path: root/tools/cocoon/conf/cocoon.xconf
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/cocoon/conf/cocoon.xconf')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 718 deletions
diff --git a/tools/cocoon/conf/cocoon.xconf b/tools/cocoon/conf/cocoon.xconf
deleted file mode 100644
index e72fa1e4cd..0000000000
--- a/tools/cocoon/conf/cocoon.xconf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<cocoon version="2.0">
- <!-- The sitemap language -->
- <language name="sitemap" class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.SitemapLanguage">
- <!-- Namespace for this language -->
- <namespace uri="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0"/>
- <!-- File name for files in this language, relative to the environment prefix -->
- <file name="sitemap.xmap"/>
- <!-- Description of the element for nodes parameters -->
- <parameter element="parameter"/>
- <!-- roles for the sitemap language -->
- <roles>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.acting.ActionSelector"
- shorthand="actions"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector"/>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.selection.SelectorSelector"
- shorthand="selectors"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector"/>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.matching.MatcherSelector"
- shorthand="matchers"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector">
- <hint shorthand="regexp-uri-matcher"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.matching.RegexpURIMatcher"/>
- <hint shorthand="wildcard-uri-matcher"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.matching.WildcardURIMatcher"/>
- </role>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.generation.GeneratorSelector"
- shorthand="generators"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector">
- <hint shorthand="file-generator"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.generation.FileGenerator"/>
- <hint shorthand="XSP-generator"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.generation.ServerPagesGenerator"/>
- </role>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TransformerSelector"
- shorthand="transformers"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector">
- <hint shorthand="XSLT-transformer"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer"/>
- <hint shorthand="cinclude-transformer"
- class="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.CIncludeTransformer"/>
- </role>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.SerializerSelector"
- shorthand="serializers"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector"/>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.reading.ReaderSelector"
- shorthand="readers"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ComponentsSelector"/>
- <role name="org.apache.cocoon.components.notification.NotifyingBuilder"
- shorthand="notifying-builder"
- default-class="org.apache.cocoon.components.notification.DefaultNotifyingBuilder"/>
- </roles>
- <!-- node definitions for the sitemap language -->
- <nodes>
- <!-- All node names are given as local names in the above namespace (no prefix) -->
- <!-- Sitemap root node -->
- <node name="sitemap" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.SitemapNodeBuilder">
- <allowed-children>components, views, action-sets, resources, pipelines</allowed-children>
- </node>
- <!-- Components definition : parse view info associated to components
- (actual components creation is done by SitemapLanguage) -->
- <node name="components"
- <node name="pipelines"
- <allowed-children>pipeline</allowed-children>
- </node>
- <node name="views" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.CategoryNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="view" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ViewNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="resources" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.CategoryNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="resource" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.NamedContainerNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="action-sets" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.CategoryNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="action-set"
- <node name="pipeline" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.PipelineNodeBuilder">
- <forbidden-children>sitemap, components, pipelines</forbidden-children>
- </node>
- <node name="match" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.MatchNodeBuilder">
- <forbidden-children>sitemap, components, pipeline, handle-errors</forbidden-children>
- </node>
- <node name="select" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.SelectNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="act" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ActNodeBuilder">
- <forbidden-children>sitemap, components, pipeline, handle-errors</forbidden-children>
- </node>
- <node name="redirect-to"
- <node name="call" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.CallNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="mount" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.MountNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="read" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.ReadNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="aggregate"
- <node name="generate" builder="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.sitemap.GenerateNodeBuilder"/>
- <node name="transform"
- <node name="serialize"
- <node name="handle-errors"
- </nodes>
- </language>
- <!-- Source Handler:
- The source handler adds special url protocols to the system, they are
- then available inside Cocoon, e.g. as a source argument for one of the
- sitemap components.
- -->
- <source-handler logger="core.source-handler">
- <!-- file protocol : this is a WriteableSource -->
- <protocol name="file" class="org.apache.cocoon.components.source.FileSourceFactory"/>
- </source-handler>
- <!-- Entity resolution catalogs: *********************************************
- catalog:
- The default catalog is distributed at /resources/entities/catalog
- This is the contextual pathname for Cocoon resources.
- You can override this path, if necessary, using the "catalog" parameter.
- <parameter name="catalog" value="/resources/entities/catalog"/>
- However, it is probably desirable to leave this default catalog config
- and declare your own local catalogs, which are loaded in addition to
- the system catalog.
- There are various ways to do local configuration (see "Entity Catalogs"
- documentation). One way is via the CatalogManager.properties file.
- As an additional method, you can specify the "local-catalog" parameter here.
- local-catalog:
- The full filesystem pathname to a single local catalog file.
- <parameter name="local-catalog" value="/usr/local/sgml/mycatalog"/>
- verbosity:
- The level of messages for status/debug (messages go to standard output)
- The following messages are provided ...
- 0 = none
- 1 = ? (... not sure yet)
- 2 = 1+, Loading catalog, Resolved public, Resolved system
- 3 = 2+, Catalog does not exist, resolvePublic, resolveSystem
- 10 = 3+, List all catalog entries when loading a catalog
- (Cocoon also logs the "Resolved public" messages.)
- TODO: determine all messages at each level
- <parameter name="verbosity" value="2"/>
- ************************************************************************** -->
- <entity-resolver class="org.apache.cocoon.components.resolver.ResolverImpl"
- logger="core.resolver">
- <parameter name="catalog" value="/resources/entities/catalog"/>
- <parameter name="verbosity" value="1"/>
- </entity-resolver>
-<!-- ================ Apache Cocoon configuration file ================== -->
-<!-- For full description of the components and their parameters ...
- - Apache Cocoon User Documentation at /userdocs/
- - webapp/cocoon.xconf (this file) - describes each core component
- - each optional component/.../*.xconf - these describe the parameters
- for each component and are automatically included at build-time.
- The notes that accompany the settings below are intended to be concise.
-<!-- ===================== General Components =========================== -->
- <!-- Parser:
- The default parser used in Apache Cocoon is
- org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser. Apache Cocoon requires a
- JAXP 1.1 parser.
- If you have problems because your servlet environment uses its own
- parser not conforming to JAXP 1.1 try using the alternative
- XercesParser instead of the JaxpParser. To activate the XercesParser,
- change the class attribute to
- class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.XercesParser"
- You will also need to add a system property to your JVM,
- probably on the startup of your servlet engine like this:
- -Dorg.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.Parser=org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.XercesParser
- Configuration for the JaxpParser (not the XercesParser!):
- - validate (boolean, default = false): This parameter causes the parser
- to be a validating parser.
- XML validation is only being used for the documentation build.
- (If you are going to use it elsewhere, then do so with caution.)
- You really should have validated all of your XML documents already,
- according to their proper DTD or schema. Do not expect Cocoon to do it.
- - namespace-prefixes (boolean, default = false) : do we want
- namespaces declarations also as 'xmlns:' attributes ?
- Note : setting this to true confuses some XSL processors (e.g. Saxon).
- - stop-on-warning (boolean, default = true) : should the parser
- stop parsing if a warning occurs ?
- - stop-on-recoverable-error (boolean, default = true) : should the parser
- stop parsing if a recoverable error occurs ?
- - reuse-parsers (boolean, default = true) : do we want to reuse
- parsers or create a new parser for each parse ?
- Note : even if this parameter is true, parsers are not
- recycled in case of parsing errors : some parsers (e.g. Xerces) don't like
- to be reused after failure.
- - sax-parser-factory (string) : the name of the SAXParserFactory
- implementation class to be used instead of using the standard JAXP mechanism
- (SAXParserFactory.newInstance()). This allows to choose
- unambiguously the JAXP implementation to be used when several of them are
- available in the classpath.
- - document-builder-factory (string) : the name of the
- DocumentBuilderFactory implementation to be used (similar to
- sax-parser-factory for DOM).
- -->
- <xml-parser class="org.apache.avalon.excalibur.xml.JaxpParser"
- logger="core.xml-parser">
- <parameter name="validate" value="false"/>
- <parameter name="namespace-prefixes" value="false"/>
- <parameter name="stop-on-warning" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="stop-on-recoverable-error" value="true"/>
- <!--
- <parameter name="reuse-parsers" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="sax-parser-factory" value="???"/>
- <parameter name="document-builder-factory" value="???"/>
- -->
- </xml-parser>
- <!-- ============================ STORE ============================ -->
- <!-- Persistent store for the cache. Two store implementations to choose
- from:
- * FilesystemStore: Simple. Dependable. Thorougly tested.
- * JispFilesystemStore: Scalable. New kid on the block. Not thorougly tested.
- If you opt in to use JispFilesystemStore, comment out FilesystemStore
- entry.
- JispFilesystemStore configuration parameters
- (in addition to common parameters):
- datafile: name of the store file to use.
- indexfile: name of the index file to use.
- order: FIXME: put description here.
- <cache-persistent class="org.apache.cocoon.components.store.JispFilesystemStore"
- logger="core.store.persistent">
- <parameter name="use-cache-directory" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="datafile" value="cocoon-cache.dat"/>
- <parameter name="indexfile" value="cocoon-cache.idx"/>
- <parameter name="order" value="1701"/>
- </cache-persistent>
- <cache-persistent class="org.apache.cocoon.components.store.FilesystemStore"
- logger="core.store.persistent">
- <parameter name="use-cache-directory" value="true"/>
- </cache-persistent>
- -->
- <cache-persistent class="org.apache.cocoon.components.store.JispFilesystemStore"
- logger="core.store.persistent">
- <parameter name="use-cache-directory" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="datafile" value="cocoon-cache.dat"/>
- <parameter name="indexfile" value="cocoon-cache.idx"/>
- <parameter name="order" value="1701"/>
- </cache-persistent>
- <!-- Memory Storing: -->
- <cache-transient class="org.apache.cocoon.components.store.MRUMemoryStore"
- logger="core.store.transient">
- <!-- Indicates how many objects will be hold in the cache.
- When the number of maxobjects has been reached. The last object in the
- cache will be thrown out. -->
- <parameter name="maxobjects" value="100"/>
- <!-- Turns the swapping of the objects into persistent cache on
- and off. -->
- <parameter name="use-persistent-cache" value="true"/>
- </cache-transient>
- <!-- Store Janitor:
- Be careful with the heapsize and freememory parameters. Wrong values can
- cause high cpu usage. Example configuration:
- Jvm settings:
- -Xms100000000 -Xmx200000000
- store-janitor settings:
- <parameter name="freememory" value="5000000"/>
- <parameter name="heapsize" value="150000000"/>
- Heapsize *must* be higher then the -Xms parameter and *must* be lower or
- equal than -Xmx. It is recommended to have heapsize equal to -Xmx, especially
- on Sun's JVM which are unable to shrink its heap once it grows above minimum.
- Freememory parameter *must* be lower than -Xms, and should be greater than
- amount of memory necessary for normal application operation.
- -->
- <store-janitor class="org.apache.cocoon.components.store.StoreJanitorImpl"
- logger="core.store.janitor">
- <!-- How much free memory shall be available in the jvm -->
- <parameter name="freememory" value="1000000"/>
- <!-- Indicates the limit of the jvm memory consumption. The default max
- heapsize for Sun's JVM is 64Mb -->
- <parameter name="heapsize" value="67108864"/>
- <!-- How often shall the cleanup thread check memory -->
- <parameter name="cleanupthreadinterval" value="10"/>
- <!-- Indicates the thread priority of the cleanup thread -->
- <parameter name="threadpriority" value="5"/>
- <!-- How much percent of the elements of each registered Store shall
- be removed when low on memory. Default 10% -->
- <parameter name="percent_to_free" value="10"/>
- </store-janitor>
- <!-- ============================ STORE END ========================= -->
- <!-- XSLT Processor:
- For Xalan: Turn 'incremental-processing' to true if you want a continous output (if set to
-false the transformer
- delivers SAX events after all transformations has been done). -->
- <xslt-processor class="org.apache.cocoon.components.xslt.XSLTProcessorImpl"
- logger="core.xslt-processor">
- <parameter name="use-store" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="incremental-processing" value="false"/>
- </xslt-processor>
- <!-- Xpath Processor:
- -->
- <xpath-processor class="org.apache.cocoon.components.xpath.XPathProcessorImpl"
- logger="core.xpath-processor"/>
- <!-- URL Factory:
- The url factory adds special url protocols to the system, they are then
- available inside Cocoon, e.g. as a source argument for one of the sitemap
- components.
- -->
- <url-factory logger="core.url-factory">
- <!-- Allows access to resources available from the ClassLoader,
- using getResource() method. -->
- <protocol name="resource" class="org.apache.cocoon.components.url.ResourceURLFactory"/>
- <!-- Allows access to resources available from the servlet context,
- using getResource() method. -->
- <protocol name="context" class="org.apache.cocoon.components.url.ContextURLFactory"/>
- <!-- Add here protocol factories for your own protocols -->
- </url-factory>
- <!-- Program Generator:
- The ProgamGenerator builds programs from a XML document written in a
- MarkupLanguage.
- auto-reload:
- root-package: persistent code repository.
- preload:
- -->
- <program-generator logger="core.program-generator">
- <parameter name="auto-reload" value="true"/>
- <parameter name="root-package" value="org.apache.cocoon.www"/>
- <parameter name="preload" value="true"/>
- </program-generator>
- <!-- Xscript:
- -->
- <xscript logger="core.xscript">
- <parameter name="xscript:copy-of"
- <parameter name="xscript:value-of"
- </xscript>
- <!-- Programming Languages: -->
- <programming-languages>
- <java-language name="java" logger="core.language.java">
- <!-- Compiler parameter specifies which class to use to compile Java.
- Possible variants are:
- Javac. Requires javac.jar (included with Cocoon distribution).
- Pizza. Requires pizza.jar (included with Cocoon distribution).
- Jikes. Requires IBM jikes compiler to be present in the PATH -->
- <parameter name="compiler"
- <!-- Specifies which formatter to use to format source code.
- This parameter is optional.
- It is commented out because of bug #5689: Java "code-formatter" incorrectly formats
-double values
- <parameter name="code-formatter"
- -->
- <!-- A singleton-like implementation of a ClassLoader -->
- <parameter name="class-loader"
- </java-language>
- </programming-languages>
- <!-- Class loader:
- A singleton-like implementation of a ClassLoader.
- -->
- <classloader class="org.apache.cocoon.components.classloader.ClassLoaderManagerImpl"
- logger="core.classloader"/>
- <!-- Markup Languages:
- This section defines several builtin logicsheets. A logicsheet is an XML
- filter used to translate user-defined, dynamic markup into equivalent
- code embedding directives for a given markup language.
- -->
- <markup-languages>
- <xsp-language name="xsp" logger="core.markup.xsp">
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xsp"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp"/>
- <!-- Defines the XSP Core logicsheet for the Java language -->
- <target-language name="java">
- <parameter name="core-logicsheet"
- <!-- The Request logicsheet (taglib) is an XSP logicsheet that wraps XML tags
- around standard request operations -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xsp-request"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/request/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The Response logicsheet (taglib) is an XSP logicsheet that wraps XML tags
- around standard response operations -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xsp-response"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/response/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The Session logicsheet (taglib) is an XSP logicsheet that wraps XML tags around
- standard session operations. Specifically, the Session logicsheet provides an
- XML interface to most methods of the HttpSession object (see the Java Servlet API
- Specification, version 2.2 ) for more information. -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="session"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/session/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The Cookie logicsheet (taglib) is an XSP logicsheet that wraps XML tags
- around standard cookie operations -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xsp-cookie"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/cookie/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The ESQL logicsheet is an XSP logicsheet that performs sql queries and
- serializes their results as XML. This allows you to work with data from a
- wide variety of different sources when using Apache Cocoon. -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="esql"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/v2"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="log"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/log/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="util"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/util/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The xsp-formval taglib serves as interface to retrieve validation results
- from a request attribute -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xsp-formval"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/form-validator/2.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The sel taglib allows to put multiple pages / view into
- one xsp. While in general it is good style to put
- different views into different xsp because they're more
- easily maintained, this is a useful feature with
- e.g. with long forms that are broken into parts -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="sel"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/sel/1.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="action"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/cocoon/action/1.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <!-- The capture taglib is for capturing parts of the XSP-generated XML as
- XML fragments or DOM nodes -->
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="capture"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/cocoon/capture/1.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="xscript"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/xscript/1.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- <builtin-logicsheet>
- <parameter name="prefix" value="soap"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/xsp/soap/3.0"/>
- <parameter name="href"
- </builtin-logicsheet>
- </target-language>
- </xsp-language>
- <!-- Defines Sitemap Core logicsheet for the Java language -->
- <sitemap-language name="sitemap" logger="core.markup.sitemap">
- <parameter name="prefix" value="map"/>
- <parameter name="uri" value="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0"/>
- <target-language name="java">
- <parameter name="core-logicsheet"
- </target-language>
- </sitemap-language>
- </markup-languages>
- <!-- Datasources example:
- <datasources>
- <jdbc name="personnel" logger="core.datasources.personnel">
- <pool-controller min="5" max="10" oradb="true"/>
- <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>
- <auto-commit>false</auto-commit>
- <dburl>jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9002</dburl>
- <user>sa</user>
- <password></password>
- </jdbc>
- </datasources>
- -->
- <!-- Stream Pipeline:
- Either collects a Reader and lets it produce a character stream
- or connects an EventPipeline with a Serializer and lets them produce
- the character stream. Alternatives to CachingStreamPipeline are:
- <stream-pipeline class="org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.NonCachingStreamPipeline"/>
- -->
- <stream-pipeline class="org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.CachingStreamPipeline"
- logger="core.stream-pipeline"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4"/>
- <!-- Event Pipeline:
- Connects the generator and the various transformers and produces a
- character stream. Alternatives to CachingEventPipeline are:
- <event-pipeline class="org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.NonCachingEventPipeline"/>
- <event-pipeline class="org.apache.cocoon.components.profiler.ProfilingCachingEventPipeline"/>
- <event-pipeline
- -->
- <event-pipeline class="org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.CachingEventPipeline"
- logger="core.event-pipeline"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4"/>
- <!-- Compiling xml to byte streams.
- The xml-serializer "compiles" xml sax events into a byte stream
- and the xml-deserializer does the same vice versa.
- Make sure, that if you change one of these components, that you
- may have to change the other one as well, as they might have
- a dependency.
- -->
- <xml-serializer class="org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLByteStreamCompiler"
- logger="core.xml-serializer"/>
- <xml-deserializer class="org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLByteStreamInterpreter"
- logger="core.xml-deserializer"/>
- <!-- SAXConnector:
- Connects the various pipeline components.
- LoggingSAXConnector logs SAX events between pipeline components
- into cocoon's log file.
- ProfilingSAXConnector gathers timing information.
- Uncomment one of the following lines for using the SAXConnector.
- <sax-connector class="org.apache.cocoon.components.saxconnector.LoggingSAXConnector"/>
- <sax-connector class="org.apache.cocoon.components.profiler.ProfilingSAXConnector"/>
- -->
- <!-- Profiler:
- The profiler facilitates the gathering of statistics about timings of
- different steps of pipelines. Profiler consists of several components:
- profiling pipeline, profiling SAX connector, and profiler generator
- which are used to generate the profile report. You need to enable all of
- these components to use profiler.
- Uncomment the following line to use profiler.
- <profiler/>
- -->
- <!-- Resource Monitor:
- The Monitor keeps track on changes to a Resource.
- -->
- <monitor logger="core.monitor">
- <thread priority="5" frequency="10000"/>
- </monitor>
-<!-- ======================== The sitemap ============================== -->
- <!-- Reloading of the sitemap:
- The check-reload attribute determines if the sitemap is reloaded on change.
- Set to "no", the sitemap is generated once at startup.
- Set to "yes", the sitemap is regenerated if it changes.
- The reload-method specifies the method for the regeneration:
- asynchron: If the sitemap changes, the sitemap is regenerated at the
- next request in the background and the incoming request is
- served with the old sitemap. All subsequent requests are
- served with the old sitemap until the regeneration in the
- background has finished.
- synchron: If the sitemap changes, the sitemap is regenerated at the
- next request. When the regeneration is finished, the request
- (and all subsequent ones) is served with the new sitemap.
- For development environment, set the reload-method to synchron and the
- check-reload to yes.
- For production environment, it is advisable to set the reload-method to
- asynchron and for more safety the check-reload to no.
- <sitemap file="sitemap.xmap" reload-method="asynchron" check-reload="yes" logger="sitemap"/>
- -->
- <sitemap class="org.apache.cocoon.treeprocessor.TreeProcessor" logger="sitemap"/>
-<!-- ===================== Sitemap Components =========================== -->
- <!-- Here defined some core Cocoon sitemap components, as File generator
- or XSLT transformer. Note that syntax of this file slightly differs
- from the syntax of <map:components> section of the sitemap.xmap file.
- -->
- <generators>
- <component-instance name="file" class="org.apache.cocoon.generation.FileGenerator"
- label="content,data"
- logger="sitemap.generator.file"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4"/>
- <component-instance name="serverpages" class="org.apache.cocoon.generation.ServerPagesGenerator"
- label="content,data"
- logger="sitemap.generator.serverpages"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="0" pool-grow="2"/>
- </generators>
- <transformers>
- <component-instance name="xslt" class="org.apache.cocoon.transformation.TraxTransformer"
- logger="sitemap.transformer.xslt"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4">
- <use-request-parameters>false</use-request-parameters>
- <use-browser-capabilities-db>false</use-browser-capabilities-db>
- <use-deli>false</use-deli>
- </component-instance>
- </transformers>
- <serializers>
- <component-instance name="links" class="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.LinkSerializer"
- encoding="iso8859-1"
- logger="sitemap.serializer.links"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4"/>
- <component-instance name="xml" class="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.XMLSerializer"
- encoding="iso8859-1"
- mime-type="text/xml"
- logger="sitemap.serializer.xml"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="2" pool-grow="4"/>
- <component-instance name="html" class="org.apache.cocoon.serialization.HTMLSerializer"
- encoding="iso8859-1"
- mime-type="text/html"
- logger="sitemap.serializer.html"
- pool-max="32" pool-min="4" pool-grow="4">
- <buffer-size>1024</buffer-size>
- </component-instance>
- </serializers>
- <readers>
- <component-instance name="resource" class="org.apache.cocoon.reading.ResourceReader"
- logger="sitemap.reader.resource"
- pool-max="32"/>
- </readers>
- <matchers/>
- <selectors/>
- <actions/>