path: root/build.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Add missing jacoco-lib to test-scratchpadDominik Stadler2018-12-191-5/+5
* #60656 - EMF image support in slideshowsAndreas Beeker2018-12-161-1/+1
* #62365 - SVG image support in XSLFAndreas Beeker2018-12-161-1/+24
* disable findbugs for IBM JDKAndreas Beeker2018-12-131-1/+1
* disable findbugs for IBM JDKAndreas Beeker2018-12-121-1/+4
* add ooxml lite agent again ...Andreas Beeker2018-12-111-0/+6
* #62999 - IBM JDK JIT causes AIOOBE in TexturePaintContextAndreas Beeker2018-12-111-239/+137
* #62999 - IBM JDK JIT causes AIOOBE in TexturePaintContextAndreas Beeker2018-12-101-0/+16
* update links to POI 4.0.1Andreas Beeker2018-11-301-0/+3
* prepare for 4.0.2Andreas Beeker2018-11-261-1/+1
* release prepare for 4.0.1 - updating build.xml and changes.xmlAndreas Beeker2018-11-261-1/+1
* exclude sha256 for nexus uploadAndreas Beeker2018-11-261-1/+1
* Exclude ooxml-testlib from src-zip/tar.gzDominik Stadler2018-11-251-0/+1
* Remove duplicated .jar extension when crafting the maven-jar nameAndreas Beeker2018-11-201-0/+1
* prepare for 4.0.2Andreas Beeker2018-11-191-1/+1
* release prepare for 4.0.1 - updating build.xml and changes.xmlAndreas Beeker2018-11-191-1/+1
* Remove/Minimize references to Scratchpad module from other modulesAndreas Beeker2018-11-191-0/+2
* #62921 - Provide OOXMLLite alternative for Java 12+Andreas Beeker2018-11-181-2/+5
* #62921 - Provide OOXMLLite alternative for Java 12+Andreas Beeker2018-11-181-1/+1
* #62921 - Provide OOXMLLite alternative for Java 12+Andreas Beeker2018-11-181-1/+1
* #62921 - Provide OOXMLLite alternative for Java 12+Andreas Beeker2018-11-181-79/+68
* Allow the forrest task to be called from the site sub-projectNick Burch2018-10-311-3/+6
* More javadoc updatesNick Burch2018-10-301-1/+1
* Update for latest/dev javadocs at /apidocs/dev/Nick Burch2018-10-301-2/+2
* update xmlbeans to 3.0.2PJ Fanning2018-10-271-2/+3
* add stax entries to forbidden apis due to android issuesPJ Fanning2018-10-061-2/+3
* [bug-62747] bouncycastle 1.60PJ Fanning2018-09-191-12/+9
* [bug-62742] add commons-compress jar to bin zipPJ Fanning2018-09-191-0/+1
* fix forbidden-apis checkPJ Fanning2018-09-181-3/+8
* [bug-62730] include all inner list classes in poi-ooxml-schemas.jarPJ Fanning2018-09-181-1/+24
* #62699 - Download page must link to https://www.apache.org/dist/poi/KEYSAndreas Beeker2018-09-081-58/+36
* update 3.17 leftovers and provide a new build target to update those in the n...Andreas Beeker2018-09-071-24/+59
* update docs to 4.0.0Andreas Beeker2018-09-051-48/+32
* update docs to Java 1.8Andreas Beeker2018-09-011-9/+0
* Add SHA256 to release-prep and legal/* to ooxml-schemasAndreas Beeker2018-09-011-8/+17
* prepare for 4.0.1-beta1Andreas Beeker2018-08-311-1/+1
* release prepare for 4.0.0 - updating build.xml and changes.xmlAndreas Beeker2018-08-311-1/+1
* fix changes.xml entries in build.xmlAndreas Beeker2018-08-311-7/+7
* test integration of XDDF text entitiesAlain BĂ©arez2018-08-261-2/+0
* Use any version of xmlbeans in the assemble step to reduce the number of plac...Dominik Stadler2018-08-261-1/+1
* use released version of xmlbeans 3.0.1PJ Fanning2018-08-241-1/+1
* Also update asm to 6.2.1, this is required for JaCoCo 0.8.2Dominik Stadler2018-08-241-7/+8
* Update JaCoCo to 0.8.2 in build.gradle to make it work with JDK 10+Dominik Stadler2018-08-231-2/+4
* Adjust for JDK 11 ea-26 build, need to add jaxb via normal jar dependency now...Dominik Stadler2018-08-231-0/+32
* Update to latest Mockito 2.21Dominik Stadler2018-08-231-2/+3
* Try to make target "docs" work on Windows againDominik Stadler2018-08-231-1/+5
* uptake xmlbeans 3.0.1 (staging version, pre-release)PJ Fanning2018-08-191-4/+5
* fix issue with commons-compress URLPJ Fanning2018-08-171-1/+1
* 62630 -- upgrad commons-compressTim Allison2018-08-161-2/+3
* replaced forrest ant integration with ant invocation - copying xml-resolver.j...Andreas Beeker2018-07-211-12/+5