path: root/apps/dav/tests/unit/CardDAV/CardDavBackendTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dav/tests/unit/CardDAV/CardDavBackendTest.php')
1 files changed, 632 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dav/tests/unit/CardDAV/CardDavBackendTest.php b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CardDAV/CardDavBackendTest.php
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index 00000000000..7cae76ae62b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CardDAV/CardDavBackendTest.php
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+ * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@owncloud.com>
+ * @author Björn Schießle <schiessle@owncloud.com>
+ * @author Joas Schilling <nickvergessen@owncloud.com>
+ * @author Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
+ * @license AGPL-3.0
+ *
+ * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+ *
+ */
+namespace OCA\DAV\Tests\unit\CardDAV;
+use InvalidArgumentException;
+use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\AddressBook;
+use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend;
+use OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Principal;
+use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder;
+use OCP\IDBConnection;
+use Sabre\DAV\PropPatch;
+use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard;
+use Sabre\VObject\Property\Text;
+use Test\TestCase;
+ * Class CardDavBackendTest
+ *
+ * @group DB
+ *
+ * @package OCA\DAV\Tests\unit\CardDAV
+ */
+class CardDavBackendTest extends TestCase {
+ /** @var CardDavBackend */
+ private $backend;
+ /** @var Principal | \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
+ private $principal;
+ /** @var IDBConnection */
+ private $db;
+ /** @var string */
+ private $dbCardsTable = 'cards';
+ /** @var string */
+ private $dbCardsPropertiesTable = 'cards_properties';
+ const UNIT_TEST_USER = 'principals/users/carddav-unit-test';
+ const UNIT_TEST_USER1 = 'principals/users/carddav-unit-test1';
+ const UNIT_TEST_GROUP = 'principals/groups/carddav-unit-test-group';
+ public function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->principal = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Principal')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->setMethods(['getPrincipalByPath', 'getGroupMembership'])
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->principal->method('getPrincipalByPath')
+ ->willReturn([
+ 'uri' => 'principals/best-friend'
+ ]);
+ $this->principal->method('getGroupMembership')
+ ->withAnyParameters()
+ ->willReturn([self::UNIT_TEST_GROUP]);
+ $this->db = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection();
+ $this->backend = new CardDavBackend($this->db, $this->principal, null);
+ // start every test with a empty cards_properties and cards table
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->delete('cards_properties')->execute();
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->delete('cards')->execute();
+ $this->tearDown();
+ }
+ public function tearDown() {
+ parent::tearDown();
+ if (is_null($this->backend)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ foreach ($books as $book) {
+ $this->backend->deleteAddressBook($book['id']);
+ }
+ }
+ public function testAddressBookOperations() {
+ // create a new address book
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $this->assertEquals('Example', $books[0]['{DAV:}displayname']);
+ // update it's display name
+ $patch = new PropPatch([
+ '{DAV:}displayname' => 'Unit test',
+ '{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav}addressbook-description' => 'Addressbook used for unit testing'
+ ]);
+ $this->backend->updateAddressBook($books[0]['id'], $patch);
+ $patch->commit();
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $this->assertEquals('Unit test', $books[0]['{DAV:}displayname']);
+ $this->assertEquals('Addressbook used for unit testing', $books[0]['{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:carddav}addressbook-description']);
+ // delete the address book
+ $this->backend->deleteAddressBook($books[0]['id']);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($books));
+ }
+ public function testAddressBookSharing() {
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $addressBook = new AddressBook($this->backend, $books[0]);
+ $this->backend->updateShares($addressBook, [
+ [
+ 'href' => 'principal:' . self::UNIT_TEST_USER1,
+ ],
+ [
+ 'href' => 'principal:' . self::UNIT_TEST_GROUP,
+ ]
+ ], []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER1);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ // delete the address book
+ $this->backend->deleteAddressBook($books[0]['id']);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($books));
+ }
+ public function testCardOperations() {
+ /** @var CardDavBackend | \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject $backend */
+ $backend = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend')
+ ->setConstructorArgs([$this->db, $this->principal, null])
+ ->setMethods(['updateProperties', 'purgeProperties'])->getMock();
+ // create a new address book
+ $backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $bookId = $books[0]['id'];
+ $uri = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ // updateProperties is expected twice, once for createCard and once for updateCard
+ $backend->expects($this->at(0))->method('updateProperties')->with($bookId, $uri, '');
+ $backend->expects($this->at(1))->method('updateProperties')->with($bookId, $uri, '***');
+ // create a card
+ $backend->createCard($bookId, $uri, '');
+ // get all the cards
+ $cards = $backend->getCards($bookId);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($cards));
+ $this->assertEquals('', $cards[0]['carddata']);
+ // get the cards
+ $card = $backend->getCard($bookId, $uri);
+ $this->assertNotNull($card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('uri', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('lastmodified', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('etag', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('size', $card);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $card['carddata']);
+ // update the card
+ $backend->updateCard($bookId, $uri, '***');
+ $card = $backend->getCard($bookId, $uri);
+ $this->assertEquals('***', $card['carddata']);
+ // delete the card
+ $backend->expects($this->once())->method('purgeProperties')->with($bookId, $card['id']);
+ $backend->deleteCard($bookId, $uri);
+ $cards = $backend->getCards($bookId);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($cards));
+ }
+ public function testMultiCard() {
+ $this->backend = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend')
+ ->setConstructorArgs([$this->db, $this->principal, null])
+ ->setMethods(['updateProperties'])->getMock();
+ // create a new address book
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $bookId = $books[0]['id'];
+ // create a card
+ $uri0 = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ $this->backend->createCard($bookId, $uri0, '');
+ $uri1 = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ $this->backend->createCard($bookId, $uri1, '');
+ $uri2 = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ $this->backend->createCard($bookId, $uri2, '');
+ // get all the cards
+ $cards = $this->backend->getCards($bookId);
+ $this->assertEquals(3, count($cards));
+ $this->assertEquals('', $cards[0]['carddata']);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $cards[1]['carddata']);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $cards[2]['carddata']);
+ // get the cards
+ $cards = $this->backend->getMultipleCards($bookId, [$uri1, $uri2]);
+ $this->assertEquals(2, count($cards));
+ foreach($cards as $card) {
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('id', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('uri', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('lastmodified', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('etag', $card);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('size', $card);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $card['carddata']);
+ }
+ // delete the card
+ $this->backend->deleteCard($bookId, $uri0);
+ $this->backend->deleteCard($bookId, $uri1);
+ $this->backend->deleteCard($bookId, $uri2);
+ $cards = $this->backend->getCards($bookId);
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($cards));
+ }
+ public function testDeleteWithoutCard() {
+ $this->backend = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend')
+ ->setConstructorArgs([$this->db, $this->principal, null])
+ ->setMethods([
+ 'getCardId',
+ 'addChange',
+ 'purgeProperties',
+ 'updateProperties',
+ ])
+ ->getMock();
+ // create a new address book
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $bookId = $books[0]['id'];
+ $uri = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ // create a new address book
+ $this->backend->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getCardId')
+ ->with($bookId, $uri)
+ ->willThrowException(new \InvalidArgumentException());
+ $this->backend->expects($this->exactly(2))
+ ->method('addChange')
+ ->withConsecutive(
+ [$bookId, $uri, 1],
+ [$bookId, $uri, 3]
+ );
+ $this->backend->expects($this->never())
+ ->method('purgeProperties');
+ // create a card
+ $this->backend->createCard($bookId, $uri, '');
+ // delete the card
+ $this->assertTrue($this->backend->deleteCard($bookId, $uri));
+ }
+ public function testSyncSupport() {
+ $this->backend = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend')
+ ->setConstructorArgs([$this->db, $this->principal, null])
+ ->setMethods(['updateProperties'])->getMock();
+ // create a new address book
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $bookId = $books[0]['id'];
+ // fist call without synctoken
+ $changes = $this->backend->getChangesForAddressBook($bookId, '', 1);
+ $syncToken = $changes['syncToken'];
+ // add a change
+ $uri0 = $this->getUniqueID('card');
+ $this->backend->createCard($bookId, $uri0, '');
+ // look for changes
+ $changes = $this->backend->getChangesForAddressBook($bookId, $syncToken, 1);
+ $this->assertEquals($uri0, $changes['added'][0]);
+ }
+ public function testSharing() {
+ $this->backend->createAddressBook(self::UNIT_TEST_USER, 'Example', []);
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser(self::UNIT_TEST_USER);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $exampleBook = new AddressBook($this->backend, $books[0]);
+ $this->backend->updateShares($exampleBook, [['href' => 'principal:principals/best-friend']], []);
+ $shares = $this->backend->getShares($exampleBook->getResourceId());
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($shares));
+ // adding the same sharee again has no effect
+ $this->backend->updateShares($exampleBook, [['href' => 'principal:principals/best-friend']], []);
+ $shares = $this->backend->getShares($exampleBook->getResourceId());
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($shares));
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser('principals/best-friend');
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($books));
+ $this->backend->updateShares($exampleBook, [], ['principal:principals/best-friend']);
+ $shares = $this->backend->getShares($exampleBook->getResourceId());
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($shares));
+ $books = $this->backend->getAddressBooksForUser('principals/best-friend');
+ $this->assertEquals(0, count($books));
+ }
+ public function testUpdateProperties() {
+ $bookId = 42;
+ $cardUri = 'card-uri';
+ $cardId = 2;
+ $backend = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend')
+ ->setConstructorArgs([$this->db, $this->principal, null])
+ ->setMethods(['getCardId'])->getMock();
+ $backend->expects($this->any())->method('getCardId')->willReturn($cardId);
+ // add properties for new vCard
+ $vCard = new VCard();
+ $vCard->add(new Text($vCard, 'UID', $cardUri));
+ $vCard->add(new Text($vCard, 'FN', 'John Doe'));
+ $this->invokePrivate($backend, 'updateProperties', [$bookId, $cardUri, $vCard->serialize()]);
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $result = $query->select('*')->from('cards_properties')->execute()->fetchAll();
+ $this->assertSame(2, count($result));
+ $this->assertSame('UID', $result[0]['name']);
+ $this->assertSame($cardUri, $result[0]['value']);
+ $this->assertSame($bookId, (int)$result[0]['addressbookid']);
+ $this->assertSame($cardId, (int)$result[0]['cardid']);
+ $this->assertSame('FN', $result[1]['name']);
+ $this->assertSame('John Doe', $result[1]['value']);
+ $this->assertSame($bookId, (int)$result[1]['addressbookid']);
+ $this->assertSame($cardId, (int)$result[1]['cardid']);
+ // update properties for existing vCard
+ $vCard = new VCard();
+ $vCard->add(new Text($vCard, 'FN', 'John Doe'));
+ $this->invokePrivate($backend, 'updateProperties', [$bookId, $cardUri, $vCard->serialize()]);
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $result = $query->select('*')->from('cards_properties')->execute()->fetchAll();
+ $this->assertSame(1, count($result));
+ $this->assertSame('FN', $result[0]['name']);
+ $this->assertSame('John Doe', $result[0]['value']);
+ $this->assertSame($bookId, (int)$result[0]['addressbookid']);
+ $this->assertSame($cardId, (int)$result[0]['cardid']);
+ }
+ public function testPurgeProperties() {
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->insert('cards_properties')
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(1),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter(1),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('name1'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('value1'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->insert('cards_properties')
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(1),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter(2),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('name2'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('value2'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $this->invokePrivate($this->backend, 'purgeProperties', [1, 1]);
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $result = $query->select('*')->from('cards_properties')->execute()->fetchAll();
+ $this->assertSame(1, count($result));
+ $this->assertSame(1 ,(int)$result[0]['addressbookid']);
+ $this->assertSame(2 ,(int)$result[0]['cardid']);
+ }
+ public function testGetCardId() {
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->insert('cards')
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(1),
+ 'carddata' => $query->createNamedParameter(''),
+ 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter('uri'),
+ 'lastmodified' => $query->createNamedParameter(4738743),
+ 'etag' => $query->createNamedParameter('etag'),
+ 'size' => $query->createNamedParameter(120)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $id = $query->getLastInsertId();
+ $this->assertSame($id,
+ $this->invokePrivate($this->backend, 'getCardId', [1, 'uri']));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
+ */
+ public function testGetCardIdFailed() {
+ $this->invokePrivate($this->backend, 'getCardId', [1, 'uri']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataTestSearch
+ *
+ * @param string $pattern
+ * @param array $properties
+ * @param array $expected
+ */
+ public function testSearch($pattern, $properties, $expected) {
+ /** @var VCard $vCards */
+ $vCards = [];
+ $vCards[0] = new VCard();
+ $vCards[0]->add(new Text($vCards[0], 'UID', 'uid'));
+ $vCards[0]->add(new Text($vCards[0], 'FN', 'John Doe'));
+ $vCards[0]->add(new Text($vCards[0], 'CLOUD', 'john@owncloud.org'));
+ $vCards[1] = new VCard();
+ $vCards[1]->add(new Text($vCards[1], 'UID', 'uid'));
+ $vCards[1]->add(new Text($vCards[1], 'FN', 'John M. Doe'));
+ $vCardIds = [];
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ for($i=0; $i<2; $i++) {
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(0),
+ 'carddata' => $query->createNamedParameter($vCards[$i]->serialize(), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_LOB),
+ 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter('uri' . $i),
+ 'lastmodified' => $query->createNamedParameter(time()),
+ 'etag' => $query->createNamedParameter('etag' . $i),
+ 'size' => $query->createNamedParameter(120),
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $vCardIds[] = $query->getLastInsertId();
+ }
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(0),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter($vCardIds[0]),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('FN'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('John Doe'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(0),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter($vCardIds[0]),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('CLOUD'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('John@owncloud.org'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(0),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter($vCardIds[1]),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('FN'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('John M. Doe'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $result = $this->backend->search(0, $pattern, $properties);
+ // check result
+ $this->assertSame(count($expected), count($result));
+ $found = [];
+ foreach ($result as $r) {
+ foreach ($expected as $exp) {
+ if (strpos($r, $exp) > 0) {
+ $found[$exp] = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertSame(count($expected), count($found));
+ }
+ public function dataTestSearch() {
+ return [
+ ['John', ['FN'], ['John Doe', 'John M. Doe']],
+ ['M. Doe', ['FN'], ['John M. Doe']],
+ ['Do', ['FN'], ['John Doe', 'John M. Doe']],
+ 'check if duplicates are handled correctly' => ['John', ['FN', 'CLOUD'], ['John Doe', 'John M. Doe']],
+ 'case insensitive' => ['john', ['FN'], ['John Doe', 'John M. Doe']]
+ ];
+ }
+ public function testGetCardUri() {
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(1),
+ 'carddata' => $query->createNamedParameter('carddata', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_LOB),
+ 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter('uri'),
+ 'lastmodified' => $query->createNamedParameter(5489543),
+ 'etag' => $query->createNamedParameter('etag'),
+ 'size' => $query->createNamedParameter(120),
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ $id = $query->getLastInsertId();
+ $this->assertSame('uri', $this->backend->getCardUri($id));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
+ */
+ public function testGetCardUriFailed() {
+ $this->backend->getCardUri(1);
+ }
+ public function testGetContact() {
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ for($i=0; $i<2; $i++) {
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter($i),
+ 'carddata' => $query->createNamedParameter('carddata' . $i, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_LOB),
+ 'uri' => $query->createNamedParameter('uri' . $i),
+ 'lastmodified' => $query->createNamedParameter(5489543),
+ 'etag' => $query->createNamedParameter('etag' . $i),
+ 'size' => $query->createNamedParameter(120),
+ ]
+ );
+ $query->execute();
+ }
+ $result = $this->backend->getContact(0, 'uri0');
+ $this->assertSame(7, count($result));
+ $this->assertSame(0, (int)$result['addressbookid']);
+ $this->assertSame('uri0', $result['uri']);
+ $this->assertSame(5489543, (int)$result['lastmodified']);
+ $this->assertSame('etag0', $result['etag']);
+ $this->assertSame(120, (int)$result['size']);
+ }
+ public function testGetContactFail() {
+ $this->assertEmpty($this->backend->getContact(0, 'uri'));
+ }
+ public function testCollectCardProperties() {
+ $query = $this->db->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query->insert($this->dbCardsPropertiesTable)
+ ->values(
+ [
+ 'addressbookid' => $query->createNamedParameter(666),
+ 'cardid' => $query->createNamedParameter(777),
+ 'name' => $query->createNamedParameter('FN'),
+ 'value' => $query->createNamedParameter('John Doe'),
+ 'preferred' => $query->createNamedParameter(0)
+ ]
+ )
+ ->execute();
+ $result = $this->backend->collectCardProperties(666, 'FN');
+ $this->assertEquals(['John Doe'], $result);
+ }