diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@rambler-co.ru>2009-09-07 20:11:48 +0400
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@rambler-co.ru>2009-09-07 20:11:48 +0400
commit9af09b7467a4b9b7b2c9fbf1390b481e71bb07c6 (patch)
parentd1b63d4cff12936a5ea4380bccadcc77b7c3ed3f (diff)
* Add JSON settings parser
17 files changed, 2892 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 50355c61e..7be951bed 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -356,6 +356,7 @@ SET(RSPAMDSRC src/modules.c
+ src/settings.c
@@ -366,6 +367,8 @@ IF(ENABLE_LUA MATCHES "ON")
SET(TOKENIZERSSRC src/tokenizers/tokenizers.c
@@ -471,6 +474,7 @@ IF(LIBUTIL_LIBRARY)
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(rspamd rspamd_json)
diff --git a/src/cfg_file.h b/src/cfg_file.h
index 2b67f8c72..3e932fc10 100644
--- a/src/cfg_file.h
+++ b/src/cfg_file.h
@@ -227,6 +227,8 @@ struct config_file {
GHashTable* cfg_params; /**< all cfg params indexed by its name in this structure */
int clock_res; /**< resolution of clock used */
GList *views; /**< views */
+ GHashTable* domain_settings; /**< settings per-domains */
+ GHashTable* user_settings; /**< settings per-user */
diff --git a/src/json/CMakeLists.txt b/src/json/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0f33c502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# Json support makefile
+ hashtable.c
+ load.c
+ strbuffer.c
+ utf.c
+ value.c)
diff --git a/src/json/dump.c b/src/json/dump.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31ad41586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/dump.c
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "jansson.h"
+#include "strbuffer.h"
+typedef int (*dump_func) (const char *buffer, int size, void *data);
+struct string {
+ char *buffer;
+ int length;
+ int size;
+static int
+dump_to_strbuffer (const char *buffer, int size, void *data)
+ return strbuffer_append_bytes ((strbuffer_t *) data, buffer, size);
+static int
+dump_to_file (const char *buffer, int size, void *data)
+ FILE *dest = (FILE *) data;
+ if (fwrite (buffer, size, 1, dest) != 1)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+/* 256 spaces (the maximum indentation size) */
+static char whitespace[] =
+ " ";
+static int
+dump_indent (uint32_t flags, int depth, dump_func dump, void *data)
+ if (JSON_INDENT (flags) > 0) {
+ int i, ws_count = JSON_INDENT (flags);
+ if (dump ("\n", 1, data))
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
+ if (dump (whitespace, ws_count, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+static int
+dump_string (const char *str, dump_func dump, void *data)
+ const char *end;
+ if (dump ("\"", 1, data))
+ return -1;
+ end = str;
+ while (1) {
+ const char *text;
+ char seq[7];
+ int length;
+ while (*end && *end != '\\' && *end != '"' && (*end < 0 || *end > 0x1F))
+ end++;
+ if (end != str) {
+ if (dump (str, end - str, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!*end)
+ break;
+ /* handle \, ", and control codes */
+ length = 2;
+ switch (*end) {
+ case '\\':
+ text = "\\\\";
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ text = "\\\"";
+ break;
+ case '\b':
+ text = "\\b";
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ text = "\\f";
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ text = "\\n";
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ text = "\\r";
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ text = "\\t";
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ sprintf (seq, "\\u00%02x", *end);
+ text = seq;
+ length = 6;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (dump (text, length, data))
+ return -1;
+ end++;
+ str = end;
+ }
+ return dump ("\"", 1, data);
+static int
+do_dump (const json_t * json, uint32_t flags, int depth,
+ dump_func dump, void *data)
+ switch (json_typeof (json)) {
+ case JSON_NULL:
+ return dump ("null", 4, data);
+ case JSON_TRUE:
+ return dump ("true", 4, data);
+ case JSON_FALSE:
+ return dump ("false", 5, data);
+ {
+ char *buffer;
+ int size, ret;
+ size = asprintf (&buffer, "%d", json_integer_value (json));
+ if (size == -1)
+ return -1;
+ ret = dump (buffer, size, data);
+ g_free (buffer);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ case JSON_REAL:
+ {
+ char *buffer;
+ int size, ret;
+ size = asprintf (&buffer, "%.17f", json_real_value (json));
+ if (size == -1)
+ return -1;
+ ret = dump (buffer, size, data);
+ g_free (buffer);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ return dump_string (json_string_value (json), dump, data);
+ case JSON_ARRAY:
+ {
+ int i;
+ int n = json_array_size (json);
+ if (dump ("[", 1, data))
+ return -1;
+ if (n == 0)
+ return dump ("]", 1, data);
+ if (dump_indent (flags, depth + 1, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ if (do_dump (json_array_get (json, i), flags, depth + 1,
+ dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ if (i < n - 1) {
+ if (dump (",", 1, data) ||
+ dump_indent (flags, depth + 1, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dump_indent (flags, depth, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return dump ("]", 1, data);
+ }
+ {
+ void *iter = json_object_iter ((json_t *) json);
+ if (dump ("{", 1, data))
+ return -1;
+ if (!iter)
+ return dump ("}", 1, data);
+ if (dump_indent (flags, depth + 1, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ while (iter) {
+ void *next =
+ json_object_iter_next ((json_t *) json, iter);
+ dump_string (json_object_iter_key (iter), dump, data);
+ if (dump (": ", 2, data) ||
+ do_dump (json_object_iter_value (iter), flags, depth + 1,
+ dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ if (next) {
+ if (dump (",", 1, data) ||
+ dump_indent (flags, depth + 1, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dump_indent (flags, depth, dump, data))
+ return -1;
+ }
+ iter = next;
+ }
+ return dump ("}", 1, data);
+ }
+ default:
+ /* not reached */
+ return -1;
+ }
+char *
+json_dumps (const json_t * json, uint32_t flags)
+ strbuffer_t strbuff;
+ char *result;
+ if (!json_is_array (json) && !json_is_object (json))
+ return NULL;
+ if (strbuffer_init (&strbuff))
+ return NULL;
+ if (do_dump (json, flags, 0, dump_to_strbuffer, (void *)&strbuff))
+ return NULL;
+ if (dump_to_strbuffer ("\n", 1, (void *)&strbuff))
+ return NULL;
+ result = strdup (strbuffer_value (&strbuff));
+ strbuffer_close (&strbuff);
+ return result;
+json_dumpf (const json_t * json, FILE * output, uint32_t flags)
+ if (!json_is_array (json) && !json_is_object (json))
+ return -1;
+ if (do_dump (json, flags, 0, dump_to_file, (void *)output))
+ return -1;
+ return dump_to_file ("\n", 1, (void *)output);
+json_dump_file (const json_t * json, const char *path, uint32_t flags)
+ int result;
+ FILE *output = fopen (path, "w");
+ if (!output)
+ return -1;
+ result = json_dumpf (json, output, flags);
+ fclose (output);
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/json/hashtable.c b/src/json/hashtable.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3ea0d62a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/hashtable.c
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "hashtable.h"
+typedef struct hashtable_list list_t;
+typedef struct hashtable_pair pair_t;
+typedef struct hashtable_bucket bucket_t;
+#define container_of(ptr_, type_, member_) \
+ ((type_ *)((char *)ptr_ - (size_t)&((type_ *)0)->member_))
+#define list_to_pair(list_) container_of(list_, pair_t, list)
+static inline void
+list_init (list_t * list)
+ list->next = list;
+ list->prev = list;
+static inline void
+list_insert (list_t * list, list_t * node)
+ node->next = list;
+ node->prev = list->prev;
+ list->prev->next = node;
+ list->prev = node;
+static inline void
+list_remove (list_t * list)
+ list->prev->next = list->next;
+ list->next->prev = list->prev;
+static inline int
+bucket_is_empty (hashtable_t * hashtable, bucket_t * bucket)
+ return bucket->first == &hashtable->list && bucket->first == bucket->last;
+static void
+insert_to_bucket (hashtable_t * hashtable, bucket_t * bucket, list_t * list)
+ if (bucket_is_empty (hashtable, bucket)) {
+ list_insert (&hashtable->list, list);
+ bucket->first = bucket->last = list;
+ }
+ else {
+ list_insert (bucket->first, list);
+ bucket->first = list;
+ }
+static unsigned int primes[] = {
+ 5, 13, 23, 53, 97, 193, 389, 769, 1543, 3079, 6151, 12289, 24593,
+ 49157, 98317, 196613, 393241, 786433, 1572869, 3145739, 6291469,
+ 12582917, 25165843, 50331653, 100663319, 201326611, 402653189,
+ 805306457, 1610612741
+static const unsigned int num_primes = sizeof (primes) / sizeof (unsigned int);
+static inline unsigned int
+num_buckets (hashtable_t * hashtable)
+ return primes[hashtable->num_buckets];
+static pair_t *
+hashtable_find_pair (hashtable_t * hashtable, bucket_t * bucket,
+ const void *key, unsigned int hash)
+ list_t *list;
+ pair_t *pair;
+ if (bucket_is_empty (hashtable, bucket))
+ return NULL;
+ list = bucket->first;
+ while (1) {
+ pair = list_to_pair (list);
+ if (pair->hash == hash && hashtable->cmp_keys (pair->key, key))
+ return pair;
+ if (list == bucket->last)
+ break;
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+/* returns 0 on success, -1 if key was not found */
+static int
+hashtable_do_del (hashtable_t * hashtable, const void *key, unsigned int hash)
+ pair_t *pair;
+ bucket_t *bucket;
+ unsigned int index;
+ index = hash % num_buckets (hashtable);
+ bucket = &hashtable->buckets[index];
+ pair = hashtable_find_pair (hashtable, bucket, key, hash);
+ if (!pair)
+ return -1;
+ if (&pair->list == bucket->first && &pair->list == bucket->last)
+ bucket->first = bucket->last = &hashtable->list;
+ else if (&pair->list == bucket->first)
+ bucket->first = pair->list.next;
+ else if (&pair->list == bucket->last)
+ bucket->last = pair->list.prev;
+ list_remove (&pair->list);
+ if (hashtable->free_key)
+ hashtable->free_key (pair->key);
+ if (hashtable->free_value)
+ hashtable->free_value (pair->value);
+ g_free (pair);
+ hashtable->size--;
+ return 0;
+static int
+hashtable_do_rehash (hashtable_t * hashtable)
+ list_t *list, *next;
+ pair_t *pair;
+ unsigned int i, index, new_size;
+ g_free (hashtable->buckets);
+ hashtable->num_buckets++;
+ new_size = num_buckets (hashtable);
+ hashtable->buckets = g_malloc (new_size * sizeof (bucket_t));
+ if (!hashtable->buckets)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_buckets (hashtable); i++) {
+ hashtable->buckets[i].first = hashtable->buckets[i].last =
+ &hashtable->list;
+ }
+ list = hashtable->list.next;
+ list_init (&hashtable->list);
+ for (; list != &hashtable->list; list = next) {
+ next = list->next;
+ pair = list_to_pair (list);
+ index = pair->hash % new_size;
+ insert_to_bucket (hashtable, &hashtable->buckets[index], &pair->list);
+ }
+ return 0;
+hashtable_t *
+hashtable_create (key_hash_fn hash_key, key_cmp_fn cmp_keys,
+ free_fn free_key, free_fn free_value)
+ hashtable_t *hashtable = g_malloc (sizeof (hashtable_t));
+ if (!hashtable)
+ return NULL;
+ if (hashtable_init (hashtable, hash_key, cmp_keys, free_key, free_value)) {
+ g_free (hashtable);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return hashtable;
+hashtable_destroy (hashtable_t * hashtable)
+ hashtable_close (hashtable);
+ g_free (hashtable);
+hashtable_init (hashtable_t * hashtable,
+ key_hash_fn hash_key, key_cmp_fn cmp_keys,
+ free_fn free_key, free_fn free_value)
+ unsigned int i;
+ hashtable->size = 0;
+ hashtable->num_buckets = 0; /* index to primes[] */
+ hashtable->buckets = g_malloc (num_buckets (hashtable) * sizeof (bucket_t));
+ if (!hashtable->buckets)
+ return -1;
+ list_init (&hashtable->list);
+ hashtable->hash_key = hash_key;
+ hashtable->cmp_keys = cmp_keys;
+ hashtable->free_key = free_key;
+ hashtable->free_value = free_value;
+ for (i = 0; i < num_buckets (hashtable); i++) {
+ hashtable->buckets[i].first = hashtable->buckets[i].last =
+ &hashtable->list;
+ }
+ return 0;
+hashtable_close (hashtable_t * hashtable)
+ list_t *list, *next;
+ pair_t *pair;
+ for (list = hashtable->list.next; list != &hashtable->list; list = next) {
+ next = list->next;
+ pair = list_to_pair (list);
+ if (hashtable->free_key)
+ hashtable->free_key (pair->key);
+ if (hashtable->free_value)
+ hashtable->free_value (pair->value);
+ g_free (pair);
+ }
+ g_free (hashtable->buckets);
+hashtable_set (hashtable_t * hashtable, void *key, void *value)
+ pair_t *pair;
+ bucket_t *bucket;
+ unsigned int hash, index;
+ hash = hashtable->hash_key (key);
+ /* if the key already exists, delete it */
+ hashtable_do_del (hashtable, key, hash);
+ /* rehash if the load ratio exceeds 1 */
+ if (hashtable->size >= num_buckets (hashtable))
+ if (hashtable_do_rehash (hashtable))
+ return -1;
+ pair = g_malloc (sizeof (pair_t));
+ if (!pair)
+ return -1;
+ pair->key = key;
+ pair->value = value;
+ pair->hash = hash;
+ list_init (&pair->list);
+ index = hash % num_buckets (hashtable);
+ bucket = &hashtable->buckets[index];
+ insert_to_bucket (hashtable, bucket, &pair->list);
+ hashtable->size++;
+ return 0;
+void *
+hashtable_get (hashtable_t * hashtable, const void *key)
+ pair_t *pair;
+ unsigned int hash;
+ bucket_t *bucket;
+ hash = hashtable->hash_key (key);
+ bucket = &hashtable->buckets[hash % num_buckets (hashtable)];
+ pair = hashtable_find_pair (hashtable, bucket, key, hash);
+ if (!pair)
+ return NULL;
+ return pair->value;
+hashtable_del (hashtable_t * hashtable, const void *key)
+ unsigned int hash = hashtable->hash_key (key);
+ return hashtable_do_del (hashtable, key, hash);
+void *
+hashtable_iter (hashtable_t * hashtable)
+ return hashtable_iter_next (hashtable, &hashtable->list);
+void *
+hashtable_iter_next (hashtable_t * hashtable, void *iter)
+ list_t *list = (list_t *) iter;
+ if (list->next == &hashtable->list)
+ return NULL;
+ return list->next;
+void *
+hashtable_iter_key (void *iter)
+ pair_t *pair = list_to_pair ((list_t *) iter);
+ return pair->key;
+void *
+hashtable_iter_value (void *iter)
+ pair_t *pair = list_to_pair ((list_t *) iter);
+ return pair->value;
diff --git a/src/json/hashtable.h b/src/json/hashtable.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30e52daa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/hashtable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#ifndef HASHTABLE_H
+#define HASHTABLE_H
+#include "../config.h"
+typedef unsigned int (*key_hash_fn)(const void *key);
+typedef int (*key_cmp_fn)(const void *key1, const void *key2);
+typedef void (*free_fn)(void *key);
+struct hashtable_list {
+ struct hashtable_list *prev;
+ struct hashtable_list *next;
+struct hashtable_pair {
+ void *key;
+ void *value;
+ unsigned int hash;
+ struct hashtable_list list;
+struct hashtable_bucket {
+ struct hashtable_list *first;
+ struct hashtable_list *last;
+typedef struct hashtable {
+ unsigned int size;
+ struct hashtable_bucket *buckets;
+ unsigned int num_buckets; /* index to primes[] */
+ struct hashtable_list list;
+ key_hash_fn hash_key;
+ key_cmp_fn cmp_keys; /* returns non-zero for equal keys */
+ free_fn free_key;
+ free_fn free_value;
+} hashtable_t;
+ * hashtable_create - Create a hashtable object
+ *
+ * @hash_key: The key hashing function
+ * @cmp_keys: The key compare function. Returns non-zero for equal and
+ * zero for unequal unequal keys
+ * @free_key: If non-NULL, called for a key that is no longer referenced.
+ * @free_value: If non-NULL, called for a value that is no longer referenced.
+ *
+ * Returns a new hashtable object that should be freed with
+ * hashtable_destroy when it's no longer used, or NULL on failure (out
+ * of memory).
+ */
+hashtable_t *hashtable_create(key_hash_fn hash_key, key_cmp_fn cmp_keys,
+ free_fn free_key, free_fn free_value);
+ * hashtable_destroy - Destroy a hashtable object
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable
+ *
+ * Destroys a hashtable created with hashtable_create().
+ */
+void hashtable_destroy(hashtable_t *hashtable);
+ * hashtable_init - Initialize a hashtable object
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The (statically allocated) hashtable object
+ * @hash_key: The key hashing function
+ * @cmp_keys: The key compare function. Returns non-zero for equal and
+ * zero for unequal unequal keys
+ * @free_key: If non-NULL, called for a key that is no longer referenced.
+ * @free_value: If non-NULL, called for a value that is no longer referenced.
+ *
+ * Initializes a statically allocated hashtable object. The object
+ * should be cleared with hashtable_close when it's no longer used.
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error (out of memory).
+ */
+int hashtable_init(hashtable_t *hashtable,
+ key_hash_fn hash_key, key_cmp_fn cmp_keys,
+ free_fn free_key, free_fn free_value);
+ * hashtable_close - Release all resources used by a hashtable object
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable
+ *
+ * Destroys a statically allocated hashtable object.
+ */
+void hashtable_close(hashtable_t *hashtable);
+ * hashtable_set - Add/modify value in hashtable
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable object
+ * @key: The key
+ * @value: The value
+ *
+ * If a value with the given key already exists, its value is replaced
+ * with the new value.
+ *
+ * Key and value are "stealed" in the sense that hashtable frees them
+ * automatically when they are no longer used. The freeing is
+ * accomplished by calling free_key and free_value functions that were
+ * supplied to hashtable_new. In case one or both of the free
+ * functions is NULL, the corresponding item is not "stealed".
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure (out of memory).
+ */
+int hashtable_set(hashtable_t *hashtable, void *key, void *value);
+ * hashtable_get - Get a value associated with a key
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable object
+ * @key: The key
+ *
+ * Returns value if it is found, or NULL otherwise.
+ */
+void *hashtable_get(hashtable_t *hashtable, const void *key);
+ * hashtable_del - Remove a value from the hashtable
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable object
+ * @key: The key
+ *
+ * Returns 0 on success, or -1 if the key was not found.
+ */
+int hashtable_del(hashtable_t *hashtable, const void *key);
+ * hashtable_iter - Iterate over hashtable
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable object
+ *
+ * Returns an opaque iterator to the first element in the hashtable.
+ * The iterator should be passed to hashtable_iter_* functions.
+ * The hashtable items are not iterated over in any particular order.
+ *
+ * There's no need to free the iterator in any way. The iterator is
+ * valid as long as the item that is referenced by the iterator is not
+ * deleted. Other values may be added or deleted. In particular,
+ * hashtable_iter_next() may be called on an iterator, and after that
+ * the key/value pair pointed by the old iterator may be deleted.
+ */
+void *hashtable_iter(hashtable_t *hashtable);
+ * hashtable_iter_next - Advance an iterator
+ *
+ * @hashtable: The hashtable object
+ * @iter: The iterator
+ *
+ * Returns a new iterator pointing to the next element in the
+ * hashtable or NULL if the whole hastable has been iterated over.
+ */
+void *hashtable_iter_next(hashtable_t *hashtable, void *iter);
+ * hashtable_iter_key - Retrieve the key pointed by an iterator
+ *
+ * @iter: The iterator
+ */
+void *hashtable_iter_key(void *iter);
+ * hashtable_iter_value - Retrieve the value pointed by an iterator
+ *
+ * @iter: The iterator
+ */
+void *hashtable_iter_value(void *iter);
diff --git a/src/json/jansson.h b/src/json/jansson.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a2047db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/jansson.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#ifndef JANSSON_H
+#define JANSSON_H
+#include "../config.h"
+/* types */
+typedef enum {
+} json_type;
+typedef struct {
+ json_type type;
+ unsigned long refcount;
+} json_t;
+#define json_typeof(json) ((json)->type)
+#define json_is_object(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_OBJECT)
+#define json_is_array(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_ARRAY)
+#define json_is_string(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_STRING)
+#define json_is_integer(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_INTEGER)
+#define json_is_real(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_REAL)
+#define json_is_number(json) (json_is_integer(json) || json_is_real(json))
+#define json_is_true(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_TRUE)
+#define json_is_false(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_FALSE)
+#define json_is_boolean(json) (json_is_true(json) || json_is_false(json))
+#define json_is_null(json) (json && json_typeof(json) == JSON_NULL)
+/* construction, destruction, reference counting */
+json_t *json_object(void);
+json_t *json_array(void);
+json_t *json_string(const char *value);
+json_t *json_integer(int value);
+json_t *json_real(double value);
+json_t *json_true(void);
+json_t *json_false(void);
+json_t *json_null(void);
+static inline json_t *json_incref(json_t *json)
+ if(json)
+ ++json->refcount;
+ return json;
+/* do not call json_delete directly */
+void json_delete(json_t *json);
+static inline void json_decref(json_t *json)
+ if(json && --json->refcount == 0)
+ json_delete(json);
+/* getters, setters, manipulation */
+json_t *json_object_get(const json_t *object, const char *key);
+int json_object_set_new(json_t *object, const char *key, json_t *value);
+int json_object_del(json_t *object, const char *key);
+void *json_object_iter(json_t *object);
+void *json_object_iter_next(json_t *object, void *iter);
+const char *json_object_iter_key(void *iter);
+json_t *json_object_iter_value(void *iter);
+static inline
+int json_object_set(json_t *object, const char *key, json_t *value)
+ return json_object_set_new(object, key, json_incref(value));
+unsigned int json_array_size(const json_t *array);
+json_t *json_array_get(const json_t *array, unsigned int index);
+int json_array_set_new(json_t *array, unsigned int index, json_t *value);
+int json_array_append_new(json_t *array, json_t *value);
+static inline
+int json_array_set(json_t *array, unsigned int index, json_t *value)
+ return json_array_set_new(array, index, json_incref(value));
+static inline
+int json_array_append(json_t *array, json_t *value)
+ return json_array_append_new(array, json_incref(value));
+const char *json_string_value(const json_t *json);
+int json_integer_value(const json_t *json);
+double json_real_value(const json_t *json);
+double json_number_value(const json_t *json);
+/* loading, printing */
+typedef struct {
+ int line;
+} json_error_t;
+json_t *json_loads(const char *input, json_error_t *error);
+json_t *json_loadf(FILE *input, json_error_t *error);
+json_t *json_load_file(const char *path, json_error_t *error);
+#define JSON_INDENT(n) (n & 0xFF)
+char *json_dumps(const json_t *json, uint32_t flags);
+int json_dumpf(const json_t *json, FILE *output, uint32_t flags);
+int json_dump_file(const json_t *json, const char *path, uint32_t flags);
diff --git a/src/json/jansson_private.h b/src/json/jansson_private.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad8419aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/jansson_private.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+int json_object_set_nocheck(json_t *json, const char *key, json_t *value);
+json_t *json_string_nocheck(const char *value);
diff --git a/src/json/load.c b/src/json/load.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c6cda59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/load.c
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "jansson.h"
+#include "jansson_private.h"
+#include "strbuffer.h"
+#include "utf.h"
+#define TOKEN_INVALID -1
+#define TOKEN_EOF 0
+#define TOKEN_STRING 256
+#define TOKEN_INTEGER 257
+#define TOKEN_REAL 258
+#define TOKEN_TRUE 259
+#define TOKEN_FALSE 260
+#define TOKEN_NULL 261
+/* read one byte from stream, return EOF on end of file */
+typedef int (*get_func) (void *data);
+/* return non-zero if end of file has been reached */
+typedef int (*eof_func) (void *data);
+typedef struct {
+ get_func get;
+ eof_func eof;
+ void *data;
+ int stream_pos;
+ char buffer[5];
+ int buffer_pos;
+} stream_t;
+typedef struct {
+ stream_t stream;
+ strbuffer_t saved_text;
+ int token;
+ int line, column;
+ union {
+ char *string;
+ int integer;
+ double real;
+ } value;
+} lex_t;
+/*** error reporting ***/
+static void
+error_init (json_error_t * error)
+ if (error) {
+ error->text[0] = '\0';
+ error->line = -1;
+ }
+static void
+error_set (json_error_t * error, const lex_t * lex, const char *msg, ...)
+ va_list ap;
+ if (!error || error->text[0] != '\0') {
+ /* error already set */
+ return;
+ }
+ va_start (ap, msg);
+ vsnprintf (text, JSON_ERROR_TEXT_LENGTH, msg, ap);
+ va_end (ap);
+ if (lex) {
+ const char *saved_text = strbuffer_value (&lex->saved_text);
+ error->line = lex->line;
+ if (saved_text && saved_text[0]) {
+ if (lex->saved_text.length <= 20) {
+ snprintf (error->text, JSON_ERROR_TEXT_LENGTH,
+ "%s near '%s'", text, saved_text);
+ }
+ else
+ snprintf (error->text, JSON_ERROR_TEXT_LENGTH, "%s", text);
+ }
+ else {
+ snprintf (error->text, JSON_ERROR_TEXT_LENGTH,
+ "%s near end of file", text);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error->line = -1;
+ snprintf (error->text, JSON_ERROR_TEXT_LENGTH, "%s", text);
+ }
+/*** lexical analyzer ***/
+stream_init (stream_t * stream, get_func get, eof_func eof, void *data)
+ stream->get = get;
+ stream->eof = eof;
+ stream->data = data;
+ stream->stream_pos = 0;
+ stream->buffer[0] = '\0';
+ stream->buffer_pos = 0;
+static char
+stream_get (stream_t * stream, json_error_t * error)
+ char c;
+ if (!stream->buffer[stream->buffer_pos]) {
+ stream->buffer[0] = stream->get (stream->data);
+ stream->buffer_pos = 0;
+ c = stream->buffer[0];
+ if (c == EOF && stream->eof (stream->data))
+ return EOF;
+ if (c < 0) {
+ /* multi-byte UTF-8 sequence */
+ int i, count;
+ count = utf8_check_first (c);
+ if (!count)
+ goto out;
+ g_assert (count >= 2);
+ for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
+ stream->buffer[i] = stream->get (stream->data);
+ if (!utf8_check_full (stream->buffer, count))
+ goto out;
+ stream->stream_pos += count;
+ stream->buffer[count] = '\0';
+ }
+ else {
+ stream->buffer[1] = '\0';
+ stream->stream_pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ return stream->buffer[stream->buffer_pos++];
+ out:
+ error_set (error, NULL, "unable to decode byte 0x%x at position %d",
+ (unsigned char)c, stream->stream_pos);
+ stream->buffer[0] = EOF;
+ stream->buffer[1] = '\0';
+ stream->buffer_pos = 1;
+ return EOF;
+static void
+stream_unget (stream_t * stream, char c)
+ g_assert (stream->buffer_pos > 0);
+ stream->buffer_pos--;
+ g_assert (stream->buffer[stream->buffer_pos] == c);
+static int
+lex_get (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ return stream_get (&lex->stream, error);
+static int
+lex_eof (lex_t * lex)
+ return lex->stream.eof (lex->stream.data);
+static void
+lex_save (lex_t * lex, char c)
+ strbuffer_append_byte (&lex->saved_text, c);
+static int
+lex_get_save (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ char c = stream_get (&lex->stream, error);
+ lex_save (lex, c);
+ return c;
+static void
+lex_unget_unsave (lex_t * lex, char c)
+ char d;
+ stream_unget (&lex->stream, c);
+ d = strbuffer_pop (&lex->saved_text);
+ g_assert (c == d);
+static void
+lex_save_cached (lex_t * lex)
+ while (lex->stream.buffer[lex->stream.buffer_pos] != '\0') {
+ lex_save (lex, lex->stream.buffer[lex->stream.buffer_pos]);
+ lex->stream.buffer_pos++;
+ }
+/* assumes that str points to 'u' plus at least 4 valid hex digits */
+static int
+decode_unicode_escape (const char *str)
+ int i;
+ int value = 0;
+ g_assert (str[0] == 'u');
+ for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
+ char c = str[i];
+ value <<= 4;
+ if (g_ascii_isdigit (c))
+ value += c - '0';
+ else if (g_ascii_islower (c))
+ value += c - 'a' + 10;
+ else if (g_ascii_isupper (c))
+ value += c - 'A' + 10;
+ else
+ g_assert (0);
+ }
+ return value;
+static void
+lex_scan_string (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ char c;
+ const char *p;
+ char *t;
+ int i;
+ lex->value.string = NULL;
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ /* skip the " */
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ while (c != '"') {
+ if (c == EOF) {
+ if (lex_eof (lex))
+ error_set (error, lex, "premature end of input");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ else if (0 <= c && c <= 0x1F) {
+ /* control character */
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ if (c == '\n')
+ error_set (error, lex, "unexpected newline", c);
+ else
+ error_set (error, lex, "control character 0x%x", c);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ else if (c == '\\') {
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ if (c == 'u') {
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ if (!g_ascii_isxdigit (c)) {
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ error_set (error, lex, "invalid escape");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '/' || c == 'b' ||
+ c == 'f' || c == 'n' || c == 'r' || c == 't')
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ else {
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ error_set (error, lex, "invalid escape");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ }
+ /* the actual value is at most of the same length as the source
+ string, because:
+ - shortcut escapes (e.g. "\t") (length 2) are converted to 1 byte
+ - a single \uXXXX escape (length 6) is converted to at most 3 bytes
+ - two \uXXXX escapes (length 12) forming an UTF-16 surrogate pair
+ are converted to 4 bytes
+ */
+ lex->value.string = g_malloc (lex->saved_text.length + 1);
+ if (!lex->value.string) {
+ /* this is not very nice, since TOKEN_INVALID is returned */
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* the target */
+ t = lex->value.string;
+ /* + 1 to skip the " */
+ p = strbuffer_value (&lex->saved_text) + 1;
+ while (*p != '"') {
+ if (*p == '\\') {
+ p++;
+ if (*p == 'u') {
+ char buffer[4];
+ int length;
+ int value;
+ value = decode_unicode_escape (p);
+ p += 5;
+ if (0xD800 <= value && value <= 0xDBFF) {
+ /* surrogate pair */
+ if (*p == '\\' && *(p + 1) == 'u') {
+ int value2 = decode_unicode_escape (++p);
+ p += 5;
+ if (0xDC00 <= value2 && value2 <= 0xDFFF) {
+ /* valid second surrogate */
+ value = ((value - 0xD800) << 10) +
+ (value2 - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* invalid second surrogate */
+ error_set (error, lex,
+ "invalid Unicode '\\u%04X\\u%04X'",
+ value, value2);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* no second surrogate */
+ error_set (error, lex, "invalid Unicode '\\u%04X'",
+ value);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (0xDC00 <= value && value <= 0xDFFF) {
+ error_set (error, lex, "invalid Unicode '\\u%04X'", value);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ else if (value == 0) {
+ error_set (error, lex, "\\u0000 is not allowed");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (utf8_encode (value, buffer, &length))
+ g_assert (0);
+ memcpy (t, buffer, length);
+ t += length;
+ }
+ else {
+ switch (*p) {
+ case '"':
+ case '\\':
+ case '/':
+ *t = *p;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ *t = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ *t = '\f';
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ *t = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ *t = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ *t = '\t';
+ break;
+ default:
+ g_assert (0);
+ }
+ t++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ *(t++) = *(p++);
+ }
+ *t = '\0';
+ lex->token = TOKEN_STRING;
+ return;
+ out:
+ g_free (lex->value.string);
+static void
+lex_scan_number (lex_t * lex, char c, json_error_t * error)
+ const char *saved_text;
+ char *end;
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ if (c == '-')
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ if (c == '0') {
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ if (g_ascii_isdigit (c)) {
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ else { /* c != '0' */
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ while (g_ascii_isdigit (c))
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ }
+ if (c != '.' && c != 'E' && c != 'e') {
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INTEGER;
+ saved_text = strbuffer_value (&lex->saved_text);
+ lex->value.integer = strtol (saved_text, &end, 10);
+ g_assert (end == saved_text + lex->saved_text.length);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (c == '.') {
+ c = lex_get (lex, error);
+ if (!g_ascii_isdigit (c))
+ goto out;
+ lex_save (lex, c);
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ while (g_ascii_isdigit (c))
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ }
+ if (c == 'E' || c == 'e') {
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ if (c == '+' || c == '-')
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ if (!g_ascii_isdigit (c)) {
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ goto out;
+ }
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ while (g_ascii_isdigit (c))
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ }
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ lex->token = TOKEN_REAL;
+ saved_text = strbuffer_value (&lex->saved_text);
+ lex->value.real = strtod (saved_text, &end);
+ g_assert (end == saved_text + lex->saved_text.length);
+ out:
+ return;
+static int
+lex_scan (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ char c;
+ strbuffer_clear (&lex->saved_text);
+ if (lex->token == TOKEN_STRING) {
+ g_free (lex->value.string);
+ lex->value.string = NULL;
+ }
+ c = lex_get (lex, error);
+ while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
+ if (c == '\n')
+ lex->line++;
+ c = lex_get (lex, error);
+ }
+ if (c == EOF) {
+ if (lex_eof (lex))
+ lex->token = TOKEN_EOF;
+ else
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ goto out;
+ }
+ lex_save (lex, c);
+ if (c == '{' || c == '}' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == ':' || c == ',')
+ lex->token = c;
+ else if (c == '"')
+ lex_scan_string (lex, error);
+ else if (g_ascii_isdigit (c) || c == '-')
+ lex_scan_number (lex, c, error);
+ else if (g_ascii_isupper (c) || g_ascii_islower (c)) {
+ /* eat up the whole identifier for clearer error messages */
+ const char *saved_text;
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ while (g_ascii_isupper (c) || g_ascii_islower (c))
+ c = lex_get_save (lex, error);
+ lex_unget_unsave (lex, c);
+ saved_text = strbuffer_value (&lex->saved_text);
+ if (strcmp (saved_text, "true") == 0)
+ lex->token = TOKEN_TRUE;
+ else if (strcmp (saved_text, "false") == 0)
+ lex->token = TOKEN_FALSE;
+ else if (strcmp (saved_text, "null") == 0)
+ lex->token = TOKEN_NULL;
+ else
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* save the rest of the input UTF-8 sequence to get an error
+ message of valid UTF-8 */
+ lex_save_cached (lex);
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ }
+ out:
+ return lex->token;
+static char *
+lex_steal_string (lex_t * lex)
+ char *result = NULL;
+ if (lex->token == TOKEN_STRING) {
+ result = lex->value.string;
+ lex->value.string = NULL;
+ }
+ return result;
+static int
+lex_init (lex_t * lex, get_func get, eof_func eof, void *data)
+ stream_init (&lex->stream, get, eof, data);
+ if (strbuffer_init (&lex->saved_text))
+ return -1;
+ lex->token = TOKEN_INVALID;
+ lex->line = 1;
+ return 0;
+static void
+lex_close (lex_t * lex)
+ if (lex->token == TOKEN_STRING)
+ g_free (lex->value.string);
+ strbuffer_close (&lex->saved_text);
+/*** parser ***/
+static json_t *parse_value (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error);
+static json_t *
+parse_object (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ json_t *object = json_object ();
+ if (!object)
+ return NULL;
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token == '}')
+ return object;
+ while (1) {
+ char *key;
+ json_t *value;
+ if (lex->token != TOKEN_STRING) {
+ error_set (error, lex, "string or '}' expected");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ key = lex_steal_string (lex);
+ if (!key)
+ return NULL;
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token != ':') {
+ g_free (key);
+ error_set (error, lex, "':' expected");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ value = parse_value (lex, error);
+ if (!value) {
+ g_free (key);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (json_object_set_nocheck (object, key, value)) {
+ g_free (key);
+ json_decref (value);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ json_decref (value);
+ g_free (key);
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token != ',')
+ break;
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ }
+ if (lex->token != '}') {
+ error_set (error, lex, "'}' expected");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ return object;
+ error:
+ json_decref (object);
+ return NULL;
+static json_t *
+parse_array (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ json_t *array = json_array ();
+ if (!array)
+ return NULL;
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token == ']')
+ return array;
+ while (lex->token) {
+ json_t *elem = parse_value (lex, error);
+ if (!elem)
+ goto error;
+ if (json_array_append (array, elem)) {
+ json_decref (elem);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ json_decref (elem);
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token != ',')
+ break;
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ }
+ if (lex->token != ']') {
+ error_set (error, lex, "']' expected");
+ goto error;
+ }
+ return array;
+ error:
+ json_decref (array);
+ return NULL;
+static json_t *
+parse_value (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ json_t *json;
+ switch (lex->token) {
+ json = json_string_nocheck (lex->value.string);
+ break;
+ }
+ json = json_integer (lex->value.integer);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TOKEN_REAL:{
+ json = json_real (lex->value.real);
+ break;
+ }
+ case TOKEN_TRUE:
+ json = json_true ();
+ break;
+ json = json_false ();
+ break;
+ case TOKEN_NULL:
+ json = json_null ();
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ json = parse_object (lex, error);
+ break;
+ case '[':
+ json = parse_array (lex, error);
+ break;
+ error_set (error, lex, "invalid token");
+ return NULL;
+ default:
+ error_set (error, lex, "unexpected token");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (!json)
+ return NULL;
+ return json;
+json_t *
+parse_json (lex_t * lex, json_error_t * error)
+ error_init (error);
+ lex_scan (lex, error);
+ if (lex->token != '[' && lex->token != '{') {
+ error_set (error, lex, "'[' or '{' expected");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return parse_value (lex, error);
+typedef struct {
+ const char *data;
+ int pos;
+} string_data_t;
+static int
+string_get (void *data)
+ char c;
+ string_data_t *stream = (string_data_t *) data;
+ c = stream->data[stream->pos];
+ if (c == '\0')
+ return EOF;
+ else {
+ stream->pos++;
+ return c;
+ }
+static int
+string_eof (void *data)
+ string_data_t *stream = (string_data_t *) data;
+ return (stream->data[stream->pos] == '\0');
+json_t *
+json_loads (const char *string, json_error_t * error)
+ lex_t lex;
+ json_t *result;
+ string_data_t stream_data = {
+ .data = string,
+ .pos = 0
+ };
+ if (lex_init (&lex, string_get, string_eof, (void *)&stream_data))
+ return NULL;
+ result = parse_json (&lex, error);
+ if (!result)
+ goto out;
+ lex_scan (&lex, error);
+ if (lex.token != TOKEN_EOF) {
+ error_set (error, &lex, "end of file expected");
+ json_decref (result);
+ result = NULL;
+ }
+ out:
+ lex_close (&lex);
+ return result;
+json_t *
+json_loadf (FILE * input, json_error_t * error)
+ lex_t lex;
+ json_t *result;
+ if (lex_init (&lex, (get_func) fgetc, (eof_func) feof, input))
+ return NULL;
+ result = parse_json (&lex, error);
+ if (!result)
+ goto out;
+ lex_scan (&lex, error);
+ if (lex.token != TOKEN_EOF) {
+ error_set (error, &lex, "end of file expected");
+ json_decref (result);
+ result = NULL;
+ }
+ out:
+ lex_close (&lex);
+ return result;
+json_t *
+json_load_file (const char *path, json_error_t * error)
+ json_t *result;
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = fopen (path, "r");
+ if (!fp) {
+ error_set (error, NULL, "unable to open %s: %s",
+ path, strerror (errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ result = json_loadf (fp, error);
+ fclose (fp);
+ return result;
diff --git a/src/json/strbuffer.c b/src/json/strbuffer.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ba7faa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/strbuffer.c
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "strbuffer.h"
+#include "util.h"
+strbuffer_init (strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ strbuff->size = STRBUFFER_MIN_SIZE;
+ strbuff->length = 0;
+ strbuff->value = g_malloc (strbuff->size);
+ if (!strbuff->value)
+ return -1;
+ /* initialize to empty */
+ strbuff->value[0] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+strbuffer_close (strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ g_free (strbuff->value);
+ strbuff->size = 0;
+ strbuff->length = 0;
+ strbuff->value = NULL;
+strbuffer_clear (strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ strbuff->length = 0;
+ strbuff->value[0] = '\0';
+const char *
+strbuffer_value (const strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ return strbuff->value;
+char *
+strbuffer_steal_value (strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ char *result = strbuff->value;
+ strbuffer_init (strbuff);
+ return result;
+strbuffer_append (strbuffer_t * strbuff, const char *string)
+ return strbuffer_append_bytes (strbuff, string, strlen (string));
+strbuffer_append_byte (strbuffer_t * strbuff, char byte)
+ return strbuffer_append_bytes (strbuff, &byte, 1);
+strbuffer_append_bytes (strbuffer_t * strbuff, const char *data, int size)
+ if (strbuff->length + size >= strbuff->size) {
+ strbuff->size = max (strbuff->size * STRBUFFER_FACTOR,
+ strbuff->length + size + 1);
+ strbuff->value = realloc (strbuff->value, strbuff->size);
+ if (!strbuff->value)
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memcpy (strbuff->value + strbuff->length, data, size);
+ strbuff->length += size;
+ strbuff->value[strbuff->length] = '\0';
+ return 0;
+strbuffer_pop (strbuffer_t * strbuff)
+ if (strbuff->length > 0) {
+ char c = strbuff->value[--strbuff->length];
+ strbuff->value[strbuff->length] = '\0';
+ return c;
+ }
+ else
+ return '\0';
diff --git a/src/json/strbuffer.h b/src/json/strbuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4afefa9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/strbuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#ifndef STRBUFFER_H
+#define STRBUFFER_H
+typedef struct {
+ char *value;
+ int length; /* bytes used */
+ int size; /* bytes allocated */
+} strbuffer_t;
+int strbuffer_init(strbuffer_t *strbuff);
+void strbuffer_close(strbuffer_t *strbuff);
+void strbuffer_clear(strbuffer_t *strbuff);
+const char *strbuffer_value(const strbuffer_t *strbuff);
+char *strbuffer_steal_value(strbuffer_t *strbuff);
+int strbuffer_append(strbuffer_t *strbuff, const char *string);
+int strbuffer_append_byte(strbuffer_t *strbuff, char byte);
+int strbuffer_append_bytes(strbuffer_t *strbuff, const char *data, int size);
+char strbuffer_pop(strbuffer_t *strbuff);
diff --git a/src/json/utf.c b/src/json/utf.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9cfeaaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/utf.c
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "../config.h"
+utf8_encode (int codepoint, char *buffer, int *size)
+ if (codepoint < 0)
+ return -1;
+ else if (codepoint < 0x80) {
+ buffer[0] = (char)codepoint;
+ *size = 1;
+ }
+ else if (codepoint < 0x800) {
+ buffer[0] = 0xC0 + ((codepoint & 0x7C0) >> 6);
+ buffer[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x03F));
+ *size = 2;
+ }
+ else if (codepoint < 0x10000) {
+ buffer[0] = 0xE0 + ((codepoint & 0xF000) >> 12);
+ buffer[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x0FC0) >> 6);
+ buffer[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x003F));
+ *size = 3;
+ }
+ else if (codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) {
+ buffer[0] = 0xF0 + ((codepoint & 0x1C0000) >> 18);
+ buffer[1] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x03F000) >> 12);
+ buffer[2] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x000FC0) >> 6);
+ buffer[3] = 0x80 + ((codepoint & 0x00003F));
+ *size = 4;
+ }
+ else
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+utf8_check_first (char byte)
+ unsigned char u = (unsigned char)byte;
+ if (u < 0x80)
+ return 1;
+ if (0x80 <= u && u <= 0xBF) {
+ /* second, third or fourth byte of a multi-byte
+ sequence, i.e. a "continuation byte" */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (u == 0xC0 || u == 0xC1) {
+ /* overlong encoding of an ASCII byte */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (0xC2 <= u && u <= 0xDF) {
+ /* 2-byte sequence */
+ return 2;
+ }
+ else if (0xE0 <= u && u <= 0xEF) {
+ /* 3-byte sequence */
+ return 3;
+ }
+ else if (0xF0 <= u && u <= 0xF4) {
+ /* 4-byte sequence */
+ return 4;
+ }
+ else { /* u >= 0xF5 */
+ /* Restricted (start of 4-, 5- or 6-byte sequence) or invalid
+ UTF-8 */
+ return 0;
+ }
+utf8_check_full (const char *buffer, int size)
+ int i, value = 0;
+ unsigned char u = (unsigned char)buffer[0];
+ if (size == 2) {
+ value = u & 0x1F;
+ }
+ else if (size == 3) {
+ value = u & 0xF;
+ }
+ else if (size == 4) {
+ value = u & 0x7;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
+ u = (unsigned char)buffer[i];
+ if (u < 0x80 || u > 0xBF) {
+ /* not a continuation byte */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ value = (value << 6) + (u & 0x3F);
+ }
+ if (value > 0x10FFFF) {
+ /* not in Unicode range */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (0xD800 <= value && value <= 0xDFFF) {
+ /* invalid code point (UTF-16 surrogate halves) */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if ((size == 2 && value < 0x80) ||
+ (size == 3 && value < 0x800) || (size == 4 && value < 0x10000)) {
+ /* overlong encoding */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+utf8_check_string (const char *string, int length)
+ int i;
+ if (length == -1)
+ length = strlen (string);
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ int count = utf8_check_first (string[i]);
+ if (count == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else if (count > 1) {
+ if (i + count > length)
+ return 0;
+ if (!utf8_check_full (&string[i], count))
+ return 0;
+ i += count - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
diff --git a/src/json/utf.h b/src/json/utf.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75d7b6eb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/utf.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#ifndef UTF_H
+#define UTF_H
+int utf8_encode(int codepoint, char *buffer, int *size);
+int utf8_check_first(char byte);
+int utf8_check_full(const char *buffer, int size);
+int utf8_check_string(const char *string, int length);
diff --git a/src/json/util.h b/src/json/util.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66066c52c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/util.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#ifndef UTIL_H
+#define UTIL_H
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
diff --git a/src/json/value.c b/src/json/value.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9270f1f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/json/value.c
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Petri Lehtinen <petri@digip.org>
+ *
+ * Jansson is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
+ */
+#include "jansson.h"
+#include "hashtable.h"
+#include "jansson_private.h"
+#include "utf.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#define container_of(ptr_, type_, member_) \
+ ((type_ *)((char *)ptr_ - (size_t)&((type_ *)0)->member_))
+typedef struct {
+ json_t json;
+ hashtable_t hashtable;
+} json_object_t;
+typedef struct {
+ json_t json;
+ unsigned int size;
+ unsigned int entries;
+ json_t **table;
+} json_array_t;
+typedef struct {
+ json_t json;
+ char *value;
+} json_string_t;
+typedef struct {
+ json_t json;
+ double value;
+} json_real_t;
+typedef struct {
+ json_t json;
+ int value;
+} json_integer_t;
+#define json_to_object(json_) container_of(json_, json_object_t, json)
+#define json_to_array(json_) container_of(json_, json_array_t, json)
+#define json_to_string(json_) container_of(json_, json_string_t, json)
+#define json_to_real(json_) container_of(json_, json_real_t, json)
+#define json_to_integer(json_) container_of(json_, json_integer_t, json)
+static inline void
+json_init (json_t * json, json_type type)
+ json->type = type;
+ json->refcount = 1;
+/*** object ***/
+static unsigned int
+hash_string (const void *key)
+ const char *str = (const char *)key;
+ unsigned int hash = 5381;
+ unsigned int c;
+ while ((c = (unsigned int)*str)) {
+ hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
+ str++;
+ }
+ return hash;
+static int
+string_equal (const void *key1, const void *key2)
+ return strcmp ((const char *)key1, (const char *)key2) == 0;
+static void
+value_decref (void *value)
+ json_decref ((json_t *) value);
+json_t *
+json_object (void)
+ json_object_t *object = g_malloc (sizeof (json_object_t));
+ if (!object)
+ return NULL;
+ json_init (&object->json, JSON_OBJECT);
+ if (hashtable_init (&object->hashtable, hash_string, string_equal,
+ g_free, value_decref)) {
+ g_free (object);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &object->json;
+static void
+json_delete_object (json_object_t * object)
+ hashtable_close (&object->hashtable);
+ g_free (object);
+json_t *
+json_object_get (const json_t * json, const char *key)
+ json_object_t *object;
+ if (!json_is_object (json))
+ return NULL;
+ object = json_to_object (json);
+ return hashtable_get (&object->hashtable, key);
+json_object_set_new_nocheck (json_t * json, const char *key, json_t * value)
+ json_object_t *object;
+ if (!key || !value)
+ return -1;
+ if (!json_is_object (json)) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ object = json_to_object (json);
+ if (hashtable_set (&object->hashtable, strdup (key), value)) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+json_object_set_nocheck (json_t * json, const char *key, json_t * value)
+ return json_object_set_new_nocheck (json, key, json_incref (value));
+json_object_set_new (json_t * json, const char *key, json_t * value)
+ if (!utf8_check_string (key, -1)) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return json_object_set_new_nocheck (json, key, value);
+json_object_del (json_t * json, const char *key)
+ json_object_t *object;
+ if (!json_is_object (json))
+ return -1;
+ object = json_to_object (json);
+ return hashtable_del (&object->hashtable, key);
+void *
+json_object_iter (json_t * json)
+ json_object_t *object;
+ if (!json_is_object (json))
+ return NULL;
+ object = json_to_object (json);
+ return hashtable_iter (&object->hashtable);
+void *
+json_object_iter_next (json_t * json, void *iter)
+ json_object_t *object;
+ if (!json_is_object (json) || iter == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ object = json_to_object (json);
+ return hashtable_iter_next (&object->hashtable, iter);
+const char *
+json_object_iter_key (void *iter)
+ if (!iter)
+ return NULL;
+ return (const char *)hashtable_iter_key (iter);
+json_t *
+json_object_iter_value (void *iter)
+ if (!iter)
+ return NULL;
+ return (json_t *) hashtable_iter_value (iter);
+/*** array ***/
+json_t *
+json_array (void)
+ json_array_t *array = g_malloc (sizeof (json_array_t));
+ if (!array)
+ return NULL;
+ json_init (&array->json, JSON_ARRAY);
+ array->entries = 0;
+ array->size = 0;
+ array->table = NULL;
+ return &array->json;
+static void
+json_delete_array (json_array_t * array)
+ unsigned int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < array->entries; i++)
+ json_decref (array->table[i]);
+ g_free (array->table);
+ g_free (array);
+unsigned int
+json_array_size (const json_t * json)
+ if (!json_is_array (json))
+ return 0;
+ return json_to_array (json)->entries;
+json_t *
+json_array_get (const json_t * json, unsigned int index)
+ json_array_t *array;
+ if (!json_is_array (json))
+ return NULL;
+ array = json_to_array (json);
+ if (index >= array->entries)
+ return NULL;
+ return array->table[index];
+json_array_set_new (json_t * json, unsigned int index, json_t * value)
+ json_array_t *array;
+ if (!value)
+ return -1;
+ if (!json_is_array (json)) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ array = json_to_array (json);
+ if (index >= array->entries) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ json_decref (array->table[index]);
+ array->table[index] = value;
+ return 0;
+json_array_append_new (json_t * json, json_t * value)
+ json_array_t *array;
+ if (!value)
+ return -1;
+ if (!json_is_array (json)) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ array = json_to_array (json);
+ if (array->entries == array->size) {
+ array->size = max (8, array->size * 2);
+ array->table = realloc (array->table, array->size * sizeof (json_t *));
+ if (!array->table) {
+ json_decref (value);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ array->table[array->entries] = value;
+ array->entries++;
+ return 0;
+/*** string ***/
+json_t *
+json_string_nocheck (const char *value)
+ json_string_t *string;
+ if (!value)
+ return NULL;
+ string = g_malloc (sizeof (json_string_t));
+ if (!string)
+ return NULL;
+ json_init (&string->json, JSON_STRING);
+ string->value = strdup (value);
+ if (!string->value) {
+ g_free (string);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &string->json;
+json_t *
+json_string (const char *value)
+ if (!value || !utf8_check_string (value, -1))
+ return NULL;
+ return json_string_nocheck (value);
+const char *
+json_string_value (const json_t * json)
+ if (!json_is_string (json))
+ return NULL;
+ return json_to_string (json)->value;
+static void
+json_delete_string (json_string_t * string)
+ g_free (string->value);
+ g_free (string);
+/*** integer ***/
+json_t *
+json_integer (int value)
+ json_integer_t *integer = g_malloc (sizeof (json_integer_t));
+ if (!integer)
+ return NULL;
+ json_init (&integer->json, JSON_INTEGER);
+ integer->value = value;
+ return &integer->json;
+json_integer_value (const json_t * json)
+ if (!json_is_integer (json))
+ return 0;
+ return json_to_integer (json)->value;
+static void
+json_delete_integer (json_integer_t * integer)
+ g_free (integer);
+/*** real ***/
+json_t *
+json_real (double value)
+ json_real_t *real = g_malloc (sizeof (json_real_t));
+ if (!real)
+ return NULL;
+ json_init (&real->json, JSON_REAL);
+ real->value = value;
+ return &real->json;
+json_real_value (const json_t * json)
+ if (!json_is_real (json))
+ return 0;
+ return json_to_real (json)->value;
+static void
+json_delete_real (json_real_t * real)
+ g_free (real);
+/*** number ***/
+json_number_value (const json_t * json)
+ if (json_is_integer (json))
+ return json_integer_value (json);
+ else if (json_is_real (json))
+ return json_real_value (json);
+ else
+ return 0.0;
+/*** simple values ***/
+json_t *
+json_true (void)
+ static json_t the_true = {
+ .type = JSON_TRUE,
+ .refcount = 1
+ };
+ return json_incref (&the_true);
+json_t *
+json_false (void)
+ static json_t the_false = {
+ .type = JSON_FALSE,
+ .refcount = 1
+ };
+ return json_incref (&the_false);
+json_t *
+json_null (void)
+ static json_t the_null = {
+ .type = JSON_NULL,
+ .refcount = 1
+ };
+ return json_incref (&the_null);
+/*** deletion ***/
+json_delete (json_t * json)
+ if (json_is_object (json))
+ json_delete_object (json_to_object (json));
+ else if (json_is_array (json))
+ json_delete_array (json_to_array (json));
+ else if (json_is_string (json))
+ json_delete_string (json_to_string (json));
+ else if (json_is_integer (json))
+ json_delete_integer (json_to_integer (json));
+ else if (json_is_real (json))
+ json_delete_real (json_to_real (json));
+ /* json_delete is not called for true, false or null */
diff --git a/src/settings.c b/src/settings.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f05f59b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings.c
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, Rambler media
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "cfg_file.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "main.h"
+#include "settings.h"
+#include "json/jansson.h"
+struct json_buf {
+ GHashTable *table;
+ u_char *buf;
+ u_char *pos;
+ size_t buflen;
+static void
+settings_free (gpointer data)
+ struct rspamd_settings *s = data;
+ if (s->statfile_alias) {
+ g_free (s->statfile_alias);
+ }
+ if (s->factors) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy (s->factors);
+ }
+ if (s->metric_scores) {
+ g_hash_table_destroy (s->metric_scores);
+ }
+ g_free (s);
+json_read_cb (memory_pool_t *pool, u_char *chunk, size_t len, struct map_cb_data *data)
+ struct json_buf *jb;
+ size_t free, off;
+ if (data->cur_data == NULL) {
+ jb = g_malloc (sizeof (struct json_buf));
+ jb->table = ((struct json_buf *)data->prev_data)->table;
+ jb->buf = NULL;
+ jb->pos = NULL;
+ data->cur_data = jb;
+ }
+ else {
+ jb = data->cur_data;
+ }
+ if (jb->buf == NULL) {
+ /* Allocate memory for buffer */
+ jb->pos = jb->buf;
+ jb->buflen = len * 2;
+ jb->buf = g_malloc (jb->buflen);
+ }
+ off = jb->pos - jb->buf;
+ free = jb->buflen - off;
+ if (free < len) {
+ jb->buflen = MAX (free * 2, len * 2);
+ jb->buf = g_realloc (jb->buf, jb->buflen);
+ jb->pos = jb->buf + off;
+ }
+ memcpy (chunk, jb->pos, len);
+ jb->pos += len;
+ /* Say not to copy any part of this buffer */
+ return NULL;
+json_fin_cb (memory_pool_t *pool, struct map_cb_data *data)
+ struct json_buf *jb;
+ int nelts, i;
+ json_t *js, *cur_elt, *cur_nm, *it_val;
+ json_error_t je;
+ struct rspamd_settings *cur_settings;
+ char *cur_name;
+ void *json_it;
+ double *score;
+ if (data->prev_data) {
+ jb = data->prev_data;
+ /* Clean prev data */
+ if (jb->table) {
+ g_hash_table_remove_all (jb->table);
+ }
+ if (jb->buf) {
+ g_free (jb->buf);
+ }
+ g_free (jb->buf);
+ }
+ /* Now parse json */
+ /* NULL terminate current buf */
+ *jb->pos = '\0';
+ js = json_loads (jb->buf, &je);
+ if (!js) {
+ msg_err ("json_fin_cb: cannot load json data: parse error %s, on line %d", je.text, je.line);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!json_is_array (js)) {
+ json_decref (js);
+ msg_err ("json_fin_cb: loaded json is not an array");
+ return;
+ }
+ nelts = json_array_size (js);
+ for (i = 0; i < nelts; i ++) {
+ cur_settings = g_malloc (sizeof (struct rspamd_settings));
+ cur_settings->metric_scores = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ cur_settings->factors = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free);
+ cur_settings->statfile_alias = NULL;
+ cur_settings->want_spam = FALSE;
+ cur_elt = json_array_get (js, i);
+ if (!cur_elt || !json_is_object (cur_elt)) {
+ json_decref (js);
+ msg_err ("json_fin_cb: loaded json is not an object");
+ return;
+ }
+ cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "name");
+ if (cur_nm == NULL || !json_is_string (cur_nm)) {
+ json_decref (js);
+ msg_err ("json_fin_cb: name is not a string or not exists");
+ return;
+ }
+ cur_name = g_strdup (json_string_value (cur_nm));
+ /* Now check other settings */
+ /* Statfile */
+ cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "statfile");
+ if (cur_nm != NULL && json_is_string (cur_nm)) {
+ cur_settings->statfile_alias = g_strdup (json_string_value (cur_nm));
+ }
+ /* Factors object */
+ cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "factors");
+ if (cur_nm != NULL && json_is_object (cur_nm)) {
+ json_it = json_object_iter (cur_nm);
+ while (json_it) {
+ it_val = json_object_iter_value (json_it);
+ if (it_val && json_is_string (it_val)) {
+ g_hash_table_insert (cur_settings->factors, g_strdup (json_object_iter_key (json_it)),
+ g_strdup (json_string_value (it_val)));
+ }
+ json_it = json_object_iter_next(cur_nm, json_it);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Metrics object */
+ cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "metrics");
+ if (cur_nm != NULL && json_is_object (cur_nm)) {
+ json_it = json_object_iter (cur_nm);
+ while (json_it) {
+ it_val = json_object_iter_value (json_it);
+ if (it_val && json_is_number (it_val)) {
+ score = g_malloc (sizeof (double));
+ *score = json_number_value (it_val);
+ g_hash_table_insert (cur_settings->factors, g_strdup (json_object_iter_key (json_it)),
+ score);
+ }
+ json_it = json_object_iter_next(cur_nm, json_it);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Want spam */
+ cur_nm = json_object_get (cur_elt, "want_spam");
+ if (cur_nm != NULL) {
+ if (json_is_true (cur_nm)) {
+ cur_settings->want_spam = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ g_hash_table_insert (((struct json_buf*)data->cur_data)->table, cur_name, cur_settings);
+ }
+ json_decref (js);
+read_settings (const char *path, struct config_file *cfg, GHashTable *table)
+ struct json_buf *jb = g_malloc (sizeof (struct json_buf));
+ jb->table = table;
+ jb->buf = NULL;
+ if (!add_map (path, json_read_cb, json_fin_cb, (void **)&jb)) {
+ msg_err ("read_settings: cannot add map %s", path);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+init_settings (struct config_file *cfg)
+ cfg->domain_settings = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal, g_free, settings_free);
+ cfg->user_settings = g_hash_table_new_full (rspamd_strcase_hash, rspamd_strcase_equal, g_free, settings_free);
+ * vi:ts=4
+ */
diff --git a/src/settings.h b/src/settings.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d2214ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/settings.h
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "config.h"
+#include "main.h"
+struct rspamd_settings {
+ GHashTable *metric_scores; /**< hash table of metric scores for this setting */
+ GHashTable *factors; /**< hash table of new factors for this setting */
+ char *statfile_alias; /**< alias for statfile used */
+ gboolean want_spam; /**< if true disable rspamd checks */
+int read_settings (const char *path, struct config_file *cfg, GHashTable *table);