Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Rename release job4.6.1.2450Wouter Admiraal2021-04-291-1/+1
* Prepare for patch releaseWouter Admiraal2021-04-291-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-88 Update Scanner APIWouter Admiraal2021-04-291-1/+1
* Renew repox accounts and signing keyWouter Admiraal2021-04-291-1/+1
* Renew repox accounts and signing keyTom2021-04-281-8/+8
* Prepare for next development iterationWouter Admiraal2021-04-271-1/+1
* BUILD Use latest base docker image in its Malena Ebert2021-04-272-2/+2
* Update ARTIFACTORY_API_KEYtomverin2021-04-232-2/+2
* Update docker build imageMalena Ebert2021-04-231-1/+1
* BUILD-909 updated release workflow for sonar-scanner-cliTrabelsi Tobias2021-04-233-7/+45
* Prepare for next development iterationWouter Admiraal2021-01-141-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-85 Update Scanner API to latest version4.6.0.2311Wouter Admiraal2021-01-121-1/+1
* Use Cirrus CI build badgeWouter Admiraal2021-01-121-1/+1
* Prepare next dev iterationWouter Admiraal2021-01-121-1/+1
* Update license year in README.mdWouter Admiraal2021-01-121-1/+1
* Update license headers for 2021Wouter Admiraal2021-01-0727-27/+27
* Upgrade orchestrator version to
* Upgrade Orchestrator to Rekveld2020-11-105-19/+25
* Bump junit to 4.13.1Mark Rekveld2020-11-092-2/+2
* Update target region of packer image build. (#94)Malena Ebert2020-10-071-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-68 - Automatically trigger docker release on new CLI release (#93) Rekveld2020-10-021-24/+63
* SQSCANNER-44 - Move to Xoo for testing (#92)Mark Rekveld2020-09-2952-19/+31
* SQSCANNER-67 - Warn on duplicate property definitions (#89)Mark Rekveld2020-09-282-4/+18
* SQSCANNER-70 - Updated script comments (#91)Mark Rekveld2020-09-284-4/+9
* SQSCANNER-83 - Test cleanup (#90)Mark Rekveld2020-09-251-8/+9
* SQSCANNER-78 - backtick syntax (#83)Mark Rekveld2020-09-245-25/+41
* BUILD-839 Move sonar-scanner-cli to new location Tobias Trabelsi2020-09-151-6/+6
* Move ci builds to sonarqube team gcp project.Malena Ebert2020-09-013-17/+17
* Prepare for next development iteration4.4.0.2170Mickaël2020-06-231-1/+1
* Add release with GH Actions. (#86)mickael-caro-sonarsource2020-06-231-0/+32
* SQSCANNER-79 Changed name of scanner to SonarScanner CLI (#85)mickael-caro-sonarsource2020-06-2227-27/+27
* SQSCANNER-65 Add a new flag to get the Scanner that invoked the CLI a… (#84)mickael-caro-sonarsource2020-06-2210-32/+91
* fix issue with whitespaces in sonar-scanner pathChristopher Fenner2020-03-161-1/+1
* BUILD-759 Move Jenkins + Travis QA to Cirrus CIWouter Admiraal2020-03-0510-188/+283
* Prepare for next development iteration.Mickaël2020-02-201-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-66 - Update parent pom, license headers and Scanner API version. (#80)
* SQSCANNER-57 - Rename scanner SonarScanner (#78)mickael-caro-sonarsource2020-01-0312-32/+89
* Upgrade sonar-ws in ITs to v7.9.1Duarte Meneses2019-10-215-90/+183
* Fix compatibility issue with JS plugin (#76)Jacek2019-10-031-1/+5
* Prepare for next development iterationJacek2019-10-011-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-63 Make SONAR_HOST_URL environment variable available (#74)
* Update travis utils version for appveyor (#75)Jacek2019-09-302-2/+7
* Prepare next dev iterationJulien HENRY2019-09-091-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-61 Consider 'project.settings' if set using SONARQUBE_SCANNER_PARAMS4.1.0.1829Julien HENRY2019-09-053-7/+42
* SQSCANNER-24 Always consider project.settings, if setJulien HENRY2019-09-059-11/+48
* Clarify support of SonarCloud in READMESimon Brandhof2019-09-041-2/+2
* Update documentationJulien HENRY2019-06-251-5/+5
* Prepare next development iterationJulien HENRY2019-06-251-1/+1
* SQSCANNER-60 Upgrade embedded JRE to HENRY2019-06-253-64/+169
* Prepare next dev iterationJulien HENRY2019-06-251-1/+1