFINITY && $parentNode instanceof Sabre_DAV_ICollection) {
+ $this->addPathNodesRecursively($nodes, $path);
+ }
+ // If the propertyNames array is empty, it means all properties are requested.
+ // We shouldn't actually return everything we know though, and only return a
+ // sensible list.
+ $allProperties = count($propertyNames)==0;
+ foreach($nodes as $myPath=>$node) {
+ $currentPropertyNames = $propertyNames;
+ $newProperties = array(
+ '200' => array(),
+ '404' => array(),
+ );
+ if ($allProperties) {
+ // Default list of propertyNames, when all properties were requested.
+ $currentPropertyNames = array(
+ '{DAV:}getlastmodified',
+ '{DAV:}getcontentlength',
+ '{DAV:}resourcetype',
+ '{DAV:}quota-used-bytes',
+ '{DAV:}quota-available-bytes',
+ '{DAV:}getetag',
+ '{DAV:}getcontenttype',
+ );
+ }
+ // If the resourceType was not part of the list, we manually add it
+ // and mark it for removal. We need to know the resourcetype in order
+ // to make certain decisions about the entry.
+ // WebDAV dictates we should add a / and the end of href's for collections
+ $removeRT = false;
+ if (!in_array('{DAV:}resourcetype',$currentPropertyNames)) {
+ $currentPropertyNames[] = '{DAV:}resourcetype';
+ $removeRT = true;
+ }
+ $result = $this->broadcastEvent('beforeGetProperties',array($myPath, $node, &$currentPropertyNames, &$newProperties));
+ // If this method explicitly returned false, we must ignore this
+ // node as it is inaccessible.
+ if ($result===false) continue;
+ if (count($currentPropertyNames) > 0) {
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IProperties) {
+ $nodeProperties = $node->getProperties($currentPropertyNames);
+ // The getProperties method may give us too much,
+ // properties, in case the implementor was lazy.
+ //
+ // So as we loop through this list, we will only take the
+ // properties that were actually requested and discard the
+ // rest.
+ foreach($currentPropertyNames as $k=>$currentPropertyName) {
+ if (isset($nodeProperties[$currentPropertyName])) {
+ unset($currentPropertyNames[$k]);
+ $newProperties[200][$currentPropertyName] = $nodeProperties[$currentPropertyName];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach($currentPropertyNames as $prop) {
+ if (isset($newProperties[200][$prop])) continue;
+ switch($prop) {
+ case '{DAV:}getlastmodified' : if ($node->getLastModified()) $newProperties[200][$prop] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_GetLastModified($node->getLastModified()); break;
+ case '{DAV:}getcontentlength' :
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IFile) {
+ $size = $node->getSize();
+ if (!is_null($size)) {
+ $newProperties[200][$prop] = (int)$node->getSize();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{DAV:}quota-used-bytes' :
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IQuota) {
+ $quotaInfo = $node->getQuotaInfo();
+ $newProperties[200][$prop] = $quotaInfo[0];
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{DAV:}quota-available-bytes' :
+ if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IQuota) {
+ $quotaInfo = $node->getQuotaInfo();
+ $newProperties[200][$prop] = $quotaInfo[1];
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{DAV:}getetag' : if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IFile && $etag = $node->getETag()) $newProperties[200][$prop] = $etag; break;
+ case '{DAV:}getcontenttype' : if ($node instanceof Sabre_DAV_IFile && $ct = $node->getContentType()) $newProperties[200][$prop] = $ct; break;
+ case '{DAV:}supported-report-set' :
+ $reports = array();
+ foreach($this->plugins as $plugin) {
+ $reports = array_merge($reports, $plugin->getSupportedReportSet($myPath));
+ }
+ $newProperties[200][$prop] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_SupportedReportSet($reports);
+ break;
+ case '{DAV:}resourcetype' :
+ $newProperties[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype'] = new Sabre_DAV_Property_ResourceType();
+ foreach($this->resourceTypeMapping as $className => $resourceType) {
+ if ($node instanceof $className) $newProperties[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']->add($resourceType);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we were unable to find the property, we will list it as 404.
+ if (!$allProperties && !isset($newProperties[200][$prop])) $newProperties[404][$prop] = null;
+ }
+ $this->broadcastEvent('afterGetProperties',array(trim($myPath,'/'),&$newProperties, $node));
+ $newProperties['href'] = trim($myPath,'/');
+ // Its is a WebDAV recommendation to add a trailing slash to collectionnames.
+ // Apple's iCal also requires a trailing slash for principals (rfc 3744), though this is non-standard.
+ if ($myPath!='' && isset($newProperties[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype'])) {
+ $rt = $newProperties[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype'];
+ if ($rt->is('{DAV:}collection') || $rt->is('{DAV:}principal')) {
+ $newProperties['href'] .='/';
+ }
+ }
+ // If the resourcetype property was manually added to the requested property list,
+ // we will remove it again.
+ if ($removeRT) unset($newProperties[200]['{DAV:}resourcetype']);
+ $returnPropertyList[] = $newProperties;
+ }
+ return $returnPropertyList;
+ }