path: root/contrib/replxx/src/replxx_impl.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/replxx/src/replxx_impl.cxx')
1 files changed, 1984 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/replxx/src/replxx_impl.cxx b/contrib/replxx/src/replxx_impl.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14f3cbd4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/replxx/src/replxx_impl.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,1984 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <iostream>
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#if _MSC_VER < 1900
+#define snprintf _snprintf // Microsoft headers use underscores in some names
+#define strcasecmp _stricmp
+#define write _write
+#define STDIN_FILENO 0
+#else /* _WIN32 */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#endif /* _WIN32 */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include "windows.hxx"
+#include "replxx_impl.hxx"
+#include "utf8string.hxx"
+#include "prompt.hxx"
+#include "util.hxx"
+#include "io.hxx"
+#include "history.hxx"
+#include "replxx.hxx"
+using namespace std;
+namespace replxx {
+#ifndef _WIN32
+bool gotResize = false;
+namespace {
+static int const REPLXX_MAX_HINT_ROWS( 4 );
+ * All whitespaces and all non-alphanumerical characters from ASCII range
+ * with an exception of an underscore ('_').
+ */
+char const defaultBreakChars[] = " \t\v\f\a\b\r\n`~!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/?";
+#ifndef _WIN32
+static void WindowSizeChanged(int) {
+ // do nothing here but setting this flag
+ gotResize = true;
+static const char* unsupported_term[] = {"dumb", "cons25", "emacs", NULL};
+static bool isUnsupportedTerm(void) {
+ char* term = getenv("TERM");
+ if (term == NULL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; unsupported_term[j]; ++j) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(term, unsupported_term[j])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+Replxx::ReplxxImpl::ReplxxImpl( FILE*, FILE*, FILE* )
+ : _utf8Buffer()
+ , _data()
+ , _charWidths()
+ , _display()
+ , _displayInputLength( 0 )
+ , _hint()
+ , _pos( 0 )
+ , _prefix( 0 )
+ , _hintSelection( -1 )
+ , _history()
+ , _killRing()
+ , _maxHintRows( REPLXX_MAX_HINT_ROWS )
+ , _hintDelay( 0 )
+ , _breakChars( defaultBreakChars )
+ , _completionCountCutoff( 100 )
+ , _overwrite( false )
+ , _doubleTabCompletion( false )
+ , _completeOnEmpty( true )
+ , _beepOnAmbiguousCompletion( false )
+ , _noColor( false )
+ , _keyPressHandlers()
+ , _terminal()
+ , _currentThread()
+ , _prompt( _terminal )
+ , _completionCallback( nullptr )
+ , _highlighterCallback( nullptr )
+ , _hintCallback( nullptr )
+ , _keyPresses()
+ , _messages()
+ , _completions()
+ , _completionContextLength( 0 )
+ , _completionSelection( -1 )
+ , _preloadedBuffer()
+ , _errorMessage()
+ , _modifiedState( false )
+ , _mutex() {
+ using namespace std::placeholders;
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'A' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_BEGINING_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::HOME + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_BEGINING_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'E' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_END_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::END + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_END_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'B' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::LEFT + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'F' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::RIGHT + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'b' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'B' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::LEFT ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::LEFT ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_LEFT, _1 ) ); // Emacs allows Meta, readline don't
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'f' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_RIGHT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'F' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_RIGHT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::RIGHT ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_RIGHT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::RIGHT ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_RIGHT, _1 ) ); // Emacs allows Meta, readline don't
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::BACKSPACE ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_WHITESPACE_ON_LEFT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'd' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_END_OF_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'D' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_END_OF_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'W' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'U' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'K' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_END_OF_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'Y' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::YANK, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'y' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::YANK_CYCLE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'Y' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::YANK_CYCLE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'c' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::CAPITALIZE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'C' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::CAPITALIZE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'l' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::LOWERCASE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'L' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::LOWERCASE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'u' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::UPPERCASE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'U' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::UPPERCASE_WORD, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'T' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::TRANSPOSE_CHARACTERS, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'C' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::ABORT_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'D' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::SEND_EOF, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::INSERT + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::TOGGLE_OVERWRITE_MODE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( 127, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::DELETE_CHARACTER_UNDER_CURSOR, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::DELETE + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::DELETE_CHARACTER_UNDER_CURSOR, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::BACKSPACE + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::DELETE_CHARACTER_LEFT_OF_CURSOR, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'J' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::ENTER + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'L' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::CLEAR_SCREEN, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'N' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_NEXT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'P' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_PREVIOUS, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::DOWN + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_NEXT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::UP + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_PREVIOUS, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( '>' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_LAST, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( '<' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_FIRST, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::PAGE_DOWN + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_LAST, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::PAGE_UP + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_FIRST, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::UP ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HINT_PREVIOUS, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::DOWN ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HINT_NEXT, _1 ) );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'V' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::VERBATIM_INSERT, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'Z' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::SUSPEND, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::TAB + 0, std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_LINE, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'R' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::control( 'S' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'p' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'P' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'n' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+ bind_key( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'N' ), std::bind( &ReplxxImpl::invoke, this, Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH, _1 ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::invoke( Replxx::ACTION action_, char32_t code ) {
+ switch ( action_ ) {
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::INSERT_CHARACTER ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::insert_character, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::DELETE_CHARACTER_UNDER_CURSOR ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::delete_character, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::DELETE_CHARACTER_LEFT_OF_CURSOR ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::backspace_character, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_END_OF_LINE ): return ( action( WANT_REFRESH | SET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_end_of_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_LINE ): return ( action( SET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_begining_of_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_END_OF_WORD ): return ( action( SET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_word_to_right, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_BEGINING_OF_WORD ): return ( action( SET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_word_to_left, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::KILL_TO_WHITESPACE_ON_LEFT ): return ( action( SET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_whitespace_to_left, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::YANK ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::yank, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::YANK_CYCLE ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::yank_cycle, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_BEGINING_OF_LINE ): return ( action( WANT_REFRESH, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::go_to_begining_of_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_TO_END_OF_LINE ): return ( action( WANT_REFRESH, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::go_to_end_of_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_LEFT ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_word_left, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_ONE_WORD_RIGHT ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_word_right, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_char_left, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_char_right, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_NEXT ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_next, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_PREVIOUS ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_previous, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_FIRST ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_first, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_LAST ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_last, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_INCREMENTAL_SEARCH ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::incremental_history_search, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HISTORY_COMMON_PREFIX_SEARCH ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION | DONT_RESET_PREFIX, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::common_prefix_search, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HINT_NEXT ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hint_next, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::HINT_PREVIOUS ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hint_previous, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::CAPITALIZE_WORD ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::capitalize_word, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::LOWERCASE_WORD ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::lowercase_word, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::UPPERCASE_WORD ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::uppercase_word, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::TRANSPOSE_CHARACTERS ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::transpose_characters, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::TOGGLE_OVERWRITE_MODE ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::toggle_overwrite_mode, code ) );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::VERBATIM_INSERT ): return ( action( WANT_REFRESH | RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::verbatim_insert, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::SUSPEND ): return ( action( WANT_REFRESH, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::suspend, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::CLEAR_SCREEN ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::clear_screen, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::CLEAR_SELF ): clear_self_to_end_of_screen(); return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::REPAINT ): repaint(); return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_LINE ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_NEXT ): return ( action( DONT_RESET_COMPLETIONS, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_next, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::COMPLETE_PREVIOUS ): return ( action( DONT_RESET_COMPLETIONS, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_previous, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::COMMIT_LINE ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::commit_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::ABORT_LINE ): return ( action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::abort_line, code ) );
+ case ( Replxx::ACTION::SEND_EOF ): return ( action( NOOP, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::send_eof, code ) );
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::BAIL );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::bind_key( char32_t code_, Replxx::key_press_handler_t handler_ ) {
+ _keyPressHandlers[code_] = handler_;
+Replxx::State Replxx::ReplxxImpl::get_state( void ) const {
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _data );
+ return ( Replxx::State( _utf8Buffer.get(), _pos ) );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_state( Replxx::State const& state_ ) {
+ _data.assign( state_.text() );
+ if ( state_.cursor_position() >= 0 ) {
+ _pos = min( state_.cursor_position(), _data.length() );
+ }
+ _modifiedState = true;
+char32_t Replxx::ReplxxImpl::read_char( HINT_ACTION hintAction_ ) {
+ /* try scheduled key presses */ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l( _mutex );
+ if ( !_keyPresses.empty() ) {
+ char32_t keyPress( _keyPresses.front() );
+ _keyPresses.pop_front();
+ return ( keyPress );
+ }
+ }
+ int hintDelay( hintAction_ != HINT_ACTION::SKIP ? _hintDelay : 0 );
+ while ( true ) {
+ Terminal::EVENT_TYPE eventType( _terminal.wait_for_input( hintDelay ) );
+ if ( eventType == Terminal::EVENT_TYPE::TIMEOUT ) {
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::REPAINT );
+ hintDelay = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( eventType == Terminal::EVENT_TYPE::KEY_PRESS ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l( _mutex );
+ clear_self_to_end_of_screen();
+ while ( ! _messages.empty() ) {
+ string const& message( _messages.front() );
+ _terminal.write8( message.data(), message.length() );
+ _messages.pop_front();
+ }
+ repaint();
+ }
+ /* try scheduled key presses */ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l( _mutex );
+ if ( !_keyPresses.empty() ) {
+ char32_t keyPress( _keyPresses.front() );
+ _keyPresses.pop_front();
+ return ( keyPress );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( _terminal.read_char() );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::clear( void ) {
+ _pos = 0;
+ _prefix = 0;
+ _completions.clear();
+ _completionContextLength = 0;
+ _completionSelection = -1;
+ _data.clear();
+ _hintSelection = -1;
+ _hint = UnicodeString();
+ _display.clear();
+ _displayInputLength = 0;
+Replxx::ReplxxImpl::completions_t Replxx::ReplxxImpl::call_completer( std::string const& input, int& contextLen_ ) const {
+ Replxx::completions_t completionsIntermediary(
+ !! _completionCallback
+ ? _completionCallback( input, contextLen_ )
+ : Replxx::completions_t()
+ );
+ completions_t completions;
+ completions.reserve( completionsIntermediary.size() );
+ for ( Replxx::Completion const& c : completionsIntermediary ) {
+ completions.emplace_back( c );
+ }
+ return ( completions );
+Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hints_t Replxx::ReplxxImpl::call_hinter( std::string const& input, int& contextLen, Replxx::Color& color ) const {
+ Replxx::hints_t hintsIntermediary(
+ !! _hintCallback
+ ? _hintCallback( input, contextLen, color )
+ : Replxx::hints_t()
+ );
+ hints_t hints;
+ hints.reserve( hintsIntermediary.size() );
+ for ( std::string const& h : hintsIntermediary ) {
+ hints.emplace_back( h.c_str() );
+ }
+ return ( hints );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_preload_buffer( std::string const& preloadText ) {
+ _preloadedBuffer = preloadText;
+ // remove characters that won't display correctly
+ bool controlsStripped = false;
+ int whitespaceSeen( 0 );
+ for ( std::string::iterator it( _preloadedBuffer.begin() ); it != _preloadedBuffer.end(); ) {
+ unsigned char c = *it;
+ if ( '\r' == c ) { // silently skip CR
+ _preloadedBuffer.erase( it, it + 1 );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( ( '\n' == c ) || ( '\t' == c ) ) { // note newline or tab
+ ++ whitespaceSeen;
+ ++ it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( whitespaceSeen > 0 ) {
+ it -= whitespaceSeen;
+ *it = ' ';
+ _preloadedBuffer.erase( it + 1, it + whitespaceSeen - 1 );
+ }
+ if ( is_control_code( c ) ) { // remove other control characters, flag for message
+ controlsStripped = true;
+ if ( whitespaceSeen > 0 ) {
+ _preloadedBuffer.erase( it, it + 1 );
+ -- it;
+ } else {
+ *it = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ whitespaceSeen = 0;
+ ++ it;
+ }
+ if ( whitespaceSeen > 0 ) {
+ std::string::iterator it = _preloadedBuffer.end() - whitespaceSeen;
+ *it = ' ';
+ if ( whitespaceSeen > 1 ) {
+ _preloadedBuffer.erase( it + 1, _preloadedBuffer.end() );
+ }
+ }
+ _errorMessage.clear();
+ if ( controlsStripped ) {
+ _errorMessage.assign( " [Edited line: control characters were converted to spaces]\n" );
+ }
+char const* Replxx::ReplxxImpl::read_from_stdin( void ) {
+ if ( _preloadedBuffer.empty() ) {
+ getline( cin, _preloadedBuffer );
+ if ( ! cin.good() ) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( ! _preloadedBuffer.empty() && ( ( _preloadedBuffer.back() == '\r' ) || ( _preloadedBuffer.back() == '\n' ) ) ) {
+ _preloadedBuffer.pop_back();
+ }
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _preloadedBuffer );
+ _preloadedBuffer.clear();
+ return _utf8Buffer.get();
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::emulate_key_press( char32_t keyCode_ ) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l( _mutex );
+ _keyPresses.push_back( keyCode_ );
+ if ( ( _currentThread != std::thread::id() ) && ( _currentThread != std::this_thread::get_id() ) ) {
+ _terminal.notify_event( Terminal::EVENT_TYPE::KEY_PRESS );
+ }
+char const* Replxx::ReplxxImpl::input( std::string const& prompt ) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ gotResize = false;
+ try {
+ errno = 0;
+ if ( ! tty::in ) { // input not from a terminal, we should work with piped input, i.e. redirected stdin
+ return ( read_from_stdin() );
+ }
+ if (!_errorMessage.empty()) {
+ printf("%s", _errorMessage.c_str());
+ fflush(stdout);
+ _errorMessage.clear();
+ }
+ if ( isUnsupportedTerm() ) {
+ cout << prompt << flush;
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return ( read_from_stdin() );
+ }
+ if (_terminal.enable_raw_mode() == -1) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ _prompt.set_text( UnicodeString( prompt ) );
+ _currentThread = std::this_thread::get_id();
+ clear();
+ if (!_preloadedBuffer.empty()) {
+ preload_puffer(_preloadedBuffer.c_str());
+ _preloadedBuffer.clear();
+ }
+ if ( get_input_line() == -1 ) {
+ return ( finalize_input( nullptr ) );
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _data );
+ return ( finalize_input( _utf8Buffer.get() ) );
+ } catch ( std::exception const& ) {
+ return ( finalize_input( nullptr ) );
+ }
+char const* Replxx::ReplxxImpl::finalize_input( char const* retVal_ ) {
+ _currentThread = std::thread::id();
+ _terminal.disable_raw_mode();
+ return ( retVal_ );
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::install_window_change_handler( void ) {
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ struct sigaction sa;
+ sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
+ sa.sa_flags = 0;
+ sa.sa_handler = &WindowSizeChanged;
+ if (sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, nullptr) == -1) {
+ return errno;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::print( char const* str_, int size_ ) {
+ if ( ( _currentThread == std::thread::id() ) || ( _currentThread == std::this_thread::get_id() ) ) {
+ _terminal.write8( str_, size_ );
+ } else {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l( _mutex );
+ _messages.emplace_back( str_, size_ );
+ _terminal.notify_event( Terminal::EVENT_TYPE::MESSAGE );
+ }
+ return;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::preload_puffer(const char* preloadText) {
+ _data.assign( preloadText );
+ _charWidths.resize( _data.length() );
+ recompute_character_widths( _data.get(), _charWidths.data(), _data.length() );
+ _prefix = _pos = _data.length();
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_color( Replxx::Color color_ ) {
+ char const* code( ansi_color( color_ ) );
+ while ( *code ) {
+ _display.push_back( *code );
+ ++ code;
+ }
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::render( char32_t ch ) {
+ if ( ch == Replxx::KEY::ESCAPE ) {
+ _display.push_back( '^' );
+ _display.push_back( '[' );
+ } else if ( is_control_code( ch ) ) {
+ _display.push_back( '^' );
+ _display.push_back( ch + 0x40 );
+ } else {
+ _display.push_back( ch );
+ }
+ return;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::render( HINT_ACTION hintAction_ ) {
+ if ( hintAction_ == HINT_ACTION::TRIM ) {
+ _display.erase( _display.begin() + _displayInputLength, _display.end() );
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( hintAction_ == HINT_ACTION::SKIP ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _display.clear();
+ if ( _noColor ) {
+ for ( char32_t ch : _data ) {
+ render( ch );
+ }
+ _displayInputLength = _display.size();
+ return;
+ }
+ Replxx::colors_t colors( _data.length(), Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _data );
+ if ( !! _highlighterCallback ) {
+ _highlighterCallback( _utf8Buffer.get(), colors );
+ }
+ paren_info_t pi( matching_paren() );
+ if ( pi.index != -1 ) {
+ colors[pi.index] = pi.error ? Replxx::Color::ERROR : Replxx::Color::BRIGHTRED;
+ }
+ Replxx::Color c( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ for ( int i( 0 ); i < _data.length(); ++ i ) {
+ if ( colors[i] != c ) {
+ c = colors[i];
+ set_color( c );
+ }
+ render( _data[i] );
+ }
+ set_color( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ _displayInputLength = _display.size();
+ _modifiedState = false;
+ return;
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::handle_hints( HINT_ACTION hintAction_ ) {
+ if ( _noColor ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ if ( ! _hintCallback ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ if ( ( _hintDelay > 0 ) && ( hintAction_ != HINT_ACTION::REPAINT ) ) {
+ _hintSelection = -1;
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ if ( ( hintAction_ == HINT_ACTION::SKIP ) || ( hintAction_ == HINT_ACTION::TRIM ) ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ if ( _pos != _data.length() ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ _hint = UnicodeString();
+ int len( 0 );
+ if ( hintAction_ == HINT_ACTION::REGENERATE ) {
+ _hintSelection = -1;
+ }
+ Replxx::Color c( Replxx::Color::GRAY );
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _data, _pos );
+ int contextLen( context_length() );
+ Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hints_t hints( call_hinter( _utf8Buffer.get(), contextLen, c ) );
+ int hintCount( hints.size() );
+ if ( hintCount == 1 ) {
+ _hint = hints.front();
+ len = _hint.length() - contextLen;
+ if ( len > 0 ) {
+ set_color( c );
+ for ( int i( 0 ); i < len; ++ i ) {
+ _display.push_back( _hint[i + contextLen] );
+ }
+ set_color( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ }
+ } else if ( ( _maxHintRows > 0 ) && ( hintCount > 0 ) ) {
+ int startCol( _prompt._indentation + _pos - contextLen );
+ int maxCol( _prompt.screen_columns() );
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ -- maxCol;
+ if ( _hintSelection < -1 ) {
+ _hintSelection = hintCount - 1;
+ } else if ( _hintSelection >= hintCount ) {
+ _hintSelection = -1;
+ }
+ if ( _hintSelection != -1 ) {
+ _hint = hints[_hintSelection];
+ len = min<int>( _hint.length(), maxCol - startCol - _data.length() );
+ if ( contextLen < len ) {
+ set_color( c );
+ for ( int i( contextLen ); i < len; ++ i ) {
+ _display.push_back( _hint[i] );
+ }
+ set_color( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ }
+ }
+ for ( int hintRow( 0 ); hintRow < min( hintCount, _maxHintRows ); ++ hintRow ) {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ _display.push_back( '\r' );
+ _display.push_back( '\n' );
+ int col( 0 );
+ for ( int i( 0 ); ( i < startCol ) && ( col < maxCol ); ++ i, ++ col ) {
+ _display.push_back( ' ' );
+ }
+ set_color( c );
+ for ( int i( _pos - contextLen ); ( i < _pos ) && ( col < maxCol ); ++ i, ++ col ) {
+ _display.push_back( _data[i] );
+ }
+ int hintNo( hintRow + _hintSelection + 1 );
+ if ( hintNo == hintCount ) {
+ continue;
+ } else if ( hintNo > hintCount ) {
+ -- hintNo;
+ }
+ UnicodeString const& h( hints[hintNo % hintCount] );
+ for ( int i( contextLen ); ( i < h.length() ) && ( col < maxCol ); ++ i, ++ col ) {
+ _display.push_back( h[i] );
+ }
+ set_color( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( len );
+Replxx::ReplxxImpl::paren_info_t Replxx::ReplxxImpl::matching_paren( void ) {
+ if (_pos >= _data.length()) {
+ return ( paren_info_t{ -1, false } );
+ }
+ /* this scans for a brace matching _data[_pos] to highlight */
+ unsigned char part1, part2;
+ int scanDirection = 0;
+ if ( strchr("}])", _data[_pos]) ) {
+ scanDirection = -1; /* backwards */
+ if (_data[_pos] == '}') {
+ part1 = '}'; part2 = '{';
+ } else if (_data[_pos] == ']') {
+ part1 = ']'; part2 = '[';
+ } else {
+ part1 = ')'; part2 = '(';
+ }
+ } else if ( strchr("{[(", _data[_pos]) ) {
+ scanDirection = 1; /* forwards */
+ if (_data[_pos] == '{') {
+ //part1 = '{'; part2 = '}';
+ part1 = '}'; part2 = '{';
+ } else if (_data[_pos] == '[') {
+ //part1 = '['; part2 = ']';
+ part1 = ']'; part2 = '[';
+ } else {
+ //part1 = '('; part2 = ')';
+ part1 = ')'; part2 = '(';
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ( paren_info_t{ -1, false } );
+ }
+ int highlightIdx = -1;
+ bool indicateError = false;
+ int unmatched = scanDirection;
+ int unmatchedOther = 0;
+ for (int i = _pos + scanDirection; i >= 0 && i < _data.length(); i += scanDirection) {
+ /* TODO: the right thing when inside a string */
+ if (strchr("}])", _data[i])) {
+ if (_data[i] == part1) {
+ --unmatched;
+ } else {
+ --unmatchedOther;
+ }
+ } else if (strchr("{[(", _data[i])) {
+ if (_data[i] == part2) {
+ ++unmatched;
+ } else {
+ ++unmatchedOther;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unmatched == 0) {
+ highlightIdx = i;
+ indicateError = (unmatchedOther != 0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return ( paren_info_t{ highlightIdx, indicateError } );
+ * Refresh the user's input line: the prompt is already onscreen and is not
+ * redrawn here screen position
+ */
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::refresh_line( HINT_ACTION hintAction_ ) {
+ // check for a matching brace/bracket/paren, remember its position if found
+ render( hintAction_ );
+ int hintLen( handle_hints( hintAction_ ) );
+ // calculate the position of the end of the input line
+ int xEndOfInput( 0 ), yEndOfInput( 0 );
+ calculate_screen_position(
+ _prompt._indentation, 0, _prompt.screen_columns(),
+ calculate_displayed_length( _data.get(), _data.length() ) + hintLen,
+ xEndOfInput, yEndOfInput
+ );
+ yEndOfInput += count( _display.begin(), _display.end(), '\n' );
+ // calculate the desired position of the cursor
+ int xCursorPos( 0 ), yCursorPos( 0 );
+ calculate_screen_position(
+ _prompt._indentation, 0, _prompt.screen_columns(),
+ calculate_displayed_length( _data.get(), _pos ),
+ xCursorPos, yCursorPos
+ );
+ // position at the end of the prompt, clear to end of previous input
+ _terminal.jump_cursor(
+ _prompt._indentation, // 0-based on Win32
+ -( _prompt._cursorRowOffset - _prompt._extraLines )
+ );
+ _terminal.clear_screen( Terminal::CLEAR_SCREEN::TO_END );
+ _prompt._previousInputLen = _data.length();
+ // display the input line
+ _terminal.write32( _display.data(), _display.size() );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // we have to generate our own newline on line wrap
+ if ( ( xEndOfInput == 0 ) && ( yEndOfInput > 0 ) ) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ // position the cursor
+ _terminal.jump_cursor( xCursorPos, -( yEndOfInput - yCursorPos ) );
+ _prompt._cursorRowOffset = _prompt._extraLines + yCursorPos; // remember row for next pass
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::context_length() {
+ int prefixLength = _pos;
+ while ( prefixLength > 0 ) {
+ if ( is_word_break_character( _data[prefixLength - 1] ) ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ -- prefixLength;
+ }
+ return ( _pos - prefixLength );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::repaint( void ) {
+ _prompt.write();
+ for ( int i( _prompt._extraLines ); i < _prompt._cursorRowOffset; ++ i ) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::SKIP );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::clear_self_to_end_of_screen( void ) {
+ // position at the start of the prompt, clear to end of previous input
+ _terminal.jump_cursor( 0, -_prompt._cursorRowOffset );
+ _terminal.clear_screen( Terminal::CLEAR_SCREEN::TO_END );
+ return;
+namespace {
+int longest_common_prefix( Replxx::ReplxxImpl::completions_t const& completions ) {
+ int completionsCount( completions.size() );
+ if ( completionsCount < 1 ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ int longestCommonPrefix( 0 );
+ UnicodeString const& sample( completions.front().text() );
+ while ( true ) {
+ if ( longestCommonPrefix >= sample.length() ) {
+ return ( longestCommonPrefix );
+ }
+ char32_t sc( sample[longestCommonPrefix] );
+ for ( int i( 1 ); i < completionsCount; ++ i ) {
+ UnicodeString const& candidate( completions[i].text() );
+ if ( longestCommonPrefix >= candidate.length() ) {
+ return ( longestCommonPrefix );
+ }
+ char32_t cc( candidate[longestCommonPrefix] );
+ if ( cc != sc ) {
+ return ( longestCommonPrefix );
+ }
+ }
+ ++ longestCommonPrefix;
+ }
+ * Handle command completion, using a completionCallback() routine to provide
+ * possible substitutions
+ * This routine handles the mechanics of updating the user's input buffer with
+ * possible replacement of text as the user selects a proposed completion string,
+ * or cancels the completion attempt.
+ * @param pi - Prompt struct holding information about the prompt and our
+ * screen position
+ */
+char32_t Replxx::ReplxxImpl::do_complete_line( bool showCompletions_ ) {
+ char32_t c = 0;
+ // completionCallback() expects a parsable entity, so find the previous break
+ // character and
+ // extract a copy to parse. we also handle the case where tab is hit while
+ // not at end-of-line.
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _data, _pos );
+ // get a list of completions
+ _completionSelection = -1;
+ _completionContextLength = context_length();
+ _completions = call_completer( _utf8Buffer.get(), _completionContextLength );
+ // if no completions, we are done
+ if ( _completions.empty() ) {
+ beep();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // at least one completion
+ int longestCommonPrefix = 0;
+ int completionsCount( _completions.size() );
+ int selectedCompletion( 0 );
+ if ( _hintSelection != -1 ) {
+ selectedCompletion = _hintSelection;
+ completionsCount = 1;
+ }
+ if ( completionsCount == 1 ) {
+ longestCommonPrefix = static_cast<int>( _completions[selectedCompletion].text().length() );
+ } else {
+ longestCommonPrefix = longest_common_prefix( _completions );
+ }
+ if ( _beepOnAmbiguousCompletion && ( completionsCount != 1 ) ) { // beep if ambiguous
+ beep();
+ }
+ // if we can extend the item, extend it and return to main loop
+ if ( ( longestCommonPrefix > _completionContextLength ) || ( completionsCount == 1 ) ) {
+ _pos -= _completionContextLength;
+ _data.erase( _pos, _completionContextLength );
+ _data.insert( _pos, _completions[selectedCompletion].text(), 0, longestCommonPrefix );
+ _pos = _pos + longestCommonPrefix;
+ _completionContextLength = longestCommonPrefix;
+ refresh_line();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ( ! showCompletions_ ) {
+ return ( 0 );
+ }
+ if ( _doubleTabCompletion ) {
+ // we can't complete any further, wait for second tab
+ do {
+ c = read_char();
+ } while ( c == static_cast<char32_t>( -1 ) );
+ // if any character other than tab, pass it to the main loop
+ if ( c != Replxx::KEY::TAB ) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ // we got a second tab, maybe show list of possible completions
+ bool showCompletions = true;
+ bool onNewLine = false;
+ if ( static_cast<int>( _completions.size() ) > _completionCountCutoff ) {
+ int savePos = _pos; // move cursor to EOL to avoid overwriting the command line
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ refresh_line();
+ _pos = savePos;
+ printf( "\nDisplay all %u possibilities? (y or n)", static_cast<unsigned int>( _completions.size() ) );
+ fflush(stdout);
+ onNewLine = true;
+ while (c != 'y' && c != 'Y' && c != 'n' && c != 'N' && c != Replxx::KEY::control('C')) {
+ do {
+ c = read_char();
+ } while (c == static_cast<char32_t>(-1));
+ }
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ showCompletions = false;
+ break;
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('C'):
+ showCompletions = false;
+ // Display the ^C we got
+ _terminal.write8( "^C", 2 );
+ c = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if showing the list, do it the way readline does it
+ bool stopList( false );
+ if ( showCompletions ) {
+ int longestCompletion( 0 );
+ for ( size_t j( 0 ); j < _completions.size(); ++ j ) {
+ int itemLength( static_cast<int>( _completions[j].text().length() ) );
+ if ( itemLength > longestCompletion ) {
+ longestCompletion = itemLength;
+ }
+ }
+ longestCompletion += 2;
+ int columnCount = _prompt.screen_columns() / longestCompletion;
+ if ( columnCount < 1 ) {
+ columnCount = 1;
+ }
+ if ( ! onNewLine ) { // skip this if we showed "Display all %d possibilities?"
+ int savePos = _pos; // move cursor to EOL to avoid overwriting the command line
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::TRIM );
+ _pos = savePos;
+ } else {
+ _terminal.clear_screen( Terminal::CLEAR_SCREEN::TO_END );
+ }
+ size_t pauseRow = _terminal.get_screen_rows() - 1;
+ size_t rowCount = (_completions.size() + columnCount - 1) / columnCount;
+ for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
+ if (row == pauseRow) {
+ printf("\n--More--");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ c = 0;
+ bool doBeep = false;
+ while (c != ' ' && c != Replxx::KEY::ENTER && c != 'y' && c != 'Y' &&
+ c != 'n' && c != 'N' && c != 'q' && c != 'Q' &&
+ c != Replxx::KEY::control('C')) {
+ if (doBeep) {
+ beep();
+ }
+ doBeep = true;
+ do {
+ c = read_char();
+ } while (c == static_cast<char32_t>(-1));
+ }
+ switch (c) {
+ case ' ':
+ case 'y':
+ case 'Y':
+ printf("\r \r");
+ pauseRow += _terminal.get_screen_rows() - 1;
+ break;
+ case Replxx::KEY::ENTER:
+ printf("\r \r");
+ ++pauseRow;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ case 'N':
+ case 'q':
+ case 'Q':
+ printf("\r \r");
+ stopList = true;
+ break;
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('C'):
+ // Display the ^C we got
+ _terminal.write8( "^C", 2 );
+ stopList = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (stopList) {
+ break;
+ }
+ static UnicodeString const res( ansi_color( Replxx::Color::DEFAULT ) );
+ for (int column = 0; column < columnCount; ++column) {
+ size_t index = (column * rowCount) + row;
+ if ( index < _completions.size() ) {
+ Completion const& c( _completions[index] );
+ int itemLength = static_cast<int>(c.text().length());
+ fflush(stdout);
+ if ( longestCommonPrefix > 0 ) {
+ static UnicodeString const col( ansi_color( Replxx::Color::BRIGHTMAGENTA ) );
+ if (!_noColor) {
+ _terminal.write32(col.get(), col.length());
+ }
+ _terminal.write32(&_data[_pos - _completionContextLength], longestCommonPrefix);
+ if (!_noColor) {
+ _terminal.write32(res.get(), res.length());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !_noColor && ( c.color() != Replxx::Color::DEFAULT ) ) {
+ UnicodeString ac( ansi_color( c.color() ) );
+ _terminal.write32( ac.get(), ac.length() );
+ }
+ _terminal.write32( c.text().get() + longestCommonPrefix, itemLength - longestCommonPrefix );
+ if ( !_noColor && ( c.color() != Replxx::Color::DEFAULT ) ) {
+ _terminal.write32( res.get(), res.length() );
+ }
+ if ( ((column + 1) * rowCount) + row < _completions.size() ) {
+ for ( int k( itemLength ); k < longestCompletion; ++k ) {
+ printf( " " );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ // display the prompt on a new line, then redisplay the input buffer
+ if (!stopList || c == Replxx::KEY::control('C')) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ _prompt.write();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // we have to generate our own newline on line wrap on Linux
+ if (_prompt._indentation == 0 && _prompt._extraLines > 0) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ _prompt._cursorRowOffset = _prompt._extraLines;
+ refresh_line();
+ return 0;
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::get_input_line( void ) {
+ // The latest history entry is always our current buffer
+ if ( _data.length() > 0 ) {
+ _history.add( _data );
+ } else {
+ _history.add( UnicodeString() );
+ }
+ _history.reset_pos();
+ // display the prompt
+ _prompt.write();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // we have to generate our own newline on line wrap on Linux
+ if ( ( _prompt._indentation == 0 ) && ( _prompt._extraLines > 0 ) ) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ // the cursor starts out at the end of the prompt
+ _prompt._cursorRowOffset = _prompt._extraLines;
+ // kill and yank start in "other" mode
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionOther;
+ // if there is already text in the buffer, display it first
+ if (_data.length() > 0) {
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ // loop collecting characters, respond to line editing characters
+ while ( next == Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE ) {
+ int c( read_char( HINT_ACTION::REPAINT ) ); // get a new keystroke
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ if (c == 0 && gotResize) {
+ // caught a window resize event
+ // now redraw the prompt and line
+ gotResize = false;
+ _prompt.update_screen_columns();
+ // redraw the original prompt with current input
+ dynamicRefresh( _prompt, _data.get(), _data.length(), _pos );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == 0) {
+ return _data.length();
+ }
+ if (c == -1) {
+ refresh_line();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == -2) {
+ _prompt.write();
+ refresh_line();
+ continue;
+ }
+ key_press_handlers_t::iterator it( _keyPressHandlers.find( c ) );
+ if ( it != _keyPressHandlers.end() ) {
+ next = it->second( c );
+ if ( _modifiedState ) {
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ } else {
+ next = action( RESET_KILL_ACTION, &Replxx::ReplxxImpl::insert_character, c );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( next == Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::RETURN ? _data.length() : -1 );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::action( action_trait_t actionTrait_, key_press_handler_raw_t const& handler_, char32_t code_ ) {
+ Replxx::ACTION_RESULT res( ( this->*handler_ )( code_ ) );
+ if ( actionTrait_ & RESET_KILL_ACTION ) {
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionOther;
+ }
+ if ( actionTrait_ & SET_KILL_ACTION ) {
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionKill;
+ }
+ if ( ! ( actionTrait_ & DONT_RESET_PREFIX ) ) {
+ _prefix = _pos;
+ }
+ if ( ! ( actionTrait_ & DONT_RESET_COMPLETIONS ) ) {
+ _completions.clear();
+ _completionSelection = -1;
+ _completionContextLength = 0;
+ }
+ if ( actionTrait_ & WANT_REFRESH ) {
+ _modifiedState = true;
+ }
+ return ( res );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::insert_character( char32_t c ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ /*
+ * beep on unknown Ctrl and/or Meta keys
+ * don't insert control characters
+ */
+ if ( ( c >= static_cast<int>( Replxx::KEY::BASE ) ) || is_control_code( c ) ) {
+ beep();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ if ( ! _overwrite || ( _pos >= _data.length() ) ) {
+ _data.insert( _pos, c );
+ } else {
+ _data[_pos] = c;
+ }
+ ++ _pos;
+ int inputLen = calculate_displayed_length( _data.get(), _data.length() );
+ if (
+ ( _pos == _data.length() )
+ && ( _noColor || ! ( !! _highlighterCallback || !! _hintCallback ) )
+ && ( _prompt._indentation + inputLen < _prompt.screen_columns() )
+ ) {
+ /* Avoid a full assign of the line in the
+ * trivial case. */
+ if (inputLen > _prompt._previousInputLen) {
+ _prompt._previousInputLen = inputLen;
+ }
+ render( c );
+ _displayInputLength = _display.size();
+ _terminal.write32(reinterpret_cast<char32_t*>(&c), 1);
+ } else {
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-A, HOME: move cursor to start of line
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::go_to_begining_of_line( char32_t ) {
+ _pos = 0;
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::go_to_end_of_line( char32_t ) {
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-B, move cursor left by one character
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_char_left( char32_t ) {
+ if (_pos > 0) {
+ --_pos;
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-F, move cursor right by one character
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_char_right( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos < _data.length() ) {
+ ++_pos;
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-B, move cursor left by one word
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_word_left( char32_t ) {
+ if (_pos > 0) {
+ while (_pos > 0 && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos - 1] ) ) {
+ --_pos;
+ }
+ while (_pos > 0 && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos - 1] ) ) {
+ --_pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-F, move cursor right by one word
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::move_one_word_right( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos < _data.length() ) {
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-Backspace, kill word to left of cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_word_to_left( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos > 0 ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ int startingPos = _pos;
+ while ( _pos > 0 && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos - 1] ) ) {
+ -- _pos;
+ }
+ while ( _pos > 0 && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos - 1] ) ) {
+ -- _pos;
+ }
+ _killRing.kill( _data.get() + _pos, startingPos - _pos, false);
+ _data.erase( _pos, startingPos - _pos );
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-D, kill word to right of cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_word_to_right( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos < _data.length() ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ int endingPos = _pos;
+ while ( endingPos < _data.length() && is_word_break_character( _data[endingPos] ) ) {
+ ++ endingPos;
+ }
+ while ( endingPos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[endingPos] ) ) {
+ ++ endingPos;
+ }
+ _killRing.kill( _data.get() + _pos, endingPos - _pos, true );
+ _data.erase( _pos, endingPos - _pos );
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-W, kill to whitespace (not word) to left of cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_whitespace_to_left( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos > 0 ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ int startingPos = _pos;
+ while ( _pos > 0 && _data[_pos - 1] == ' ' ) {
+ --_pos;
+ }
+ while ( _pos > 0 && _data[_pos - 1] != ' ' ) {
+ -- _pos;
+ }
+ _killRing.kill( _data.get() + _pos, startingPos - _pos, false );
+ _data.erase( _pos, startingPos - _pos );
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-K, kill from cursor to end of line
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_end_of_line( char32_t ) {
+ _killRing.kill( _data.get() + _pos, _data.length() - _pos, true );
+ _data.erase( _pos, _data.length() - _pos );
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-U, kill all characters to the left of the cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::kill_to_begining_of_line( char32_t ) {
+ if (_pos > 0) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ _killRing.kill( _data.get(), _pos, false );
+ _data.erase( 0, _pos );
+ _pos = 0;
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-Y, yank killed text
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::yank( char32_t ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ UnicodeString* restoredText( _killRing.yank() );
+ if ( restoredText ) {
+ _data.insert( _pos, *restoredText, 0, restoredText->length() );
+ _pos += restoredText->length();
+ refresh_line();
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionYank;
+ _killRing.lastYankSize = restoredText->length();
+ } else {
+ beep();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-Y, "yank-pop", rotate popped text
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::yank_cycle( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _killRing.lastAction != KillRing::actionYank ) {
+ beep();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ UnicodeString* restoredText = _killRing.yankPop();
+ if ( !restoredText ) {
+ beep();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ _pos -= _killRing.lastYankSize;
+ _data.erase( _pos, _killRing.lastYankSize );
+ _data.insert( _pos, *restoredText, 0, restoredText->length() );
+ _pos += restoredText->length();
+ _killRing.lastYankSize = restoredText->length();
+ refresh_line();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-C, give word initial Cap
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::capitalize_word( char32_t ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ if (_pos < _data.length()) {
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ if (_pos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ if ( _data[_pos] >= 'a' && _data[_pos] <= 'z' ) {
+ _data[_pos] += 'A' - 'a';
+ }
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ while (_pos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ if ( _data[_pos] >= 'A' && _data[_pos] <= 'Z' ) {
+ _data[_pos] += 'a' - 'A';
+ }
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-L, lowercase word
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::lowercase_word( char32_t ) {
+ if (_pos < _data.length()) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ ++ _pos;
+ }
+ while (_pos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ if ( _data[_pos] >= 'A' && _data[_pos] <= 'Z' ) {
+ _data[_pos] += 'a' - 'A';
+ }
+ ++ _pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-U, uppercase word
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::uppercase_word( char32_t ) {
+ if (_pos < _data.length()) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ ++ _pos;
+ }
+ while ( _pos < _data.length() && !is_word_break_character( _data[_pos] ) ) {
+ if ( _data[_pos] >= 'a' && _data[_pos] <= 'z') {
+ _data[_pos] += 'A' - 'a';
+ }
+ ++ _pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-T, transpose characters
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::transpose_characters( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos > 0 && _data.length() > 1 ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ size_t leftCharPos = ( _pos == _data.length() ) ? _pos - 2 : _pos - 1;
+ char32_t aux = _data[leftCharPos];
+ _data[leftCharPos] = _data[leftCharPos + 1];
+ _data[leftCharPos + 1] = aux;
+ if ( _pos != _data.length() ) {
+ ++_pos;
+ }
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-C, abort this line
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::abort_line( char32_t ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ errno = EAGAIN;
+ _history.drop_last();
+ // we need one last refresh with the cursor at the end of the line
+ // so we don't display the next prompt over the previous input line
+ _pos = _data.length(); // pass _data.length() as _pos for EOL
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::TRIM );
+ _terminal.write8( "^C\r\n", 4 );
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::BAIL );
+// DEL, delete the character under the cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::delete_character( char32_t ) {
+ if ( ( _data.length() > 0 ) && ( _pos < _data.length() ) ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ _data.erase( _pos );
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-D, delete the character under the cursor
+// on an empty line, exit the shell
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::send_eof( char32_t key_ ) {
+ if ( _data.length() == 0 ) {
+ _history.drop_last();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::BAIL );
+ }
+ return ( delete_character( key_ ) );
+// backspace/ctrl-H, delete char to left of cursor
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::backspace_character( char32_t ) {
+ if ( _pos > 0 ) {
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ -- _pos;
+ _data.erase( _pos );
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-J/linefeed/newline, accept line
+// ctrl-M/return/enter
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::commit_line( char32_t ) {
+ // we need one last refresh with the cursor at the end of the line
+ // so we don't display the next prompt over the previous input line
+ _pos = _data.length(); // pass _data.length() as _pos for EOL
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::TRIM );
+ _history.commit_index();
+ _history.drop_last();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::RETURN );
+// ctrl-N, recall next line in history
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_next( char32_t ) {
+ return ( history_move( false ) );
+// ctrl-P, recall previous line in history
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_previous( char32_t ) {
+ return ( history_move( true ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_move( bool previous_ ) {
+ // if not already recalling, add the current line to the history list so
+ // we don't
+ // have to special case it
+ if ( _history.is_last() ) {
+ _history.update_last( _data );
+ }
+ if ( _history.is_empty() ) {
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ if ( ! _history.move( previous_ ) ) {
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ _data.assign( _history.current() );
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ refresh_line();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// meta-<, beginning of history
+// Page Up, beginning of history
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_first( char32_t ) {
+ return ( history_jump( true ) );
+// meta->, end of history
+// Page Down, end of history
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_last( char32_t ) {
+ return ( history_jump( false ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_jump( bool back_ ) {
+ // if not already recalling, add the current line to the history list so
+ // we don't
+ // have to special case it
+ if ( _history.is_last() ) {
+ _history.update_last( _data );
+ }
+ if ( ! _history.is_empty() ) {
+ _history.jump( back_ );
+ _data.assign( _history.current() );
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hint_next( char32_t ) {
+ return ( hint_move( false ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hint_previous( char32_t ) {
+ return ( hint_move( true ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::hint_move( bool previous_ ) {
+ if ( ! _noColor ) {
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionOther;
+ if ( previous_ ) {
+ -- _hintSelection;
+ } else {
+ ++ _hintSelection;
+ }
+ refresh_line( HINT_ACTION::REPAINT );
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::toggle_overwrite_mode( char32_t ) {
+ _overwrite = ! _overwrite;
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::verbatim_insert( char32_t ) {
+ static int const MAX_ESC_SEQ( 32 );
+ char32_t buf[MAX_ESC_SEQ];
+ int len( _terminal.read_verbatim( buf, MAX_ESC_SEQ ) );
+ _data.insert( _pos, UnicodeString( buf, len ), 0, len );
+ _pos += len;
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-Z, job control
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::suspend( char32_t ) {
+ _terminal.disable_raw_mode(); // Returning to Linux (whatever) shell, leave raw mode
+ raise(SIGSTOP); // Break out in mid-line
+ _terminal.enable_raw_mode(); // Back from Linux shell, re-enter raw mode
+ // Redraw prompt
+ _prompt.write();
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_line( char32_t c ) {
+ if ( !! _completionCallback && ( _completeOnEmpty || ( _pos > 0 ) ) ) {
+ _killRing.lastAction = KillRing::actionOther;
+ _history.reset_recall_most_recent();
+ // complete_line does the actual completion and replacement
+ c = do_complete_line( c != 0 );
+ if ( static_cast<int>( c ) < 0 ) {
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::BAIL );
+ }
+ if ( c != 0 ) {
+ emulate_key_press( c );
+ }
+ } else {
+ insert_character( c );
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete( bool previous_ ) {
+ if ( _completions.empty() ) {
+ bool first( _completions.empty() );
+ complete_line( first ? '\t' : 0 );
+ if ( first ) {
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+ }
+ }
+ int newSelection( _completionSelection + ( previous_ ? -1 : 1 ) );
+ if ( newSelection >= static_cast<int>( _completions.size() ) ) {
+ newSelection = -1;
+ } else if ( newSelection == -2 ) {
+ newSelection = static_cast<int>( _completions.size() ) - 1;
+ }
+ if ( _completionSelection != -1 ) {
+ int oldCompletionLength( _completions[_completionSelection].text().length() - _completionContextLength );
+ _pos -= oldCompletionLength;
+ _data.erase( _pos, oldCompletionLength );
+ }
+ if ( newSelection != -1 ) {
+ int newCompletionLength( _completions[newSelection].text().length() - _completionContextLength );
+ _data.insert( _pos, _completions[newSelection].text(), _completionContextLength, newCompletionLength );
+ _pos += newCompletionLength;
+ }
+ _completionSelection = newSelection;
+ refresh_line(); // Refresh the line
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_next( char32_t ) {
+ return ( complete( false ) );
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::complete_previous( char32_t ) {
+ return ( complete( true ) );
+// Alt-P, reverse history search for prefix
+// Alt-P, reverse history search for prefix
+// Alt-N, forward history search for prefix
+// Alt-N, forward history search for prefix
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::common_prefix_search( char32_t startChar ) {
+ int prefixSize( calculate_displayed_length( _data.get(), _prefix ) );
+ if (
+ _history.common_prefix_search(
+ _data, prefixSize, ( startChar == ( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'p' ) ) ) || ( startChar == ( Replxx::KEY::meta( 'P' ) ) )
+ )
+ ) {
+ _data.assign( _history.current() );
+ _pos = _data.length();
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-R, reverse history search
+// ctrl-S, forward history search
+ * Incremental history search -- take over the prompt and keyboard as the user
+ * types a search string, deletes characters from it, changes _direction,
+ * and either accepts the found line (for execution orediting) or cancels.
+ * @param startChar - the character that began the search, used to set the initial
+ * _direction
+ */
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::incremental_history_search( char32_t startChar ) {
+ // if not already recalling, add the current line to the history list so we
+ // don't have to special case it
+ if ( _history.is_last() ) {
+ _history.update_last( _data );
+ }
+ int historyLinePosition( _pos );
+ clear_self_to_end_of_screen();
+ DynamicPrompt dp( _terminal, (startChar == Replxx::KEY::control('R')) ? -1 : 1 );
+ dp._previousLen = _prompt._previousLen;
+ dp._previousInputLen = _prompt._previousInputLen;
+ // draw user's text with our prompt
+ dynamicRefresh(dp, _data.get(), _data.length(), historyLinePosition);
+ // loop until we get an exit character
+ char32_t c( 0 );
+ bool keepLooping = true;
+ bool useSearchedLine = true;
+ bool searchAgain = false;
+ UnicodeString activeHistoryLine;
+ while ( keepLooping ) {
+ c = read_char();
+ switch (c) {
+ // these characters keep the selected text but do not execute it
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('A'): // ctrl-A, move cursor to start of line
+ case Replxx::KEY::HOME:
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('B'): // ctrl-B, move cursor left by one character
+ case Replxx::KEY::LEFT:
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'b' ): // meta-B, move cursor left by one word
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'B' ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::LEFT ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::LEFT ): // Emacs allows Meta, bash & readline don't
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('D'):
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'd' ): // meta-D, kill word to right of cursor
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'D' ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('E'): // ctrl-E, move cursor to end of line
+ case Replxx::KEY::END:
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('F'): // ctrl-F, move cursor right by one character
+ case Replxx::KEY::RIGHT:
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'f' ): // meta-F, move cursor right by one word
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'F' ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control( Replxx::KEY::RIGHT ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::RIGHT ): // Emacs allows Meta, bash & readline don't
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( Replxx::KEY::BACKSPACE ):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('J'):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('K'): // ctrl-K, kill from cursor to end of line
+ case Replxx::KEY::ENTER:
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('N'): // ctrl-N, recall next line in history
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('P'): // ctrl-P, recall previous line in history
+ case Replxx::KEY::DOWN:
+ case Replxx::KEY::UP:
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('T'): // ctrl-T, transpose characters
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('U'): // ctrl-U, kill all characters to the left of the cursor
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('W'):
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'y' ): // meta-Y, "yank-pop", rotate popped text
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( 'Y' ):
+ case 127:
+ case Replxx::KEY::DELETE:
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( '<' ): // start of history
+ case Replxx::KEY::PAGE_UP:
+ case Replxx::KEY::meta( '>' ): // end of history
+ case Replxx::KEY::PAGE_DOWN:
+ keepLooping = false;
+ break;
+ // these characters revert the input line to its previous state
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('C'): // ctrl-C, abort this line
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('G'):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('L'): // ctrl-L, clear screen and redisplay line
+ keepLooping = false;
+ useSearchedLine = false;
+ if (c != Replxx::KEY::control('L')) {
+ c = -1; // ctrl-C and ctrl-G just abort the search and do nothing else
+ }
+ break;
+ // these characters stay in search mode and assign the display
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('S'):
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('R'):
+ if ( dp._searchText.length() == 0 ) { // if no current search text, recall previous text
+ if ( previousSearchText.length() > 0 ) {
+ dp._searchText = previousSearchText;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((dp._direction == 1 && c == Replxx::KEY::control('R')) ||
+ (dp._direction == -1 && c == Replxx::KEY::control('S'))) {
+ dp._direction = 0 - dp._direction; // reverse _direction
+ dp.updateSearchPrompt(); // change the prompt
+ } else {
+ searchAgain = true; // same _direction, search again
+ }
+ break;
+// job control is its own thing
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('Z'): { // ctrl-Z, job control
+ _terminal.disable_raw_mode(); // Returning to Linux (whatever) shell, leave raw mode
+ raise(SIGSTOP); // Break out in mid-line
+ _terminal.enable_raw_mode(); // Back from Linux shell, re-enter raw mode
+ dynamicRefresh(dp, activeHistoryLine.get(), activeHistoryLine.length(), historyLinePosition);
+ continue;
+ } break;
+ // these characters assign the search string, and hence the selected input
+ // line
+ case Replxx::KEY::BACKSPACE: // backspace/ctrl-H, delete char to left of cursor
+ if ( dp._searchText.length() > 0 ) {
+ dp._searchText.erase( dp._searchText.length() - 1 );
+ dp.updateSearchPrompt();
+ _history.reset_pos( dp._direction == -1 ? _history.size() - 1 : 0 );
+ } else {
+ beep();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Replxx::KEY::control('Y'): // ctrl-Y, yank killed text
+ break;
+ default: {
+ if ( ! is_control_code( c ) && ( c < static_cast<int>( Replxx::KEY::BASE ) ) ) { // not an action character
+ dp._searchText.insert( dp._searchText.length(), c );
+ dp.updateSearchPrompt();
+ } else {
+ beep();
+ }
+ }
+ } // switch
+ // if we are staying in search mode, search now
+ if ( ! keepLooping ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ activeHistoryLine.assign( _history.current() );
+ if ( dp._searchText.length() > 0 ) {
+ bool found = false;
+ int historySearchIndex = _history.current_pos();
+ int lineSearchPos = historyLinePosition;
+ if ( searchAgain ) {
+ lineSearchPos += dp._direction;
+ }
+ searchAgain = false;
+ while ( true ) {
+ while ( ( ( lineSearchPos + dp._searchText.length() ) <= activeHistoryLine.length() ) && ( lineSearchPos >= 0 ) ) {
+ if ( std::equal( dp._searchText.begin(), dp._searchText.end(), activeHistoryLine.begin() + lineSearchPos ) ) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ lineSearchPos += dp._direction;
+ }
+ if ( found ) {
+ _history.reset_pos( historySearchIndex );
+ historyLinePosition = lineSearchPos;
+ break;
+ } else if ( ( dp._direction > 0 ) ? ( historySearchIndex < _history.size() ) : ( historySearchIndex > 0 ) ) {
+ historySearchIndex += dp._direction;
+ activeHistoryLine.assign( _history[historySearchIndex] );
+ lineSearchPos = ( dp._direction > 0 ) ? 0 : ( activeHistoryLine.length() - dp._searchText.length() );
+ } else {
+ beep();
+ break;
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ activeHistoryLine.assign( _history.current() );
+ dynamicRefresh(dp, activeHistoryLine.get(), activeHistoryLine.length(), historyLinePosition); // draw user's text with our prompt
+ } // while
+ // leaving history search, restore previous prompt, maybe make searched line
+ // current
+ Prompt pb( _terminal );
+ pb._characterCount = _prompt._indentation;
+ pb._byteCount = _prompt._byteCount;
+ UnicodeString tempUnicode( &_prompt._text[_prompt._lastLinePosition], pb._byteCount - _prompt._lastLinePosition );
+ pb._text = tempUnicode;
+ pb._extraLines = 0;
+ pb._indentation = _prompt._indentation;
+ pb._lastLinePosition = 0;
+ pb._previousInputLen = activeHistoryLine.length();
+ pb._cursorRowOffset = dp._cursorRowOffset;
+ pb.update_screen_columns();
+ pb._previousLen = dp._characterCount;
+ if ( useSearchedLine && ( activeHistoryLine.length() > 0 ) ) {
+ _history.set_recall_most_recent();
+ _data.assign( activeHistoryLine );
+ _pos = historyLinePosition;
+ }
+ dynamicRefresh(pb, _data.get(), _data.length(), _pos); // redraw the original prompt with current input
+ _prompt._previousInputLen = _data.length();
+ _prompt._cursorRowOffset = _prompt._extraLines + pb._cursorRowOffset;
+ previousSearchText = dp._searchText; // save search text for possible reuse on ctrl-R ctrl-R
+ emulate_key_press( c ); // pass a character or -1 back to main loop
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+// ctrl-L, clear screen and redisplay line
+Replxx::ACTION_RESULT Replxx::ReplxxImpl::clear_screen( char32_t c ) {
+ _terminal.clear_screen( Terminal::CLEAR_SCREEN::WHOLE );
+ if ( c ) {
+ _prompt.write();
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // we have to generate our own newline on line wrap on Linux
+ if (_prompt._indentation == 0 && _prompt._extraLines > 0) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ _prompt._cursorRowOffset = _prompt._extraLines;
+ refresh_line();
+ }
+ return ( Replxx::ACTION_RESULT::CONTINUE );
+bool Replxx::ReplxxImpl::is_word_break_character( char32_t char_ ) const {
+ bool wbc( false );
+ if ( char_ < 128 ) {
+ wbc = strchr( _breakChars, static_cast<char>( char_ ) ) != nullptr;
+ }
+ return ( wbc );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_add( std::string const& line ) {
+ _history.add( UnicodeString( line ) );
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_save( std::string const& filename ) {
+ return ( _history.save( filename ) );
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_load( std::string const& filename ) {
+ return ( _history.load( filename ) );
+int Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_size( void ) const {
+ return ( _history.size() );
+std::string Replxx::ReplxxImpl::history_line( int index ) {
+ _utf8Buffer.assign( _history[index] );
+ return ( _utf8Buffer.get() );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_completion_callback( Replxx::completion_callback_t const& fn ) {
+ _completionCallback = fn;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_highlighter_callback( Replxx::highlighter_callback_t const& fn ) {
+ _highlighterCallback = fn;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_hint_callback( Replxx::hint_callback_t const& fn ) {
+ _hintCallback = fn;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_max_history_size( int len ) {
+ _history.set_max_size( len );
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_completion_count_cutoff( int count ) {
+ _completionCountCutoff = count;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_max_hint_rows( int count ) {
+ _maxHintRows = count;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_hint_delay( int hintDelay_ ) {
+ _hintDelay = hintDelay_;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_word_break_characters( char const* wordBreakers ) {
+ _breakChars = wordBreakers;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_double_tab_completion( bool val ) {
+ _doubleTabCompletion = val;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_complete_on_empty( bool val ) {
+ _completeOnEmpty = val;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_beep_on_ambiguous_completion( bool val ) {
+ _beepOnAmbiguousCompletion = val;
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::set_no_color( bool val ) {
+ _noColor = val;
+ * Display the dynamic incremental search prompt and the current user input
+ * line.
+ * @param pi Prompt struct holding information about the prompt and our
+ * screen position
+ * @param buf32 input buffer to be displayed
+ * @param len count of characters in the buffer
+ * @param pos current cursor position within the buffer (0 <= pos <= len)
+ */
+void Replxx::ReplxxImpl::dynamicRefresh(Prompt& pi, char32_t* buf32, int len, int pos) {
+ clear_self_to_end_of_screen();
+ // calculate the position of the end of the prompt
+ int xEndOfPrompt, yEndOfPrompt;
+ calculate_screen_position(
+ 0, 0, pi.screen_columns(), pi._characterCount,
+ xEndOfPrompt, yEndOfPrompt
+ );
+ pi._indentation = xEndOfPrompt;
+ // calculate the position of the end of the input line
+ int xEndOfInput, yEndOfInput;
+ calculate_screen_position(
+ xEndOfPrompt, yEndOfPrompt, pi.screen_columns(),
+ calculate_displayed_length(buf32, len), xEndOfInput,
+ yEndOfInput
+ );
+ // calculate the desired position of the cursor
+ int xCursorPos, yCursorPos;
+ calculate_screen_position(
+ xEndOfPrompt, yEndOfPrompt, pi.screen_columns(),
+ calculate_displayed_length(buf32, pos), xCursorPos,
+ yCursorPos
+ );
+ pi._previousLen = pi._indentation;
+ pi._previousInputLen = len;
+ // display the prompt
+ pi.write();
+ // display the input line
+ _terminal.write32( buf32, len );
+#ifndef _WIN32
+ // we have to generate our own newline on line wrap
+ if (xEndOfInput == 0 && yEndOfInput > 0) {
+ _terminal.write8( "\n", 1 );
+ }
+ // position the cursor
+ _terminal.jump_cursor(
+ xCursorPos, // 0-based on Win32
+ -( yEndOfInput - yCursorPos )
+ );
+ pi._cursorRowOffset = pi._extraLines + yCursorPos; // remember row for next pass