diff options
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index d011e56647..bb0bf67838 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -13,86 +13,17 @@
<project default="interactive" basedir="." name="project build file">
* ===================================== *
| Krysalis Centipede Build System |
- * ===================================== *
+ * ===================================== *
Nicola Ken Barozzi (nicolaken@apache.org)
Marc Johnson (mjohnson@apache.org)
- started as an extension of the
- the Apache Cocoon Build System
- (http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/)
- by
- Stefano Mazzocchi (stefano@apache.org)
- Carsten Ziegeler (cziegeler@apache.org)
-Installing the build tools
-The Krysalis Centipede build system is based on Apache Ant,
-which is a Java building tool originally developed for the Tomcat
-project but now used in many other Apache projects and extended
-by many developers.
-Ant is a little but very handy tool that uses a build file written in XML
-(this file) as building instructions. For more information refer to
-To make things easier for you, this distribution contains a precompiled
-version of Ant and the build scripts take care of running it.
-The only thing that you have to make sure, is the "JAVA_HOME" environment
-property should be set to match the JVM you want to use.
-That's all you have to do to be ready to go.
-Building instructions
-First, make sure your current working directory is where this very file
-is located. Then type
- ./build.sh (unix)
- .\build.bat (win32)
-if everything is right and all the required packages are visible, this action
-will start the build and prompt you with options.
-Note, that if you do further development, compilation time is reduced since
-Ant is able of detecting which files have changed and to recompile them at need.
-Also, you'll note that reusing a single JVM instance for each task, increases
-tremendously the performance of the whole build system, compared to other
-tools (i.e. make or shell scripts) where a new JVM is started for each task.
-Build targets
-The build system is not only responsible of compiling the project into a jar
-file, but is also responsible for creating the HTML documentation, javadocs,
-distributions and web site. In fact, the file you have here is _exactly_ what
-is used by project maintainers to take care of everything in the project,
-no less and no more.
-To know more about the available targets take a look at this file, which is
-pretty self-explanatory, or run the build with "-projecthelp".
-Build Dependencies
-Some components are optional and require special jar files to be compiled
-and added to the application. Some of these jars are already included
-in the distribution while others not.
-For each optional package which is not available, a warning can be
- Happy hacking :)
+ For a simple interactive build, simply
+ run the build script (build.bar or build.sh)
<!-- =================================================================== -->
@@ -103,42 +34,21 @@ printed.
<!-- Interactive build -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="interactive" description="Interactive Build" depends="-init">
- <echo>
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- ${xgump.module.project.name} ${xgump.module.project.version.major}.${xgump.module.project.version.minor} [${YEAR}]
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Using ${ant.version}
- Build file ${ant.file}
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- These are the most common build targets.
- You can also invoke them directly; see build.xml for more info.
- Builds will be in /build directory, distributions in /dist.
- all -------------- creates the jars and the site
- compile ---------- compiles the source code
- test ------------- performs the jUnit tests
- jar -------------- create the jar files
- docs ------------- generates the html docs - clean not needed
- javadocs --------- generates the API documentation
- site ------------- generates the html site (docs+reports)
- clean ------------ cleans the build directory
- dist ------------- creates src and bin distributions
- scratchpad ------- build-run scratchpad code
- contrib ---------- build-run contributed code
- generate-records - generate excel records
- generate-types --- generate word types
- </echo>
- <property name="input.selection" value="all"/>
- <centipede-user-input name="input.selection">Please select a target </centipede-user-input>
<antcall target="call-cent">
<param name="cent-name" value="centipede"/>
+ <param name="cent-target" value="menu"/>
+ <param name="definition" value="targets/"/>
+ </antcall>
+ <antcall target="call-cent">
+ <param name="cent-name" value="centipede"/>
<param name="cent-target" value="splash"/>
+ <echo message="IS::::::::${input.selection}::::"/>
<antcall target="${input.selection}"/>
@@ -225,19 +135,6 @@ printed.
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <!-- Run build gui -->
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <target name="gui" depends="-init"
- description="Run build gui">
- <antcall target="call-cent">
- <param name="cent-name" value="antidote"/>
- <param name="cent-target" value="run"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
<!-- ================================== -->
<!-- Build jars -->
@@ -260,21 +157,6 @@ printed.
<target name="dist" depends="-init, clean, test, jar, site"
description="Build distribution packages wo single build checks">
- <echo>**********************************************</echo>
- <echo>*</echo>
- <echo>* Build all distributions:</echo>
- <echo>* - source distribution for windows/unix.</echo>
- <echo>* - binary distribution for windows/unix.</echo>
- <echo>*</echo>
- <echo>* Since *all* main targets are tested, </echo>
- <echo>* first indipendently and then together to </echo>
- <echo>* check that everything is ok,</echo>
- <echo>* this may take a while...</echo>
- <echo>*</echo>
- <echo>***********************************************</echo>
- <echo/>
<antcall target="call-cent">
<param name="cent-name" value="centipede"/>
<param name="cent-target" value="dist"/>
@@ -378,20 +260,6 @@ printed.
<!-- ================================== -->
- <!-- Generates the XML javadocs -->
- <!-- ================================== -->
- <target name="xjavadocs" depends="-init"
- description="Compile java source code">
- <antcall target="call-cent">
- <param name="cent-name" value="centipede"/>
- <param name="cent-target" value="xjavadocs"/>
- </antcall>
- </target>
- <!-- ================================== -->
<!-- Check style -->
<!-- ================================== -->
@@ -404,7 +272,20 @@ printed.
+ <!-- ================================== -->
+ <!-- Generate records -->
+ <!-- ================================== -->
+ <target name="try" depends="-init">
+ <antcall target="call-cent">
+ <param name="cent-name" value="javasrc"/>
+ <param name="cent-target" value="javasrc"/>
+ </antcall>
+ </target>
<!-- ================================== -->
<!-- Generate records -->
<!-- ================================== -->
diff --git a/properties.xml b/properties.xml
index 1d89130c96..e7d75bc836 100644
--- a/properties.xml
+++ b/properties.xml
@@ -34,12 +34,13 @@
<cents repository="http://krysalis.org/jars/">
- <antidote/>
+ <!-- not currently used by POI
+ <antidote/>
+ <xmldoclet/> -->
- <xmldoclet/>
<!-- available skins: