path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js
diff options
authorGrégoire Aubert <gregoire.aubert@sonarsource.com>2018-03-06 17:41:23 +0100
committerSonarTech <sonartech@sonarsource.com>2018-03-26 20:20:57 +0200
commitcb0a23c978efcc296cf29837c9e6e1a657403404 (patch)
tree7e408a33f49254e99e47753c9d7b272c269c53c6 /server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js
parentb4125add7a55db6d2dc71a1bd0b2cadbe5ff7887 (diff)
VSTS-141 Add VSTS Quality widget
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js')
1 files changed, 957 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f6a76663bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/libs/third-party/VSS.SDK.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+ * SonarQube
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 SonarSource SA
+ * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+var XDM, VSS;
+(function(n) {
+ function u() {
+ return new o();
+ }
+ function s() {
+ return (
+ Math.floor(Math.random() * (f - t) + t).toString(36) +
+ Math.floor(Math.random() * (f - t) + t).toString(36)
+ );
+ }
+ var i, r, e;
+ n.createDeferred = u;
+ var o = (function() {
+ function n() {
+ var n = this;
+ this._resolveCallbacks = [];
+ this._rejectCallbacks = [];
+ this._isResolved = !1;
+ this._isRejected = !1;
+ this.resolve = function(t) {
+ n._resolve(t);
+ };
+ this.reject = function(t) {
+ n._reject(t);
+ };
+ this.promise = {};
+ this.promise.then = function(t, i) {
+ return n._then(t, i);
+ };
+ }
+ return (
+ (n.prototype._then = function(t, i) {
+ var u = this,
+ r;
+ return (!t && !i) || (this._isResolved && !t) || (this._isRejected && !i)
+ ? this.promise
+ : ((r = new n()),
+ this._resolveCallbacks.push(function(n) {
+ u._wrapCallback(t, n, r, !1);
+ }),
+ this._rejectCallbacks.push(function(n) {
+ u._wrapCallback(i, n, r, !0);
+ }),
+ this._isResolved
+ ? this._resolve(this._resolvedValue)
+ : this._isRejected && this._reject(this._rejectValue),
+ r.promise);
+ }),
+ (n.prototype._wrapCallback = function(n, t, i, r) {
+ if (!n) {
+ r ? i.reject(t) : i.resolve(t);
+ return;
+ }
+ var u;
+ try {
+ u = n(t);
+ } catch (f) {
+ i.reject(f);
+ return;
+ }
+ u === undefined
+ ? i.resolve(t)
+ : u && typeof u.then == 'function'
+ ? u.then(
+ function(n) {
+ i.resolve(n);
+ },
+ function(n) {
+ i.reject(n);
+ }
+ )
+ : i.resolve(u);
+ }),
+ (n.prototype._resolve = function(n) {
+ if (
+ (this._isRejected ||
+ this._isResolved ||
+ ((this._isResolved = !0), (this._resolvedValue = n)),
+ this._isResolved && this._resolveCallbacks.length > 0)
+ ) {
+ var t = this._resolveCallbacks.splice(0);
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ for (var i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++) t[i](n);
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ (n.prototype._reject = function(n) {
+ if (
+ (this._isRejected ||
+ this._isResolved ||
+ ((this._isRejected = !0),
+ (this._rejectValue = n),
+ this._rejectCallbacks.length === 0 &&
+ window.console &&
+ window.console.warn &&
+ (console.warn('Rejected XDM promise with no reject callbacks'),
+ n && console.warn(n))),
+ this._isRejected && this._rejectCallbacks.length > 0)
+ ) {
+ var t = this._rejectCallbacks.splice(0);
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ for (var i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++) t[i](n);
+ });
+ }
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ })(),
+ t = parseInt('10000000000', 36),
+ f = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || 9007199254740991;
+ i = (function() {
+ function n() {
+ this._registeredObjects = {};
+ }
+ return (
+ (n.prototype.register = function(n, t) {
+ this._registeredObjects[n] = t;
+ }),
+ (n.prototype.unregister = function(n) {
+ delete this._registeredObjects[n];
+ }),
+ (n.prototype.getInstance = function(n, t) {
+ var i = this._registeredObjects[n];
+ return i ? (typeof i == 'function' ? i(t) : i) : null;
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ })();
+ n.XDMObjectRegistry = i;
+ n.globalObjectRegistry = new i();
+ r = (function() {
+ function t(n, r) {
+ r === void 0 && (r = null);
+ this._nextMessageId = 1;
+ this._deferreds = {};
+ this._nextProxyFunctionId = 1;
+ this._proxyFunctions = {};
+ this._postToWindow = n;
+ this._targetOrigin = r;
+ this._channelObjectRegistry = new i();
+ this._channelId = t._nextChannelId++;
+ this._targetOrigin || (this._handshakeToken = s());
+ }
+ return (
+ (t.prototype.getObjectRegistry = function() {
+ return this._channelObjectRegistry;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.invokeRemoteMethod = function(n, t, i, r, f) {
+ var e = {
+ id: this._nextMessageId++,
+ methodName: n,
+ instanceId: t,
+ instanceContext: r,
+ params: this._customSerializeObject(i, f),
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ serializationSettings: f
+ },
+ o;
+ return (
+ this._targetOrigin || (e.handshakeToken = this._handshakeToken),
+ (o = u()),
+ (this._deferreds[e.id] = o),
+ this._sendRpcMessage(e),
+ o.promise
+ );
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.getRemoteObjectProxy = function(n, t) {
+ return this.invokeRemoteMethod(null, n, null, t);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.invokeMethod = function(n, t) {
+ var f = this,
+ r,
+ u,
+ i;
+ if (!t.methodName) {
+ this._success(t, n, t.handshakeToken);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((r = n[t.methodName]), typeof r != 'function')) {
+ this._error(t, new Error('RPC method not found: ' + t.methodName), t.handshakeToken);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ u = [];
+ t.params && (u = this._customDeserializeObject(t.params));
+ i = r.apply(n, u);
+ i && i.then && typeof i.then == 'function'
+ ? i.then(
+ function(n) {
+ f._success(t, n, t.handshakeToken);
+ },
+ function(n) {
+ f._error(t, n, t.handshakeToken);
+ }
+ )
+ : this._success(t, i, t.handshakeToken);
+ } catch (e) {
+ this._error(t, e, t.handshakeToken);
+ }
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.getRegisteredObject = function(t, i) {
+ if (t === '__proxyFunctions') return this._proxyFunctions;
+ var r = this._channelObjectRegistry.getInstance(t, i);
+ return r || (r = n.globalObjectRegistry.getInstance(t, i)), r;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.onMessage = function(n) {
+ var u = this,
+ t = n,
+ i,
+ r;
+ if (t.instanceId) {
+ if (((i = this.getRegisteredObject(t.instanceId, t.instanceContext)), !i)) return !1;
+ typeof i.then == 'function'
+ ? i.then(
+ function(n) {
+ u.invokeMethod(n, t);
+ },
+ function(n) {
+ u._error(t, n, t.handshakeToken);
+ }
+ )
+ : this.invokeMethod(i, t);
+ } else {
+ if (((r = this._deferreds[t.id]), !r)) return !1;
+ t.error
+ ? r.reject(this._customDeserializeObject([t.error])[0])
+ : r.resolve(this._customDeserializeObject([t.result])[0]);
+ delete this._deferreds[t.id];
+ }
+ return !0;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.owns = function(n, t, i) {
+ var r = i;
+ if (this._postToWindow === n) {
+ if (this._targetOrigin)
+ return t
+ ? t.toLowerCase() === 'null' ||
+ this._targetOrigin.toLowerCase().indexOf(t.toLowerCase()) === 0
+ : !1;
+ if (r.handshakeToken && r.handshakeToken === this._handshakeToken)
+ return (this._targetOrigin = t), !0;
+ }
+ return !1;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype.error = function(n, t) {
+ var i = n;
+ this._error(i, t, i.handshakeToken);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._error = function(n, t, i) {
+ var r = {
+ id: n.id,
+ error: this._customSerializeObject([t], n.serializationSettings)[0],
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ handshakeToken: i
+ };
+ this._sendRpcMessage(r);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._success = function(n, t, i) {
+ var r = {
+ id: n.id,
+ result: this._customSerializeObject([t], n.serializationSettings)[0],
+ jsonrpc: '2.0',
+ handshakeToken: i
+ };
+ this._sendRpcMessage(r);
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._sendRpcMessage = function(n) {
+ var t = JSON.stringify(n);
+ this._postToWindow.postMessage(t, '*');
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._shouldSkipSerialization = function(n) {
+ for (var r, i = 0, u = t.WINDOW_TYPES_TO_SKIP_SERIALIZATION.length; i < u; i++)
+ if (((r = t.WINDOW_TYPES_TO_SKIP_SERIALIZATION[i]), window[r] && n instanceof window[r]))
+ return !0;
+ if (window.jQuery)
+ for (i = 0, u = t.JQUERY_TYPES_TO_SKIP_SERIALIZATION.length; i < u; i++)
+ if (
+ window.jQuery[r] && n instanceof window.jQuery[r])
+ )
+ return !0;
+ return !1;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._customSerializeObject = function(n, i, r, u, f) {
+ var h = this,
+ a,
+ o,
+ l,
+ v,
+ e,
+ c,
+ s;
+ if (
+ (r === void 0 && (r = null),
+ u === void 0 && (u = 1),
+ f === void 0 && (f = 1),
+ !n || f > t.MAX_XDM_DEPTH) ||
+ this._shouldSkipSerialization(n)
+ )
+ return null;
+ if (
+ ((a = function(t, e, o) {
+ var s, c, l, a, v;
+ try {
+ s = t[o];
+ } catch (y) {}
+ ((c = typeof s), c !== 'undefined') &&
+ ((l = -1),
+ c === 'object' && (l = r.originalObjects.indexOf(s)),
+ l >= 0
+ ? ((a = r.newObjects[l]),
+ a.__circularReferenceId || (a.__circularReferenceId = u++),
+ (e[o] = { __circularReference: a.__circularReferenceId }))
+ : c === 'function'
+ ? ((v = h._nextProxyFunctionId++),
+ (e[o] = {
+ __proxyFunctionId: h._registerProxyFunction(s, n),
+ __channelId: h._channelId
+ }))
+ : c === 'object'
+ ? (e[o] =
+ s && s instanceof Date
+ ? { __proxyDate: s.getTime() }
+ : h._customSerializeObject(s, i, r, u, f + 1))
+ : o !== '__proxyFunctionId' && (e[o] = s));
+ }),
+ r || (r = { newObjects: [], originalObjects: [] }),
+ r.originalObjects.push(n),
+ n instanceof Array)
+ )
+ for (o = [], r.newObjects.push(o), e = 0, c = n.length; e < c; e++) a(n, o, e);
+ else {
+ o = {};
+ r.newObjects.push(o);
+ l = {};
+ try {
+ for (s in n) l[s] = !0;
+ for (v = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n), e = 0, c = v.length; e < c; e++) l[v[e]] = !0;
+ } catch (y) {}
+ for (s in l) ((s && s[0] !== '_') || (i && i.includeUnderscoreProperties)) && a(n, o, s);
+ }
+ return r.originalObjects.pop(), r.newObjects.pop(), o;
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._registerProxyFunction = function(n, t) {
+ var i = this._nextProxyFunctionId++;
+ return (
+ (this._proxyFunctions['proxy' + i] = function() {
+ return n.apply(t, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ }),
+ i
+ );
+ }),
+ (t.prototype._customDeserializeObject = function(n, t) {
+ var e = this,
+ o = this,
+ r,
+ i,
+ u,
+ f;
+ if (!n) return null;
+ if (
+ (t || (t = {}),
+ (r = function(n, i) {
+ var r = n[i],
+ u = typeof r;
+ i === '__circularReferenceId' && u === 'number'
+ ? ((t[r] = n), delete n[i])
+ : u === 'object' &&
+ r &&
+ (r.__proxyFunctionId
+ ? (n[i] = function() {
+ return o.invokeRemoteMethod(
+ 'proxy' + r.__proxyFunctionId,
+ '__proxyFunctions',
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0),
+ null,
+ { includeUnderscoreProperties: !0 }
+ );
+ })
+ : r.__proxyDate
+ ? (n[i] = new Date(r.__proxyDate))
+ : r.__circularReference
+ ? (n[i] = t[r.__circularReference])
+ : e._customDeserializeObject(r, t));
+ }),
+ n instanceof Array)
+ )
+ for (i = 0, u = n.length; i < u; i++) r(n, i);
+ else if (typeof n == 'object') for (f in n) r(n, f);
+ return n;
+ }),
+ (t._nextChannelId = 1),
+ (t.MAX_XDM_DEPTH = 100),
+ (t.WINDOW_TYPES_TO_SKIP_SERIALIZATION = ['Node', 'Window', 'Event']),
+ t
+ );
+ })();
+ n.XDMChannel = r;
+ e = (function() {
+ function n() {
+ this._channels = [];
+ this._subscribe(window);
+ }
+ return (
+ (n.get = function() {
+ return this._default || (this._default = new n()), this._default;
+ }),
+ (n.prototype.addChannel = function(n, t) {
+ var i = new r(n, t);
+ return this._channels.push(i), i;
+ }),
+ (n.prototype.removeChannel = function(n) {
+ this._channels = this._channels.filter(function(t) {
+ return t !== n;
+ });
+ }),
+ (n.prototype._handleMessageReceived = function(n) {
+ var i, e, r, t, u, f;
+ if (typeof n.data == 'string')
+ try {
+ t = JSON.parse(n.data);
+ } catch (o) {}
+ if (t) {
+ for (u = !1, i = 0, e = this._channels.length; i < e; i++)
+ (r = this._channels[i]),
+ r.owns(n.source, n.origin, t) && ((f = r), (u = r.onMessage(t, n.origin) || u));
+ !f ||
+ u ||
+ (window.console &&
+ console.error('No handler found on any channel for message: ' + JSON.stringify(t)),
+ t.instanceId &&
+ f.error(t, 'The registered object ' + t.instanceId + ' could not be found.'));
+ }
+ }),
+ (n.prototype._subscribe = function(n) {
+ var t = this;
+ n.addEventListener
+ ? n.addEventListener('message', function(n) {
+ t._handleMessageReceived(n);
+ })
+ : n.attachEvent('onmessage', function(n) {
+ t._handleMessageReceived(n);
+ });
+ }),
+ n
+ );
+ })();
+ n.XDMChannelManager = e;
+})(XDM || (XDM = {})),
+ (function(n) {
+ function at() {
+ function r() {
+ n ||
+ (n = setTimeout(function() {
+ n = 0;
+ tt();
+ }, 50));
+ }
+ var n,
+ i = !1,
+ t;
+ try {
+ i = typeof document.cookie == 'string';
+ } catch (f) {}
+ i ||
+ Object.defineProperty(Document.prototype, 'cookie', {
+ get: function() {
+ return '';
+ },
+ set: function() {}
+ });
+ t = !1;
+ try {
+ t = !!window.localStorage;
+ } catch (f) {}
+ t ||
+ (delete window.localStorage,
+ (u = new g(r)),
+ Object.defineProperty(window, 'localStorage', { value: u }),
+ delete window.sessionStorage,
+ Object.defineProperty(window, 'sessionStorage', { value: new g() }));
+ }
+ function nt(f) {
+ r = f || {};
+ e = r.usePlatformScripts;
+ a = r.usePlatformStyles;
+ window.setTimeout(function() {
+ var f = {
+ notifyLoadSucceeded: !r.explicitNotifyLoaded,
+ extensionReusedCallback: r.extensionReusedCallback,
+ vssSDKVersion: n.VssSDKVersion
+ };
+ i.invokeRemoteMethod('initialHandshake', 'VSS.HostControl', [f]).then(function(n) {
+ var f, r, o, h, l, s, v, i;
+ if (
+ ((t = n.pageContext),
+ (b = t.webContext),
+ (k = n.initialConfig || {}),
+ (d = n.contribution),
+ (c = n.extensionContext),
+ n.sandboxedStorage)
+ ) {
+ if (((f = !1), u))
+ if (n.sandboxedStorage.localStorage) {
+ for (
+ r = n.sandboxedStorage.localStorage, o = 0, h = Object.keys(u);
+ o < h.length;
+ o++
+ )
+ (i = h[o]), (l = u.getItem(i)), l !== r[i] && ((r[i] = l), (f = !0));
+ for (s = 0, v = Object.keys(r); s < v.length; s++) (i = v[s]), u.setItem(i, r[i]);
+ } else u.length > 0 && (f = !0);
+ lt = !0;
+ f && tt();
+ }
+ e || a ? ht() : w();
+ });
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ function tt() {
+ var n = { localStorage: JSON.stringify(u || {}) };
+ i.invokeRemoteMethod('updateSandboxedStorage', 'VSS.HostControl', [n]);
+ }
+ function pt(n, t) {
+ var i;
+ i = typeof n == 'string' ? [n] : n;
+ t || (t = function() {});
+ l
+ ? it(i, t)
+ : (r ? e || ((e = !0), s && ((s = !1), ht())) : nt({ usePlatformScripts: !0 }),
+ rt(function() {
+ it(i, t);
+ }));
+ }
+ function it(n, i) {
+ t.diagnostics.bundlingEnabled
+ ? window.require(['VSS/Bundling'], function(t) {
+ t.requireModules(n).spread(function() {
+ i.apply(this, arguments);
+ });
+ })
+ : window.require(n, i);
+ }
+ function rt(n) {
+ s ? window.setTimeout(n, 0) : (f || (f = []), f.push(n));
+ }
+ function wt() {
+ i.invokeRemoteMethod('notifyLoadSucceeded', 'VSS.HostControl');
+ }
+ function ut(n) {
+ i.invokeRemoteMethod('notifyLoadFailed', 'VSS.HostControl', [n]);
+ }
+ function ft() {
+ return b;
+ }
+ function bt() {
+ return k;
+ }
+ function et() {
+ return c;
+ }
+ function kt() {
+ return d;
+ }
+ function dt(n, t) {
+ return ot(n).then(function(n) {
+ return (
+ t || (t = {}),
+ t.webContext || (t.webContext = ft()),
+ t.extensionContext || (t.extensionContext = et()),
+ n.getInstance(n.id, t)
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ function ot(t) {
+ var r = XDM.createDeferred();
+ return (
+ n.ready(function() {
+ i
+ .invokeRemoteMethod('getServiceContribution', 'vss.hostManagement', [t])
+ .then(function(n) {
+ var t = n;
+ t.getInstance = function(t, i) {
+ return st(n, t, i);
+ };
+ r.resolve(t);
+ }, r.reject);
+ }),
+ r.promise
+ );
+ }
+ function gt(t) {
+ var r = XDM.createDeferred();
+ return (
+ n.ready(function() {
+ i
+ .invokeRemoteMethod('getContributionsForTarget', 'vss.hostManagement', [t])
+ .then(function(n) {
+ var t = [];
+ n.forEach(function(n) {
+ var i = n;
+ i.getInstance = function(t, i) {
+ return st(n, t, i);
+ };
+ t.push(i);
+ });
+ r.resolve(t);
+ }, r.reject);
+ }),
+ r.promise
+ );
+ }
+ function st(t, r, u) {
+ var f = XDM.createDeferred();
+ return (
+ n.ready(function() {
+ i
+ .invokeRemoteMethod('getBackgroundContributionInstance', 'vss.hostManagement', [
+ t,
+ r,
+ u
+ ])
+ .then(f.resolve, f.reject);
+ }),
+ f.promise
+ );
+ }
+ function ni(n, t) {
+ i.getObjectRegistry().register(n, t);
+ }
+ function ti(n) {
+ i.getObjectRegistry().unregister(n);
+ }
+ function ii(n, t) {
+ return i.getObjectRegistry().getInstance(n, t);
+ }
+ function ri() {
+ return i.invokeRemoteMethod('getAccessToken', 'VSS.HostControl');
+ }
+ function ui() {
+ return i.invokeRemoteMethod('getAppToken', 'VSS.HostControl');
+ }
+ function fi(n, t) {
+ o || (o = document.getElementsByTagName('body').item(0));
+ var r = typeof n == 'number' ? n : o.scrollWidth,
+ u = typeof t == 'number' ? t : o.scrollHeight;
+ i.invokeRemoteMethod('resize', 'VSS.HostControl', [r, u]);
+ }
+ function ht() {
+ var i = si(t.webContext),
+ f,
+ g,
+ n,
+ s,
+ o,
+ b,
+ k,
+ nt,
+ tt,
+ d,
+ u;
+ if (
+ ((window.__vssPageContext = t),
+ (window.__cultureInfo = t.microsoftAjaxConfig.cultureInfo),
+ a !== !1 &&
+ t.coreReferences.stylesheets &&
+ t.coreReferences.stylesheets.forEach(function(n) {
+ if (n.isCoreStylesheet) {
+ var t = document.createElement('link');
+ t.href = h(n.url, i);
+ t.rel = 'stylesheet';
+ p(t, 'head');
+ }
+ }),
+ !e)
+ ) {
+ l = !0;
+ w();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (
+ ((f = []),
+ (g = !1),
+ t.coreReferences.scripts &&
+ (t.coreReferences.scripts.forEach(function(n) {
+ if (n.isCoreModule) {
+ var r = !1,
+ t = window;
+ n.identifier === 'JQuery'
+ ? (r = !!t.jQuery)
+ : n.identifier === 'JQueryUI'
+ ? (r = !!(t.jQuery && t.jQuery.ui && t.jQuery.ui.version))
+ : n.identifier === 'AMDLoader' &&
+ (r = typeof t.define == 'function' && !!t.define.amd);
+ r ? (g = !0) : f.push({ source: h(n.url, i) });
+ }
+ }),
+ t.coreReferences.coreScriptsBundle &&
+ !g &&
+ (f = [{ source: h(t.coreReferences.coreScriptsBundle.url, i) }]),
+ t.coreReferences.extensionCoreReferences &&
+ f.push({ source: h(t.coreReferences.extensionCoreReferences.url, i) })),
+ (n = { baseUrl: c.baseUri, contributionPaths: null, paths: {}, shim: {} }),
+ r.moduleLoaderConfig &&
+ (r.moduleLoaderConfig.baseUrl && (n.baseUrl = r.moduleLoaderConfig.baseUrl),
+ oi(r.moduleLoaderConfig, n),
+ ct(r.moduleLoaderConfig, n)),
+ t.moduleLoaderConfig &&
+ (ct(t.moduleLoaderConfig, n), (s = t.moduleLoaderConfig.contributionPaths), s))
+ )
+ for (o in s)
+ if (
+ s.hasOwnProperty(o) &&
+ !n.paths[o] &&
+ ((b = s[o].value),
+ (n.paths[o] = b.match('^https?://') ? b : i + b),
+ (k = t.moduleLoaderConfig.paths),
+ k)
+ ) {
+ nt = o + '/';
+ tt = v(i, t.moduleLoaderConfig.baseUrl);
+ for (d in k)
+ ei(d, nt) &&
+ ((u = k[d]),
+ u.match('^https?://') || (u = u[0] === '/' ? v(i, u) : v(tt, u)),
+ (n.paths[d] = u));
+ }
+ window.__vssModuleLoaderConfig = n;
+ f.push({ content: 'require.config(' + JSON.stringify(n) + ');' });
+ y(f, 0, function() {
+ l = !0;
+ w();
+ });
+ }
+ function ei(n, t) {
+ return n && n.length >= t.length ? n.substr(0, t.length).localeCompare(t) === 0 : !1;
+ }
+ function v(n, t) {
+ var i = n || '';
+ return i[i.length - 1] !== '/' && (i += '/'), t && (i += t[0] === '/' ? t.substr(1) : t), i;
+ }
+ function oi(n, t, i) {
+ var r, u;
+ if (n.paths) {
+ t.paths || (t.paths = {});
+ for (r in n.paths)
+ n.paths.hasOwnProperty(r) &&
+ ((u = n.paths[r]), i && (u = i(r, n.paths[r])), u && (t.paths[r] = u));
+ }
+ }
+ function ct(n, t) {
+ if (n.shim) {
+ t.shim || (t.shim = {});
+ for (var i in n.shim) n.shim.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t.shim[i] = n.shim[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ function si(n) {
+ var r = n.account || n.host,
+ t = r.uri,
+ i = r.relativeUri;
+ return (
+ t &&
+ i &&
+ (t[t.length - 1] !== '/' && (t += '/'),
+ i[i.length - 1] !== '/' && (i += '/'),
+ (t = t.substr(0, t.length - i.length))),
+ t
+ );
+ }
+ function y(n, t, i) {
+ var f = this,
+ r,
+ u;
+ if (t >= n.length) {
+ i.call(this);
+ return;
+ }
+ r = document.createElement('script');
+ r.type = 'text/javascript';
+ n[t].source
+ ? ((u = n[t].source),
+ (r.src = u),
+ r.addEventListener('load', function() {
+ y.call(f, n, t + 1, i);
+ }),
+ r.addEventListener('error', function() {
+ ut('Failed to load script: ' + u);
+ }),
+ p(r, 'head'))
+ : n[t].content && ((r.textContent = n[t].content), p(r, 'head'), y.call(this, n, t + 1, i));
+ }
+ function p(n, t) {
+ var i = document.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
+ i || ((i = document.createElement(t)), document.appendChild(i));
+ i.appendChild(n);
+ }
+ function h(n, t) {
+ var i = (n || '').toLowerCase();
+ return (
+ i.substr(0, 2) !== '//' &&
+ i.substr(0, 5) !== 'http:' &&
+ i.substr(0, 6) !== 'https:' &&
+ (n = t + (i[0] === '/' ? '' : '/') + n),
+ n
+ );
+ }
+ function w() {
+ var t = this,
+ n;
+ s = !0;
+ f &&
+ ((n = f),
+ (f = null),
+ n.forEach(function(n) {
+ n.call(t);
+ }));
+ }
+ var yt;
+ n.VssSDKVersion = 2;
+ n.VssSDKRestVersion = '4.0';
+ var o,
+ b,
+ t,
+ c,
+ k,
+ d,
+ r,
+ l = !1,
+ e,
+ a,
+ s = !1,
+ f,
+ i = XDM.XDMChannelManager.get().addChannel(window.parent),
+ u,
+ lt = !1,
+ g = (function() {
+ function n() {
+ t && t.call(this);
+ }
+ function i() {}
+ var t;
+ return (
+ Object.defineProperties(i.prototype, {
+ getItem: {
+ get: function() {
+ return function(n) {
+ var t = this['' + n];
+ return typeof t == 'undefined' ? null : t;
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ setItem: {
+ get: function() {
+ return function(t, i) {
+ t = '' + t;
+ var u = this[t],
+ r = '' + i;
+ u !== r && ((this[t] = r), n());
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ removeItem: {
+ get: function() {
+ return function(t) {
+ t = '' + t;
+ typeof this[t] != 'undefined' && (delete this[t], n());
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ clear: {
+ get: function() {
+ return function() {
+ var r = Object.keys(this),
+ t,
+ i,
+ u;
+ if (r.length > 0) {
+ for (t = 0, i = r; t < i.length; t++) (u = i[t]), delete this[u];
+ n();
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ key: {
+ get: function() {
+ return function(n) {
+ return Object.keys(this)[n];
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ length: {
+ get: function() {
+ return Object.keys(this).length;
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ i
+ );
+ })();
+ if (!window.__vssNoSandboxShim)
+ try {
+ at();
+ } catch (vt) {
+ window.console &&
+ window.console.warn &&
+ window.console.warn(
+ 'Failed to shim support for sandboxed properties: ' +
+ vt.message +
+ '. Set "window.__vssNoSandboxShim = true" in order to bypass the shim of sandboxed properties.'
+ );
+ }
+ (function(n) {
+ n.Dialog = 'ms.vss-web.dialog-service';
+ n.Navigation = 'ms.vss-web.navigation-service';
+ n.ExtensionData = 'ms.vss-web.data-service';
+ })((yt = n.ServiceIds || (n.ServiceIds = {})));
+ n.init = nt;
+ n.require = pt;
+ n.ready = rt;
+ n.notifyLoadSucceeded = wt;
+ n.notifyLoadFailed = ut;
+ n.getWebContext = ft;
+ n.getConfiguration = bt;
+ n.getExtensionContext = et;
+ n.getContribution = kt;
+ n.getService = dt;
+ n.getServiceContribution = ot;
+ n.getServiceContributions = gt;
+ n.register = ni;
+ n.unregister = ti;
+ n.getRegisteredObject = ii;
+ n.getAccessToken = ri;
+ n.getAppToken = ui;
+ n.resize = fi;
+ })(VSS || (VSS = {}));