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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/rules/bitcoin.lua b/rules/bitcoin.lua
index 904ca660b..5ffd1a548 100644
--- a/rules/bitcoin.lua
+++ b/rules/bitcoin.lua
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ limitations under the License.
local fun = require "fun"
local bit = require "bit"
local lua_util = require "lua_util"
+local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
local N = "bitcoin"
local off = 0
@@ -130,39 +131,7 @@ local function slice_table(tbl, first, last, step)
return sliced
-local function btc_cash_polymod_step(c, byte)
- --[[
- uint8_t c0 = c >> 35;
- c = ((c & 0x07ffffffff) << 5) ^ d;
- if (c0 & 0x01) c ^= 0x98f2bc8e61;
- if (c0 & 0x02) c ^= 0x79b76d99e2;
- if (c0 & 0x04) c ^= 0xf33e5fb3c4;
- if (c0 & 0x08) c ^= 0xae2eabe2a8;
- if (c0 & 0x10) c ^= 0x1e4f43e470;
- local c0 = bit.rshift(c, 35)
- c = bit.bxor(bit.lshift(bit.band(c, 0x07ffffffff), 5), byte)
- if bit.band(c0, 0x01) ~= 0 then
- c = bit.bxor(c, 0x98f2bc8e61)
- end
- if bit.band(c0, 0x02) ~= 0 then
- c = bit.bxor(c, 0x79b76d99e2)
- end
- if bit.band(c0, 0x04) ~= 0 then
- c = bit.bxor(c, 0xf33e5fb3c4)
- end
- if bit.band(c0, 0x08) ~= 0 then
- c = bit.bxor(c, 0xae2eabe2a8)
- end
- if bit.band(c0, 0x10) ~= 0 then
- c = bit.bxor(c, 0x1e4f43e470)
- end
- return c
-local function is_segwit_bech32_address(word)
+local function is_segwit_bech32_address(task, word)
local semicolon_pos = string.find(word, ':')
local address_part = word
if semicolon_pos then
@@ -188,32 +157,31 @@ local function is_segwit_bech32_address(word)
elseif semicolon_pos then
-- Bitcoin cash address
-- https://www.bitcoincash.org/spec/cashaddr.html
- local l = require "rspamd_logger"
local decoded = gen_bleach32_table(address_part)
- l.errx('check %s, %s decoded', word, decoded)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'check %s, %s decoded', word, decoded)
if decoded and #decoded > 8 then
- -- TODO: Add checksum validation some day
local c = 1
local prefix = word:sub(1, semicolon_pos - 1)
+ local polymod_tbl = {}
- c = btc_cash_polymod_step(c, bit.band(string.byte(byte), 0x1f))
+ local b = bit.band(string.byte(byte), 0x1f)
+ table.insert(polymod_tbl, b)
end, fun.iter(prefix))
-- For semicolon
- c = btc_cash_polymod_step(c, 0)
+ table.insert(polymod_tbl, 0)
- fun.each(function(byte) c = btc_cash_polymod_step(c, byte) end, decoded)
+ fun.each(function(byte) c = table.insert(polymod_tbl, byte) end, decoded)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'final polymod table: %s', polymod_tbl)
- if bit.bxor(c, 0x1) == 0 then
- return true
- end
+ return rspamd_util.btc_polymod(polymod_tbl)
-local normal_wallet_re = [[/\b[13LM][1-9A-Za-z]{25,34}\b/L{sa_body}]]
-local btc_bleach_re = [[/\b(?:bc1|[13]|(?:[^:]+:))[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{14,}\b/L{sa_body}]]
+local normal_wallet_re = [[/\b[13LM][1-9A-Za-z]{25,34}\b/AL{sa_body}]]
+local btc_bleach_re = [[/\b(?:bc1|[13]|(?:\w+:))[qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l]{14,}\b/AL{sa_body}]]
config.regexp['BITCOIN_ADDR'] = {
description = 'Message has a valid bitcoin wallet address',
@@ -230,7 +198,7 @@ config.regexp['BITCOIN_ADDR'] = {
if valid then
-- To save option
task:insert_result('BITCOIN_ADDR', 1.0, word)
- lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'found valid tradtional bitcoin addr in the word: %s',
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'found valid traditional bitcoin addr in the word: %s',
return true
@@ -241,6 +209,25 @@ config.regexp['BITCOIN_ADDR'] = {
[btc_bleach_re] = function(task, txt, s, e)
+ if e - s <= 2 then
+ return false
+ end
+ local word = tostring(lua_util.str_trim(txt:sub(s, e)))
+ local valid = is_segwit_bech32_address(task, word)
+ if valid then
+ -- To save option
+ task:insert_result('BITCOIN_ADDR', 1.0, word)
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'found valid bleach bitcoin addr in the word: %s',
+ word)
+ return true
+ else
+ lua_util.debugm(N, task, 'found invalid bitcoin addr in the word: %s',
+ word)
+ return false
+ end
callbackk = function(task)