path: root/src/testcases
diff options
authorPJ Fanning <fanningpj@apache.org>2019-01-04 16:07:53 +0000
committerPJ Fanning <fanningpj@apache.org>2019-01-04 16:07:53 +0000
commit0849bbc614b8cb1f7d7565330c31fa6ff874e69b (patch)
tree4aa35ae8b8b4b70630073abf86ceff0ca1687fae /src/testcases
parent6d87e362275dd335f2c661cb48ac27a63f556043 (diff)
throw IllegalArgumnetException if null directory specified
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/poi/trunk@1850394 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
Diffstat (limited to 'src/testcases')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/TestFilteringDirectoryNode.java b/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/TestFilteringDirectoryNode.java
index 0bf0e54ee5..9494fcfcc6 100644
--- a/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/TestFilteringDirectoryNode.java
+++ b/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/poifs/filesystem/TestFilteringDirectoryNode.java
@@ -25,148 +25,165 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
* Class to test FilteringDirectoryNode functionality
-public final class TestFilteringDirectoryNode extends TestCase {
- private POIFSFileSystem fs;
- private DirectoryEntry dirA;
- private DirectoryEntry dirAA;
- private DirectoryEntry dirB;
- private DocumentEntry eRoot;
- private DocumentEntry eA;
- private DocumentEntry eAA;
- @Override
- protected void setUp() throws Exception {
- fs = new POIFSFileSystem();
- dirA = fs.createDirectory("DirA");
- dirB = fs.createDirectory("DirB");
- dirAA = dirA.createDirectory("DirAA");
- eRoot = fs.getRoot().createDocument("Root", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {}));
- eA = dirA.createDocument("NA", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {}));
- eAA = dirAA.createDocument("NAA", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[] {}));
- }
- public void testNoFiltering() throws Exception {
- FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), new HashSet<>());
- assertEquals(3, d.getEntryCount());
- assertEquals(dirA.getName(), d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).getName());
- assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
- assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
- assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
- assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
- assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(eRoot.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
- assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(eRoot.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
- Iterator<Entry> i = d.getEntries();
- assertEquals(dirA, i.next());
- assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
- assertEquals(eRoot, i.next());
- assertEquals(null, i.next());
- }
- public void testChildFiltering() throws Exception {
- List<String> excl = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"NotThere","AlsoNotThere", eRoot.getName()});
- FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
- assertEquals(2, d.getEntryCount());
- assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
- assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
- assertEquals(dirA, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()));
- assertEquals(dirB, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()));
- try {
- d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- Iterator<Entry> i = d.getEntries();
- assertEquals(dirA, i.next());
- assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
- assertEquals(null, i.next());
- // Filter more
- excl = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"NotThere","AlsoNotThere", eRoot.getName(), dirA.getName()});
- d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
- assertEquals(1, d.getEntryCount());
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
- assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
- try {
- d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- assertEquals(dirB, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()));
- try {
- d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- i = d.getEntries();
- assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
- assertEquals(null, i.next());
- // Filter everything
- excl = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"NotThere", eRoot.getName(), dirA.getName(), dirB.getName()});
- d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
- assertEquals(0, d.getEntryCount());
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
- try {
- d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- try {
- d.getEntry(dirB.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- try {
- d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
- fail("Should be filtered");
- } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {}
- i = d.getEntries();
- assertEquals(null, i.next());
- }
- public void testNestedFiltering() throws Exception {
- List<String> excl = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
- dirA.getName()+"/"+"MadeUp",
- dirA.getName()+"/"+eA.getName(),
- dirA.getName()+"/"+dirAA.getName()+"/Test",
- eRoot.getName()
- });
- FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
- // Check main
- assertEquals(2, d.getEntryCount());
- assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
- assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
- assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
- // Check filtering down
- assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()) instanceof FilteringDirectoryNode);
- assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()) instanceof FilteringDirectoryNode);
- DirectoryEntry fdA = (DirectoryEntry)d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
- assertEquals(false, fdA.hasEntry(eA.getName()));
- assertEquals(true, fdA.hasEntry(dirAA.getName()));
- DirectoryEntry fdAA = (DirectoryEntry)fdA.getEntry(dirAA.getName());
- assertEquals(true, fdAA.hasEntry(eAA.getName()));
- }
+public final class TestFilteringDirectoryNode {
+ private POIFSFileSystem fs;
+ private DirectoryEntry dirA;
+ private DirectoryEntry dirAA;
+ private DirectoryEntry dirB;
+ private DocumentEntry eRoot;
+ private DocumentEntry eA;
+ private DocumentEntry eAA;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ fs = new POIFSFileSystem();
+ dirA = fs.createDirectory("DirA");
+ dirB = fs.createDirectory("DirB");
+ dirAA = dirA.createDirectory("DirAA");
+ eRoot = fs.getRoot().createDocument("Root", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{}));
+ eA = dirA.createDocument("NA", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{}));
+ eAA = dirAA.createDocument("NAA", new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[]{}));
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNoFiltering() throws Exception {
+ FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), new HashSet<>());
+ assertEquals(3, d.getEntryCount());
+ assertEquals(dirA.getName(), d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).getName());
+ assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
+ assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
+ assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
+ assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
+ assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(eRoot.getName()).isDirectoryEntry());
+ assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(eRoot.getName()).isDocumentEntry());
+ Iterator<Entry> i = d.getEntries();
+ assertEquals(dirA, i.next());
+ assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
+ assertEquals(eRoot, i.next());
+ assertEquals(null, i.next());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testChildFiltering() throws Exception {
+ List<String> excl = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NotThere", "AlsoNotThere", eRoot.getName()});
+ FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
+ assertEquals(2, d.getEntryCount());
+ assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
+ assertEquals(dirA, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(dirB, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ Iterator<Entry> i = d.getEntries();
+ assertEquals(dirA, i.next());
+ assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
+ assertEquals(null, i.next());
+ // Filter more
+ excl = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NotThere", "AlsoNotThere", eRoot.getName(), dirA.getName()});
+ d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
+ assertEquals(1, d.getEntryCount());
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ assertEquals(dirB, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ i = d.getEntries();
+ assertEquals(dirB, i.next());
+ assertEquals(null, i.next());
+ // Filter everything
+ excl = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NotThere", eRoot.getName(), dirA.getName(), dirB.getName()});
+ d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
+ assertEquals(0, d.getEntryCount());
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(dirB.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ try {
+ d.getEntry(eRoot.getName());
+ fail("Should be filtered");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ }
+ i = d.getEntries();
+ assertEquals(null, i.next());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testNestedFiltering() throws Exception {
+ List<String> excl = Arrays.asList(new String[]{
+ dirA.getName() + "/" + "MadeUp",
+ dirA.getName() + "/" + eA.getName(),
+ dirA.getName() + "/" + dirAA.getName() + "/Test",
+ eRoot.getName()
+ });
+ FilteringDirectoryNode d = new FilteringDirectoryNode(fs.getRoot(), excl);
+ // Check main
+ assertEquals(2, d.getEntryCount());
+ assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(true, d.hasEntry(dirB.getName()));
+ assertEquals(false, d.hasEntry(eRoot.getName()));
+ // Check filtering down
+ assertEquals(true, d.getEntry(dirA.getName()) instanceof FilteringDirectoryNode);
+ assertEquals(false, d.getEntry(dirB.getName()) instanceof FilteringDirectoryNode);
+ DirectoryEntry fdA = (DirectoryEntry) d.getEntry(dirA.getName());
+ assertEquals(false, fdA.hasEntry(eA.getName()));
+ assertEquals(true, fdA.hasEntry(dirAA.getName()));
+ DirectoryEntry fdAA = (DirectoryEntry) fdA.getEntry(dirAA.getName());
+ assertEquals(true, fdAA.hasEntry(eAA.getName()));
+ }
+ @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
+ public void testNullDirectory() {
+ new FilteringDirectoryNode(null, null);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file