diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2016-06-18 10:47:44 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2016-06-18 10:47:44 +0000
commit110aba287370ab71d20c9c31d27f49cf71439754 (patch)
parent1f79610fdc05fe306ee56c60b2cb1b249ff9010d (diff)
Merged r15562.
git-svn-id: e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
50 files changed, 98 insertions, 135 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/imports/show.html.erb b/app/views/imports/show.html.erb
index a50db99fe..3a0d67611 100644
--- a/app/views/imports/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/imports/show.html.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<h2><%= l(:label_import_issues) %></h2>
<% if @import.saved_items.count > 0 %>
- <p><%= l(:notice_import_finished, :count => @import.saved_items.count) %></p>
+ <p><%= l(:notice_import_finished, :count => @import.saved_items.count) %>:</p>
<ul id="saved-items">
<% @import.saved_objects.each do |issue| %>
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<% end %>
<% if @import.unsaved_items.count > 0 %>
- <p><%= l(:notice_import_finished_with_errors, :count => @import.unsaved_items.count, :total => @import.total_items) %></p>
+ <p><%= l(:notice_import_finished_with_errors, :count => @import.unsaved_items.count, :total => @import.total_items) %>:</p>
<table id="unsaved-items" class="list">
diff --git a/config/locales/ar.yml b/config/locales/ar.yml
index a265f6243..da90e8c60 100644
--- a/config/locales/ar.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ar.yml
@@ -1148,9 +1148,8 @@ ar:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: الوقت الذي تم انفاقه كاملا
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/az.yml b/config/locales/az.yml
index f29566d63..fdc6d30c0 100644
--- a/config/locales/az.yml
+++ b/config/locales/az.yml
@@ -1243,9 +1243,8 @@ az:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Cəmi sərf olunan vaxt
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/bg.yml b/config/locales/bg.yml
index 0e4fccaf9..9bb3767d1 100644
--- a/config/locales/bg.yml
+++ b/config/locales/bg.yml
@@ -186,9 +186,8 @@ bg:
notice_account_deleted: Вашият профил беше премахнат без възможност за възстановяване.
notice_user_successful_create: Потребител %{id} е създаден.
notice_new_password_must_be_different: Новата парола трябва да бъде различна от сегашната парола
- notice_import_finished: Всички %{count} обекта бяха импортирани.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} от общо %{total} обекта не бяха инпортирани.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} обекта бяха импортирани"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} от общо %{total} обекта не бяха инпортирани"
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Грешка при зареждане на началната информация: %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: Несъществуващ обект в хранилището.
error_scm_command_failed: "Грешка при опит за комуникация с хранилище: %{value}"
diff --git a/config/locales/bs.yml b/config/locales/bs.yml
index d65fc1099..fb8358d73 100644
--- a/config/locales/bs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/bs.yml
@@ -1161,9 +1161,8 @@ bs:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/ca.yml b/config/locales/ca.yml
index 8ab7b0f4b..6fee1831b 100644
--- a/config/locales/ca.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ca.yml
@@ -1144,7 +1144,7 @@ ca:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: "Només aquests rols"
label_password_required: "Confirmi la seva contrasenya per continuar"
label_total_spent_time: "Temps total invertit"
- notice_import_finished: "Els %{count} element/s han sigut importats."
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} element/s han sigut importats"
notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} de %{total} elements no s'ha pogut importar"
error_invalid_file_encoding: "El fitxer no utilitza una codificació valida (%{encoding})"
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: "El fitxer no es un CSV o no coincideix amb la configuració"
diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml
index c09b6d013..52dcfba94 100644
--- a/config/locales/cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/cs.yml
@@ -1149,9 +1149,8 @@ cs:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Pouze tyto role
label_password_required: Pro pokračování potvrďte vaše heslo
label_total_spent_time: Celkem strávený čas
- notice_import_finished: Všech %{count} položek bylo naimportováno.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} z %{total} položek nemohlo být
- naimportováno.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} položek bylo naimportováno"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} z %{total} položek nemohlo být naimportováno"
error_invalid_file_encoding: Soubor není platným souborem s kódováním %{encoding}
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: Soubor není CSV soubor nebo neodpovídá
níže uvedenému nastavení
diff --git a/config/locales/da.yml b/config/locales/da.yml
index 77756968f..bfe3d9f92 100644
--- a/config/locales/da.yml
+++ b/config/locales/da.yml
@@ -1165,9 +1165,8 @@ da:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overordnet forbrug af tid
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
index 59ce6e6a8..cc542b91a 100644
--- a/config/locales/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -1167,8 +1167,8 @@ de:
label_member_management_all_roles: Alle Rollen
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Nur diese Rollen
label_total_spent_time: Aufgewendete Zeit aller Projekte anzeigen
- notice_import_finished: Alle %{count} Einträge wurden importiert.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} von %{total} Einträgen konnten nicht importiert werden.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} Einträge wurden importiert"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} von %{total} Einträgen konnten nicht importiert werden"
error_invalid_file_encoding: Die Datei ist keine gültige %{encoding} kodierte Datei
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: Die Datei ist keine CSV-Datei oder entspricht nicht den Einstellungen unten
error_can_not_read_import_file: Beim Einlesen der Datei ist ein Fehler aufgetreten
diff --git a/config/locales/el.yml b/config/locales/el.yml
index 63c6a774a..98cfb588b 100644
--- a/config/locales/el.yml
+++ b/config/locales/el.yml
@@ -1148,9 +1148,8 @@ el:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/en-GB.yml b/config/locales/en-GB.yml
index 0617b2227..5c97dfa99 100644
--- a/config/locales/en-GB.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en-GB.yml
@@ -1153,9 +1153,8 @@ en-GB:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 908aa119a..7c07adbe6 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ en:
notice_account_deleted: "Your account has been permanently deleted."
notice_user_successful_create: "User %{id} created."
notice_new_password_must_be_different: The new password must be different from the current password
- notice_import_finished: "All %{count} items have been imported."
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported."
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Default configuration could not be loaded: %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: "The entry or revision was not found in the repository."
diff --git a/config/locales/es-PA.yml b/config/locales/es-PA.yml
index e7072a7cd..da84fff59 100644
--- a/config/locales/es-PA.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es-PA.yml
@@ -1183,9 +1183,8 @@ es-PA:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Sólo estos roles
label_password_required: Confirme su contraseña para continuar
label_total_spent_time: Tiempo total dedicado
- notice_import_finished: Todos %{count} los elementos han sido importados.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} de %{total} elementos no pudieron ser
- importados.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} elementos han sido importados"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} de %{total} elementos no pudieron ser importados"
error_invalid_file_encoding: El archivo no utiliza %{encoding} válida
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: El archivo no es un archivo CSV o no coincide con la
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index 6cef342f5..7a59cbefb 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -1181,9 +1181,8 @@ es:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Sólo estos roles
label_password_required: Confirme su contraseña para continuar
label_total_spent_time: Tiempo total dedicado
- notice_import_finished: Todos %{count} los elementos han sido importados.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} de %{total} elementos no pudieron ser
- importados.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} elementos han sido importados"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} de %{total} elementos no pudieron ser importados"
error_invalid_file_encoding: El archivo no utiliza %{encoding} válida
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: El archivo no es un archivo CSV o no coincide con la
diff --git a/config/locales/et.yml b/config/locales/et.yml
index 510c9236c..5457f315b 100644
--- a/config/locales/et.yml
+++ b/config/locales/et.yml
@@ -1154,8 +1154,8 @@ et:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: "Ainult need rollid"
label_password_required: "Jätkamiseks kinnita oma parool"
label_total_spent_time: "Kokku kulutatud aeg"
- notice_import_finished: "Kõik %{count} rida imporditud."
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} rida %{total}st ei õnnestunud importida.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} rida imporditud"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} rida %{total}st ei õnnestunud importida"
error_invalid_file_encoding: "See fail ei ole õige %{encoding} kodeeringuga"
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: "See fail kas ei ole CSV formaadis või ei klapi allolevate sätetega"
error_can_not_read_import_file: "Importfaili sisselugemisel ilmnes viga"
diff --git a/config/locales/eu.yml b/config/locales/eu.yml
index ebece4218..ff8a45063 100644
--- a/config/locales/eu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/eu.yml
@@ -1149,9 +1149,8 @@ eu:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Igarotako denbora guztira
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/fa.yml b/config/locales/fa.yml
index c9d527f67..2f55b05de 100644
--- a/config/locales/fa.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fa.yml
@@ -1149,9 +1149,8 @@ fa:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: زمان صرف شده روی هم
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/fi.yml b/config/locales/fi.yml
index c2449b0f1..9d0bb663f 100644
--- a/config/locales/fi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fi.yml
@@ -1169,9 +1169,8 @@ fi:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index 49803506b..bf9670212 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ fr:
notice_account_deleted: "Votre compte a été définitivement supprimé."
notice_user_successful_create: "Utilisateur %{id} créé."
notice_new_password_must_be_different: Votre nouveau mot de passe doit être différent de votre mot de passe actuel
- notice_import_finished: "Les %{count} éléments ont été importé(s)."
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} élément(s) sur %{total} n'ont pas pu être importé(s)."
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} éléments ont été importé(s)"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} élément(s) sur %{total} n'ont pas pu être importé(s)"
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Une erreur s'est produite lors du chargement du paramétrage : %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: "L'entrée et/ou la révision demandée n'existe pas dans le dépôt."
diff --git a/config/locales/gl.yml b/config/locales/gl.yml
index d0069b243..5145cd26f 100644
--- a/config/locales/gl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/gl.yml
@@ -1156,9 +1156,8 @@ gl:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: "Tempo total empregado"
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index b17742433..8fb49ddca 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -1153,9 +1153,8 @@ he:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: זמן שהושקע סה"כ
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/hr.yml b/config/locales/hr.yml
index 9e37b7a2e..754fa360e 100644
--- a/config/locales/hr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hr.yml
@@ -1147,9 +1147,8 @@ hr:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml
index b8e9058f8..e165045c4 100644
--- a/config/locales/hu.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hu.yml
@@ -1167,9 +1167,8 @@
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Összes ráfordított idő
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/id.yml b/config/locales/id.yml
index 750eb2e44..803ae6859 100644
--- a/config/locales/id.yml
+++ b/config/locales/id.yml
@@ -1152,9 +1152,8 @@ id:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml
index 57afce9f0..ed025e83a 100644
--- a/config/locales/it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/it.yml
@@ -1143,9 +1143,8 @@ it:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Solo questi ruoli
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Totale tempo impiegato
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml
index 872c4624f..5c22249ee 100644
--- a/config/locales/ja.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ja.yml
@@ -1163,8 +1163,8 @@ ja:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: 次のロールのみ
label_password_required: この操作を続行するにはパスワードを入力してください
label_total_spent_time: 合計作業時間
- notice_import_finished: '%{count}件の項目をすべてインポートしました。'
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '全%{total}件中%{count}件の項目がインポートできませんでした。'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count}件の項目をすべてインポートしました"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "全%{total}件中%{count}件の項目がインポートできませんでした"
error_invalid_file_encoding: このファイルのエンコーディングは正しい%{encoding}ではありません
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: このファイルはCSVファイルではないか、以下の設定と一致していません
error_can_not_read_import_file: インポート元のファイルを読み込み中にエラーが発生しました
diff --git a/config/locales/ko.yml b/config/locales/ko.yml
index 2fee6dc19..4f952b337 100644
--- a/config/locales/ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ko.yml
@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@ ko:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: 선택된 역할 만
label_password_required: 계속하려면 암호를 확인해야 합니다.
label_total_spent_time: 총 소요시간
- notice_import_finished: 총 %{count} 건을 가져왔습니다.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '총 %{total} 건 중 %{count} 건을 가져오지 못했습니다.'
+ notice_import_finished: "총 %{count} 건을 가져왔습니다"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "총 %{total} 건 중 %{count} 건을 가져오지 못했습니다"
error_invalid_file_encoding: 이 파일은 정상적인 %{encoding} 파일이 아닙니다.
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: 이 파일은 CSV 파일이 아니거나 아래 조건에 맞지 않습니다.
error_can_not_read_import_file: 가져오기 파일을 읽을 수 없습니다.
diff --git a/config/locales/lt.yml b/config/locales/lt.yml
index 2a8b0b5d2..c239ed286 100644
--- a/config/locales/lt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/lt.yml
@@ -187,9 +187,8 @@ lt:
notice_account_deleted: "Jūsų paskyra panaikinta."
notice_user_successful_create: "Vartotojas %{id} sukurtas."
notice_new_password_must_be_different: Naujas slaptažodis turi skirtis nuo esamo slaptažodžio
- notice_import_finished: "Visi %{count} įrašai hbuvo suimportuoti."
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} iš %{total} įrašų nepavyko suimportuoti."
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} įrašai hbuvo suimportuoti"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} iš %{total} įrašų nepavyko suimportuoti"
error_can_t_load_default_data: "Numatytoji konfigūracija negali būti užkrauta: %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: "Saugykloje nebuvo rastas toks įrašas ar revizija"
error_scm_command_failed: "Įvyko klaida jungiantis prie saugyklos: %{value}"
diff --git a/config/locales/lv.yml b/config/locales/lv.yml
index 81184dfac..117dfd556 100644
--- a/config/locales/lv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/lv.yml
@@ -1142,9 +1142,8 @@ lv:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/mk.yml b/config/locales/mk.yml
index e7dc7ee3e..ce0d4abb3 100644
--- a/config/locales/mk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mk.yml
@@ -1148,9 +1148,8 @@ mk:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Вкупно потрошено време
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/mn.yml b/config/locales/mn.yml
index eb63b988f..a0789a51b 100644
--- a/config/locales/mn.yml
+++ b/config/locales/mn.yml
@@ -1149,9 +1149,8 @@ mn:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml
index 23630b28e..1e1676487 100644
--- a/config/locales/nl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/nl.yml
@@ -1127,9 +1127,8 @@ nl:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Totaal bestede tijd
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/no.yml b/config/locales/no.yml
index ce5aef038..6616d37ee 100644
--- a/config/locales/no.yml
+++ b/config/locales/no.yml
@@ -1138,9 +1138,8 @@
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: All tidsbruk
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml
index 0534b6bee..2b3701c82 100644
--- a/config/locales/pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pl.yml
@@ -1163,9 +1163,8 @@ pl:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Tylko tymi rolami
label_password_required: Potwierdź hasło aby kontynuować
label_total_spent_time: Przepracowany czas
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
index 28c5f2303..ee47c2119 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml
@@ -1167,9 +1167,8 @@ pt-BR:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Somente esses papéis
label_password_required: Confirme sua senha para continuar
label_total_spent_time: Tempo gasto geral
- notice_import_finished: Tpdps %{count} itens foram importados.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} fora de %{total} não puderam ser
- importados.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} itens foram importados"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} fora de %{total} não puderam ser importados"
error_invalid_file_encoding: O arquivo não é válido %{encoding} é a codificação do arquivo
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: O arquivo não é um arquivo CSV ou não corresponde as
definições abaixo
diff --git a/config/locales/pt.yml b/config/locales/pt.yml
index 6656b7944..6a3231f8e 100644
--- a/config/locales/pt.yml
+++ b/config/locales/pt.yml
@@ -1153,8 +1153,8 @@ pt:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Apenas estas funções
label_password_required: Confirme a sua palavra-chave para continuar
label_total_spent_time: Total de tempo registado
- notice_import_finished: Todos os %{count} registos foram importados.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} de %{total} registos não poderam ser importados.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} registos foram importados"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} de %{total} registos não poderam ser importados"
error_invalid_file_encoding: 'O ficheiro não possui a codificação correcta: {encoding}'
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: O ficheiro não é um ficheiro CSV ou não respeita as definições abaixo
error_can_not_read_import_file: Ocorreu um erro ao ler o ficheiro a importar
diff --git a/config/locales/ro.yml b/config/locales/ro.yml
index 03e937afa..f4791ee9b 100644
--- a/config/locales/ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ro.yml
@@ -1143,9 +1143,8 @@ ro:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml
index 363d1804c..4d2481f9c 100644
--- a/config/locales/ru.yml
+++ b/config/locales/ru.yml
@@ -1251,8 +1251,8 @@ ru:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Только эти роли
label_password_required: Для продолжения введите свой пароль
label_total_spent_time: Всего затрачено времени
- notice_import_finished: Все %{count} элемент(а, ов) были импортированы.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} из %{total} элемент(а, ов) не могут быть импортированы.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} элемент(а, ов) были импортированы"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} из %{total} элемент(а, ов) не могут быть импортированы"
error_invalid_file_encoding: Кодировка файла не соответствует выбранной %{encoding}
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: Файл не является файлом CSV или не соответствует представленным настройкам
error_can_not_read_import_file: Во время чтения файла для импорта произошла ошибка
diff --git a/config/locales/sk.yml b/config/locales/sk.yml
index 276c8ff2c..efdf8ad53 100644
--- a/config/locales/sk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sk.yml
@@ -1138,9 +1138,8 @@ sk:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Celkový strávený čas
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/sl.yml b/config/locales/sl.yml
index d8f493a55..2121c2e02 100644
--- a/config/locales/sl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sl.yml
@@ -1148,9 +1148,8 @@ sl:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Skupni porabljeni čas
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/sq.yml b/config/locales/sq.yml
index 658183886..058cc0402 100644
--- a/config/locales/sq.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sq.yml
@@ -1144,9 +1144,8 @@ sq:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/sr-YU.yml b/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
index 0ae915f25..8298da415 100644
--- a/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sr-YU.yml
@@ -1150,9 +1150,8 @@ sr-YU:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Celokupno utrošeno vreme
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/sr.yml b/config/locales/sr.yml
index 5c27ec2be..4ce0c2ff1 100644
--- a/config/locales/sr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sr.yml
@@ -1149,9 +1149,8 @@ sr:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Целокупно утрошено време
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/sv.yml b/config/locales/sv.yml
index 059852400..b97e342aa 100644
--- a/config/locales/sv.yml
+++ b/config/locales/sv.yml
@@ -1181,9 +1181,8 @@ sv:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Total tid spenderad
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/th.yml b/config/locales/th.yml
index c25b780bf..a2c841564 100644
--- a/config/locales/th.yml
+++ b/config/locales/th.yml
@@ -1145,9 +1145,8 @@ th:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/tr.yml b/config/locales/tr.yml
index 7eb5f05e8..6f33aaba7 100644
--- a/config/locales/tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/tr.yml
@@ -1157,8 +1157,8 @@ tr:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Sadece bu roller
label_password_required: Devam etmek için şifrenizi doğrulayın
label_total_spent_time: Toplam harcanan zaman
- notice_import_finished: "%{count} kayıt içeri aktarıldı."
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{total} kayıttan %{count} tanesi aktarılamadı.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} kayıt içeri aktarıldı"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{total} kayıttan %{count} tanesi aktarılamadı"
error_invalid_file_encoding: Dosyanın karakter kodlaması geçerli bir %{encoding} kodlaması değil.
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: Dosya CSV dosyası değil veya aşağıdaki ayarlara uymuyor
error_can_not_read_import_file: İçeri aktarılacak dosyayı okurken bir hata oluştu
diff --git a/config/locales/uk.yml b/config/locales/uk.yml
index 8ea60d4a9..2fb2a0471 100644
--- a/config/locales/uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/uk.yml
@@ -1143,9 +1143,8 @@ uk:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Overall spent time
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/vi.yml b/config/locales/vi.yml
index 73405c154..754ac72ec 100644
--- a/config/locales/vi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/vi.yml
@@ -1201,9 +1201,8 @@ vi:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: Only these roles
label_password_required: Confirm your password to continue
label_total_spent_time: Tổng thời gian sử dụng
- notice_import_finished: All %{count} items have been imported.
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: ! '%{count} out of %{total} items could not be
- imported.'
+ notice_import_finished: "%{count} items have been imported"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "%{count} out of %{total} items could not be imported"
error_invalid_file_encoding: The file is not a valid %{encoding} encoded file
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: The file is not a CSV file or does not match the
settings below
diff --git a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
index dc004144e..98ad59315 100644
--- a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@
notice_account_deleted: "您的帳戶已被永久刪除。"
notice_user_successful_create: "已建立用戶 %{id}。"
notice_new_password_must_be_different: 新舊密碼必須相異
- notice_import_finished: "已成功匯入所有的項目共 %{count} 個。"
- notice_import_finished_with_errors: "無法匯入 %{count} 個項目 (全部共 %{total} 個)。"
+ notice_import_finished: "已成功匯入所有的項目共 %{count} 個"
+ notice_import_finished_with_errors: "無法匯入 %{count} 個項目 (全部共 %{total} 個)"
error_can_t_load_default_data: "無法載入預設組態: %{value}"
error_scm_not_found: "在儲存機制中找不到這個項目或修訂版。"
diff --git a/config/locales/zh.yml b/config/locales/zh.yml
index 983730734..8e52b575b 100644
--- a/config/locales/zh.yml
+++ b/config/locales/zh.yml
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ zh:
label_member_management_selected_roles_only: 只限下列角色
label_password_required: 确认您的密码后继续
label_total_spent_time: 总体耗时
- notice_import_finished: 成功导入 %{count} 个项目.
+ notice_import_finished: 成功导入 %{count} 个项目
notice_import_finished_with_errors: 有 %{count} 个项目无法导入(共计 %{total} 个)
error_invalid_file_encoding: 这不是一个有效的 %{encoding} 编码文件
error_invalid_csv_file_or_settings: 这不是一个CSV文件或者不符合以下设置