diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@rspamd.com>2025-03-06 20:00:31 +0600
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2025-03-06 20:00:31 +0600
commitd645fdc2008e61baa2b0d8d7f930a3faebce1d69 (patch)
parent22b1d712b36654514db359dbebe1d096d828fb05 (diff)
parent69b753d4af7db0c76ada3c32328c508b14fbd347 (diff)
Merge pull request #5372 from amulet1/map_improvements
Better support for maps and IP-related fixes/improvements in settings
2 files changed, 80 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/lualib/lua_maps.lua b/lualib/lua_maps.lua
index 2699ea214..6dad3b6ad 100644
--- a/lualib/lua_maps.lua
+++ b/lualib/lua_maps.lua
@@ -526,15 +526,12 @@ local function rspamd_maybe_check_map(key, what)
return rspamd_maybe_check_map(key, elt)
end, what)
- if type(rspamd_maps) == "table" then
- local mn
- if starts(key, "map:") then
- mn = string.sub(key, 5)
- elseif starts(key, "map://") then
- mn = string.sub(key, 7)
+ if type(rspamd_maps) == "table" and starts(key, "map:") then
+ local mn = string.sub(key, 5)
+ if starts(mn, "//") then
+ mn = string.sub(mn, 3)
- if mn and rspamd_maps[mn] then
+ if rspamd_maps[mn] then
return rspamd_maps[mn]:get_key(what)
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/settings.lua b/src/plugins/lua/settings.lua
index 69d31d301..0f8e00723 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lua/settings.lua
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/settings.lua
@@ -248,17 +248,13 @@ local function check_string_setting(expected, str)
local function check_ip_setting(expected, ip)
- if not expected[2] then
- if lua_maps.rspamd_maybe_check_map(expected[1], ip:to_string()) then
+ if type(expected) == "string" then
+ if lua_maps.rspamd_maybe_check_map(expected, ip:to_string()) then
return true
- if expected[2] ~= 0 then
- local nip = ip:apply_mask(expected[2])
- if nip and nip:to_string() == expected[1] then
- return true
- end
- elseif ip:to_string() == expected[1] then
+ local nip = ip:apply_mask(expected[2])
+ if nip and nip:to_string() == expected[1] then
return true
@@ -464,44 +460,52 @@ local function gen_settings_external_cb(name)
-- Process IP address: converted to a table {ip, mask}
-local function process_ip_condition(ip)
- local out = {}
+local function process_ip_condition(ip, out)
if type(ip) == "table" then
for _, v in ipairs(ip) do
- table.insert(out, process_ip_condition(v))
+ process_ip_condition(v, out)
- elseif type(ip) == "string" then
- local slash = string.find(ip, '/')
+ return
+ end
- if not slash then
- -- Just a plain IP address
- local res = rspamd_ip.from_string(ip)
+ if type(ip) == "string" then
+ if string.sub(ip, 1, 4) == "map:" then
+ -- It is a map, don't apply any extra logic
+ table.insert(out, ip)
+ return
+ end
- if res:is_valid() then
- out[1] = res:to_string()
- out[2] = 0
- else
- -- It can still be a map
- out[1] = ip
- end
- else
- local res = rspamd_ip.from_string(string.sub(ip, 1, slash - 1))
- local mask = tonumber(string.sub(ip, slash + 1))
+ local mask
+ local slash = string.find(ip, '/')
+ if slash then
+ mask = string.sub(ip, slash + 1)
+ ip = string.sub(ip, 1, slash - 1)
+ end
+ local res = rspamd_ip.from_string(ip)
+ if res:is_valid() then
+ if mask then
+ local mask_num = tonumber(mask)
+ if mask_num then
+ -- normalize IP
+ res = res:apply_mask(mask_num)
+ if res:is_valid() then
+ table.insert(out, { res:to_string(), mask_num })
+ return
+ end
+ end
- if res:is_valid() then
- out[1] = res:to_string()
- out[2] = mask
- else
- rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "bad IP address: " .. ip)
- return nil
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "bad IP mask: %s/%s", ip, mask)
+ return
+ -- Just a plain IP address
+ table.insert(out, res:to_string())
+ return
- else
- return nil
- return out
+ rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, "bad IP address: " .. ip)
-- Process email like condition, converted to a table with fields:
@@ -613,6 +617,12 @@ end
-- Used to create a checking closure: if value matches expected somehow, return true
local function gen_check_closure(expected, check_func)
+ if not check_func then
+ check_func = function(a, b)
+ return a == b
+ end
+ end
return function(value)
if not value then
return false
@@ -623,13 +633,6 @@ local function gen_check_closure(expected, check_func)
if value then
- if not check_func then
- check_func = function(a, b)
- return a == b
- end
- end
local ret
if type(expected) == 'table' then
ret = fun.any(function(d)
@@ -659,22 +662,21 @@ local function process_settings_table(tbl, allow_ids, mempool, is_static)
local checks = {}
if elt.ip then
- local ips_table = process_ip_condition(elt['ip'])
+ local ips_table = {}
+ process_ip_condition(elt.ip, ips_table)
- if ips_table then
- lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'added ip condition to "%s": %s',
- name, ips_table)
- checks.ip = {
- check = gen_check_closure(convert_to_table(elt.ip, ips_table), check_ip_setting),
- extract = function(task)
- local ip = task:get_from_ip()
- if ip and ip:is_valid() then
- return ip
- end
- return nil
- end,
- }
- end
+ lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'added ip condition to "%s": %s',
+ name, ips_table)
+ checks.ip = {
+ check = gen_check_closure(ips_table, check_ip_setting),
+ extract = function(task)
+ local ip = task:get_from_ip()
+ if ip and ip:is_valid() then
+ return ip
+ end
+ return nil
+ end,
+ }
if elt.ip_map then
local ips_map = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl(elt.ip_map, 'radix',
@@ -697,23 +699,21 @@ local function process_settings_table(tbl, allow_ids, mempool, is_static)
if elt.client_ip then
- local client_ips_table = process_ip_condition(elt.client_ip)
- if client_ips_table then
- lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'added client_ip condition to "%s": %s',
- name, client_ips_table)
- checks.client_ip = {
- check = gen_check_closure(convert_to_table(elt.client_ip, client_ips_table),
- check_ip_setting),
- extract = function(task)
- local ip = task:get_client_ip()
- if ip:is_valid() then
- return ip
- end
- return nil
- end,
- }
- end
+ local client_ips_table = {}
+ process_ip_condition(elt.client_ip, client_ips_table)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, rspamd_config, 'added client_ip condition to "%s": %s',
+ name, client_ips_table)
+ checks.client_ip = {
+ check = gen_check_closure(client_ips_table, check_ip_setting),
+ extract = function(task)
+ local ip = task:get_client_ip()
+ if ip:is_valid() then
+ return ip
+ end
+ return nil
+ end,
+ }
if elt.client_ip_map then
local ips_map = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl(elt.ip_map, 'radix',