path: root/poi-ooxml-lite
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* update to release 5.1.0Andreas Beeker2021-09-031-9/+14
* update module-info.classes for next releaseAndreas Beeker2021-09-021-0/+0
* disable javadoc generation in ooxml-full and ooxml-liteAndreas Beeker2021-08-291-1/+2
* sonar fixesAndreas Beeker2021-08-281-0/+2
* use xmlbeans 5.0.0 in ant buildPJ Fanning2021-08-061-1/+2
* use xmlbeans 5.0.0 in ant buildPJ Fanning2021-08-061-2/+1
* provide dist files via gradleAndreas Beeker2021-07-191-15/+19
* revert accidental changePJ Fanning2021-07-121-1/+2
* use xmlbeans 5.0.0 in ant build due to build issuesPJ Fanning2021-07-122-2/+1
* revert accidental commitPJ Fanning2021-07-071-1/+9
* add explicit commons-io dependency to poi-ooxml. This closes #237PJ Fanning2021-07-061-8/+0
* activate javadoc lint and fix errorsAndreas Beeker2021-05-211-2/+2
* Start moving some bits to the main Gradle fileDominik Stadler2021-05-131-9/+0
* fix gradle builds to better comply with IntelliJAndreas Beeker2021-04-181-2/+17
* 65206 - Migrate ant / maven to gradle buildAndreas Beeker2021-04-073-0/+187