path: root/src
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2016-09-12 16:15:12 +0100
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2016-09-12 16:15:12 +0100
commit50c9bd3d0977aa0f017a739bbd8fe07e1995de4d (patch)
tree5429b8d8710d33d0c474a0410ea41e7d153bf5ce /src
parentc6c2de9a05c4c4749b6ea5d376b61480b4784457 (diff)
[Feature] Allow to pass extra data from plugins to log helper
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 161 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/libserver/protocol.c b/src/libserver/protocol.c
index 58492594a..af6ab314b 100644
--- a/src/libserver/protocol.c
+++ b/src/libserver/protocol.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "worker_private.h"
#include "cryptobox.h"
#include "contrib/zstd/zstd.h"
+#include "lua/lua_common.h"
#include <math.h>
/* Max line size */
@@ -1212,13 +1213,146 @@ rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_worker_ctx *ctx,
struct rspamd_worker_log_pipe *lp;
struct rspamd_protocol_log_message_sum *ls;
+ lua_State *L = task->cfg->lua_state;
struct metric_result *mres;
GHashTableIter it;
gpointer k, v;
struct symbol *sym;
gint id, i;
- guint32 *sid;
+ guint32 *sid, n = 0, nextra = 0;
gsize sz;
+ GArray *extra;
+ struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result er;
+ struct rspamd_task **ptask;
+ /* Get extra results from lua plugins */
+ extra = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (er));
+ lua_getglobal (L, "rspamd_plugins");
+ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) {
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ while (lua_next (L, -2)) {
+ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) {
+ lua_pushvalue (L, -2);
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: copy of key
+ * -2: value (module table)
+ * -3: key (module name)
+ * -4: global
+ */
+ lua_pushstring (L, "log_callback");
+ lua_gettable (L, -3);
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: func
+ * -2: copy of key
+ * -3: value (module table)
+ * -3: key (module name)
+ * -4: global
+ */
+ if (lua_isfunction (L, -1)) {
+ ptask = lua_newuserdata (L, sizeof (*ptask));
+ *ptask = task;
+ rspamd_lua_setclass (L, "rspamd{task}", -1);
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: task
+ * -2: func
+ * -3: key copy
+ * -4: value (module table)
+ * -5: key (module name)
+ * -6: global
+ */
+ msg_info_task ("calling for %s", lua_tostring (L, -3));
+ if (lua_pcall (L, 1, 1, 0) != 0) {
+ msg_info_task ("call to log callback %s failed: %s",
+ lua_tostring (L, -2), lua_tostring (L, -1));
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: key copy
+ * -2: value
+ * -3: key
+ */
+ }
+ else {
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: result
+ * -2: key copy
+ * -3: value
+ * -4: key
+ */
+ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) {
+ /* Another iteration */
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ while (lua_next (L, -2)) {
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: value
+ * -2: key
+ * -3: result table (pcall)
+ * -4: key copy (parent)
+ * -5: value (parent)
+ * -6: key (parent)
+ */
+ if (lua_istable (L, -1)) {
+ er.id = 0;
+ er.score = 0.0;
+ lua_rawgeti (L, -1, 1);
+ if (lua_isnumber (L, -1)) {
+ er.id = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
+ }
+ lua_rawgeti (L, -2, 2);
+ if (lua_isnumber (L, -1)) {
+ er.score = lua_tonumber (L, -1);
+ }
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: value[2]
+ * -2: value[1]
+ * -3: values
+ * -4: key
+ * -5: result table (pcall)
+ * -6: key copy (parent)
+ * -7: value (parent)
+ * -8: key (parent)
+ */
+ lua_pop (L, 2); /* Values */
+ g_array_append_val (extra, er);
+ }
+ lua_pop (L, 1); /* Value for lua_next */
+ }
+ lua_pop (L, 1); /* Table result of pcall */
+ }
+ else {
+ msg_info_task ("call to log callback %s returned "
+ "wrong type: %s",
+ lua_tostring (L, -2),
+ lua_typename (L, lua_type (L, -1)));
+ lua_pop (L, 1); /* Returned error */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ /* stack:
+ * -1: key copy
+ * -2: value
+ * -3: key
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pop (L, 2); /* Top table + key copy */
+ }
+ lua_pop (L, 1); /* rspamd_plugins global */
+ }
+ else {
+ lua_pop (L, 1);
+ }
+ nextra = extra->len;
LL_FOREACH (ctx->log_pipes, lp) {
if (lp->fd != -1) {
@@ -1227,9 +1361,10 @@ rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_worker_ctx *ctx,
mres = g_hash_table_lookup (task->results, DEFAULT_METRIC);
if (mres) {
+ n = g_hash_table_size (mres->symbols);
sz = sizeof (*ls) +
sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result) *
- g_hash_table_size (mres->symbols);
+ (n + nextra);
ls = g_slice_alloc (sz);
/* Handle settings id */
@@ -1246,7 +1381,8 @@ rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_worker_ctx *ctx,
ls->score = mres->score;
ls->required_score = rspamd_task_get_required_score (task,
- ls->nresults = g_hash_table_size (mres->symbols);
+ ls->nresults = n;
+ ls->nextra = nextra;
g_hash_table_iter_init (&it, mres->symbols);
i = 0;
@@ -1267,6 +1403,8 @@ rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_worker_ctx *ctx,
i ++;
+ memcpy (&ls->results[n], extra->data, nextra * sizeof (er));
else {
sz = sizeof (*ls);
@@ -1288,6 +1426,8 @@ rspamd_protocol_write_log_pipe (struct rspamd_worker_ctx *ctx,
+ g_array_free (extra, TRUE);
diff --git a/src/libserver/protocol.h b/src/libserver/protocol.h
index 1f7acbab2..a38be7652 100644
--- a/src/libserver/protocol.h
+++ b/src/libserver/protocol.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result {
struct rspamd_protocol_log_message_sum {
guint32 nresults;
+ guint32 nextra;
guint32 settings_id;
gdouble score;
gdouble required_score;
diff --git a/src/log_helper.c b/src/log_helper.c
index a118f1181..995420a41 100644
--- a/src/log_helper.c
+++ b/src/log_helper.c
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ rspamd_log_helper_read (gint fd, short what, gpointer ud)
struct log_helper_ctx *ctx = ud;
guchar buf[1024];
gssize r;
- guint32 n, i;
+ guint32 n, i, nextra;
struct rspamd_protocol_log_message_sum *sm;
struct rspamd_worker_lua_script *sc;
struct rspamd_config **pcfg;
@@ -86,10 +86,12 @@ rspamd_log_helper_read (gint fd, short what, gpointer ud)
if (r >= (gssize)sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_message_sum)) {
memcpy (&n, buf, sizeof (n));
+ memcpy (&nextra, buf + sizeof (n), sizeof (nextra));
- if (n != (r - sizeof (*sm)) / sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result)) {
+ if (n + nextra !=
+ (r - sizeof (*sm)) / sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result)) {
msg_warn ("cannot read data from log pipe: bad length: %d elements "
- "announced but %d available", n,
+ "announced but %d available", n + nextra,
(r - sizeof (*sm)) /
sizeof (struct rspamd_protocol_log_symbol_result));
@@ -118,7 +120,18 @@ rspamd_log_helper_read (gint fd, short what, gpointer ud)
rspamd_lua_setclass (ctx->L, "rspamd{config}", -1);
lua_pushnumber (ctx->L, sm->settings_id);
- if (lua_pcall (ctx->L, 5, 0, 0) != 0) {
+ lua_createtable (ctx->L, nextra, 0);
+ for (i = 0; i < nextra; i ++) {
+ lua_createtable (ctx->L, 2, 0);
+ lua_pushnumber (ctx->L, sm->results[i + n].id);
+ lua_rawseti (ctx->L, -2, 1);
+ lua_pushnumber (ctx->L, sm->results[i + n].score);
+ lua_rawseti (ctx->L, -2, 2);
+ lua_rawseti (ctx->L, -2, (i + 1));
+ }
+ if (lua_pcall (ctx->L, 6, 0, 0) != 0) {
msg_err ("error executing log handler code: %s",
lua_tostring (ctx->L, -1));
lua_pop (ctx->L, 1);