path: root/inc/DB/msql.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'inc/DB/msql.php')
1 files changed, 810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/inc/DB/msql.php b/inc/DB/msql.php
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index 00000000000..b833595c602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/DB/msql.php
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * The PEAR DB driver for PHP's msql extension
+ * for interacting with Mini SQL databases
+ *
+ * PHP's mSQL extension did weird things with NULL values prior to PHP
+ * 4.3.11 and 5.0.4. Make sure your version of PHP meets or exceeds
+ * those versions.
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
+ * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
+ * If you did not receive a copy of
+ * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
+ * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Database
+ * @package DB
+ * @author Daniel Convissor <>
+ * @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @version CVS: $Id: msql.php,v 1.57 2005/02/22 07:26:46 danielc Exp $
+ * @link
+ */
+ * Obtain the DB_common class so it can be extended from
+ */
+require_once 'DB/common.php';
+ * The methods PEAR DB uses to interact with PHP's msql extension
+ * for interacting with Mini SQL databases
+ *
+ * These methods overload the ones declared in DB_common.
+ *
+ * PHP's mSQL extension did weird things with NULL values prior to PHP
+ * 4.3.11 and 5.0.4. Make sure your version of PHP meets or exceeds
+ * those versions.
+ *
+ * @category Database
+ * @package DB
+ * @author Daniel Convissor <>
+ * @copyright 1997-2005 The PHP Group
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @version Release: @package_version@
+ * @link
+ * @since Class not functional until Release 1.7.0
+ */
+class DB_msql extends DB_common
+ // {{{ properties
+ /**
+ * The DB driver type (mysql, oci8, odbc, etc.)
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $phptype = 'msql';
+ /**
+ * The database syntax variant to be used (db2, access, etc.), if any
+ * @var string
+ */
+ var $dbsyntax = 'msql';
+ /**
+ * The capabilities of this DB implementation
+ *
+ * The 'new_link' element contains the PHP version that first provided
+ * new_link support for this DBMS. Contains false if it's unsupported.
+ *
+ * Meaning of the 'limit' element:
+ * + 'emulate' = emulate with fetch row by number
+ * + 'alter' = alter the query
+ * + false = skip rows
+ *
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $features = array(
+ 'limit' => 'emulate',
+ 'new_link' => false,
+ 'numrows' => true,
+ 'pconnect' => true,
+ 'prepare' => false,
+ 'ssl' => false,
+ 'transactions' => false,
+ );
+ /**
+ * A mapping of native error codes to DB error codes
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $errorcode_map = array(
+ );
+ /**
+ * The raw database connection created by PHP
+ * @var resource
+ */
+ var $connection;
+ /**
+ * The DSN information for connecting to a database
+ * @var array
+ */
+ var $dsn = array();
+ /**
+ * The query result resource created by PHP
+ *
+ * Used to make affectedRows() work. Only contains the result for
+ * data manipulation queries. Contains false for other queries.
+ *
+ * @var resource
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_result;
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ constructor
+ /**
+ * This constructor calls <kbd>$this->DB_common()</kbd>
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function DB_msql()
+ {
+ $this->DB_common();
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ connect()
+ /**
+ * Connect to the database server, log in and open the database
+ *
+ * Don't call this method directly. Use DB::connect() instead.
+ *
+ * Example of how to connect:
+ * <code>
+ * require_once 'DB.php';
+ *
+ * // $dsn = 'msql://hostname/dbname'; // use a TCP connection
+ * $dsn = 'msql:///dbname'; // use a socket
+ * $options = array(
+ * 'portability' => DB_PORTABILITY_ALL,
+ * );
+ *
+ * $db =& DB::connect($dsn, $options);
+ * if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
+ * die($db->getMessage());
+ * }
+ * </code>
+ *
+ * @param array $dsn the data source name
+ * @param bool $persistent should the connection be persistent?
+ *
+ * @return int DB_OK on success. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ */
+ function connect($dsn, $persistent = false)
+ {
+ if (!PEAR::loadExtension('msql')) {
+ return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ $this->dsn = $dsn;
+ if ($dsn['dbsyntax']) {
+ $this->dbsyntax = $dsn['dbsyntax'];
+ }
+ $params = array();
+ if ($dsn['hostspec']) {
+ $params[] = $dsn['port']
+ ? $dsn['hostspec'] . ',' . $dsn['port']
+ : $dsn['hostspec'];
+ }
+ $connect_function = $persistent ? 'msql_pconnect' : 'msql_connect';
+ $ini = ini_get('track_errors');
+ $php_errormsg = '';
+ if ($ini) {
+ $this->connection = @call_user_func_array($connect_function,
+ $params);
+ } else {
+ ini_set('track_errors', 1);
+ $this->connection = @call_user_func_array($connect_function,
+ $params);
+ ini_set('track_errors', $ini);
+ }
+ if (!$this->connection) {
+ if (($err = @msql_error()) != '') {
+ return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED,
+ null, null, null,
+ $err);
+ } else {
+ return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_CONNECT_FAILED,
+ null, null, null,
+ $php_errormsg);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@msql_select_db($dsn['database'], $this->connection)) {
+ return $this->msqlRaiseError();
+ }
+ return DB_OK;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ disconnect()
+ /**
+ * Disconnects from the database server
+ *
+ * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
+ */
+ function disconnect()
+ {
+ $ret = @msql_close($this->connection);
+ $this->connection = null;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ simpleQuery()
+ /**
+ * Sends a query to the database server
+ *
+ * @param string the SQL query string
+ *
+ * @return mixed + a PHP result resrouce for successful SELECT queries
+ * + the DB_OK constant for other successful queries
+ * + a DB_Error object on failure
+ */
+ function simpleQuery($query)
+ {
+ $this->last_query = $query;
+ $query = $this->modifyQuery($query);
+ $result = @msql_query($query, $this->connection);
+ if (!$result) {
+ return $this->msqlRaiseError();
+ }
+ // Determine which queries that should return data, and which
+ // should return an error code only.
+ if (DB::isManip($query)) {
+ $this->_result = $result;
+ return DB_OK;
+ } else {
+ $this->_result = false;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ nextResult()
+ /**
+ * Move the internal msql result pointer to the next available result
+ *
+ * @param a valid fbsql result resource
+ *
+ * @access public
+ *
+ * @return true if a result is available otherwise return false
+ */
+ function nextResult($result)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ fetchInto()
+ /**
+ * Places a row from the result set into the given array
+ *
+ * Formating of the array and the data therein are configurable.
+ * See DB_result::fetchInto() for more information.
+ *
+ * This method is not meant to be called directly. Use
+ * DB_result::fetchInto() instead. It can't be declared "protected"
+ * because DB_result is a separate object.
+ *
+ * PHP's mSQL extension did weird things with NULL values prior to PHP
+ * 4.3.11 and 5.0.4. Make sure your version of PHP meets or exceeds
+ * those versions.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result the query result resource
+ * @param array $arr the referenced array to put the data in
+ * @param int $fetchmode how the resulting array should be indexed
+ * @param int $rownum the row number to fetch (0 = first row)
+ *
+ * @return mixed DB_OK on success, NULL when the end of a result set is
+ * reached or on failure
+ *
+ * @see DB_result::fetchInto()
+ */
+ function fetchInto($result, &$arr, $fetchmode, $rownum = null)
+ {
+ if ($rownum !== null) {
+ if (!@msql_data_seek($result, $rownum)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fetchmode & DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) {
+ $arr = @msql_fetch_array($result, MSQL_ASSOC);
+ if ($this->options['portability'] & DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE && $arr) {
+ $arr = array_change_key_case($arr, CASE_LOWER);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $arr = @msql_fetch_row($result);
+ }
+ if (!$arr) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ($this->options['portability'] & DB_PORTABILITY_RTRIM) {
+ $this->_rtrimArrayValues($arr);
+ }
+ if ($this->options['portability'] & DB_PORTABILITY_NULL_TO_EMPTY) {
+ $this->_convertNullArrayValuesToEmpty($arr);
+ }
+ return DB_OK;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ freeResult()
+ /**
+ * Deletes the result set and frees the memory occupied by the result set
+ *
+ * This method is not meant to be called directly. Use
+ * DB_result::free() instead. It can't be declared "protected"
+ * because DB_result is a separate object.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result PHP's query result resource
+ *
+ * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if $result is invalid
+ *
+ * @see DB_result::free()
+ */
+ function freeResult($result)
+ {
+ return @msql_free_result($result);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ numCols()
+ /**
+ * Gets the number of columns in a result set
+ *
+ * This method is not meant to be called directly. Use
+ * DB_result::numCols() instead. It can't be declared "protected"
+ * because DB_result is a separate object.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result PHP's query result resource
+ *
+ * @return int the number of columns. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_result::numCols()
+ */
+ function numCols($result)
+ {
+ $cols = @msql_num_fields($result);
+ if (!$cols) {
+ return $this->msqlRaiseError();
+ }
+ return $cols;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ numRows()
+ /**
+ * Gets the number of rows in a result set
+ *
+ * This method is not meant to be called directly. Use
+ * DB_result::numRows() instead. It can't be declared "protected"
+ * because DB_result is a separate object.
+ *
+ * @param resource $result PHP's query result resource
+ *
+ * @return int the number of rows. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_result::numRows()
+ */
+ function numRows($result)
+ {
+ $rows = @msql_num_rows($result);
+ if ($rows === false) {
+ return $this->msqlRaiseError();
+ }
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ affected()
+ /**
+ * Determines the number of rows affected by a data maniuplation query
+ *
+ * 0 is returned for queries that don't manipulate data.
+ *
+ * @return int the number of rows. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ */
+ function affectedRows()
+ {
+ if (!$this->_result) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return msql_affected_rows($this->_result);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ nextId()
+ /**
+ * Returns the next free id in a sequence
+ *
+ * @param string $seq_name name of the sequence
+ * @param boolean $ondemand when true, the seqence is automatically
+ * created if it does not exist
+ *
+ * @return int the next id number in the sequence.
+ * A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::nextID(), DB_common::getSequenceName(),
+ * DB_msql::createSequence(), DB_msql::dropSequence()
+ */
+ function nextId($seq_name, $ondemand = true)
+ {
+ $seqname = $this->getSequenceName($seq_name);
+ $repeat = false;
+ do {
+ $this->pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
+ $result =& $this->query("SELECT _seq FROM ${seqname}");
+ $this->popErrorHandling();
+ if ($ondemand && DB::isError($result) &&
+ $result->getCode() == DB_ERROR_NOSUCHTABLE) {
+ $repeat = true;
+ $this->pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN);
+ $result = $this->createSequence($seq_name);
+ $this->popErrorHandling();
+ if (DB::isError($result)) {
+ return $this->raiseError($result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $repeat = false;
+ }
+ } while ($repeat);
+ if (DB::isError($result)) {
+ return $this->raiseError($result);
+ }
+ $arr = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ORDERED);
+ $result->free();
+ return $arr[0];
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ createSequence()
+ /**
+ * Creates a new sequence
+ *
+ * Also creates a new table to associate the sequence with. Uses
+ * a separate table to ensure portability with other drivers.
+ *
+ * @param string $seq_name name of the new sequence
+ *
+ * @return int DB_OK on success. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::createSequence(), DB_common::getSequenceName(),
+ * DB_msql::nextID(), DB_msql::dropSequence()
+ */
+ function createSequence($seq_name)
+ {
+ $seqname = $this->getSequenceName($seq_name);
+ $res = $this->query('CREATE TABLE ' . $seqname
+ . ' (id INTEGER NOT NULL)');
+ if (DB::isError($res)) {
+ return $res;
+ }
+ $res = $this->query("CREATE SEQUENCE ON ${seqname}");
+ return $res;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ dropSequence()
+ /**
+ * Deletes a sequence
+ *
+ * @param string $seq_name name of the sequence to be deleted
+ *
+ * @return int DB_OK on success. A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::dropSequence(), DB_common::getSequenceName(),
+ * DB_msql::nextID(), DB_msql::createSequence()
+ */
+ function dropSequence($seq_name)
+ {
+ return $this->query('DROP TABLE ' . $this->getSequenceName($seq_name));
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ quoteIdentifier()
+ /**
+ * mSQL does not support delimited identifiers
+ *
+ * @param string $str the identifier name to be quoted
+ *
+ * @return object a DB_Error object
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::quoteIdentifier()
+ * @since Method available since Release 1.7.0
+ */
+ function quoteIdentifier($str)
+ {
+ return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ escapeSimple()
+ /**
+ * Escapes a string according to the current DBMS's standards
+ *
+ * @param string $str the string to be escaped
+ *
+ * @return string the escaped string
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::quoteSmart()
+ * @since Method available since Release 1.7.0
+ */
+ function escapeSimple($str)
+ {
+ return addslashes($str);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ msqlRaiseError()
+ /**
+ * Produces a DB_Error object regarding the current problem
+ *
+ * @param int $errno if the error is being manually raised pass a
+ * DB_ERROR* constant here. If this isn't passed
+ * the error information gathered from the DBMS.
+ *
+ * @return object the DB_Error object
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::raiseError(),
+ * DB_msql::errorNative(), DB_msql::errorCode()
+ */
+ function msqlRaiseError($errno = null)
+ {
+ $native = $this->errorNative();
+ if ($errno === null) {
+ $errno = $this->errorCode($native);
+ }
+ return $this->raiseError($errno, null, null, null, $native);
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ errorNative()
+ /**
+ * Gets the DBMS' native error message produced by the last query
+ *
+ * @return string the DBMS' error message
+ */
+ function errorNative()
+ {
+ return @msql_error();
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ errorCode()
+ /**
+ * Determines PEAR::DB error code from the database's text error message
+ *
+ * @param string $errormsg the error message returned from the database
+ *
+ * @return integer the error number from a DB_ERROR* constant
+ */
+ function errorCode($errormsg)
+ {
+ static $error_regexps;
+ if (!isset($error_regexps)) {
+ $error_regexps = array(
+ '/^Access to database denied/i'
+ '/^Bad index name/i'
+ '/^Bad order field/i'
+ '/^Bad type for comparison/i'
+ '/^Can\'t perform LIKE on/i'
+ '/^Can\'t use TEXT fields in LIKE comparison/i'
+ '/^Couldn\'t create temporary table/i'
+ '/^Error creating table file/i'
+ '/^Field .* cannot be null$/i'
+ '/^Index (field|condition) .* cannot be null$/i'
+ '/^Invalid date format/i'
+ '/^Invalid time format/i'
+ '/^Literal value for .* is wrong type$/i'
+ '/^No Database Selected/i'
+ '/^No value specified for field/i'
+ '/^Non unique value for unique index/i'
+ '/^Out of memory for temporary table/i'
+ '/^Permission denied/i'
+ '/^Reference to un-selected table/i'
+ '/^syntax error/i'
+ '/^Table .* exists$/i'
+ '/^Unknown database/i'
+ '/^Unknown field/i'
+ '/^Unknown (index|system variable)/i'
+ '/^Unknown table/i'
+ '/^Unqualified field/i'
+ );
+ }
+ foreach ($error_regexps as $regexp => $code) {
+ if (preg_match($regexp, $errormsg)) {
+ return $code;
+ }
+ }
+ return DB_ERROR;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ tableInfo()
+ /**
+ * Returns information about a table or a result set
+ *
+ * @param object|string $result DB_result object from a query or a
+ * string containing the name of a table.
+ * While this also accepts a query result
+ * resource identifier, this behavior is
+ * deprecated.
+ * @param int $mode a valid tableInfo mode
+ *
+ * @return array an associative array with the information requested.
+ * A DB_Error object on failure.
+ *
+ * @see DB_common::setOption()
+ */
+ function tableInfo($result, $mode = null)
+ {
+ if (is_string($result)) {
+ /*
+ * Probably received a table name.
+ * Create a result resource identifier.
+ */
+ $id = @msql_query("SELECT * FROM $result",
+ $this->connection);
+ $got_string = true;
+ } elseif (isset($result->result)) {
+ /*
+ * Probably received a result object.
+ * Extract the result resource identifier.
+ */
+ $id = $result->result;
+ $got_string = false;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Probably received a result resource identifier.
+ * Copy it.
+ * Deprecated. Here for compatibility only.
+ */
+ $id = $result;
+ $got_string = false;
+ }
+ if (!is_resource($id)) {
+ return $this->raiseError(DB_ERROR_NEED_MORE_DATA);
+ }
+ if ($this->options['portability'] & DB_PORTABILITY_LOWERCASE) {
+ $case_func = 'strtolower';
+ } else {
+ $case_func = 'strval';
+ }
+ $count = @msql_num_fields($id);
+ $res = array();
+ if ($mode) {
+ $res['num_fields'] = $count;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
+ $tmp = @msql_fetch_field($id);
+ $flags = '';
+ if ($tmp->not_null) {
+ $flags .= 'not_null ';
+ }
+ if ($tmp->unique) {
+ $flags .= 'unique_key ';
+ }
+ $flags = trim($flags);
+ $res[$i] = array(
+ 'table' => $case_func($tmp->table),
+ 'name' => $case_func($tmp->name),
+ 'type' => $tmp->type,
+ 'len' => msql_field_len($id, $i),
+ 'flags' => $flags,
+ );
+ if ($mode & DB_TABLEINFO_ORDER) {
+ $res['order'][$res[$i]['name']] = $i;
+ }
+ $res['ordertable'][$res[$i]['table']][$res[$i]['name']] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ // free the result only if we were called on a table
+ if ($got_string) {
+ @msql_free_result($id);
+ }
+ return $res;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ getSpecialQuery()
+ /**
+ * Obtain a list of a given type of objects
+ *
+ * @param string $type the kind of objects you want to retrieve
+ *
+ * @return array the array containing the list of objects requested
+ *
+ * @access protected
+ * @see DB_common::getListOf()
+ */
+ function getSpecialQuery($type)
+ {
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'databases':
+ $id = @msql_list_dbs($this->connection);
+ break;
+ case 'tables':
+ $id = @msql_list_tables($this->dsn['database'],
+ $this->connection);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!$id) {
+ return $this->msqlRaiseError();
+ }
+ $out = array();
+ while ($row = @msql_fetch_row($id)) {
+ $out[] = $row[0];
+ }
+ return $out;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ * Local variables:
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * End:
+ */