diff options
authorPaolo Mottadelli <paolo@apache.org>2008-04-09 20:58:33 +0000
committerPaolo Mottadelli <paolo@apache.org>2008-04-09 20:58:33 +0000
commitb2c4fe5177a7bc91b03c2ce853b81b795f255b10 (patch)
parent94f623706efbc315fb6950e31a1abb2a98804f30 (diff)
build.xml reverted to revision 646405 (not to be committed in 646527)
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/branches/ooxml@646530 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 6d39cff448..a78835238e 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ under the License.
description="JDK version of generated class files, when built on JDK 1.4"/>
- <!-- normally use the jdk 1.5 stuff -->
+ <!-- normally use the jdk 1.5 stuff -->
<path id="main.classpath">
<pathelement location="${main.jar1.dir}"/>
<pathelement location="${main.jar2.dir}"/>
@@ -202,7 +202,6 @@ under the License.
<path id="scratchpad.classpath">
<path refid="main.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${main.output.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.dir}"/>
<path id="contrib.classpath">
@@ -222,8 +221,8 @@ under the License.
<path refid="main.classpath"/>
<path refid="scratchpad.classpath"/>
<fileset dir="${ooxml.lib}">
- <include name="*.jar" />
- </fileset>
+ <include name="*.jar" />
+ </fileset>
<path id="test.classpath">
@@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ under the License.
<path id="test.ooxml.classpath">
<path refid="ooxml.classpath"/>
- <path refid="scratchpad.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${ooxml.output.dir}"/>
<pathelement location="${ooxml.output.test.dir}"/>
<pathelement location="${main.output.test.dir}"/> <!-- ooxml tests use some utilities from main tests -->
@@ -270,7 +268,7 @@ under the License.
-Ddisconnected="true": Do not execute any targets that require an online
connection to the Internet.
-Dtestcase=org.apache.poi.xxx.xxx : for the single-test target, specify
- the test to run
+ the test to run
-Dfilename=xxxx.xls : for the command line task targets, specify the
file to run against
@@ -382,7 +380,7 @@ under the License.
<get src="${ooxml.jar6.url}" dest="${ooxml.jar6.dir}"/>
- <target name="check-ooxml-xsds">
+ <target name="check-ooxml-xsds">
<condition property="ooxml-xsds.present">
@@ -391,17 +389,17 @@ under the License.
<isset property="disconnected"/>
- </target>
+ </target>
<target name="fetch-ooxml-xsds" unless="ooxml-xsds.present"
description="Fetches needed OOXML xsd files from the Internet">
<get src="${ooxml.xsds.url}" dest="${ooxml.xsds.ozip}"/>
- <unzip src="${ooxml.xsds.ozip}" dest="${ooxml.lib}">
- <patternset>
- <include name="OfficeOpenXML-XMLSchema.zip" />
- </patternset>
- </unzip>
- </target>
- <target name="check-compiled-ooxml-xsds">
+ <unzip src="${ooxml.xsds.ozip}" dest="${ooxml.lib}">
+ <patternset>
+ <include name="OfficeOpenXML-XMLSchema.zip" />
+ </patternset>
+ </unzip>
+ </target>
+ <target name="check-compiled-ooxml-xsds">
<condition property="ooxml-compiled-xsds.present">
@@ -410,30 +408,30 @@ under the License.
<isset property="disconnected"/>
- </target>
- <target name="compile-ooxml-xsds" unless="ooxml-compiled-xsds.present"
- depends="check-jars,fetch-jars,check-ooxml-xsds,fetch-ooxml-xsds,check-compiled-ooxml-xsds"
- description="Unpacks the OOXML xsd files, and compiles them into XmlBeans">
- <taskdef name="xmlbean"
- classname="org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.XMLBean"
- classpath="${ooxml.jar2.dir}:${ooxml.jar3.dir}:${ooxml.jar4.dir}:${ooxml.jar4.dir}:${ooxml.jar5.dir}" />
- <unzip src="${ooxml.xsds.izip}" dest="build/ooxml-xsds/" />
- <!--
- schema="build/ooxml-xsds/"
- schema="build/ooxml-xsds/sml-workbook.xsd"
- -->
- <xmlbean
- schema="build/ooxml-xsds/"
- destfile="${ooxml.xsds.jar}"
- javasource="1.4"
- failonerror="true"
- fork="true"
- memoryMaximumSize="512m"
- >
- <classpath refid="ooxml.classpath"/>
- </xmlbean>
- </target>
+ </target>
+ <target name="compile-ooxml-xsds" unless="ooxml-compiled-xsds.present"
+ depends="check-jars,fetch-jars,check-ooxml-xsds,fetch-ooxml-xsds,check-compiled-ooxml-xsds"
+ description="Unpacks the OOXML xsd files, and compiles them into XmlBeans">
+ <taskdef name="xmlbean"
+ classname="org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.tool.XMLBean"
+ classpath="${ooxml.jar2.dir}:${ooxml.jar3.dir}:${ooxml.jar4.dir}:${ooxml.jar4.dir}:${ooxml.jar5.dir}" />
+ <unzip src="${ooxml.xsds.izip}" dest="build/ooxml-xsds/" />
+ <!--
+ schema="build/ooxml-xsds/"
+ schema="build/ooxml-xsds/sml-workbook.xsd"
+ -->
+ <xmlbean
+ schema="build/ooxml-xsds/"
+ destfile="${ooxml.xsds.jar}"
+ javasource="1.4"
+ failonerror="true"
+ fork="true"
+ memoryMaximumSize="512m"
+ >
+ <classpath refid="ooxml.classpath"/>
+ </xmlbean>
+ </target>
<target name="compile" depends="init, compile-main, compile-main-14,
compile-scratchpad, compile-contrib, compile-examples"
@@ -488,22 +486,22 @@ under the License.
- <!-- Copy HSLF Resources over -->
- <property name="hslf.data" value="org/apache/poi/hslf/data" />
- <mkdir dir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hslf.data}" />
- <copy todir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hslf.data}">
- <fileset dir="${scratchpad.src}/${hslf.data}">
- <include name="*.ppt" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
- <!-- Copy HDGF Resources over -->
- <property name="hdgf.chunks" value="org/apache/poi/hdgf/chunks" />
- <copy todir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hdgf.chunks}">
- <fileset dir="${scratchpad.src}/${hdgf.chunks}">
- <include name="*.tbl" />
- </fileset>
- </copy>
+ <!-- Copy HSLF Resources over -->
+ <property name="hslf.data" value="org/apache/poi/hslf/data" />
+ <mkdir dir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hslf.data}" />
+ <copy todir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hslf.data}">
+ <fileset dir="${scratchpad.src}/${hslf.data}">
+ <include name="*.ppt" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- Copy HDGF Resources over -->
+ <property name="hdgf.chunks" value="org/apache/poi/hdgf/chunks" />
+ <copy todir="${scratchpad.output.dir}/${hdgf.chunks}">
+ <fileset dir="${scratchpad.src}/${hdgf.chunks}">
+ <include name="*.tbl" />
+ </fileset>
+ </copy>
<target name="compile-contrib" depends="init">
@@ -537,7 +535,7 @@ under the License.
<target name="compile-ooxml" depends="init, check-ooxml-xsds, fetch-ooxml-xsds, compile-ooxml-xsds, compile-main">
- <!-- openxml4j requires java 1.5, so so must we, for now -->
+ <!-- openxml4j requires java 1.5, so so must we, for now -->
<javac target="1.5" source="1.5"
destdir="${ooxml.output.dir}" debug="on" srcdir="${ooxml.src}">
<classpath refid="ooxml.classpath"/>
@@ -555,7 +553,7 @@ under the License.
- <target name="test" depends="test-main,test-scratchpad,test-contrib,test-ooxml"
+ <target name="test" depends="test-main,test-scratchpad,test-contrib"
description="Tests main, contrib and scratchpad"/>
<target name="-test-main-check">
@@ -587,8 +585,6 @@ under the License.
<exclude name="**/All*Tests.java"/>
<exclude name="**/TestUnfixedBugs.java"/>
<exclude name="**/TestcaseRecordInputStream.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/TestRawDataBlock.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/TestRawDataBlockList.java"/>
@@ -652,7 +648,7 @@ under the License.
<target name="debug-test" depends="-test-property-check,compile-main" description="Runs a single test case specified with -Dtestcase=classname with remote debug options turned on." >
- <echo>Waiting for debugger on port 5001</echo>
+ <echo>Waiting for debugger on port 5001</echo>
<junit printsummary="no" showoutput="true" filtertrace="no" fork="yes" haltonfailure="${halt.on.test.failure}" failureproperty="main.test.failed">
<jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=5001,server=y,suspend=y"/>
@@ -716,30 +712,30 @@ under the License.
<echo file="${scratchpad.testokfile}" append="false" message="testok"/>
- <target name="single-scratchpad-test" depends="compile-scratchpad,-test-property-check" description="Runs a single test case specified with -Dtestcase=classname">
- <junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="true" filtertrace="no" haltonfailure="false" >
- <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
- <classpath>
- <path refid="scratchpad.classpath"/>
- <pathelement location="${main.output.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.test.dir}"/>
- <pathelement location="${junit.jar1.dir}"/>
- </classpath>
+ <target name="single-scratchpad-test" depends="compile-scratchpad,-test-property-check" description="Runs a single test case specified with -Dtestcase=classname">
+ <junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="true" filtertrace="no" haltonfailure="false" >
+ <classpath refid="test.classpath"/>
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="scratchpad.classpath"/>
+ <pathelement location="${main.output.dir}"/>
+ <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.dir}"/>
+ <pathelement location="${scratchpad.output.test.dir}"/>
+ <pathelement location="${junit.jar1.dir}"/>
+ </classpath>
<sysproperty key="HSSF.testdata.path" file="${main.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hssf/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="HPSF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hpsf/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="HWPF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hwpf/data"/>
+ <sysproperty key="HPSF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hpsf/data"/>
+ <sysproperty key="HWPF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hwpf/data"/>
<sysproperty key="HSLF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hslf/data"/>
<sysproperty key="HSMF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hsmf/data"/>
<sysproperty key="HDGF.testdata.path" file="${scratchpad.src.test}/org/apache/poi/hdgf/data"/>
- <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
- <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
- <formatter type="plain" usefile="no"/>
- <formatter type="xml"/>
- <test name="${testcase}"/>
- </junit>
- </target>
+ <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
+ <sysproperty key="java.awt.headless" value="true"/>
+ <formatter type="plain" usefile="no"/>
+ <formatter type="xml"/>
+ <test name="${testcase}"/>
+ </junit>
+ </target>
<target name="-test-contrib-check">
<uptodate property="contrib.test.notRequired" targetfile="${contrib.testokfile}">
<srcfiles dir="${contrib.src}"/>
@@ -796,7 +792,6 @@ under the License.
<fileset dir="${ooxml.src.test}">
<include name="**/Test*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/All*Tests.java"/>
- <exclude name="**/TestExtractorFactory.java"/>
@@ -1075,110 +1070,110 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<target name="maven-dist" depends="jar" description="Builds the POM files for a maven distribution, and copies these and the jars to the appropriate locations">
- <!-- Copy the jar files into the maven jar directory -->
- <!-- Same jars as for the main release, only lacking the datestamp -->
- <copy
- file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-${version.id}.jar" />
- <copy
- file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.jar" />
- <copy
- file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.jar" />
- <!-- TODO: Decide about source jars, and copy them if we have some -->
- <!-- Build the org.apache.poi poms -->
- <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version and -->
- <!-- artificat, plus doing the core poi dependency as needed -->
- <!-- Build the main pom -->
- <copy
- file="poi.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain>
- <replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
- </replacetokens>
- <tokenfilter>
- <filetokenizer/>
- <replaceregex pattern="START_NON_MAIN.*END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY" replace="No POI dependency on the main jar" flags="s" />
- </tokenfilter>
- </filterchain>
- </copy>
- <!-- And the contrib pom -->
- <copy
- file="poi.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain>
- <replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
- </replacetokens>
- <tokenfilter>
- <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
- <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
- </tokenfilter>
- </filterchain>
- </copy>
- <!-- And the scratchpad pom -->
- <copy
- file="poi.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain>
- <replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
- </replacetokens>
- <tokenfilter>
- <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
- <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
- </tokenfilter>
- </filterchain>
- </copy>
- <!-- Build the poi => org.apache.poi redirect poms -->
- <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version+artifact -->
- <copy
- file="poi-redirect.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain><replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
- </replacetokens></filterchain>
- </copy>
- <copy
- file="poi-redirect.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain><replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
- </replacetokens></filterchain>
- </copy>
- <copy
- file="poi-redirect.pom"
- tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
- >
- <filterchain><replacetokens>
- <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
- <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
- </replacetokens></filterchain>
- </copy>
- <!-- And that's it for maven -->
- </target>
+ <!-- Copy the jar files into the maven jar directory -->
+ <!-- Same jars as for the main release, only lacking the datestamp -->
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-${version.id}.jar" />
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.jar" />
+ <copy
+ file="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/jars/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.jar" />
+ <!-- TODO: Decide about source jars, and copy them if we have some -->
+ <!-- Build the org.apache.poi poms -->
+ <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version and -->
+ <!-- artificat, plus doing the core poi dependency as needed -->
+ <!-- Build the main pom -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <filetokenizer/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="START_NON_MAIN.*END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY" replace="No POI dependency on the main jar" flags="s" />
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And the contrib pom -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And the scratchpad pom -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.oap.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain>
+ <replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
+ </replacetokens>
+ <tokenfilter>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- START_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ <replaceregex pattern="..-- END_NON_MAIN_DEPENDENCY --." replace="" flags="s"/>
+ </tokenfilter>
+ </filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- Build the poi => org.apache.poi redirect poms -->
+ <!-- Copy from the base file, substituting in the version+artifact -->
+ <copy
+ file="poi-redirect.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <copy
+ file="poi-redirect.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-contrib" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <copy
+ file="poi-redirect.pom"
+ tofile="${mavendist.poi.dir}/poms/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}.pom"
+ >
+ <filterchain><replacetokens>
+ <token key="VERSION" value="${version.id}" />
+ <token key="ARTIFICAT" value="poi-scratchpad" />
+ </replacetokens></filterchain>
+ </copy>
+ <!-- And that's it for maven -->
+ </target>
<target name="jar-14" depends="compile-main-14" description="Creates the jdk 1.4 only jar file">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-jdk14-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
- <fileset dir="${main14.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
+ <fileset dir="${main14.output.dir}" />
+ <fileset dir="legal/" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
@@ -1189,11 +1184,11 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="Apache"/>
- </target>
+ </target>
<target name="jar" depends="compile, jar-14" description="Creates jar files for distribution">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
- <fileset dir="${main.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
+ <fileset dir="${main.output.dir}" />
+ <fileset dir="legal/" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
@@ -1205,8 +1200,8 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-contrib-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
- <fileset dir="${contrib.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
+ <fileset dir="${contrib.output.dir}" />
+ <fileset dir="legal/" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
@@ -1218,8 +1213,8 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-scratchpad-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
- <fileset dir="${scratchpad.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
+ <fileset dir="${scratchpad.output.dir}" />
+ <fileset dir="legal/" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
@@ -1233,8 +1228,8 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<target name="jar-ooxml" depends="compile-ooxml" description="Creates the ooxml jar files for distribution">
<jar destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-ooxml-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.jar">
- <fileset dir="${ooxml.output.dir}" />
- <fileset dir="legal/" />
+ <fileset dir="${ooxml.output.dir}" />
+ <fileset dir="legal/" />
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}"/>
<attribute name="Specification-Title" value="Apache POI"/>
@@ -1250,7 +1245,7 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<target name="dist" depends="clean, fail-unless-tools-are-available, compile, site, jar"
description="Creates the entire distribution into build/dist, from scratch">
- <property name="zipdir" value="${jar.name}-${version.id}" />
+ <property name="zipdir" value="${jar.name}-${version.id}" />
<zip destfile="${dist.dir}/${jar.name}-bin-${version.id}-${DSTAMP}.zip">
<zipfileset dir="legal/" prefix="${zipdir}" />
@@ -1320,7 +1315,7 @@ FORREST_HOME environment variable!</echo>
<!-- Abort the build if JUnit is missing. -->
<target name="fail-unless-junit-is-available" depends="init">
<condition property="isAvailable.junit">
- <available file="${junit.jar1.dir}"/>
+ <available classname="junit.framework.TestCase"/>
<antcall target="fail-junit"/>
@@ -1484,4 +1479,4 @@ sgml-exposed-tags:nil
+--> \ No newline at end of file