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-rw-r--r-- | src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/ss/examples/AddDimensionedImage.java | 976 |
1 files changed, 976 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/ss/examples/AddDimensionedImage.java b/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/ss/examples/AddDimensionedImage.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7dc583add --- /dev/null +++ b/src/examples/src/org/apache/poi/ss/examples/AddDimensionedImage.java @@ -0,0 +1,976 @@ +/* ====================================================================
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.ss.examples;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.net.URL;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FilenameUtils;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.ClientAnchor;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Drawing;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;
+import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
+import org.apache.poi.util.IOUtils;
+ * Demonstrates how to add an image to a worksheet and set that image's size
+ * to a specific number of milimetres irrespective of the width of the columns
+ * or height of the rows. Overridden methods are provided so that the location
+ * of the image - the cells row and column co-ordinates that define the top
+ * left hand corners of the image - can be identified either in the familiar
+ * Excel manner - A1 for instance - or using POI's methodolody of a column and
+ * row index where 0, 0 would indicate cell A1.
+ *
+ * The best way to make use of these techniques is to delay adding the image to
+ * the sheet until all other work has been completed. That way, the sizes of
+ * all rows and columns will have been adjusted - assuming that step was
+ * necessary. Even though the anchors type is set to prevent the image moving
+ * or re-sizing, this setting does not have any effect until the sheet is being
+ * viewed using the Excel application.
+ *
+ * The key to the process is the ClientAnchor class. It defines methods that allow
+ * us to define the location of an image by specifying the following;
+ *
+ * * How far - in terms of co-ordinate positions - the image should be inset
+ * from the left hand border of a cell.
+ * * How far - in terms of co-ordinate positions - the image should be inset
+ * from the from the top of the cell.
+ * * How far - in terms of co-ordinate positions - the right hand edge of
+ * the image should protrude into a cell (measured from the cell's left hand
+ * edge to the image's right hand edge).
+ * * How far - in terms of co-ordinate positions - the bottm edge of the
+ * image should protrude into a row (measured from the cell's top edge to
+ * the image's bottom edge).
+ * * The index of the column that contains the cell whose top left hand
+ * corner should be aligned with the top left hand corner of the image.
+ * * The index of the row that contains the cell whose top left hand corner
+ * should be aligned with the image's top left hand corner.
+ * * The index of the column that contains the cell whose top left hand
+ * corner should be aligned with the image's bottom right hand corner
+ * * The index number of the row that contains the cell whose top left
+ * hand corner should be aligned with the images bottom right hand corner.
+ *
+ * It can be used to add an image into cell A1, for example, in the following
+ * manner;
+ *
+ * ClientAnchor anchor = sheet.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper().createClientAnchor();
+ *
+ * anchor.setDx1(0);
+ * anchor.setDy1(0);
+ * anchor.setDx2(0);
+ * anchor.setDy2(0);
+ * anchor.setCol1(0);
+ * anchor.setRow1(0);
+ * anchor.setCol2(1);
+ * anchor.setRow2(1);
+ *
+ * Taken together, the first four methods define the locations of the top left
+ * and bottom right hand corners of the image if you imagine that the image is
+ * represented by a simple rectangle. The setDx1() and setDy1() methods locate
+ * the top left hand corner of the image while setDx2() and and Dy2() locate the
+ * bottom right hand corner of the image. An individual image can be inserted
+ * into a single cell or is can lie across many cells and the latter four methods
+ * are used to define just where the image should be positioned. They do this by
+ * again by identifying where the top left and bottom right hand corners of the
+ * image should be located but this time in terms of the indexes of the cells
+ * in which those corners should be located. The setCol1() and setRow1() methods
+ * together identify the cell that should contain the top left hand corner of
+ * the image while setCol2() and setRow2() do the same for the images bottom
+ * right hand corner.
+ *
+ * Knowing that, it is possible to look again at the example above and to see
+ * that the top left hand corner of the image will be located in cell A1 (0, 0)
+ * and it will be aligned with the very top left hand corner of the cell. Likewise,
+ * the bottom right hand corner of the image will be located in cell B2 (1, 1) and
+ * it will again be aligned with the top left hand corner of the cell. This has the
+ * effect of making the image seem to occupy the whole of cell A1. Interestingly, it
+ * also has an effect on the image's resizing behaviour because testing has
+ * demonstrated that if the image is wholly contained within one cell and is not
+ * 'attached' for want of a better word, to a neighbouring cell, then that image
+ * will not increase in size in response to the user dragging the column wider
+ * or the cell higher.
+ *
+ * The following example demonstrates a slightly different way to insert an
+ * image into cell A1 and to ensure that it occupies the whole of the cell. This
+ * is accomplised by specifying the the images bottom right hand corner should be
+ * aligned with the bottom right hand corner of the cell. It is also a case
+ * where the image will not increase in size if the user increases the size of
+ * the enclosing cell - irrespective of the anchor's type - but it will reduce in
+ * size if the cell is made smaller.
+ *
+ * ClientAnchor anchor = sheet.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper().createClientAnchor();
+ *
+ * anchor.setDx1(0);
+ * anchor.setDy1(0);
+ * anchor.setDx2(1023);
+ * anchor.setDy2(255);
+ * anchor.setCol1(0);
+ * anchor.setRow1(0);
+ * anchor.setCol2(0);
+ * anchor.setRow2(0);
+ *
+ * Note that the final four method calls all pas the same value and seem to
+ * indicate that the images top left hand corner is aligned with the top left
+ * hand corner of cell A1 and that it's bottom right hand corner is also
+ * aligned with the top left hand corner of cell A1. Yet, running this code
+ * would see the image fully occupying cell A1. That is the result of the
+ * values passed to parameters three and four; these I have referred to as
+ * determing the images co-ordinates within the cell. They indicate that the
+ * image should occupy - in order - the full width of the column and the full
+ * height of the row.
+ *
+ * The co-ordinate values shown are the maxima; and they are independent of
+ * row height/column width and of the font used. Passing 255 will always result
+ * in the image occupying the full height of the row and passing 1023 will
+ * always result in the image occupying the full width of the column. They help
+ * in situations where an image is larger than a column/row and must overlap
+ * into the next column/row. Using them does mean, however, that it is often
+ * necessary to perform conversions between Excel's characters units, points,
+ * pixels and millimetres in order to establish how many rows/columns an image
+ * should occupy and just what the varous insets ought to be.
+ *
+ * Note that the setDx1(int) and setDy1(int) methods of the ClientAchor class
+ * are not made use of in the code that follows. It would be fairly trivial
+ * however to extend this example further and provide methods that would centre
+ * an image within a cell or allow the user to specify that a plain border a
+ * fixed number of millimetres wide should wrap around the image. Those first
+ * two parameters would make this sort of functionality perfectly possible.
+ *
+ * Owing to the various conversions used, the actual size of the image may vary
+ * from that required; testing has so far found this to be in the region of
+ * plus or minus two millimetres. Most likely by modifying the way the
+ * calculations are performed - possibly using double(s) throughout and
+ * rounding the values at the correct point - it is likely that these errors
+ * could be reduced or removed.
+ *
+ * A note concerning Excels' image resizing behaviour. The ClientAnchor
+ * class contains a method called setAnchorType(int) which can be used to
+ * determine how Excel will resize an image in reponse to the user increasing
+ * or decreasing the dimensions of the cell containing the image. There are
+ * three values that can be passed to this method; 0 = To move and size the
+ * image with the cell, 2 = To move but don't size the image with the cell,
+ * 3 = To prevent the image from moving or being resized along with the cell. If
+ * an image is inserted using this class and placed into a single cell then if
+ * the setAnchorType(int) method is called and a value of either 0 or 2 passed
+ * to it, the resultant resizing behaviour may be a surprise. The image will not
+ * grow in size of the column is made wider or the row higher but it will shrink
+ * if the columns width or rows height are reduced.
+ *
+ * @author Mark Beardsley [msb at apache.org] and Mark Southern [southern at scripps.edu]
+ * @version 1.00 5th August 2009.
+ * 2.00 26th February 2010.
+ * Ported to make use of the the SS Usermodel classes.
+ * Ability to reuse the Drawing Patriarch so that multiple images
+ * can be inserted without unintentionally erasing earlier images.
+ * Check on image type added; i.e. jpg, jpeg or png.
+ * The String used to contain the files name is now converted
+ * into a URL.
+ */
+public class AddDimensionedImage {
+ // Four constants that determine how - and indeed whether - the rows
+ // and columns an image may overlie should be expanded to accomodate that
+ // image.
+ // Passing EXPAND_ROW will result in the height of a row being increased
+ // to accomodate the image if it is not already larger. The image will
+ // be layed across one or more columns.
+ // Passing EXPAND_COLUMN will result in the width of the column being
+ // increased to accomodate the image if it is not already larger. The image
+ // will be layed across one or many rows.
+ // Passing EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN will result in the height of the row
+ // bing increased along with the width of the column to accomdate the
+ // image if either is not already larger.
+ // Passing OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN will result in the image being layed
+ // over one or more rows and columns. No row or column will be resized,
+ // instead, code will determine how many rows and columns the image should
+ // overlie.
+ public static final int EXPAND_ROW = 1;
+ public static final int EXPAND_COLUMN = 2;
+ public static final int EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN = 3;
+ public static final int OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN = 7;
+ /**
+ * Add an image to a worksheet.
+ *
+ * @param cellNumber A String that contains the location of the cell whose
+ * top left hand corner should be aligned with the top
+ * left hand corner of the image; for example "A1", "A2"
+ * etc. This is to support the familiar Excel syntax.
+ * Whilst images are are not actually inserted into cells
+ * this provides a convenient method of indicating where
+ * the image should be positioned on the sheet.
+ * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that contains the cell referenced
+ * above.
+ * @param imageFile An instance of the URL class that encapsulates the name
+ * of and path to the image that is to be 'inserted into'
+ * the sheet.
+ * @param reqImageWidthMM A primitive double that contains the required
+ * width of the image in millimetres.
+ * @param reqImageHeightMM A primitive double that contains the required
+ * height of the image in millimetres.
+ * @param resizeBehaviour A primitive int whose value will determine how
+ * the code should react if the image is larger than
+ * the cell referenced by the cellNumber parameter.
+ * Four constants are provided to determine what
+ * should happen;
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN
+ * AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN
+ * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException If the file containing the image
+ * cannot be located.
+ * @throws java.io.IOException If a problem occurs whilst reading the file
+ * of image data.
+ * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If an invalid value is passed
+ * to the resizeBehaviour
+ * parameter.
+ */
+ public void addImageToSheet(String cellNumber, Sheet sheet, Drawing drawing,
+ URL imageFile, double reqImageWidthMM, double reqImageHeightMM,
+ int resizeBehaviour) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException,
+ IllegalArgumentException {
+ // Convert the String into column and row indices then chain the
+ // call to the overridden addImageToSheet() method.
+ CellReference cellRef = new CellReference(cellNumber);
+ this.addImageToSheet(cellRef.getCol(), cellRef.getRow(), sheet, drawing,
+ imageFile, reqImageWidthMM, reqImageHeightMM,resizeBehaviour);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Add an image to a worksheet.
+ *
+ * @param colNumber A primitive int that contains the index number of a
+ * column on the worksheet; POI column indices are zero
+ * based. Together with the rowNumber parameter's value,
+ * this parameter identifies a cell on the worksheet. The
+ * image's top left hand corner will be aligned with the
+ * top left hand corner of this cell.
+ * @param rowNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a row
+ * on the worksheet; POI row indices are zero based.
+ * Together with the rowNumber parameter's value, this
+ * parameter identifies a cell on the worksheet. The
+ * image's top left hand corner will be aligned with the
+ * top left hand corner of this cell.
+ * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that contains the cell identified
+ * by the two parameters above.
+ * @param imageFile An instance of the URL class that encapsulates the name
+ * of and path to the image that is to be 'inserted into'
+ * the sheet.
+ * @param reqImageWidthMM A primitive double that contains the required
+ * width of the image in millimetres.
+ * @param reqImageHeightMM A primitive double that contains the required
+ * height of the image in millimetres.
+ * @param resizeBehaviour A primitive int whose value will determine how
+ * the code should react if the image is larger than
+ * the cell referenced by the colNumber and
+ * rowNumber parameters. Four constants are provided
+ * to determine what should happen;
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN
+ * AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN
+ * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException If the file containing the image
+ * cannot be located.
+ * @throws java.io.IOException If a problem occurs whilst reading the file
+ * of image data.
+ * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException If an invalid value is passed
+ * to the resizeBehaviour
+ * parameter or if the extension
+ * of the image file indicates that
+ * it is of a type that cannot
+ * currently be added to the worksheet.
+ */
+ public void addImageToSheet(int colNumber, int rowNumber, Sheet sheet, Drawing drawing,
+ URL imageFile, double reqImageWidthMM, double reqImageHeightMM,
+ int resizeBehaviour) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException,
+ IllegalArgumentException {
+ ClientAnchor anchor = null;
+ ClientAnchorDetail rowClientAnchorDetail = null;
+ ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;
+ int imageType = 0;
+ // Validate the resizeBehaviour parameter.
+ if((resizeBehaviour != AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN) &&
+ (resizeBehaviour != AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW) &&
+ (resizeBehaviour != AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN) &&
+ (resizeBehaviour != AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value passed to the " +
+ "resizeBehaviour parameter of AddDimensionedImage.addImageToSheet()");
+ }
+ // Call methods to calculate how the image and sheet should be
+ // manipulated to accomodate the image; columns and then rows.
+ colClientAnchorDetail = this.fitImageToColumns(sheet, colNumber,
+ reqImageWidthMM, resizeBehaviour);
+ rowClientAnchorDetail = this.fitImageToRows(sheet, rowNumber,
+ reqImageHeightMM, resizeBehaviour);
+ // Having determined if and how to resize the rows, columns and/or the
+ // image, create the ClientAnchor object to position the image on
+ // the worksheet. Note how the two ClientAnchorDetail records are
+ // interrogated to recover the row/column co-ordinates and any insets.
+ // The first two parameters are not used currently but could be if the
+ // need arose to extend the functionality of this code by adding the
+ // ability to specify that a clear 'border' be placed around the image.
+ anchor = sheet.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper().createClientAnchor();
+ anchor.setDx1(0);
+ anchor.setDy1(0);
+ anchor.setDx2(colClientAnchorDetail.getInset());
+ anchor.setDy2(rowClientAnchorDetail.getInset());
+ anchor.setCol1(colClientAnchorDetail.getFromIndex());
+ anchor.setRow1(rowClientAnchorDetail.getFromIndex());
+ anchor.setCol2(colClientAnchorDetail.getToIndex());
+ anchor.setRow2(rowClientAnchorDetail.getToIndex());
+ // For now, set the anchor type to do not move or resize the
+ // image as the size of the row/column is adjusted. This could easilly
+ // become another parameter passed to the method. Please read the note
+ // above regarding the behaviour of image resizing.
+ anchor.setAnchorType(ClientAnchor.MOVE_AND_RESIZE);
+ // Now, add the picture to the workbook. Note that unlike the similar
+ // method in the HSSF Examples section, the image type is checked. First,
+ // the image files location is identified by interrogating the URL passed
+ // to the method, the images type is identified before it is added to the
+ // sheet.
+ String sURL = imageFile.toString().toLowerCase();
+ if( sURL.endsWith(".png") ) {
+ imageType = Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_PNG;
+ }
+ else if( sURL.endsWith("jpg") || sURL.endsWith(".jpeg") ) {
+ imageType = Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Image file extension: " +
+ FilenameUtils.getExtension(sURL));
+ }
+ int index = sheet.getWorkbook().addPicture(
+ IOUtils.toByteArray(imageFile.openStream()),type);
+ drawing.createPicture(anchor, index);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the sheets columns should be re-sized to accomodate
+ * the image, adjusts the columns width if necessary and creates then
+ * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of
+ * an ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish
+ * it's size.
+ *
+ * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
+ * @param colNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a
+ * column on the sheet.
+ * @param reqImageWidthMM A primtive double that contains the required
+ * width of the image in millimetres
+ * @param resizeBehaviour A primitve int whose value will indicate how the
+ * width of the column should be adjusted if the
+ * required width of the image is greater than the
+ * width of the column.
+ * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
+ * the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
+ * image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
+ * the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
+ * edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
+ * as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
+ */
+ private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToColumns(Sheet sheet, int colNumber,
+ double reqImageWidthMM, int resizeBehaviour) {
+ double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
+ double colCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
+ int pictureWidthCoordinates = 0;
+ ClientAnchorDetail colClientAnchorDetail = null;
+ // Get the colum's width in millimetres
+ colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres(
+ (short)sheet.getColumnWidth(colNumber));
+ // Check that the column's width will accomodate the image at the
+ // required dimension. If the width of the column is LESS than the
+ // required width of the image, decide how the application should
+ // respond - resize the column or overlay the image across one or more
+ // columns.
+ if(colWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {
+ // Should the column's width simply be expanded?
+ if((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN) ||
+ (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
+ // Set the width of the column by converting the required image
+ // width from millimetres into Excel's column width units.
+ sheet.setColumnWidth(colNumber,
+ ConvertImageUnits.millimetres2WidthUnits(reqImageWidthMM));
+ // To make the image occupy the full width of the column, convert
+ // the required width of the image into co-ordinates. This value
+ // will become the inset for the ClientAnchorDetail class that
+ // is then instantiated.
+ colWidthMM = reqImageWidthMM;
+ colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ colWidthMM;
+ pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
+ colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber,
+ colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
+ }
+ // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
+ // to expand ONLY the size of the rows, then calculate how to lay
+ // the image out across one or more columns.
+ else if ((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN) ||
+ (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW)) {
+ colClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateColumnLocation(sheet,
+ colNumber, reqImageWidthMM);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the column is wider than the image.
+ else {
+ // Mow many co-ordinate positions are there per millimetre?
+ colCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ colWidthMM;
+ // Given the width of the image, what should be it's co-ordinate?
+ pictureWidthCoordinates = (int)(reqImageWidthMM * colCoordinatesPerMM);
+ colClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(colNumber,
+ colNumber, pictureWidthCoordinates);
+ }
+ return(colClientAnchorDetail);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determines whether the sheet's row should be re-sized to accomodate
+ * the image, adjusts the rows height if necessary and creates then
+ * returns a ClientAnchorDetail object that facilitates construction of
+ * a ClientAnchor that will fix the image on the sheet and establish
+ * it's size.
+ *
+ * @param sheet A reference to the sheet that will 'contain' the image.
+ * @param rowNumber A primtive int that contains the index number of a
+ * row on the sheet.
+ * @param reqImageHeightMM A primtive double that contains the required
+ * height of the image in millimetres
+ * @param resizeBehaviour A primitve int whose value will indicate how the
+ * height of the row should be adjusted if the
+ * required height of the image is greater than the
+ * height of the row.
+ * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
+ * the index number of the row containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
+ * image, the index number of the row containing the cell whose
+ * top left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand
+ * corner of the image and an inset that determines how far the
+ * bottom edge of the image can protrude into the next (lower)
+ * row - expressed as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
+ */
+ private ClientAnchorDetail fitImageToRows(Sheet sheet, int rowNumber,
+ double reqImageHeightMM, int resizeBehaviour) {
+ Row row = null;
+ double rowHeightMM = 0.0D;
+ double rowCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
+ int pictureHeightCoordinates = 0;
+ ClientAnchorDetail rowClientAnchorDetail = null;
+ // Get the row and it's height
+ row = sheet.getRow(rowNumber);
+ if(row == null) {
+ // Create row if it does not exist.
+ row = sheet.createRow(rowNumber);
+ }
+ // Get the row's height in millimetres
+ rowHeightMM = row.getHeightInPoints() / ConvertImageUnits.POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE;
+ // Check that the row's height will accomodate the image at the required
+ // dimensions. If the height of the row is LESS than the required height
+ // of the image, decide how the application should respond - resize the
+ // row or overlay the image across a series of rows.
+ if(rowHeightMM < reqImageHeightMM) {
+ if((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW) ||
+ (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN)) {
+ row.setHeightInPoints((float)(reqImageHeightMM *
+ ConvertImageUnits.POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE));
+ rowHeightMM = reqImageHeightMM;
+ rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ rowHeightMM;
+ pictureHeightCoordinates = (int)(reqImageHeightMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM);
+ rowClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(rowNumber,
+ rowNumber, pictureHeightCoordinates);
+ }
+ // If the user has chosen to overlay both rows and columns or just
+ // to expand ONLY the size of the columns, then calculate how to lay
+ // the image out ver one or more rows.
+ else if((resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.OVERLAY_ROW_AND_COLUMN) ||
+ (resizeBehaviour == AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_COLUMN)) {
+ rowClientAnchorDetail = this.calculateRowLocation(sheet,
+ rowNumber, reqImageHeightMM);
+ }
+ }
+ // Else, if the image is smaller than the space available
+ else {
+ rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ rowHeightMM;
+ pictureHeightCoordinates = (int)(reqImageHeightMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM);
+ rowClientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(rowNumber,
+ rowNumber, pictureHeightCoordinates);
+ }
+ return(rowClientAnchorDetail);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If the image is to overlie more than one column, calculations need to be
+ * performed to determine how many columns and whether the image will
+ * overlie just a part of one column in order to be presented at the
+ * required size.
+ *
+ * @param sheet The sheet that will 'contain' the image.
+ * @param startingColumn A primitive int whose value is the index of the
+ * column that contains the cell whose top left hand
+ * corner should be aligned with the top left hand
+ * corner of the image.
+ * @param reqImageWidthMM A primitive double whose value will indicate the
+ * required width of the image in millimetres.
+ * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
+ * the index number of the column containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
+ * image, the index number column containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
+ * the image and an inset that determines how far the right hand
+ * edge of the image can protrude into the next column - expressed
+ * as a specific number of co-ordinate positions.
+ */
+ private ClientAnchorDetail calculateColumnLocation(Sheet sheet,
+ int startingColumn,
+ double reqImageWidthMM) {
+ ClientAnchorDetail anchorDetail = null;
+ double totalWidthMM = 0.0D;
+ double colWidthMM = 0.0D;
+ double overlapMM = 0.0D;
+ double coordinatePositionsPerMM = 0.0D;
+ int toColumn = startingColumn;
+ int inset = 0;
+ // Calculate how many columns the image will have to
+ // span in order to be presented at the required size.
+ while(totalWidthMM < reqImageWidthMM) {
+ colWidthMM = ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Millimetres(
+ (short)(sheet.getColumnWidth(toColumn)));
+ // Note use of the cell border width constant. Testing with an image
+ // declared to fit exactly into one column demonstrated that it's
+ // width was greater than the width of the column the POI returned.
+ // Further, this difference was a constant value that I am assuming
+ // related to the cell's borders. Either way, that difference needs
+ // to be allowed for in this calculation.
+ totalWidthMM += (colWidthMM + ConvertImageUnits.CELL_BORDER_WIDTH_MILLIMETRES);
+ toColumn++;
+ }
+ // De-crement by one the last column value.
+ toColumn--;
+ // Highly unlikely that this will be true but, if the width of a series
+ // of columns is exactly equal to the required width of the image, then
+ // simply build a ClientAnchorDetail object with an inset equal to the
+ // total number of co-ordinate positions available in a column, a
+ // from column co-ordinate (top left hand corner) equal to the value
+ // of the startingColumn parameter and a to column co-ordinate equal
+ // to the toColumn variable.
+ //
+ // Convert both values to ints to perform the test.
+ if((int)totalWidthMM == (int)reqImageWidthMM) {
+ // A problem could occur if the image is sized to fit into one or
+ // more columns. If that occurs, the value in the toColumn variable
+ // will be in error. To overcome this, there are two options, to
+ // ibcrement the toColumn variable's value by one or to pass the
+ // total number of co-ordinate positions to the third paramater
+ // of the ClientAnchorDetail constructor. For no sepcific reason,
+ // the latter option is used below.
+ anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn,
+ }
+ // In this case, the image will overlap part of another column and it is
+ // necessary to calculate just how much - this will become the inset
+ // for the ClientAnchorDetail object.
+ else {
+ // Firstly, claculate how much of the image should overlap into
+ // the next column.
+ overlapMM = reqImageWidthMM - (totalWidthMM - colWidthMM);
+ // When the required size is very close indded to the column size,
+ // the calcaulation above can produce a negative value. To prevent
+ // problems occuring in later caculations, this is simply removed
+ // be setting the overlapMM value to zero.
+ if(overlapMM < 0) {
+ overlapMM = 0.0D;
+ }
+ // Next, from the columns width, calculate how many co-ordinate
+ // positons there are per millimetre
+ coordinatePositionsPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ colWidthMM;
+ // From this figure, determine how many co-ordinat positions to
+ // inset the left hand or bottom edge of the image.
+ inset = (int)(coordinatePositionsPerMM * overlapMM);
+ // Now create the ClientAnchorDetail object, setting the from and to
+ // columns and the inset.
+ anchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingColumn, toColumn, inset);
+ }
+ return(anchorDetail);
+ }
+ /**
+ * If the image is to overlie more than one rows, calculations need to be
+ * performed to determine how many rows and whether the image will
+ * overlie just a part of one row in order to be presented at the
+ * required size.
+ *
+ * @param sheet The sheet that will 'contain' the image.
+ * @param startingRow A primitive int whose value is the index of the row
+ * that contains the cell whose top left hand corner
+ * should be aligned with the top left hand corner of
+ * the image.
+ * @param reqImageHeightMM A primitive double whose value will indicate the
+ * required height of the image in millimetres.
+ * @return An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class that will contain
+ * the index number of the row containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the top left hand corner of the
+ * image, the index number of the row containing the cell whose top
+ * left hand corner also defines the bottom right hand corner of
+ * the image and an inset that determines how far the bottom edge
+ * can protrude into the next (lower) row - expressed as a specific
+ * number of co-ordinate positions.
+ */
+ private ClientAnchorDetail calculateRowLocation(Sheet sheet,
+ int startingRow, double reqImageHeightMM) {
+ ClientAnchorDetail clientAnchorDetail = null;
+ Row row = null;
+ double rowHeightMM = 0.0D;
+ double totalRowHeightMM = 0.0D;
+ double overlapMM = 0.0D;
+ double rowCoordinatesPerMM = 0.0D;
+ int toRow = startingRow;
+ int inset = 0;
+ // Step through the rows in the sheet and accumulate a total of their
+ // heights.
+ while(totalRowHeightMM < reqImageHeightMM) {
+ row = sheet.getRow(toRow);
+ // Note, if the row does not already exist on the sheet then create
+ // it here.
+ if(row == null) {
+ row = sheet.createRow(toRow);
+ }
+ // Get the row's height in millimetres and add to the running total.
+ rowHeightMM = row.getHeightInPoints() /
+ totalRowHeightMM += rowHeightMM;
+ toRow++;
+ }
+ // Owing to the way the loop above works, the rowNumber will have been
+ // incremented one row too far. Undo that here.
+ toRow--;
+ // Check to see whether the image should occupy an exact number of
+ // rows. If so, build the ClientAnchorDetail record to point
+ // to those rows and with an inset of the total number of co-ordinate
+ // position in the row.
+ //
+ // To overcome problems that can occur with comparing double values for
+ // equality, cast both to int(s) to truncate the value; VERY crude and
+ // I do not really like it!!
+ if((int)totalRowHeightMM == (int)reqImageHeightMM) {
+ clientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingRow, toRow,
+ }
+ else {
+ // Calculate how far the image will project into the next row. Note
+ // that the height of the last row assessed is subtracted from the
+ // total height of all rows assessed so far.
+ overlapMM = reqImageHeightMM - (totalRowHeightMM - rowHeightMM);
+ // To prevent an exception being thrown when the required width of
+ // the image is very close indeed to the column size.
+ if(overlapMM < 0) {
+ overlapMM = 0.0D;
+ }
+ rowCoordinatesPerMM = ConvertImageUnits.TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS /
+ rowHeightMM;
+ inset = (int)(overlapMM * rowCoordinatesPerMM);
+ clientAnchorDetail = new ClientAnchorDetail(startingRow,
+ toRow, inset);
+ }
+ return(clientAnchorDetail);
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main entry point to the program. It contains code that demonstrates
+ * one way to use the program.
+ *
+ * Note, the code is not restricted to use on new workbooks only. If an
+ * image is to be inserted into an existing workbook. just open that
+ * workbook, gat a reference to a sheet and pass that;
+ *
+ * AddDimensionedImage addImage = new AddDimensionedImage();
+ *
+ * File file = new File("....... Existing Workbook .......");
+ * FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
+ * Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fis);
+ * HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
+ * addImage.addImageToSheet("C3", sheet, "image.jpg", 30, 20,
+ * AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND.ROW);
+ *
+ * @param args the command line arguments
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ String imageFile = null;
+ String outputFile = null;
+ FileOutputStream fos = null;
+ Workbook workbook = null;
+ Sheet sheet = null;
+ try {
+ if(args.length < 2){
+ System.err.println("Usage: AddDimensionedImage imageFile outputFile");
+ return;
+ }
+ workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
+ sheet = workbook.createSheet("Picture Test");
+ // Note that as the code has been ported to the SS model, the following
+ // would be equally as valid - workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
+ imageFile = args[0];
+ outputFile = args[1];
+ new AddDimensionedImage().addImageToSheet("B5", sheet, sheet.createDrawingPatriarch(),
+ new File(imageFile).toURI().toURL(), 100, 40,
+ AddDimensionedImage.EXPAND_ROW_AND_COLUMN);
+ fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
+ workbook.write(fos);
+ }
+ catch(FileNotFoundException fnfEx) {
+ System.out.println("Caught an: " + fnfEx.getClass().getName());
+ System.out.println("Message: " + fnfEx.getMessage());
+ System.out.println("Stacktrace follows...........");
+ fnfEx.printStackTrace(System.out);
+ }
+ catch(IOException ioEx) {
+ System.out.println("Caught an: " + ioEx.getClass().getName());
+ System.out.println("Message: " + ioEx.getMessage());
+ System.out.println("Stacktrace follows...........");
+ ioEx.printStackTrace(System.out);
+ }
+ finally {
+ if(fos != null) {
+ try {
+ fos.close();
+ fos = null;
+ }
+ catch(IOException ioEx) {
+ // I G N O R E
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The HSSFClientAnchor class accepts eight parameters. In order, these are;
+ *
+ * * How far the left hand edge of the image is inset from the left hand
+ * edge of the cell
+ * * How far the top edge of the image is inset from the top of the cell
+ * * How far the right hand edge of the image is inset from the left
+ * hand edge of the cell
+ * * How far the bottom edge of the image is inset from the top of the
+ * cell.
+ * * Together, parameters five and six determine the column and row
+ * co-ordinates of the cell whose top left hand corner will be aligned
+ * with the image's top left hand corner.
+ * * Together, parameter seven and eight determine the column and row
+ * co-ordinates of the cell whose top left hand corner will be aligned
+ * with the images bottom right hand corner.
+ *
+ * An instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class provides three of the eight
+ * parameters, one of the co-ordinates for the images top left hand corner,
+ * one of the co-ordinates for the images bottom right hand corner and
+ * either how far the image should be inset from the top or the left hand
+ * edge of the cell.
+ *
+ * @author Mark Beardsley [msb at apache.org]
+ * @version 1.00 5th August 2009.
+ */
+ public class ClientAnchorDetail {
+ public int fromIndex = 0;
+ public int toIndex = 0;
+ public int inset = 0;
+ /**
+ * Create a new instance of the ClientAnchorDetail class using the
+ * following parameters.
+ *
+ * @param fromIndex A primitive int that contains one of the
+ * co-ordinates (row or column index) for the top left
+ * hand corner of the image.
+ * @param toIndex A primitive int that contains one of the
+ * co-ordinates (row or column index) for the bottom
+ * right hand corner of the image.
+ * @param inset A primitive int that contains a value which indicates
+ * how far the image should be inset from the top or the
+ * left hand edge of a cell.
+ */
+ public ClientAnchorDetail(int fromIndex, int toIndex, int inset) {
+ this.fromIndex = fromIndex;
+ this.toIndex = toIndex;
+ this.inset = inset;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get one of the number of the column or row that contains the cell
+ * whose top left hand corner will be aligned with the top left hand
+ * corner of the image.
+ *
+ * @return The value - row or column index - for one of the co-ordinates
+ * of the top left hand corner of the image.
+ */
+ public int getFromIndex() {
+ return(this.fromIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get one of the number of the column or row that contains the cell
+ * whose top left hand corner will be aligned with the bottom righ hand
+ * corner of the image.
+ *
+ * @return The value - row or column index - for one of the co-ordinates
+ * of the bottom right hand corner of the image.
+ */
+ public int getToIndex() {
+ return(this.toIndex);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the image's offset from the edge of a cell.
+ *
+ * @return How far either the right hand or bottom edge of the image is
+ * inset from the left hand or top edge of a cell.
+ */
+ public int getInset() {
+ return(this.inset);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility methods used to convert Excel's character based column and row
+ * size measurements into pixels and/or millimetres. The class also contains
+ * various constants that are required in other calculations.
+ *
+ * @author xio[darjino@hotmail.com]
+ * @version 1.01 30th July 2009.
+ * Added by Mark Beardsley [msb at apache.org].
+ * Additional constants.
+ * widthUnits2Millimetres() and millimetres2Units() methods.
+ */
+ public static class ConvertImageUnits {
+ // Each cell conatins a fixed number of co-ordinate points; this number
+ // does not vary with row height or column width or with font. These two
+ // constants are defined below.
+ public static final int TOTAL_COLUMN_COORDINATE_POSITIONS = 1023; // MB
+ public static final int TOTAL_ROW_COORDINATE_POSITIONS = 255; // MB
+ // The resoultion of an image can be expressed as a specific number
+ // of pixels per inch. Displays and printers differ but 96 pixels per
+ // inch is an acceptable standard to beging with.
+ public static final int PIXELS_PER_INCH = 96; // MB
+ // Cnstants that defines how many pixels and points there are in a
+ // millimetre. These values are required for the conversion algorithm.
+ public static final double PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES = 3.78; // MB
+ public static final double POINTS_PER_MILLIMETRE = 2.83; // MB
+ // The column width returned by HSSF and the width of a picture when
+ // positioned to exactly cover one cell are different by almost exactly
+ // 2mm - give or take rounding errors. This constant allows that
+ // additional amount to be accounted for when calculating how many
+ // celles the image ought to overlie.
+ public static final double CELL_BORDER_WIDTH_MILLIMETRES = 2.0D; // MB
+ public static final short EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR = 256;
+ public static final int UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH = 7;
+ public static final int[] UNIT_OFFSET_MAP = new int[]
+ { 0, 36, 73, 109, 146, 182, 219 };
+ /**
+ * pixel units to excel width units(units of 1/256th of a character width)
+ * @param pxs
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static short pixel2WidthUnits(int pxs) {
+ short widthUnits = (short) (EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR *
+ widthUnits += UNIT_OFFSET_MAP[(pxs % UNIT_OFFSET_LENGTH)];
+ return widthUnits;
+ }
+ /**
+ * excel width units(units of 1/256th of a character width) to pixel
+ * units.
+ *
+ * @param widthUnits
+ * @return
+ */
+ public static int widthUnits2Pixel(short widthUnits) {
+ int pixels = (widthUnits / EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR)
+ int offsetWidthUnits = widthUnits % EXCEL_COLUMN_WIDTH_FACTOR;
+ pixels += Math.round(offsetWidthUnits /
+ return pixels;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert Excel's width units into millimetres.
+ *
+ * @param widthUnits The width of the column or the height of the
+ * row in Excel's units.
+ * @return A primitive double that contains the columns width or rows
+ * height in millimetres.
+ */
+ public static double widthUnits2Millimetres(short widthUnits) {
+ return(ConvertImageUnits.widthUnits2Pixel(widthUnits) /
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convert into millimetres Excel's width units..
+ *
+ * @param millimetres A primitive double that contains the columns
+ * width or rows height in millimetres.
+ * @return A primitive int that contains the columns width or rows
+ * height in Excel's units.
+ */
+ public static int millimetres2WidthUnits(double millimetres) {
+ return(ConvertImageUnits.pixel2WidthUnits((int)(millimetres *
+ ConvertImageUnits.PIXELS_PER_MILLIMETRES)));
+ }
+ public static int pointsToPixels(double points) {
+ return (int) Math.round(points / 72D * PIXELS_PER_INCH);
+ }
+ public static double pointsToMillimeters(double points) {
+ return points / 72D * 25.4;
+ }
+ }
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