path: root/app/models/issue.rb
diff options
authorJean-Philippe Lang <>2010-03-13 14:56:49 +0000
committerJean-Philippe Lang <>2010-03-13 14:56:49 +0000
commit8e3d1b694ab47317638b474082cb70e08a8d02e7 (patch)
tree9997cc24910a029fea3e98ed0765566d9c4bb97e /app/models/issue.rb
parente109c9b6b6f314dea19bf92dffa217d962eaa200 (diff)
Adds subtasking (#443) including:
* priority, start/due dates, progress, estimate, spent time roll-up to parent issues * descendant issues tree displayed on the issue view with context menu support * issue tree display on the gantt chart * issue tree copy on project copy * unlimited nesting Defining subtasks requires the new permission 'Manage subtasks'. Subtasks can not belong to a different project than the parent task. Implementation is based on scoped nested sets for fast reads and updates. git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// e93f8b46-1217-0410-a6f0-8f06a7374b81
Diffstat (limited to 'app/models/issue.rb')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/app/models/issue.rb b/app/models/issue.rb
index 6f78ff1e8..c39c9ce8f 100644
--- a/app/models/issue.rb
+++ b/app/models/issue.rb
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :relations_from, :class_name => 'IssueRelation', :foreign_key => 'issue_from_id', :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :relations_to, :class_name => 'IssueRelation', :foreign_key => 'issue_to_id', :dependent => :delete_all
+ acts_as_nested_set :scope => 'root_id'
acts_as_attachable :after_remove => :attachment_removed
@@ -68,7 +69,9 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :default_assign
before_save :reschedule_following_issues, :close_duplicates, :update_done_ratio_from_issue_status
- after_save :create_journal
+ after_save :update_nested_set_attributes, :update_parent_attributes, :create_journal
+ after_destroy :destroy_children
+ after_destroy :update_parent_attributes
# Returns true if usr or current user is allowed to view the issue
def visible?(usr=nil)
@@ -90,60 +93,75 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
def copy_from(arg)
issue = arg.is_a?(Issue) ? arg : Issue.find(arg)
- self.attributes = issue.attributes.dup.except("id", "created_on", "updated_on")
- self.custom_values = issue.custom_values.collect {|v| v.clone}
+ self.attributes = issue.attributes.dup.except("id", "root_id", "parent_id", "lft", "rgt", "created_on", "updated_on")
+ self.custom_field_values = issue.custom_field_values.inject({}) {|h,v| h[v.custom_field_id] = v.value; h}
self.status = issue.status
# Moves/copies an issue to a new project and tracker
# Returns the moved/copied issue on success, false on failure
- def move_to(new_project, new_tracker = nil, options = {})
- options ||= {}
- issue = options[:copy] ? self.clone : self
+ def move_to_project(*args)
ret = Issue.transaction do
- if new_project && issue.project_id !=
- # delete issue relations
- unless Setting.cross_project_issue_relations?
- issue.relations_from.clear
- issue.relations_to.clear
- end
- # issue is moved to another project
- # reassign to the category with same name if any
- new_category = issue.category.nil? ? nil : new_project.issue_categories.find_by_name(
- issue.category = new_category
- # Keep the fixed_version if it's still valid in the new_project
- unless new_project.shared_versions.include?(issue.fixed_version)
- issue.fixed_version = nil
- end
- issue.project = new_project
- end
- if new_tracker
- issue.tracker = new_tracker
+ move_to_project_without_transaction(*args) || raise(ActiveRecord::Rollback)
+ end || false
+ end
+ def move_to_project_without_transaction(new_project, new_tracker = nil, options = {})
+ options ||= {}
+ issue = options[:copy] ? : self
+ if new_project && issue.project_id !=
+ # delete issue relations
+ unless Setting.cross_project_issue_relations?
+ issue.relations_from.clear
+ issue.relations_to.clear
- if options[:copy]
- issue.custom_field_values = self.custom_field_values.inject({}) {|h,v| h[v.custom_field_id] = v.value; h}
- issue.status = if options[:attributes] && options[:attributes][:status_id]
- IssueStatus.find_by_id(options[:attributes][:status_id])
- else
- self.status
- end
+ # issue is moved to another project
+ # reassign to the category with same name if any
+ new_category = issue.category.nil? ? nil : new_project.issue_categories.find_by_name(
+ issue.category = new_category
+ # Keep the fixed_version if it's still valid in the new_project
+ unless new_project.shared_versions.include?(issue.fixed_version)
+ issue.fixed_version = nil
- # Allow bulk setting of attributes on the issue
- if options[:attributes]
- issue.attributes = options[:attributes]
+ issue.project = new_project
+ if issue.parent && issue.parent.project_id != issue.project_id
+ issue.parent_issue_id = nil
- if
- unless options[:copy]
- # Manually update project_id on related time entries
- TimeEntry.update_all("project_id = #{}", {:issue_id => id})
+ end
+ if new_tracker
+ issue.tracker = new_tracker
+ issue.reset_custom_values!
+ end
+ if options[:copy]
+ issue.custom_field_values = self.custom_field_values.inject({}) {|h,v| h[v.custom_field_id] = v.value; h}
+ issue.status = if options[:attributes] && options[:attributes][:status_id]
+ IssueStatus.find_by_id(options[:attributes][:status_id])
+ else
+ self.status
+ end
+ end
+ # Allow bulk setting of attributes on the issue
+ if options[:attributes]
+ issue.attributes = options[:attributes]
+ end
+ if
+ unless options[:copy]
+ # Manually update project_id on related time entries
+ TimeEntry.update_all("project_id = #{}", {:issue_id => id})
+ issue.children.each do |child|
+ unless child.move_to_project_without_transaction(new_project)
+ # Move failed and transaction was rollback'd
+ return false
+ end
- true
- else
- raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ else
+ return false
- ret ? issue : false
+ issue
def priority_id=(pid)
@@ -177,6 +195,7 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
+ parent_issue_id
@@ -203,6 +222,19 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
+ unless leaf?
+ attrs.reject! {|k,v| %w(priority_id done_ratio start_date due_date estimated_hours).include?(k)}
+ end
+ if attrs.has_key?('parent_issue_id')
+ if !user.allowed_to?(:manage_subtasks, project)
+ attrs.delete('parent_issue_id')
+ elsif !attrs['parent_issue_id'].blank?
+ attrs.delete('parent_issue_id') unless Issue.visible(user).exists?(attrs['parent_issue_id'])
+ end
+ end
self.attributes = attrs
@@ -249,6 +281,22 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
errors.add :tracker_id, :inclusion
+ # Checks parent issue assignment
+ if @parent_issue
+ if @parent_issue.project_id != project_id
+ errors.add :parent_issue_id, :not_same_project
+ elsif !new_record?
+ # moving an existing issue
+ if @parent_issue.root_id != root_id
+ # we can always move to another tree
+ elsif move_possible?(@parent_issue)
+ # move accepted inside tree
+ else
+ errors.add :parent_issue_id, :not_a_valid_parent
+ end
+ end
+ end
# Set the done_ratio using the status if that setting is set. This will keep the done_ratios
@@ -340,13 +388,13 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
- # Returns the total number of hours spent on this issue.
+ # Returns the total number of hours spent on this issue and its descendants
# Example:
- # spent_hours => 0
- # spent_hours => 50
+ # spent_hours => 0.0
+ # spent_hours => 50.2
def spent_hours
- @spent_hours ||= time_entries.sum(:hours) || 0
+ @spent_hours ||= self_and_descendants.sum("#{TimeEntry.table_name}.hours", :include => :time_entries).to_f || 0.0
def relations
@@ -386,6 +434,16 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
@soonest_start ||= relations_to.collect{|relation| relation.successor_soonest_start}.compact.min
+ def <=>(issue)
+ if issue.nil?
+ -1
+ elsif root_id != issue.root_id
+ (root_id || 0) <=> (issue.root_id || 0)
+ else
+ (lft || 0) <=> (issue.lft || 0)
+ end
+ end
def to_s
"#{tracker} ##{id}: #{subject}"
@@ -442,6 +500,24 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
Issue.update_versions(["#{Version.table_name}.project_id IN (?) OR #{Issue.table_name}.project_id IN (?)", moved_project_ids, moved_project_ids])
+ def parent_issue_id=(arg)
+ parent_issue_id = arg.blank? ? nil : arg.to_i
+ if parent_issue_id && @parent_issue = Issue.find_by_id(parent_issue_id)
+ else
+ @parent_issue = nil
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def parent_issue_id
+ if instance_variable_defined? :@parent_issue
+ @parent_issue.nil? ? nil :
+ else
+ parent_id
+ end
+ end
# Extracted from the ReportsController.
def self.by_tracker(project)
count_and_group_by(:project => project,
@@ -495,6 +571,95 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
+ def update_nested_set_attributes
+ if root_id.nil?
+ # issue was just created
+ self.root_id = (@parent_issue.nil? ? id : @parent_issue.root_id)
+ set_default_left_and_right
+ Issue.update_all("root_id = #{root_id}, lft = #{lft}, rgt = #{rgt}", ["id = ?", id])
+ if @parent_issue
+ move_to_child_of(@parent_issue)
+ end
+ reload
+ elsif parent_issue_id != parent_id
+ # moving an existing issue
+ if @parent_issue && @parent_issue.root_id == root_id
+ # inside the same tree
+ move_to_child_of(@parent_issue)
+ else
+ # to another tree
+ unless root?
+ move_to_right_of(root)
+ reload
+ end
+ old_root_id = root_id
+ self.root_id = (@parent_issue.nil? ? id : @parent_issue.root_id )
+ target_maxright = nested_set_scope.maximum(right_column_name) || 0
+ offset = target_maxright + 1 - lft
+ Issue.update_all("root_id = #{root_id}, lft = lft + #{offset}, rgt = rgt + #{offset}",
+ ["root_id = ? AND lft >= ? AND rgt <= ? ", old_root_id, lft, rgt])
+ self[left_column_name] = lft + offset
+ self[right_column_name] = rgt + offset
+ if @parent_issue
+ move_to_child_of(@parent_issue)
+ end
+ end
+ reload
+ # delete invalid relations of all descendants
+ self_and_descendants.each do |issue|
+ issue.relations.each do |relation|
+ relation.destroy unless relation.valid?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ remove_instance_variable(:@parent_issue) if instance_variable_defined?(:@parent_issue)
+ end
+ def update_parent_attributes
+ if parent_id && p = Issue.find_by_id(parent_id)
+ # priority = highest priority of children
+ if priority_position = p.children.maximum("#{IssuePriority.table_name}.position", :include => :priority)
+ p.priority = IssuePriority.find_by_position(priority_position)
+ end
+ # start/due dates = lowest/highest dates of children
+ p.start_date = p.children.minimum(:start_date)
+ p.due_date = p.children.maximum(:due_date)
+ if p.start_date && p.due_date && p.due_date < p.start_date
+ p.start_date, p.due_date = p.due_date, p.start_date
+ end
+ # done ratio = weighted average ratio of leaves
+ unless Issue.use_status_for_done_ratio? && p.status && p.status.default_done_ratio?
+ leaves_count = p.leaves.count
+ if leaves_count > 0
+ average = p.leaves.average(:estimated_hours).to_f
+ if average == 0
+ average = 1
+ end
+ done = p.leaves.sum("COALESCE(estimated_hours, #{average}) * (CASE WHEN is_closed = #{connection.quoted_true} THEN 100 ELSE COALESCE(done_ratio, 0) END)", :include => :status).to_f
+ progress = done / (average * leaves_count)
+ p.done_ratio = progress.round
+ end
+ end
+ # estimate = sum of leaves estimates
+ p.estimated_hours = p.leaves.sum(:estimated_hours).to_f
+ p.estimated_hours = nil if p.estimated_hours == 0.0
+ # ancestors will be recursively updated
+ end
+ end
+ def destroy_children
+ unless leaf?
+ children.each do |child|
+ child.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ end
# Update issues so their versions are not pointing to a
# fixed_version that is not shared with the issue's project
def self.update_versions(conditions=nil)
@@ -562,7 +727,7 @@ class Issue < ActiveRecord::Base
def create_journal
if @current_journal
# attributes changes
- (Issue.column_names - %w(id description lock_version created_on updated_on)).each {|c|
+ (Issue.column_names - %w(id description root_id lft rgt lock_version created_on updated_on)).each {|c|
@current_journal.details << => 'attr',
:prop_key => c,
:old_value => @issue_before_change.send(c),