path: root/test/lua/busted
diff options
authorVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2015-02-27 17:12:41 +0000
committerVsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod@highsecure.ru>2015-02-27 17:12:41 +0000
commit0c5dfb95414875fb7532944e0faaf09e35afa1f4 (patch)
treea718288ed50440848c948dde21a51958cb2da377 /test/lua/busted
parent6df0f09c9ac92d781c9708ef6dc9bf2bd75f1bc9 (diff)
Rework lua tests structure, require external busted.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/lua/busted')
34 files changed, 0 insertions, 2823 deletions
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/compatibility.lua b/test/lua/busted/compatibility.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7837656fb..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/compatibility.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-return {
- getfenv = getfenv or function(f)
- f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func)
- local name, value
- local up = 0
- repeat
- up = up + 1
- name, value = debug.getupvalue(f, up)
- until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
- return value
- end,
- setfenv = setfenv or function(f, t)
- f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func)
- local name
- local up = 0
- repeat
- up = up + 1
- name = debug.getupvalue(f, up)
- until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
- if name then
- debug.upvaluejoin(f, up, function() return name end, 1)
- debug.setupvalue(f, up, t)
- end
- if f ~= 0 then return f end
- end,
- unpack = table.unpack or unpack,
- osexit = function(code, close)
- if close and _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1' then
- -- From Lua 5.1 manual:
- -- > The userdata itself is freed only in the next
- -- > garbage-collection cycle.
- -- Call collectgarbage() while collectgarbage('count')
- -- changes + 3 times, at least 3 times,
- -- at max 100 times (to prevent infinite loop).
- local times_const = 0
- for i = 1, 100 do
- local count_before = collectgarbage("count")
- collectgarbage()
- local count_after = collectgarbage("count")
- if count_after == count_before then
- times_const = times_const + 1
- if times_const > 3 then
- break
- end
- else
- times_const = 0
- end
- end
- end
- os.exit(code, close)
- end,
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/context.lua b/test/lua/busted/context.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cf0f3b53..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/context.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
-local function save()
- local g = {}
- for k,_ in next, _G, nil do
- g[k] = rawget(_G, k)
- end
- return {
- gmt = getmetatable(_G),
- g = g,
- loaded = tablex.copy(package.loaded)
- }
-local function restore(state)
- setmetatable(_G, state.gmt)
- for k,_ in next, _G, nil do
- rawset(_G, k, state.g[k])
- end
- for k,_ in pairs(package.loaded) do
- package.loaded[k] = state.loaded[k]
- end
-return function()
- local context = {}
- local data = {}
- local parents = {}
- local children = {}
- local stack = {}
- function context.ref()
- local ref = {}
- local ctx = data
- function ref.get(key)
- if not key then return ctx end
- return ctx[key]
- end
- function ref.set(key, value)
- ctx[key] = value
- end
- function ref.clear()
- data = {}
- parents = {}
- children = {}
- stack = {}
- ctx = data
- end
- function ref.attach(child)
- if not children[ctx] then children[ctx] = {} end
- parents[child] = ctx
- table.insert(children[ctx], child)
- end
- function ref.children(parent)
- return children[parent] or {}
- end
- function ref.parent(child)
- return parents[child]
- end
- function ref.push(current)
- if not parents[current] then error('Detached child. Cannot push.') end
- if ctx ~= current and current.descriptor == 'file' then
- current.state = save()
- end
- table.insert(stack, ctx)
- ctx = current
- end
- function ref.pop()
- local current = ctx
- ctx = table.remove(stack)
- if ctx ~= current and current.state then
- restore(current.state)
- current.state = nil
- end
- if not ctx then error('Context stack empty. Cannot pop.') end
- end
- return ref
- end
- return context
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/core.lua b/test/lua/busted/core.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 802e60c80..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/core.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-local getfenv = require 'busted.compatibility'.getfenv
-local setfenv = require 'busted.compatibility'.setfenv
-local unpack = require 'busted.compatibility'.unpack
-local path = require 'pl.path'
-local pretty = require 'pl.pretty'
-local throw = error
-local failureMt = {
- __index = {},
- __tostring = function(e) return tostring(e.message) end,
- __type = 'failure'
-local failureMtNoString = {
- __index = {},
- __type = 'failure'
-local pendingMt = {
- __index = {},
- __tostring = function(p) return p.message end,
- __type = 'pending'
-local function metatype(obj)
- local otype = type(obj)
- return otype == 'table' and (getmetatable(obj) or {}).__type or otype
-local function hasToString(obj)
- return type(obj) == 'string' or (getmetatable(obj) or {}).__tostring
-return function()
- local mediator = require 'mediator'()
- local busted = {}
- busted.version = '2.0.rc6-0'
- local root = require 'busted.context'()
- busted.context = root.ref()
- local environment = require 'busted.environment'(busted.context)
- busted.environment = {
- set = environment.set,
- wrap = function(callable)
- if (type(callable) == 'function' or getmetatable(callable).__call) then
- -- prioritize __call if it exists, like in files
- environment.wrap((getmetatable(callable) or {}).__call or callable)
- end
- end
- }
- busted.executors = {}
- local executors = {}
- busted.status = require 'busted.status'
- function busted.getTrace(element, level, msg)
- level = level or 3
- local thisdir = path.dirname(debug.getinfo(1, 'Sl').source)
- local info = debug.getinfo(level, 'Sl')
- while info.what == 'C' or info.short_src:match('luassert[/\\].*%.lua$') or
- (info.source:sub(1,1) == '@' and thisdir == path.dirname(info.source)) do
- level = level + 1
- info = debug.getinfo(level, 'Sl')
- end
- info.traceback = debug.traceback('', level)
- info.message = msg
- local file = busted.getFile(element)
- return file.getTrace(file.name, info)
- end
- function busted.rewriteMessage(element, message, trace)
- local file = busted.getFile(element)
- local msg = hasToString(message) and tostring(message)
- msg = msg or (message ~= nil and pretty.write(message) or 'Nil error')
- msg = (file.rewriteMessage and file.rewriteMessage(file.name, msg) or msg)
- local hasFileLine = msg:match('^[^\n]-:%d+: .*')
- if not hasFileLine then
- local trace = trace or busted.getTrace(element, 3, message)
- local fileline = trace.short_src .. ':' .. trace.currentline .. ': '
- msg = fileline .. msg
- end
- return msg
- end
- function busted.publish(...)
- return mediator:publish(...)
- end
- function busted.subscribe(...)
- return mediator:subscribe(...)
- end
- function busted.getFile(element)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(element)
- while parent do
- if parent.file then
- local file = parent.file[1]
- return {
- name = file.name,
- getTrace = file.run.getTrace,
- rewriteMessage = file.run.rewriteMessage
- }
- end
- if parent.descriptor == 'file' then
- return {
- name = parent.name,
- getTrace = parent.run.getTrace,
- rewriteMessage = parent.run.rewriteMessage
- }
- end
- parent = busted.context.parent(parent)
- end
- return parent
- end
- function busted.fail(msg, level)
- local rawlevel = (type(level) ~= 'number' or level <= 0) and level
- local level = level or 1
- local _, emsg = pcall(throw, msg, rawlevel or level+2)
- local e = { message = emsg }
- setmetatable(e, hasToString(msg) and failureMt or failureMtNoString)
- throw(e, rawlevel or level+1)
- end
- function busted.pending(msg)
- local p = { message = msg }
- setmetatable(p, pendingMt)
- throw(p)
- end
- function busted.replaceErrorWithFail(callable)
- local env = {}
- local f = (getmetatable(callable) or {}).__call or callable
- setmetatable(env, { __index = getfenv(f) })
- env.error = busted.fail
- setfenv(f, env)
- end
- function busted.safe(descriptor, run, element)
- busted.context.push(element)
- local trace, message
- local status = 'success'
- local ret = { xpcall(run, function(msg)
- local errType = metatype(msg)
- status = ((errType == 'pending' or errType == 'failure') and errType or 'error')
- trace = busted.getTrace(element, 3, msg)
- message = busted.rewriteMessage(element, msg, trace)
- end) }
- if not ret[1] then
- busted.publish({ status, descriptor }, element, busted.context.parent(element), message, trace)
- end
- ret[1] = busted.status(status)
- busted.context.pop()
- return unpack(ret)
- end
- function busted.register(descriptor, executor)
- executors[descriptor] = executor
- local publisher = function(name, fn)
- if not fn and type(name) == 'function' then
- fn = name
- name = nil
- end
- local trace
- local ctx = busted.context.get()
- if busted.context.parent(ctx) then
- trace = busted.getTrace(ctx, 3, name)
- end
- local publish = function(f)
- busted.publish({ 'register', descriptor }, name, f, trace)
- end
- if fn then publish(fn) else return publish end
- end
- busted.executors[descriptor] = publisher
- if descriptor ~= 'file' then
- environment.set(descriptor, publisher)
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'register', descriptor }, function(name, fn, trace)
- local ctx = busted.context.get()
- local plugin = {
- descriptor = descriptor,
- name = name,
- run = fn,
- trace = trace
- }
- busted.context.attach(plugin)
- if not ctx[descriptor] then
- ctx[descriptor] = { plugin }
- else
- ctx[descriptor][#ctx[descriptor]+1] = plugin
- end
- end)
- end
- function busted.alias(alias, descriptor)
- local publisher = busted.executors[descriptor]
- busted.executors[alias] = publisher
- environment.set(alias, publisher)
- end
- function busted.execute(current)
- if not current then current = busted.context.get() end
- for _, v in pairs(busted.context.children(current)) do
- local executor = executors[v.descriptor]
- if executor and not busted.skipAll then
- busted.safe(v.descriptor, function() executor(v) end, v)
- end
- end
- end
- return busted
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/done.lua b/test/lua/busted/done.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e6319044d..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/done.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-local M = {}
--- adds tokens to the current wait list, does not change order/unordered
-M.wait = function(self, ...)
- local tlist = { ... }
- for _, token in ipairs(tlist) do
- if type(token) ~= 'string' then
- error('Wait tokens must be strings. Got '..type(token), 2)
- end
- table.insert(self.tokens, token)
- end
--- set list as unordered, adds tokens to current wait list
-M.wait_unordered = function(self, ...)
- self.ordered = false
- self:wait(...)
--- set list as ordered, adds tokens to current wait list
-M.wait_ordered = function(self, ...)
- self.ordered = true
- self:wait(...)
--- generates a message listing tokens received/open
-M.tokenlist = function(self)
- local list
- if #self.tokens_done == 0 then
- list = 'No tokens received.'
- else
- list = 'Tokens received ('..tostring(#self.tokens_done)..')'
- local s = ': '
- for _,t in ipairs(self.tokens_done) do
- list = list .. s .. '\''..t..'\''
- s = ', '
- end
- list = list .. '.'
- end
- if #self.tokens == 0 then
- list = list .. ' No more tokens expected.'
- else
- list = list .. ' Tokens not received ('..tostring(#self.tokens)..')'
- local s = ': '
- for _, t in ipairs(self.tokens) do
- list = list .. s .. '\''..t..'\''
- s = ', '
- end
- list = list .. '.'
- end
- return list
--- marks a token as completed, checks for ordered/unordered, checks for completeness
-M.done = function(self, ...) self:_done(...) end -- extra wrapper for same error level constant as __call method
-M._done = function(self, token)
- if token then
- if type(token) ~= 'string' then
- error('Wait tokens must be strings. Got '..type(token), 3)
- end
- if self.ordered then
- if self.tokens[1] == token then
- table.remove(self.tokens, 1)
- table.insert(self.tokens_done, token)
- else
- if self.tokens[1] then
- error(('Bad token, expected \'%s\' got \'%s\'. %s'):format(self.tokens[1], token, self:tokenlist()), 3)
- else
- error(('Bad token (no more tokens expected) got \'%s\'. %s'):format(token, self:tokenlist()), 3)
- end
- end
- else
- -- unordered
- for i, t in ipairs(self.tokens) do
- if t == token then
- table.remove(self.tokens, i)
- table.insert(self.tokens_done, token)
- token = nil
- break
- end
- end
- if token then
- error(('Unknown token \'%s\'. %s'):format(token, self:tokenlist()), 3)
- end
- end
- end
- if not next(self.tokens) then
- -- no more tokens, so we're really done...
- self.done_cb()
- end
--- wraps a done callback into a done-object supporting tokens to sign-off
-M.new = function(done_callback)
- local obj = {
- tokens = {},
- tokens_done = {},
- done_cb = done_callback,
- ordered = true, -- default for sign off of tokens
- }
- return setmetatable( obj, {
- __call = function(self, ...)
- self:_done(...)
- end,
- __index = M,
- })
-return M
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/environment.lua b/test/lua/busted/environment.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 686b1388f..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/environment.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-local setfenv = require 'busted.compatibility'.setfenv
-return function(context)
- local environment = {}
- local function getEnv(self, key)
- if not self then return nil end
- return
- self.env and self.env[key] or
- getEnv(context.parent(self), key) or
- _G[key]
- end
- local function setEnv(self, key, value)
- if not self.env then self.env = {} end
- self.env[key] = value
- end
- local function __index(self, key)
- return getEnv(context.get(), key)
- end
- local function __newindex(self, key, value)
- setEnv(context.get(), key, value)
- end
- local env = setmetatable({}, { __index=__index, __newindex=__newindex })
- function environment.wrap(fn)
- return setfenv(fn, env)
- end
- function environment.set(key, value)
- local env = context.get('env')
- if not env then
- env = {}
- context.set('env', env)
- end
- env[key] = value
- end
- return environment
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/init.lua b/test/lua/busted/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index da052f503..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-local unpack = require 'busted.compatibility'.unpack
-local shuffle = require 'busted.utils'.shuffle
-local function sort(elements)
- table.sort(elements, function(t1, t2)
- if t1.name and t2.name then
- return t1.name < t2.name
- end
- return t2.name ~= nil
- end)
- return elements
-local function remove(descriptors, element)
- for _, descriptor in ipairs(descriptors) do
- element.env[descriptor] = function(...)
- error("'" .. descriptor .. "' not supported inside current context block", 2)
- end
- end
-local function init(busted)
- local function exec(descriptor, element)
- if not element.env then element.env = {} end
- remove({ 'randomize' }, element)
- remove({ 'pending' }, element)
- remove({ 'describe', 'context', 'it', 'spec', 'test' }, element)
- remove({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, element)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(element)
- setmetatable(element.env, {
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- if not parent.env then parent.env = {} end
- parent.env[key] = value
- end
- })
- local ret = { busted.safe(descriptor, element.run, element) }
- return unpack(ret)
- end
- local function execAll(descriptor, current, propagate)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(current)
- if propagate and parent then
- local success, ancestor = execAll(descriptor, parent, propagate)
- if not success then
- return success, ancestor
- end
- end
- local list = current[descriptor] or {}
- local success = true
- for _, v in pairs(list) do
- if not exec(descriptor, v):success() then
- success = nil
- end
- end
- return success, current
- end
- local function dexecAll(descriptor, current, propagate)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(current)
- local list = current[descriptor] or {}
- local success = true
- for _, v in pairs(list) do
- if not exec(descriptor, v):success() then
- success = nil
- end
- end
- if propagate and parent then
- if not dexecAll(descriptor, parent, propagate) then
- success = nil
- end
- end
- return success
- end
- local file = function(file)
- busted.publish({ 'file', 'start' }, file.name)
- busted.environment.wrap(file.run)
- if not file.env then file.env = {} end
- local randomize = busted.randomize
- file.env.randomize = function() randomize = true end
- if busted.safe('file', file.run, file):success() then
- if randomize then
- file.randomseed = busted.randomseed
- shuffle(busted.context.children(file), busted.randomseed)
- elseif busted.sort then
- sort(busted.context.children(file))
- end
- if execAll('setup', file) then
- busted.execute(file)
- end
- dexecAll('teardown', file)
- end
- busted.publish({ 'file', 'end' }, file.name)
- end
- local describe = function(describe)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(describe)
- busted.publish({ 'describe', 'start' }, describe, parent)
- if not describe.env then describe.env = {} end
- local randomize = busted.randomize
- describe.env.randomize = function() randomize = true end
- if busted.safe('describe', describe.run, describe):success() then
- if randomize then
- describe.randomseed = busted.randomseed
- shuffle(busted.context.children(describe), busted.randomseed)
- elseif busted.sort then
- sort(busted.context.children(describe))
- end
- if execAll('setup', describe) then
- busted.execute(describe)
- end
- dexecAll('teardown', describe)
- end
- busted.publish({ 'describe', 'end' }, describe, parent)
- end
- local it = function(element)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(element)
- local finally
- busted.publish({ 'test', 'start' }, element, parent)
- if not element.env then element.env = {} end
- remove({ 'randomize' }, element)
- remove({ 'describe', 'context', 'it', 'spec', 'test' }, element)
- remove({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, element)
- element.env.finally = function(fn) finally = fn end
- element.env.pending = function(msg) busted.pending(msg) end
- local status = busted.status('success')
- local updateErrorStatus = function(descriptor)
- if element.message then element.message = element.message .. '\n' end
- element.message = (element.message or '') .. 'Error in ' .. descriptor
- status:update('error')
- end
- local pass, ancestor = execAll('before_each', parent, true)
- if pass then
- status:update(busted.safe('it', element.run, element))
- else
- updateErrorStatus('before_each')
- end
- if not element.env.done then
- remove({ 'pending' }, element)
- if finally then status:update(busted.safe('finally', finally, element)) end
- if not dexecAll('after_each', ancestor, true) then
- updateErrorStatus('after_each')
- end
- busted.publish({ 'test', 'end' }, element, parent, tostring(status))
- end
- end
- local pending = function(element)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(element)
- busted.publish({ 'test', 'start' }, element, parent)
- busted.publish({ 'test', 'end' }, element, parent, 'pending')
- end
- busted.register('file', file)
- busted.register('describe', describe)
- busted.register('it', it)
- busted.register('pending', pending)
- busted.register('setup')
- busted.register('teardown')
- busted.register('before_each')
- busted.register('after_each')
- busted.alias('context', 'describe')
- busted.alias('spec', 'it')
- busted.alias('test', 'it')
- local assert = require 'luassert'
- local spy = require 'luassert.spy'
- local mock = require 'luassert.mock'
- local stub = require 'luassert.stub'
- busted.environment.set('assert', assert)
- busted.environment.set('spy', spy)
- busted.environment.set('mock', mock)
- busted.environment.set('stub', stub)
- busted.replaceErrorWithFail(assert)
- busted.replaceErrorWithFail(assert.True)
- return busted
-return setmetatable({}, {
- __call = function(self, busted)
- local root = busted.context.get()
- init(busted)
- return setmetatable(self, {
- __index = function(self, key)
- return rawget(root.env, key) or busted.executors[key]
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, key, value)
- error('Attempt to modify busted')
- end
- })
- end
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/ar.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/ar.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d0b96e65c..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/ar.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'عالِق')
-s:set('output.failure', 'فَشَل')
-s:set('output.failure', 'نَجاح')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'عالِق')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'إخْفاقات')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'نَجاحات')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'عالِق')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'إخْفاقات')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'نَجاحات')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'عالِق')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'فَشَل')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'نَجاح')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'ثَوانٍ')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'فَشِلَت %d مِنْ الإِختِبارات',
- 'فَشِلَت إخْتِباراتُك',
- 'برمجيَّتُكَ ضَعيْفة، أنْصَحُكَ بالتَّقاعُد',
- 'تقع برمجيَّتُكَ في مَنطِقَةِ الخَطَر',
- 'أقترِحُ ألّا تَتَقَدَّم بالإختِبار، علَّ يبْقى الطابِقُ مَستوراَ',
- 'جَدَّتي، فِي أَثْناءِ نَومِها، تَكتبُ بَرمَجياتٍ أفْضلُ مِن هذه',
- 'يَوَدُّ ليْ مُساعَدَتُكْ، لَكِنّْ...'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'رائِع! تَمَّ إجْتِيازُ جَميعُ الإختِباراتِ بِنَجاحٍ',
- 'قُل ما شِئت، لا أكتَرِث: busted شَهِدَ لي!',
- 'حَقَّ عَليْكَ الإفتِخار',
- 'نَجاحٌ مُبْهِر!',
- 'عَليكَ بالإحتِفال؛ نَجَحَت جَميعُ التَجارُب'
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/de.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/de.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e624a465e..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/de.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'Noch nicht erledigt')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Fehlgeschlagen')
-s:set('output.success', 'Erfolgreich')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'übersprungen')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'fehlgeschlagen')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'erfolgreich')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'übersprungen')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'fehlgeschlagen')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'erfolgreich')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'übersprungen')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'fehlgeschlagen')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'erfolgreich')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'Sekunden')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'Du hast %d kaputte Tests.',
- 'Deine Tests sind kaputt.',
- 'Dein Code ist schlecht; du solltest dich schlecht fühlen.',
- 'Dein Code befindet sich in der Gefahrenzone.',
- 'Ein seltsames Spiel. Der einzig gewinnbringende Zug ist nicht zu testen.',
- 'Meine Großmutter hat auf einem 386er bessere Tests geschrieben.',
- 'Immer wenn ein Test fehlschlägt, stirbt ein kleines Kätzchen.',
- 'Das fühlt sich schlecht an, oder?'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Yeah, die Tests laufen durch.',
- 'Fühlt sich gut an, oder?',
- 'Großartig!',
- 'Tests sind durchgelaufen, Zeit für ein Bier.',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/en.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/en.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 285d1ba14..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/en.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'Pending')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Failure')
-s:set('output.error', 'Error')
-s:set('output.success', 'Success')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'pending')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'failures')
-s:set('output.error_plural', 'errors')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'successes')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'pending')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'failures')
-s:set('output.error_zero', 'errors')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'successes')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'pending')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'failure')
-s:set('output.error_single', 'error')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'success')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'seconds')
-s:set('output.no_test_files_match', 'No test files found matching Lua pattern: %s')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'You have %d busted specs',
- 'Your specs are busted',
- 'Your code is bad and you should feel bad',
- 'Your code is in the Danger Zone',
- 'Strange game. The only way to win is not to test',
- 'My grandmother wrote better specs on a 3 86',
- 'Every time there\'s a failure, drink another beer',
- 'Feels bad man'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Aww yeah, passing specs',
- 'Doesn\'t matter, had specs',
- 'Feels good, man',
- 'Great success',
- 'Tests pass, drink another beer',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/fr.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/fr.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 236d87c89..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/fr.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'En attente')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Echec')
-s:set('output.success', 'Reussite')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'en attente')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'echecs')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'reussites')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'en attente')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'echec')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'reussite')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'en attente')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'echec')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'reussite')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'secondes')
-s:set('output.no_test_files_match', 'Aucun test n\'est pourrait trouvé qui corresponde au motif de Lua: %s')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'Vous avez %d test(s) qui a/ont echoue(s)',
- 'Vos tests ont echoue.',
- 'Votre code source est mauvais et vous devrez vous sentir mal',
- 'Vous avez un code source de Destruction Massive',
- 'Jeu plutot etrange game. Le seul moyen de gagner est de ne pas l\'essayer',
- 'Meme ma grand-mere ecrivait de meilleurs tests sur un PIII x86',
- 'A chaque erreur, prenez une biere',
- 'Ca craint, mon pote'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Oh yeah, tests reussis',
- 'Pas grave, y\'a eu du succes',
- 'C\'est du bon, mon pote. Que du bon!',
- 'Reussi, haut la main!',
- 'Test reussi. Un de plus. Offre toi une biere, sur mon compte!',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/ja.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/ja.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d726fa8f9..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/ja.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', '保留')
-s:set('output.failure', '失敗')
-s:set('output.success', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', '保留')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', '失敗')
-s:set('output.success_plural', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', '保留')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', '失敗')
-s:set('output.success_zero', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_single', '保留')
-s:set('output.failure_single', '失敗')
-s:set('output.success_single', '成功')
-s:set('output.seconds', '秒')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- '%d個の仕様が破綻しています',
- '仕様が破綻しています',
- 'あなたの書くコードは良くないので反省するべきです',
- 'あなたの書くコードは危険地帯にあります',
- 'おかしなゲームです。勝利する唯一の方法はテストをしないことです',
- '私の祖母でもPentium Pentium III x86の上でもっといいコードを書いていましたよ',
- 'いつも失敗しているのでビールでも飲みましょう',
- '罪悪感を持ちましょう',
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'オォーイェー、テストが通った',
- '問題ない、テストがある',
- '順調ですね',
- '大成功',
- 'テストが通ったし、ビールでも飲もう',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/nl.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/nl.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6173320bd..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/nl.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'Hangend')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Mislukt')
-s:set('output.success', 'Succes')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'hangenden')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'mislukkingen')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'successen')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'hangend')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'mislukt')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'successen')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'hangt')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'mislukt')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'succes')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'seconden')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'Je hebt %d busted specs',
- 'Je specs zijn busted',
- 'Je code is slecht en zo zou jij je ook moeten voelen',
- 'Je code zit in de Gevaren Zone',
- 'Vreemd spelletje. The enige manier om te winnen is door niet te testen',
- 'Mijn oma schreef betere specs op een 3 86',
- 'Elke keer dat iets mislukt, nog een biertje drinken',
- 'Voelt klote man'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Joeperdepoep, de specs zijn er door',
- 'Doet er niet toe, had specs',
- 'Voelt goed, man',
- 'Fantastisch success',
- 'Testen geslaagd, neem nog een biertje',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/ru.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/ru.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f403440..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/ru.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'Ожидает')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Поломалcя')
-s:set('output.success', 'Прошeл')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'ожидают')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'поломалиcь')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'прошли')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'ожидающих')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'поломанных')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'прошедших')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'ожидает')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'поломался')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'прошел')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'секунд')
----- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'У тебя %d просратых тестов',
- 'Твои тесты поломаны',
- 'Твой код говеный - пойди напейся!'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Поехали!',
- 'Жизнь - хороша!',
- 'Ффух в этот раз пронесло!',
- 'Ура!'
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/th.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/th.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f8e0a13a..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/th.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ')
-s:set('output.failure', 'ล้มเหลว')
-s:set('output.success', 'สำเร็จ')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'ล้มเหลว')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'สำเร็จ')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'ล้มเหลว')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'สำเร็จ')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'อยู่ระหว่างดำเนินการ')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'ล้มเหลว')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'สำเร็จ')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'วินาที')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'คุณมี %d บัสเต็ดสเปค',
- 'สเปคของคุณคือ บัสเต็ด',
- 'โค้ดของคุณไม่ดีเลย คุณควรรู้สึกแย่น่ะ',
- 'โค้ดของคุณอยู่ในเขตอันตราย!',
- 'มันแปลกๆน่ะ วิธีที่จะชนะไม่ได้มีแค่เทสอย่างเดียว',
- 'ยายผมเขียนสเปคดีกว่านี้อีก บนเครื่อง 386',
- 'ทุกๆครั้งที่ล้มเหลว, ดื่มเบียร์แก้วใหม่',
- 'แย่จัง นายท่าน'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'อุ๊ตะ!!!, สเปคผ่าน!',
- 'ไม่สำคัญ, มีสเปค',
- 'ฟินเลยดิ นายท่าน',
- 'สำเร็จ ยอดเยี่ยม',
- 'เทสผ่าน, ดื่มเบียร์ๆๆๆ',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/ua.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/ua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 40afcfbab..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/ua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', 'Очікує')
-s:set('output.failure', 'Зламався')
-s:set('output.success', 'Пройшов')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', 'очікують')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', 'зламались')
-s:set('output.success_plural', 'пройшли')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', 'очікуючих')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', 'зламаних')
-s:set('output.success_zero', 'пройдених')
-s:set('output.pending_single', 'очікує')
-s:set('output.failure_single', 'зламався')
-s:set('output.success_single', 'пройшов')
-s:set('output.seconds', 'секунд')
----- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- 'Ти зрадив %d тестів!',
- 'Ой йо..',
- 'Вороги поламали наші тести!'
- },
- success_messages = {
- 'Слава Україні! Героям Слава!',
- 'Тестування успішно пройдено!',
- 'Всі баги знищено!'
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/languages/zh.lua b/test/lua/busted/languages/zh.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f97e5cb..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/languages/zh.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local s = require('say')
--- 'Pending: test.lua @ 12 \n description
-s:set('output.pending', '开发中')
-s:set('output.failure', '失败')
-s:set('output.success', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_plural', '开发中')
-s:set('output.failure_plural', '失败')
-s:set('output.success_plural', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_zero', '开发中')
-s:set('output.failure_zero', '失败')
-s:set('output.success_zero', '成功')
-s:set('output.pending_single', '开发中')
-s:set('output.failure_single', '失败')
-s:set('output.success_single', '成功')
-s:set('output.seconds', '秒')
--- definitions following are not used within the 'say' namespace
-return {
- failure_messages = {
- '你一共提交了[%d]个测试用例',
- '又出错了!',
- '到底哪里不对呢?',
- '出错了,又要加班了!',
- '囧,出Bug了!',
- '据说比尔盖兹也写了一堆Bug,别灰心!',
- '又出错了,休息一下吧',
- 'Bug好多,心情好坏!'
- },
- success_messages = {
- '牛X,测试通过了!',
- '测试通过了,感觉不错吧,兄弟!',
- '哥们,干得漂亮!',
- '终于通过了!干一杯先!',
- '阿弥陀佛~,菩萨显灵了!',
- }
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/configuration_loader.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/configuration_loader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f437a04cd..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/configuration_loader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-return function()
- local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
- -- Function to load the .busted configuration file if available
- local loadBustedConfigurationFile = function(configFile, config, defaults)
- if type(configFile) ~= 'table' then
- return config, '.busted file does not return a table.'
- end
- local defaults = defaults or {}
- local run = config.run or defaults.run
- if run and run ~= '' then
- local runConfig = configFile[run]
- if type(runConfig) == 'table' then
- config = tablex.merge(runConfig, config, true)
- else
- return config, 'Task `' .. run .. '` not found, or not a table.'
- end
- end
- if type(configFile.default) == 'table' then
- config = tablex.merge(configFile.default, config, true)
- end
- config = tablex.merge(defaults, config, true)
- return config
- end
- return loadBustedConfigurationFile
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/lua.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/files/lua.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a4218f6d4..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/lua.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-local path = require 'pl.path'
-local ret = {}
-local getTrace = function(filename, info)
- local index = info.traceback:find('\n%s*%[C]')
- info.traceback = info.traceback:sub(1, index)
- return info, false
-ret.match = function(busted, filename)
- return path.extension(filename) == '.lua'
-ret.load = function(busted, filename)
- local file, err = loadfile(filename)
- if not file then
- busted.publish({ 'error', 'file' }, { descriptor = 'file', name = filename }, nil, err, {})
- end
- return file, getTrace
-return ret
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/moonscript.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/files/moonscript.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 145b942f5..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/moonscript.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-local path = require 'pl.path'
-local ok, moonscript, line_tables, util = pcall(function()
- return require 'moonscript', require 'moonscript.line_tables', require 'moonscript.util'
-local _cache = {}
--- find the line number of `pos` chars into fname
-local lookup_line = function(fname, pos)
- if not _cache[fname] then
- local f = io.open(fname)
- _cache[fname] = f:read('*a')
- f:close()
- end
- return util.pos_to_line(_cache[fname], pos)
-local rewrite_linenumber = function(fname, lineno)
- local tbl = line_tables['@' .. fname]
- if fname and tbl then
- for i = lineno, 0 ,-1 do
- if tbl[i] then
- return lookup_line(fname, tbl[i])
- end
- end
- end
- return lineno
-local rewrite_filename = function(filename)
- -- sometimes moonscript gives files like [string "./filename.moon"], so
- -- we'll chop it up to only get the filename.
- return filename:match('string "(.+)"') or filename
-local rewrite_traceback = function(fname, trace)
- local rewrite_one = function(line, pattern, sub)
- if line == nil then return '' end
- local fname, lineno = line:match(pattern)
- if fname and lineno then
- fname = rewrite_filename(fname)
- local new_lineno = rewrite_linenumber(fname, tonumber(lineno))
- if new_lineno then
- line = line:gsub(sub:format(tonumber(lineno)), sub:format(tonumber(new_lineno)))
- end
- end
- return line
- end
- local lines = {}
- local j = 0
- for line in trace:gmatch('[^\r\n]+') do
- j = j + 1
- line = rewrite_one(line, '%s*(.-):(%d+): ', ':%d:')
- line = rewrite_one(line, '<(.*):(%d+)>', ':%d>')
- lines[j] = line
- end
- return '\n' .. table.concat(lines, trace:match('[\r\n]+')) .. '\n'
-local ret = {}
-local getTrace = function(filename, info)
- local index = info.traceback:find('\n%s*%[C]')
- info.traceback = info.traceback:sub(1, index)
- info.short_src = rewrite_filename(info.short_src)
- info.traceback = rewrite_traceback(filename, info.traceback)
- info.linedefined = rewrite_linenumber(filename, info.linedefined)
- info.currentline = rewrite_linenumber(filename, info.currentline)
- return info
-local rewriteMessage = function(filename, message)
- local fname, line, msg = message:match('^([^\n]-):(%d+): (.*)')
- if not fname then
- return message
- end
- fname = rewrite_filename(fname)
- line = rewrite_linenumber(fname, tonumber(line))
- return fname .. ':' .. tostring(line) .. ': ' .. msg
-ret.match = function(busted, filename)
- return ok and path.extension(filename) == '.moon'
-ret.load = function(busted, filename)
- local file, err = moonscript.loadfile(filename)
- if not file then
- busted.publish({ 'error', 'file' }, { descriptor = 'file', name = filename }, nil, err, {})
- end
- return file, getTrace, rewriteMessage
-return ret
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/terra.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/files/terra.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 02956f76a..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/files/terra.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-local path = require 'pl.path'
-local ret = {}
-local ok, terralib = pcall(function() return require 'terralib' end)
-local getTrace = function(filename, info)
- local index = info.traceback:find('\n%s*%[C]')
- info.traceback = info.traceback:sub(1, index)
- return info
-ret.match = function(busted, filename)
- return ok and path.extension(filename) == '.t'
-ret.load = function(busted, filename)
- local file, err = terralib.loadfile(filename)
- if not file then
- busted.publish({ 'error', 'file' }, { descriptor = 'file', name = filename }, nil, err, {})
- end
- return file, getTrace
-return ret
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/helper_loader.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/helper_loader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 166f7ccd1..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/helper_loader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-local utils = require 'busted.utils'
-local hasMoon, moonscript = pcall(require, 'moonscript')
-return function()
- local loadHelper = function(helper, hpath, options, busted)
- local success, err = pcall(function()
- arg = options.arguments
- if helper:match('%.lua$') then
- dofile(utils.normpath(hpath))
- elseif hasMoon and helper:match('%.moon$') then
- moonscript.dofile(utils.normpath(hpath))
- else
- require(helper)
- end
- end)
- if not success then
- busted.publish({ 'error', 'helper' }, { descriptor = 'helper', name = helper }, nil, err, {})
- end
- end
- return loadHelper
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/luacov.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/luacov.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 99cfc8f56..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/luacov.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-return function()
- -- Function to initialize luacov if available
- local loadLuaCov = function()
- local result, luacov = pcall(require, 'luacov.runner')
- if not result then
- return print('LuaCov not found on the system, try running without --coverage option, or install LuaCov first')
- end
- -- call it to start
- luacov()
- -- exclude busted files
- table.insert(luacov.configuration.exclude, 'busted_bootstrap$')
- table.insert(luacov.configuration.exclude, 'busted%.')
- table.insert(luacov.configuration.exclude, 'luassert%.')
- table.insert(luacov.configuration.exclude, 'say%.')
- table.insert(luacov.configuration.exclude, 'pl%.')
- end
- return loadLuaCov
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/output_handler_loader.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/output_handler_loader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d52211846..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/output_handler_loader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-local utils = require 'busted.utils'
-local hasMoon, moonscript = pcall(require, 'moonscript')
-return function()
- local loadOutputHandler = function(output, opath, options, busted, defaultOutput)
- local handler
- local success, err = pcall(function()
- if output:match('%.lua$') then
- handler = dofile(utils.normpath(opath))
- elseif hasMoon and output:match('%.moon$') then
- handler = moonscript.dofile(utils.normpath(opath))
- else
- handler = require('busted.outputHandlers.' .. output)
- end
- end)
- if not success and err:match("module '.-' not found:") then
- success, err = pcall(function() handler = require(output) end)
- end
- if not success then
- busted.publish({ 'error', 'output' }, { descriptor = 'output', name = output }, nil, err, {})
- handler = require('busted.outputHandlers.' .. defaultOutput)
- end
- return handler(options, busted)
- end
- return loadOutputHandler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/modules/test_file_loader.lua b/test/lua/busted/modules/test_file_loader.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 391cce501..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/modules/test_file_loader.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-local s = require 'say'
-return function(busted, loaders, options)
- local path = require 'pl.path'
- local dir = require 'pl.dir'
- local tablex = require 'pl.tablex'
- local shuffle = require 'busted.utils'.shuffle
- local fileLoaders = {}
- for _, v in pairs(loaders) do
- local loader = require('busted.modules.files.'..v)
- fileLoaders[#fileLoaders+1] = loader
- end
- local getTestFiles = function(rootFile, pattern)
- local fileList
- if path.isfile(rootFile) then
- fileList = { rootFile }
- elseif path.isdir(rootFile) then
- local getfiles = options.recursive and dir.getallfiles or dir.getfiles
- fileList = getfiles(rootFile)
- fileList = tablex.filter(fileList, function(filename)
- return path.basename(filename):find(pattern)
- end)
- fileList = tablex.filter(fileList, function(filename)
- if path.is_windows then
- return not filename:find('%\\%.%w+.%w+')
- else
- return not filename:find('/%.%w+.%w+')
- end
- end)
- else
- fileList = {}
- end
- return fileList
- end
- -- runs a testfile, loading its tests
- local loadTestFile = function(busted, filename)
- for _, v in pairs(fileLoaders) do
- if v.match(busted, filename) then
- return v.load(busted, filename)
- end
- end
- end
- local loadTestFiles = function(rootFile, pattern, loaders)
- local fileList = getTestFiles(rootFile, pattern)
- if options.shuffle then
- shuffle(fileList, options.seed)
- elseif options.sort then
- table.sort(fileList)
- end
- for i, fileName in ipairs(fileList) do
- local testFile, getTrace, rewriteMessage = loadTestFile(busted, fileName, loaders)
- if testFile then
- local file = setmetatable({
- getTrace = getTrace,
- rewriteMessage = rewriteMessage
- }, {
- __call = testFile
- })
- busted.executors.file(fileName, file)
- end
- end
- if #fileList == 0 then
- busted.publish({ 'error' }, {}, nil, s('output.no_test_files_match'):format(pattern), {})
- end
- return fileList
- end
- return loadTestFiles, loadTestFile, getTestFiles
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/TAP.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/TAP.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b46350ec8..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/TAP.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-local pretty = require 'pl.pretty'
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- handler.suiteEnd = function()
- local total = handler.successesCount + handler.errorsCount + handler.failuresCount
- print('1..' .. total)
- local success = 'ok %u - %s'
- local failure = 'not ' .. success
- local counter = 0
- for i,t in pairs(handler.successes) do
- counter = counter + 1
- print(success:format(counter, t.name))
- end
- local showFailure = function(t)
- counter = counter + 1
- local message = t.message
- local trace = t.trace or {}
- if message == nil then
- message = 'Nil error'
- elseif type(message) ~= 'string' then
- message = pretty.write(message)
- end
- print(failure:format(counter, t.name))
- print('# ' .. t.element.trace.short_src .. ' @ ' .. t.element.trace.currentline)
- print('# Failure message: ' .. message:gsub('\n', '\n# '))
- if options.verbose and trace.traceback then
- print('# ' .. trace.traceback:gsub('^\n', '', 1):gsub('\n', '\n# '))
- end
- end
- for i,t in pairs(handler.errors) do
- showFailure(t)
- end
- for i,t in pairs(handler.failures) do
- showFailure(t)
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/base.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/base.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ea9540fc..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/base.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-return function(busted)
- local handler = {
- successes = {},
- successesCount = 0,
- pendings = {},
- pendingsCount = 0,
- failures = {},
- failuresCount = 0,
- errors = {},
- errorsCount = 0,
- inProgress = {}
- }
- handler.cancelOnPending = function(element, parent, status)
- return not ((element.descriptor == 'pending' or status == 'pending') and handler.options.suppressPending)
- end
- handler.subscribe = function(handler, options)
- require('busted.languages.en')
- handler.options = options
- if options.language ~= 'en' then
- require('busted.languages.' .. options.language)
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'reinitialize' }, handler.baseSuiteRepeat, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, handler.baseSuiteStart, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.baseSuiteEnd, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'start' }, handler.baseTestStart, { priority = 1, predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'end' }, handler.baseTestEnd, { priority = 1, predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'pending' }, handler.basePending, { priority = 1, predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'it' }, handler.baseTestFailure, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'it' }, handler.baseTestError, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure' }, handler.baseError, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'error' }, handler.baseError, { priority = 1 })
- end
- handler.getFullName = function(context)
- local parent = busted.context.parent(context)
- local names = { (context.name or context.descriptor) }
- while parent and (parent.name or parent.descriptor) and
- parent.descriptor ~= 'file' do
- table.insert(names, 1, parent.name or parent.descriptor)
- parent = busted.context.parent(parent)
- end
- return table.concat(names, ' ')
- end
- handler.format = function(element, parent, message, debug, isError)
- local formatted = {
- trace = debug or element.trace,
- element = element,
- name = handler.getFullName(element),
- message = message,
- isError = isError
- }
- formatted.element.trace = element.trace or debug
- return formatted
- end
- handler.getDuration = function()
- if not handler.endTime or not handler.startTime then
- return 0
- end
- return handler.endTime - handler.startTime
- end
- handler.baseSuiteStart = function()
- handler.startTime = os.clock()
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseSuiteRepeat = function()
- handler.successes = {}
- handler.successesCount = 0
- handler.pendings = {}
- handler.pendingsCount = 0
- handler.failures = {}
- handler.failuresCount = 0
- handler.errors = {}
- handler.errorsCount = 0
- handler.inProgress = {}
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseSuiteEnd = function()
- handler.endTime = os.clock()
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseTestStart = function(element, parent)
- handler.inProgress[tostring(element)] = {}
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseTestEnd = function(element, parent, status, debug)
- local isError
- local insertTable
- if status == 'success' then
- insertTable = handler.successes
- handler.successesCount = handler.successesCount + 1
- elseif status == 'pending' then
- insertTable = handler.pendings
- handler.pendingsCount = handler.pendingsCount + 1
- elseif status == 'failure' then
- insertTable = handler.failures
- -- failure count already incremented in error handler
- elseif status == 'error' then
- -- error count already incremented in error handler
- insertTable = handler.errors
- isError = true
- end
- local formatted = handler.format(element, parent, element.message, debug, isError)
- local id = tostring(element)
- if handler.inProgress[id] then
- for k, v in pairs(handler.inProgress[id]) do
- formatted[k] = v
- end
- handler.inProgress[id] = nil
- end
- table.insert(insertTable, formatted)
- return nil, true
- end
- local function saveInProgress(element, message, debug)
- local id = tostring(element)
- handler.inProgress[id].message = message
- handler.inProgress[id].trace = debug
- end
- local function saveError(element, parent, message, debug)
- if parent.randomseed then
- message = 'Random Seed: ' .. parent.randomseed .. '\n' .. message
- end
- saveInProgress(element, message, debug)
- end
- handler.basePending = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- saveInProgress(element, message, debug)
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseTestFailure = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- handler.failuresCount = handler.failuresCount + 1
- saveError(element, parent, message, debug)
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseTestError = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- handler.errorsCount = handler.errorsCount + 1
- saveError(element, parent, message, debug)
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.baseError = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- if element.descriptor ~= 'it' then
- handler.errorsCount = handler.errorsCount + 1
- table.insert(handler.errors, handler.format(element, parent, message, debug, true))
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/json.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/json.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f19a336aa..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/json.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-local json = require 'dkjson'
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- handler.suiteEnd = function()
- print(json.encode({
- pendings = handler.pendings,
- successes = handler.successes,
- failures = handler.failures,
- errors = handler.errors,
- duration = handler.getDuration()
- }))
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/junit.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/junit.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 36e78936e..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/junit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-local xml = require 'pl.xml'
-local socket = require("socket")
-local string = require("string")
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- local top = {
- start_time = socket.gettime(),
- xml_doc = xml.new('testsuites', {
- tests = 0,
- errors = 0,
- failures = 0,
- skip = 0,
- })
- }
- local stack = {}
- local testStartTime
- handler.suiteStart = function(count, total)
- local suite = {
- start_time = socket.gettime(),
- xml_doc = xml.new('testsuite', {
- name = 'Run ' .. count .. ' of ' .. total,
- tests = 0,
- errors = 0,
- failures = 0,
- skip = 0,
- timestamp = os.date('!%Y-%m-%dT%T'),
- })
- }
- top.xml_doc:add_direct_child(suite.xml_doc)
- table.insert(stack, top)
- top = suite
- return nil, true
- end
- local function elapsed(start_time)
- return string.format("%.2f", (socket.gettime() - start_time))
- end
- handler.suiteEnd = function(count, total)
- local suite = top
- suite.xml_doc.attr.time = elapsed(suite.start_time)
- top = table.remove(stack)
- top.xml_doc.attr.tests = top.xml_doc.attr.tests + suite.xml_doc.attr.tests
- top.xml_doc.attr.errors = top.xml_doc.attr.errors + suite.xml_doc.attr.errors
- top.xml_doc.attr.failures = top.xml_doc.attr.failures + suite.xml_doc.attr.failures
- top.xml_doc.attr.skip = top.xml_doc.attr.skip + suite.xml_doc.attr.skip
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.exit = function()
- top.xml_doc.attr.time = elapsed(top.start_time)
- print(xml.tostring(top.xml_doc, '', '\t', nil, false))
- return nil, true
- end
- local function testStatus(element, parent, message, status, trace)
- local testcase_node = xml.new('testcase', {
- classname = element.trace.short_src .. ':' .. element.trace.currentline,
- name = handler.getFullName(element),
- time = elapsed(testStartTime)
- })
- top.xml_doc:add_direct_child(testcase_node)
- if status ~= 'success' then
- testcase_node:addtag(status)
- if message then testcase_node:text(message) end
- if trace and trace.traceback then testcase_node:text(trace.traceback) end
- testcase_node:up()
- end
- end
- handler.testStart = function(element, parent)
- testStartTime = socket.gettime()
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.testEnd = function(element, parent, status)
- top.xml_doc.attr.tests = top.xml_doc.attr.tests + 1
- if status == 'success' then
- testStatus(element, parent, nil, 'success')
- elseif status == 'pending' then
- top.xml_doc.attr.skip = top.xml_doc.attr.skip + 1
- local formatted = handler.pendings[#handler.pendings]
- local trace = element.trace ~= formatted.trace and formatted.trace
- testStatus(element, parent, formatted.message, 'skipped', trace)
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.failureTest = function(element, parent, message, trace)
- top.xml_doc.attr.failures = top.xml_doc.attr.failures + 1
- testStatus(element, parent, message, 'failure', trace)
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.errorTest = function(element, parent, message, trace)
- top.xml_doc.attr.errors = top.xml_doc.attr.errors + 1
- testStatus(element, parent, message, 'error', trace)
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.error = function(element, parent, message, trace)
- if element.descriptor ~= 'it' then
- top.xml_doc.attr.errors = top.xml_doc.attr.errors + 1
- top.xml_doc:addtag('error')
- top.xml_doc:text(message)
- if trace and trace.traceback then
- top.xml_doc:text(trace.traceback)
- end
- top.xml_doc:up()
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'exit' }, handler.exit)
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, handler.suiteStart)
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'start' }, handler.testStart, { predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'end' }, handler.testEnd, { predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'it' }, handler.errorTest)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'it' }, handler.failureTest)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure' }, handler.error)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/plainTerminal.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/plainTerminal.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fc4b092f2..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/plainTerminal.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-local s = require 'say'
-local pretty = require 'pl.pretty'
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- local successDot = '+'
- local failureDot = '-'
- local errorDot = '*'
- local pendingDot = '.'
- local pendingDescription = function(pending)
- local name = pending.name
- local string = s('output.pending') .. ' → ' ..
- pending.trace.short_src .. ' @ ' ..
- pending.trace.currentline ..
- '\n' .. name
- if type(pending.message) == 'string' then
- string = string .. '\n' .. pending.message
- elseif pending.message ~= nil then
- string = string .. '\n' .. pretty.write(pending.message)
- end
- return string
- end
- local failureMessage = function(failure)
- local string
- if type(failure.message) == 'string' then
- string = failure.message
- elseif failure.message == nil then
- string = 'Nil error'
- else
- string = pretty.write(failure.message)
- end
- return string
- end
- local failureDescription = function(failure, isError)
- local string = s('output.failure') .. ' → '
- if isError then
- string = s('output.error') .. ' → '
- end
- if not failure.element.trace or not failure.element.trace.short_src then
- string = string ..
- failureMessage(failure) .. '\n' ..
- failure.name
- else
- string = string ..
- failure.element.trace.short_src .. ' @ ' ..
- failure.element.trace.currentline .. '\n' ..
- failure.name .. '\n' ..
- failureMessage(failure)
- end
- if options.verbose and failure.trace and failure.trace.traceback then
- string = string .. '\n' .. failure.trace.traceback
- end
- return string
- end
- local statusString = function()
- local successString = s('output.success_plural')
- local failureString = s('output.failure_plural')
- local pendingString = s('output.pending_plural')
- local errorString = s('output.error_plural')
- local ms = handler.getDuration()
- local successes = handler.successesCount
- local pendings = handler.pendingsCount
- local failures = handler.failuresCount
- local errors = handler.errorsCount
- if successes == 0 then
- successString = s('output.success_zero')
- elseif successes == 1 then
- successString = s('output.success_single')
- end
- if failures == 0 then
- failureString = s('output.failure_zero')
- elseif failures == 1 then
- failureString = s('output.failure_single')
- end
- if pendings == 0 then
- pendingString = s('output.pending_zero')
- elseif pendings == 1 then
- pendingString = s('output.pending_single')
- end
- if errors == 0 then
- errorString = s('output.error_zero')
- elseif errors == 1 then
- errorString = s('output.error_single')
- end
- local formattedTime = ('%.6f'):format(ms):gsub('([0-9])0+$', '%1')
- return successes .. ' ' .. successString .. ' / ' ..
- failures .. ' ' .. failureString .. ' / ' ..
- errors .. ' ' .. errorString .. ' / ' ..
- pendings .. ' ' .. pendingString .. ' : ' ..
- formattedTime .. ' ' .. s('output.seconds')
- end
- handler.testEnd = function(element, parent, status, debug)
- if not options.deferPrint then
- local string = successDot
- if status == 'pending' then
- string = pendingDot
- elseif status == 'failure' then
- string = failureDot
- elseif status == 'error' then
- string = errorDot
- end
- io.write(string)
- io.flush()
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.suiteStart = function(count, total)
- local runString = (total > 1 and '\nRepeating all tests (run %d of %d) . . .\n\n' or '')
- io.write(runString:format(count, total))
- io.flush()
- end
- handler.suiteEnd = function()
- print('')
- print(statusString())
- for i, pending in pairs(handler.pendings) do
- print('')
- print(pendingDescription(pending))
- end
- for i, err in pairs(handler.failures) do
- print('')
- print(failureDescription(err))
- end
- for i, err in pairs(handler.errors) do
- print('')
- print(failureDescription(err, true))
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.error = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- io.write(errorDot)
- io.flush()
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'end' }, handler.testEnd, { predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, handler.suiteStart)
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'file' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'file' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'describe' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'describe' }, handler.error)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/sound.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/sound.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ac1a46ce..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/sound.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-local app = require 'pl.app'
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- local language = require('busted.languages.' .. options.language)
- handler.suiteEnd = function()
- local system = app.platform()
- local sayer_pre, sayer_post
- local messages
- if system == 'Linux' then
- sayer_pre = 'espeak -s 160 '
- sayer_post = ' > /dev/null 2>&1'
- elseif system and system:match('^Windows') then
- sayer_pre = 'echo '
- sayer_post = ' | ptts'
- else
- sayer_pre = 'say '
- sayer_post = ''
- end
- if handler.failuresCount > 0 then
- messages = language.failure_messages
- else
- messages = language.success_messages
- end
- io.popen(sayer_pre .. '"' .. messages[math.random(1, #messages)] .. '"' .. sayer_post)
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua b/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f34015cc4..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/outputHandlers/utfTerminal.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-local ansicolors = require 'ansicolors'
-local s = require 'say'
-local pretty = require 'pl.pretty'
-return function(options, busted)
- local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.base'(busted)
- local successDot = ansicolors('%{green}●')
- local failureDot = ansicolors('%{red}◼')
- local errorDot = ansicolors('%{magenta}✱')
- local pendingDot = ansicolors('%{yellow}◌')
- local pendingDescription = function(pending)
- local name = pending.name
- local string = ansicolors('%{yellow}' .. s('output.pending')) .. ' → ' ..
- ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. pending.trace.short_src) .. ' @ ' ..
- ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. pending.trace.currentline) ..
- '\n' .. ansicolors('%{bright}' .. name)
- if type(pending.message) == 'string' then
- string = string .. '\n' .. pending.message
- elseif pending.message ~= nil then
- string = string .. '\n' .. pretty.write(pending.message)
- end
- return string
- end
- local failureMessage = function(failure)
- local string
- if type(failure.message) == 'string' then
- string = failure.message
- elseif failure.message == nil then
- string = 'Nil error'
- else
- string = pretty.write(failure.message)
- end
- return string
- end
- local failureDescription = function(failure, isError)
- local string = ansicolors('%{red}' .. s('output.failure')) .. ' → '
- if isError then
- string = ansicolors('%{magenta}' .. s('output.error')) .. ' → '
- end
- if not failure.element.trace or not failure.element.trace.short_src then
- string = string ..
- ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failureMessage(failure)) .. '\n' ..
- ansicolors('%{bright}' .. failure.name)
- else
- string = string ..
- ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failure.element.trace.short_src) .. ' @ ' ..
- ansicolors('%{cyan}' .. failure.element.trace.currentline) .. '\n' ..
- ansicolors('%{bright}' .. failure.name) .. '\n' ..
- failureMessage(failure)
- end
- if options.verbose and failure.trace and failure.trace.traceback then
- string = string .. '\n' .. failure.trace.traceback
- end
- return string
- end
- local statusString = function()
- local successString = s('output.success_plural')
- local failureString = s('output.failure_plural')
- local pendingString = s('output.pending_plural')
- local errorString = s('output.error_plural')
- local ms = handler.getDuration()
- local successes = handler.successesCount
- local pendings = handler.pendingsCount
- local failures = handler.failuresCount
- local errors = handler.errorsCount
- if successes == 0 then
- successString = s('output.success_zero')
- elseif successes == 1 then
- successString = s('output.success_single')
- end
- if failures == 0 then
- failureString = s('output.failure_zero')
- elseif failures == 1 then
- failureString = s('output.failure_single')
- end
- if pendings == 0 then
- pendingString = s('output.pending_zero')
- elseif pendings == 1 then
- pendingString = s('output.pending_single')
- end
- if errors == 0 then
- errorString = s('output.error_zero')
- elseif errors == 1 then
- errorString = s('output.error_single')
- end
- local formattedTime = ('%.6f'):format(ms):gsub('([0-9])0+$', '%1')
- return ansicolors('%{green}' .. successes) .. ' ' .. successString .. ' / ' ..
- ansicolors('%{red}' .. failures) .. ' ' .. failureString .. ' / ' ..
- ansicolors('%{magenta}' .. errors) .. ' ' .. errorString .. ' / ' ..
- ansicolors('%{yellow}' .. pendings) .. ' ' .. pendingString .. ' : ' ..
- ansicolors('%{bright}' .. formattedTime) .. ' ' .. s('output.seconds')
- end
- handler.testEnd = function(element, parent, status, debug)
- if not options.deferPrint then
- local string = successDot
- if status == 'pending' then
- string = pendingDot
- elseif status == 'failure' then
- string = failureDot
- elseif status == 'error' then
- string = errorDot
- end
- io.write(string)
- io.flush()
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.suiteStart = function(count, total)
- local runString = (total > 1 and '\nRepeating all tests (run %d of %d) . . .\n\n' or '')
- io.write(runString:format(count, total))
- io.flush()
- end
- handler.suiteEnd = function(count, total)
- print('')
- print(statusString())
- for i, pending in pairs(handler.pendings) do
- print('')
- print(pendingDescription(pending))
- end
- for i, err in pairs(handler.failures) do
- print('')
- print(failureDescription(err))
- end
- for i, err in pairs(handler.errors) do
- print('')
- print(failureDescription(err, true))
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- handler.error = function(element, parent, message, debug)
- io.write(errorDot)
- io.flush()
- return nil, true
- end
- busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'end' }, handler.testEnd, { predicate = handler.cancelOnPending })
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, handler.suiteStart)
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, handler.suiteEnd)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'file' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'file' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'describe' }, handler.error)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure', 'describe' }, handler.error)
- return handler
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/runner.lua b/test/lua/busted/runner.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 91ce94e50..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/runner.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
--- Busted command-line runner
-local path = require 'pl.path'
-local term = require 'term'
-local utils = require 'busted.utils'
-local loaded = false
-return function(options)
- if loaded then return else loaded = true end
- local opt = options or {}
- local isBatch = opt.batch
- local cli = require 'cliargs'
- local busted = require 'busted.core'()
- local configLoader = require 'busted.modules.configuration_loader'()
- local helperLoader = require 'busted.modules.helper_loader'()
- local outputHandlerLoader = require 'busted.modules.output_handler_loader'()
- local luacov = require 'busted.modules.luacov'()
- local osexit = require 'busted.compatibility'.osexit
- require 'busted'(busted)
- -- Default cli arg values
- local defaultOutput = term.isatty(io.stdout) and 'utfTerminal' or 'plainTerminal'
- local defaultLoaders = 'lua,moonscript'
- local defaultPattern = '_spec'
- local defaultSeed = 'os.time()'
- local lpathprefix = './src/?.lua;./src/?/?.lua;./src/?/init.lua'
- local cpathprefix = path.is_windows and './csrc/?.dll;./csrc/?/?.dll;' or './csrc/?.so;./csrc/?/?.so;'
- local level = 2
- local info = debug.getinfo(level, 'Sf')
- local source = info.source
- local fileName = source:sub(1,1) == '@' and source:sub(2) or source
- local cliArgsParsed = {}
- local function processOption(key, value, altkey, opt)
- if altkey then cliArgsParsed[altkey] = value end
- cliArgsParsed[key] = value
- return true
- end
- local function processNumber(key, value, altkey, opt)
- local number = tonumber(value)
- if not number then
- return nil, 'argument to ' .. opt:gsub('=.*', '') .. ' must be a number'
- end
- if altkey then cliArgsParsed[altkey] = number end
- cliArgsParsed[key] = number
- return true
- end
- local function processVersion()
- -- Return early if asked for the version
- print(busted.version)
- osexit(0, true)
- end
- -- Load up the command-line interface options
- cli:set_name(path.basename(fileName))
- cli:add_flag('--version', 'prints the program version and exits', processVersion)
- if isBatch then
- cli:optarg('ROOT', 'test script file/folder. Folders will be traversed for any file that matches the --pattern option.', 'spec', 1)
- cli:add_option('-p, --pattern=PATTERN', 'only run test files matching the Lua pattern', defaultPattern, processOption)
- end
- cli:add_option('-o, --output=LIBRARY', 'output library to load', defaultOutput, processOption)
- cli:add_option('-d, --cwd=cwd', 'path to current working directory', './', processOption)
- cli:add_option('-t, --tags=TAGS', 'only run tests with these #tags', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--exclude-tags=TAGS', 'do not run tests with these #tags, takes precedence over --tags', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--filter=PATTERN', 'only run test names matching the Lua pattern', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--filter-out=PATTERN', 'do not run test names matching the Lua pattern, takes precedence over --filter', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('-m, --lpath=PATH', 'optional path to be prefixed to the Lua module search path', lpathprefix, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--cpath=PATH', 'optional path to be prefixed to the Lua C module search path', cpathprefix, processOption)
- cli:add_option('-r, --run=RUN', 'config to run from .busted file', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--repeat=COUNT', 'run the tests repeatedly', '1', processNumber)
- cli:add_option('--seed=SEED', 'random seed value to use for shuffling test order', defaultSeed, processNumber)
- cli:add_option('--lang=LANG', 'language for error messages', 'en', processOption)
- cli:add_option('--loaders=NAME', 'test file loaders', defaultLoaders, processOption)
- cli:add_option('--helper=PATH', 'A helper script that is run before tests', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('-Xoutput OPTION', 'pass `OPTION` as an option to the output handler. If `OPTION` contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_option('-Xhelper OPTION', 'pass `OPTION` as an option to the helper script. If `OPTION` contains commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.', nil, processOption)
- cli:add_flag('-c, --coverage', 'do code coverage analysis (requires `LuaCov` to be installed)', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('-v, --verbose', 'verbose output of errors', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('-s, --enable-sound', 'executes `say` command if available', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('-l, --list', 'list the names of all tests instead of running them', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--no-keep-going', 'quit after first error or failure', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--no-recursive', 'do not recurse into subdirectories', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--shuffle', 'randomize file and test order, takes precedence over --sort (--shuffle-test and --shuffle-files)', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--shuffle-files', 'randomize file execution order, takes precedence over --sort-files', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--shuffle-tests', 'randomize test order within a file, takes precedence over --sort-tests', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--sort', 'sort file and test order (--sort-tests and --sort-files)', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--sort-files', 'sort file execution order', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--sort-tests', 'sort test order within a file', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--suppress-pending', 'suppress `pending` test output', processOption)
- cli:add_flag('--defer-print', 'defer print to when test suite is complete', processOption)
- -- Parse the cli arguments
- local cliArgs = cli:parse(arg)
- if not cliArgs then
- osexit(1, true)
- end
- -- Load current working directory
- local fpath = utils.normpath(cliArgs.cwd)
- -- Load busted config file if available
- local configFile = { }
- local bustedConfigFilePath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, '.busted'))
- local bustedConfigFile = pcall(function() configFile = loadfile(bustedConfigFilePath)() end)
- if bustedConfigFile then
- local config, err = configLoader(configFile, cliArgsParsed, cliArgs)
- if err then
- print('Error: ' .. err)
- osexit(1, true)
- else
- cliArgs = config
- end
- end
- local tags = {}
- local excludeTags = {}
- if cliArgs.tags and cliArgs.tags ~= '' then
- tags = utils.split(cliArgs.tags, ',')
- end
- if cliArgs['exclude-tags'] and cliArgs['exclude-tags'] ~= '' then
- excludeTags = utils.split(cliArgs['exclude-tags'], ',')
- end
- -- If coverage arg is passed in, load LuaCovsupport
- if cliArgs.coverage then
- luacov()
- end
- -- Add additional package paths based on lpath and cpath cliArgs
- if #cliArgs.lpath > 0 then
- lpathprefix = cliArgs.lpath
- lpathprefix = lpathprefix:gsub('^%.([/%\\])', fpath .. '%1')
- lpathprefix = lpathprefix:gsub(';%.([/%\\])', ';' .. fpath .. '%1')
- package.path = (lpathprefix .. ';' .. package.path):gsub(';;',';')
- end
- if #cliArgs.cpath > 0 then
- cpathprefix = cliArgs.cpath
- cpathprefix = cpathprefix:gsub('^%.([/%\\])', fpath .. '%1')
- cpathprefix = cpathprefix:gsub(';%.([/%\\])', ';' .. fpath .. '%1')
- package.cpath = (cpathprefix .. ';' .. package.cpath):gsub(';;',';')
- end
- local loaders = {}
- if #cliArgs.loaders > 0 then
- string.gsub(cliArgs.loaders, '([^,]+)', function(c) loaders[#loaders+1] = c end)
- end
- -- We report an error if the same tag appears in both `options.tags`
- -- and `options.excluded_tags` because it does not make sense for the
- -- user to tell Busted to include and exclude the same tests at the
- -- same time.
- for _, excluded in pairs(excludeTags) do
- for _, included in pairs(tags) do
- if excluded == included then
- print('Error: Cannot use --tags and --exclude-tags for the same tags')
- osexit(1, true)
- end
- end
- end
- -- watch for test errors
- local failures = 0
- local errors = 0
- local quitOnError = cliArgs['no-keep-going']
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'output' }, function(element, parent, message)
- print('Error: Cannot load output library: ' .. element.name .. '\n' .. message)
- return nil, true
- end)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error', 'helper' }, function(element, parent, message)
- print('Error: Cannot load helper script: ' .. element.name .. '\n' .. message)
- return nil, true
- end)
- busted.subscribe({ 'error' }, function(element, parent, message)
- errors = errors + 1
- busted.skipAll = quitOnError
- return nil, true
- end)
- busted.subscribe({ 'failure' }, function(element, parent, message)
- if element.descriptor == 'it' then
- failures = failures + 1
- else
- errors = errors + 1
- end
- busted.skipAll = quitOnError
- return nil, true
- end)
- -- Set up output handler to listen to events
- local outputHandlerOptions = {
- verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
- suppressPending = cliArgs['suppress-pending'],
- language = cliArgs.lang,
- deferPrint = cliArgs['defer-print'],
- arguments = utils.split(cliArgs.Xoutput or '', ',') or {}
- }
- local opath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.output))
- local outputHandler = outputHandlerLoader(cliArgs.output, opath, outputHandlerOptions, busted, defaultOutput)
- outputHandler:subscribe(outputHandlerOptions)
- if cliArgs['enable-sound'] then
- require 'busted.outputHandlers.sound'(outputHandlerOptions, busted)
- end
- -- Set up randomization options
- busted.sort = cliArgs['sort-tests'] or cliArgs.sort
- busted.randomize = cliArgs['shuffle-tests'] or cliArgs.shuffle
- busted.randomseed = tonumber(cliArgs.seed) or os.time()
- local getFullName = function(name)
- local parent = busted.context.get()
- local names = { name }
- while parent and (parent.name or parent.descriptor) and
- parent.descriptor ~= 'file' do
- table.insert(names, 1, parent.name or parent.descriptor)
- parent = busted.context.parent(parent)
- end
- return table.concat(names, ' ')
- end
- local hasTag = function(name, tag)
- local found = name:find('#' .. tag)
- return (found ~= nil)
- end
- local filterExcludeTags = function(name)
- for i, tag in pairs(excludeTags) do
- if hasTag(name, tag) then
- return nil, false
- end
- end
- return nil, true
- end
- local filterTags = function(name)
- local fullname = getFullName(name)
- for i, tag in pairs(tags) do
- if hasTag(fullname, tag) then
- return nil, true
- end
- end
- return nil, (#tags == 0)
- end
- local filterOutNames = function(name)
- local found = (getFullName(name):find(cliArgs['filter-out']) ~= nil)
- return nil, not found
- end
- local filterNames = function(name)
- local found = (getFullName(name):find(cliArgs.filter) ~= nil)
- return nil, found
- end
- local printNameOnly = function(name, fn, trace)
- local fullname = getFullName(name)
- if trace and trace.what == 'Lua' then
- print(trace.short_src .. ':' .. trace.currentline .. ': ' .. fullname)
- else
- print(fullname)
- end
- return nil, false
- end
- local ignoreAll = function()
- return nil, false
- end
- local skipOnError = function()
- return nil, (failures == 0 and errors == 0)
- end
- local applyFilter = function(descriptors, name, fn)
- if cliArgs[name] and cliArgs[name] ~= '' then
- for _, descriptor in ipairs(descriptors) do
- busted.subscribe({ 'register', descriptor }, fn, { priority = 1 })
- end
- end
- end
- if cliArgs.list then
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'start' }, ignoreAll, { priority = 1 })
- busted.subscribe({ 'suite', 'end' }, ignoreAll, { priority = 1 })
- applyFilter({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, 'list', ignoreAll)
- applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' }, 'list', printNameOnly)
- end
- applyFilter({ 'setup', 'teardown', 'before_each', 'after_each' }, 'no-keep-going', skipOnError)
- applyFilter({ 'file', 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'no-keep-going', skipOnError)
- -- The following filters are applied in reverse order
- applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' } , 'filter' , filterNames )
- applyFilter({ 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'filter-out' , filterOutNames )
- applyFilter({ 'it', 'pending' } , 'tags' , filterTags )
- applyFilter({ 'describe', 'it', 'pending' }, 'exclude-tags', filterExcludeTags)
- -- Set up helper script
- if cliArgs.helper and cliArgs.helper ~= '' then
- local helperOptions = {
- verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
- language = cliArgs.lang,
- arguments = utils.split(cliArgs.Xhelper or '', ',') or {}
- }
- local hpath = utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.helper))
- helperLoader(cliArgs.helper, hpath, helperOptions, busted)
- end
- -- Set up test loader options
- local testFileLoaderOptions = {
- verbose = cliArgs.verbose,
- sort = cliArgs['sort-files'] or cliArgs.sort,
- shuffle = cliArgs['shuffle-files'] or cliArgs.shuffle,
- recursive = not cliArgs['no-recursive'],
- seed = busted.randomseed
- }
- -- Load test directory
- local rootFile = cliArgs.ROOT and utils.normpath(path.join(fpath, cliArgs.ROOT)) or fileName
- local pattern = cliArgs.pattern
- local testFileLoader = require 'busted.modules.test_file_loader'(busted, loaders, testFileLoaderOptions)
- local fileList = testFileLoader(rootFile, pattern)
- if not cliArgs.ROOT then
- local ctx = busted.context.get()
- local file = busted.context.children(ctx)[1]
- getmetatable(file.run).__call = info.func
- end
- busted.subscribe({'suite', 'reinitialize'}, function()
- local oldctx = busted.context.get()
- local children = busted.context.children(oldctx)
- busted.context.clear()
- local ctx = busted.context.get()
- for k, v in pairs(oldctx) do
- ctx[k] = v
- end
- for _, child in pairs(children) do
- for descriptor, _ in pairs(busted.executors) do
- child[descriptor] = nil
- end
- busted.context.attach(child)
- end
- busted.randomseed = tonumber(cliArgs.seed) or os.time()
- return nil, true
- end)
- local runs = tonumber(cliArgs['repeat']) or 1
- for i = 1, runs do
- if i > 1 then
- busted.publish({ 'suite', 'reinitialize' })
- end
- busted.publish({ 'suite', 'start' }, i, runs)
- busted.execute()
- busted.publish({ 'suite', 'end' }, i, runs)
- if quitOnError and (failures > 0 or errors > 0) then
- break
- end
- end
- busted.publish({ 'exit' })
- local exit = 0
- if failures > 0 or errors > 0 then
- exit = failures + errors
- if exit > 255 then
- exit = 255
- end
- end
- osexit(exit, true)
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/status.lua b/test/lua/busted/status.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c68ce7fc7..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/status.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-local function get_status(status)
- local smap = {
- ['success'] = 'success',
- ['pending'] = 'pending',
- ['failure'] = 'failure',
- ['error'] = 'error',
- ['true'] = 'success',
- ['false'] = 'failure',
- ['nil'] = 'error',
- }
- return smap[tostring(status)] or 'error'
-return function(inital_status)
- local objstat = get_status(inital_status)
- local obj = {
- success = function(self) return (objstat == 'success') end,
- pending = function(self) return (objstat == 'pending') end,
- failure = function(self) return (objstat == 'failure') end,
- error = function(self) return (objstat == 'error') end,
- get = function(self)
- return objstat
- end,
- set = function(self, status)
- objstat = get_status(status)
- end,
- update = function(self, status)
- -- prefer current failure/error status over new status
- status = get_status(status)
- if objstat == 'success' or (objstat == 'pending' and status ~= 'success') then
- objstat = status
- end
- end
- }
- return setmetatable(obj, {
- __index = {},
- __tostring = function(self) return objstat end
- })
diff --git a/test/lua/busted/utils.lua b/test/lua/busted/utils.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e02bc036..000000000
--- a/test/lua/busted/utils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-local path = require 'pl.path'
--- Do not use pl.path.normpath
--- It is broken for paths with leading '../../'
-local function normpath(fpath)
- if type(fpath) ~= 'string' then
- error(fpath .. ' is not a string')
- end
- local sep = '/'
- if path.is_windows then
- sep = '\\'
- if fpath:match '^\\\\' then -- UNC
- return '\\\\' .. normpath(fpath:sub(3))
- end
- fpath = fpath:gsub('/','\\')
- end
- local np_gen1, np_gen2 = '([^SEP]+)SEP(%.%.SEP?)', 'SEP+%.?SEP'
- local np_pat1 = np_gen1:gsub('SEP', sep)
- local np_pat2 = np_gen2:gsub('SEP', sep)
- local k
- repeat -- /./ -> /
- fpath, k = fpath:gsub(np_pat2, sep)
- until k == 0
- repeat -- A/../ -> (empty)
- local oldpath = fpath
- fpath, k = fpath:gsub(np_pat1, function(d, up)
- if d == '..' then return nil end
- if d == '.' then return up end
- return ''
- end)
- until k == 0 or oldpath == fpath
- if fpath == '' then fpath = '.' end
- return fpath
-return {
- split = require 'pl.utils'.split,
- normpath = normpath,
- shuffle = function(t, seed)
- if seed then math.randomseed(seed) end
- local n = #t
- while n >= 2 do
- local k = math.random(n)
- t[n], t[k] = t[k], t[n]
- n = n - 1
- end
- return t
- end