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authorRainer Klute <klute@apache.org>2003-02-02 20:28:45 +0000
committerRainer Klute <klute@apache.org>2003-02-02 20:28:45 +0000
commit9b34b0ded0dd6810ed92aebe7c9af1b7781e1f8c (patch)
parentc8a9aefd35b3e83c4d5e05f822bbf1444c472f06 (diff)
More HPSF documentation
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jakarta/poi/trunk@352999 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
2 files changed, 166 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/how-to.xml b/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/how-to.xml
index ec88ddcfed..8098acb15f 100644
--- a/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/how-to.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/how-to.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
<!-- $Id$ -->
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ for (Iterator i = sections.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
/* Print a single section: */
Section sec = (Section) i.next();
- // ...
+ // See below for the complete loop body.
<p>The <code>PropertySet</code>'s method <code>getSectionCount()</code>
@@ -446,7 +446,171 @@ for (Iterator i = sections.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
method. This method returns a <code>java.util.List</code> containing
instances of the <code>Section</code> class in their proper order.</p>
+ <p>The sample code shows a loop that retrieves the <code>Section</code>
+ objects one by one and prints some information about each one. Here is the
+ complete body of the loop:</p>
+ <source>/* Print a single section: */
+Section sec = (Section) i.next();
+out(" Section " + nr++ + ":");
+String s = hex(sec.getFormatID().getBytes());
+s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
+out(" Format ID: " + s);
+/* Print the number of properties in this section. */
+int propertyCount = sec.getPropertyCount();
+out(" No. of properties: " + propertyCount);
+/* Print the properties: */
+Property[] properties = sec.getProperties();
+for (int i2 = 0; i2 &lt; properties.length; i2++)
+ /* Print a single property: */
+ Property p = properties[i2];
+ int id = p.getID();
+ long type = p.getType();
+ Object value = p.getValue();
+ out(" Property ID: " + id + ", type: " + type +
+ ", value: " + value);
+ <p>The first method called on the <code>Section</code> instance is
+ <code>getFormatID()</code>. As explained above, the format ID of the first
+ section in a property set determines the type of the property set. Its
+ type is <code>ClassID</code> which is essentially a sequence of 16
+ bytes. A real application using its own type of a custom property set
+ should have defined a unique format ID and, when reading a property set
+ stream, should check the format ID is equal to that unique format ID. The
+ sample program just prints the format ID it finds in a section:</p>
+ <source>String s = hex(sec.getFormatID().getBytes());
+s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1);
+out(" Format ID: " + s);</source>
+ <p>As you can see, the <code>getFormatID()</code> method returns a
+ <code>ClassID</code> object. An array containing the bytes can be
+ retrieved with <code>ClassID.getBytes()</code>. In order to get a nicely
+ formatted printout, the sample program uses the <code>hex()</code> helper
+ method which in turn uses the POI utility class <code>HexDump</code> in
+ the <code>org.apache.poi.util</code> package. Another helper method is
+ <code>out()</code> which just saves typing
+ <code>System.out.println()</code>.</p>
+ <p>Before getting the properties, it is possible to find out how many
+ properties are available in the section via the
+ <code>Section.getPropertyCount()</code>. The sample application uses this
+ method to print the number of properties to the standard output:</p>
+ <source>int propertyCount = sec.getPropertyCount();
+out(" No. of properties: " + propertyCount);</source>
+ <p>Now its time to get to the properties themselves. You can retrieve a
+ section's properties with the method
+ <code>Section.getProperties()</code>:</p>
+ <source>Property[] properties = sec.getProperties();</source>
+ <p>As you can see the result is an array of <code>Property</code>
+ objects. This class has three methods to retrieve a property's ID, its
+ type, and its value. The following code snippet shows how to call
+ them:</p>
+ <source>for (int i2 = 0; i2 &lt; properties.length; i2++)
+ /* Print a single property: */
+ Property p = properties[i2];
+ int id = p.getID();
+ long type = p.getType();
+ Object value = p.getValue();
+ out(" Property ID: " + id + ", type: " + type +
+ ", value: " + value);
+ <p>The output of the sample program might look like the following. It shows
+ the summary information and the document summary information property sets
+ of a Microsoft Word document. However, unlike the first and second section
+ of this HOW-TO the application does not have any code which is specific to
+ the <code>SummaryInformation</code> and
+ <code>DocumentSummaryInformation</code> classes.</p>
+ <source>Property set stream "/SummaryInformation":
+ No. of sections: 1
+ Section 0:
+ Format ID: 00000000 F2 9F 85 E0 4F F9 10 68 AB 91 08 00 2B 27 B3 D9 ....O..h....+'..
+ No. of properties: 17
+ Property ID: 1, type: 2, value: 1252
+ Property ID: 2, type: 30, value: Titel
+ Property ID: 3, type: 30, value: Thema
+ Property ID: 4, type: 30, value: Rainer Klute (Autor)
+ Property ID: 5, type: 30, value: Test (Stichwörter)
+ Property ID: 6, type: 30, value: This is a document for testing HPSF
+ Property ID: 7, type: 30, value: Normal.dot
+ Property ID: 8, type: 30, value: Unknown User
+ Property ID: 9, type: 30, value: 3
+ Property ID: 18, type: 30, value: Microsoft Word 9.0
+ Property ID: 12, type: 64, value: Mon Jan 01 00:59:25 CET 1601
+ Property ID: 13, type: 64, value: Thu Jul 18 16:22:00 CEST 2002
+ Property ID: 14, type: 3, value: 1
+ Property ID: 15, type: 3, value: 20
+ Property ID: 16, type: 3, value: 93
+ Property ID: 19, type: 3, value: 0
+ Property ID: 17, type: 71, value: [B@13582d
+Property set stream "/DocumentSummaryInformation":
+ No. of sections: 2
+ Section 0:
+ Format ID: 00000000 D5 CD D5 02 2E 9C 10 1B 93 97 08 00 2B 2C F9 AE ............+,..
+ No. of properties: 14
+ Property ID: 1, type: 2, value: 1252
+ Property ID: 2, type: 30, value: Test
+ Property ID: 14, type: 30, value: Rainer Klute (Manager)
+ Property ID: 15, type: 30, value: Rainer Klute IT-Consulting GmbH
+ Property ID: 5, type: 3, value: 3
+ Property ID: 6, type: 3, value: 2
+ Property ID: 17, type: 3, value: 111
+ Property ID: 23, type: 3, value: 592636
+ Property ID: 11, type: 11, value: false
+ Property ID: 16, type: 11, value: false
+ Property ID: 19, type: 11, value: false
+ Property ID: 22, type: 11, value: false
+ Property ID: 13, type: 4126, value: [B@56a499
+ Property ID: 12, type: 4108, value: [B@506411
+ Section 1:
+ Format ID: 00000000 D5 CD D5 05 2E 9C 10 1B 93 97 08 00 2B 2C F9 AE ............+,..
+ No. of properties: 7
+ Property ID: 0, type: 0, value: {6=Test-JaNein, 5=Test-Zahl, 4=Test-Datum, 3=Test-Text, 2=_PID_LINKBASE}
+ Property ID: 1, type: 2, value: 1252
+ Property ID: 2, type: 65, value: [B@c9ba38
+ Property ID: 3, type: 30, value: This is some text.
+ Property ID: 4, type: 64, value: Wed Jul 17 00:00:00 CEST 2002
+ Property ID: 5, type: 3, value: 27
+ Property ID: 6, type: 11, value: true
+No property set stream: "/WordDocument"
+No property set stream: "/CompObj"
+No property set stream: "/1Table"</source>
+ <p>There are some interestion items to note:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The first property set (summary information) consists of a single
+ section, the second property set (document summary information) consists
+ of two sections.</li>
+ <li>Each section type (identified by its format ID) has its own domain of
+ property ID. For example, in the second property set the properties with
+ ID 2 have different meanings in the two section. By the way, the format
+ IDs of these sections are <strong>not</strong> equal, but you have to
+ look hard to find the difference.</li>
+ <li>The properties are not in any particular order in the section,
+ although they slightly tend to be sorted by their IDs.</li>
+ </ul>
<note>[To be continued.]</note>
+ <note>A last note: There are still some aspects of HSPF left which are not
+ documented in this HOW-TO. You should dig into the Javadoc API
+ documentation to learn further details. Since you struggled through this
+ document up to this point, you are well prepared.</note>
diff --git a/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/todo.xml b/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/todo.xml
index 89f820aff0..a77ce8126f 100644
--- a/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/todo.xml
+++ b/src/documentation/xdocs/hpsf/todo.xml
@@ -16,12 +16,6 @@
- <p>Complete writing the HPSF documentation.</p>
- </li>
- <li>
- <p>Write up some junit tests.</p>
- </li>
- <li>
<p>Add writing capability for property sets.</p>