path: root/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java
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authorSimon Brandhof <simon.brandhof@sonarsource.com>2018-05-10 21:47:15 +0200
committerSonarTech <sonartech@sonarsource.com>2018-05-11 20:20:47 +0200
commit01e1c69fe35fac0678130f5784ee0b70422c8536 (patch)
tree5c39a4b19872e6cbe75a229f43bc52ddb14912b9 /sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java
parent54a47fb03ec189410fa6d53a5355b2116624fe33 (diff)
SONAR-10591 scanner uses WS api/plugins/download
Diffstat (limited to 'sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java
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+++ b/sonar-scanner-engine/src/test/java/org/sonar/scanner/bootstrap/PluginFilesTest.java
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+ * SonarQube
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 SonarSource SA
+ * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+package org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap;
+import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
+import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.nio.file.Files;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
+import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
+import java.util.jar.Pack200;
+import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
+import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
+import javax.annotation.Nullable;
+import okhttp3.HttpUrl;
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse;
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer;
+import okhttp3.mockwebserver.RecordedRequest;
+import okio.Buffer;
+import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.RandomStringUtils;
+import org.hamcrest.Description;
+import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Rule;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
+import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
+import org.sonar.api.config.internal.MapSettings;
+import org.sonar.scanner.bootstrap.ScannerPluginInstaller.InstalledPlugin;
+import org.sonarqube.ws.client.HttpConnector;
+import org.sonarqube.ws.client.WsClientFactories;
+import static org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils.moveFile;
+import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
+public class PluginFilesTest {
+ @Rule
+ public ExpectedException expectedException = ExpectedException.none();
+ @Rule
+ public TemporaryFolder temp = new TemporaryFolder();
+ @Rule
+ public MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer();
+ private File userHome;
+ private PluginFiles underTest;
+ @Before
+ public void setUp() throws Exception {
+ HttpConnector connector = HttpConnector.newBuilder().url(server.url("/").toString()).build();
+ GlobalAnalysisMode analysisMode = new GlobalAnalysisMode(new GlobalProperties(Collections.emptyMap()));
+ ScannerWsClient wsClient = new ScannerWsClient(WsClientFactories.getDefault().newClient(connector), false, analysisMode);
+ userHome = temp.newFolder();
+ MapSettings settings = new MapSettings();
+ settings.setProperty("sonar.userHome", userHome.getAbsolutePath());
+ underTest = new PluginFiles(wsClient, settings.asConfig());
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void get_jar_from_cache_if_present() throws Exception {
+ FileAndMd5 jar = createFileInCache("foo");
+ File result = underTest.get(newInstalledPlugin("foo", jar.md5)).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, jar);
+ // no requests to server
+ assertThat(server.getRequestCount()).isEqualTo(0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void download_and_add_jar_to_cache_if_missing() throws Exception {
+ FileAndMd5 tempJar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar);
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", tempJar.md5);
+ File result = underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, tempJar);
+ HttpUrl requestedUrl = server.takeRequest().getRequestUrl();
+ assertThat(requestedUrl.encodedPath()).isEqualTo("/api/plugins/download");
+ assertThat(requestedUrl.encodedQuery()).isEqualTo("plugin=foo&acceptCompressions=pack200");
+ // get from cache on second call
+ result = underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, tempJar);
+ assertThat(server.getRequestCount()).isEqualTo(1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void download_compressed_and_add_uncompressed_to_cache_if_missing() throws Exception {
+ FileAndMd5 jar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueCompressedDownload(jar, true);
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", jar.md5);
+ File result = underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ verifySameContentAfterCompression(jar.file, result);
+ RecordedRequest recordedRequest = server.takeRequest();
+ assertThat(recordedRequest.getRequestUrl().queryParameter("acceptCompressions")).isEqualTo("pack200");
+ // get from cache on second call
+ result = underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ verifySameContentAfterCompression(jar.file, result);
+ assertThat(server.getRequestCount()).isEqualTo(1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void return_empty_if_plugin_not_found_on_server() {
+ server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(404));
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ Optional<File> result = underTest.get(plugin);
+ assertThat(result).isEmpty();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_integrity_of_download_is_not_valid() throws IOException {
+ FileAndMd5 tempJar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar.file, "invalid_hash");
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ expectISE("foo", "was expected to have checksum invalid_hash but had " + tempJar.md5);
+ underTest.get(plugin);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_integrity_of_compressed_download_is_not_valid() throws Exception {
+ FileAndMd5 jar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueCompressedDownload(jar, false);
+ expectISE("foo", "was expected to have checksum invalid_hash but had ");
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", jar.md5);
+ underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_md5_header_is_missing_from_response() throws IOException {
+ File tempJar = temp.newFile();
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar, null);
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ expectISE("foo", "did not return header Sonar-MD5");
+ underTest.get(plugin);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_compressed_download_cannot_be_uncompressed() {
+ MockResponse response = new MockResponse().setBody("not binary");
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-MD5", DigestUtils.md5Hex("not binary"));
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-UncompressedMD5", "abc");
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-Compression", "pack200");
+ server.enqueue(response);
+ expectISE("foo", "Pack200 error");
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ underTest.get(plugin).get();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_server_returns_error() {
+ server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(500));
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ expectISE("foo", "returned code 500");
+ underTest.get(plugin);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void download_a_new_version_of_plugin_during_blue_green_switch() throws IOException {
+ FileAndMd5 tempJar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar);
+ // expecting to download plugin foo with checksum "abc"
+ InstalledPlugin pluginV1 = newInstalledPlugin("foo", "abc");
+ File result = underTest.get(pluginV1).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, tempJar);
+ // new version of downloaded jar is put in cache with the new md5
+ InstalledPlugin pluginV2 = newInstalledPlugin("foo", tempJar.md5);
+ result = underTest.get(pluginV2).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, tempJar);
+ assertThat(server.getRequestCount()).isEqualTo(1);
+ // v1 still requests server and downloads v2
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar);
+ result = underTest.get(pluginV1).get();
+ verifySameContent(result, tempJar);
+ assertThat(server.getRequestCount()).isEqualTo(2);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void fail_if_cached_file_is_outside_cache_dir() throws IOException {
+ FileAndMd5 tempJar = new FileAndMd5();
+ enqueueDownload(tempJar);
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = newInstalledPlugin("foo/bar", "abc");
+ expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class);
+ expectedException.expectMessage("Fail to download plugin [foo/bar]. Key is not valid.");
+ underTest.get(plugin);
+ }
+ private FileAndMd5 createFileInCache(String pluginKey) throws IOException {
+ FileAndMd5 tempFile = new FileAndMd5();
+ return moveToCache(pluginKey, tempFile);
+ }
+ private FileAndMd5 moveToCache(String pluginKey, FileAndMd5 jar) throws IOException {
+ File jarInCache = new File(userHome, "cache/" + jar.md5 + "/sonar-" + pluginKey + "-plugin.jar");
+ moveFile(jar.file, jarInCache);
+ return new FileAndMd5(jarInCache, jar.md5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enqueue download of file with valid MD5
+ */
+ private void enqueueDownload(FileAndMd5 file) throws IOException {
+ enqueueDownload(file.file, file.md5);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enqueue download of file with a MD5 that may not be returned (null) or not valid
+ */
+ private void enqueueDownload(File file, @Nullable String md5) throws IOException {
+ Buffer body = new Buffer();
+ body.write(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(file));
+ MockResponse response = new MockResponse().setBody(body);
+ if (md5 != null) {
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-MD5", md5);
+ }
+ server.enqueue(response);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enqueue download of file with a MD5 that may not be returned (null) or not valid
+ */
+ private void enqueueCompressedDownload(FileAndMd5 jar, boolean validMd5) throws IOException {
+ Buffer body = new Buffer();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ try (JarInputStream in = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(jar.file.toPath())));
+ OutputStream output = new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(bytes))) {
+ Pack200.newPacker().pack(in, output);
+ }
+ body.write(bytes.toByteArray());
+ MockResponse response = new MockResponse().setBody(body);
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-MD5", validMd5 ? DigestUtils.md5Hex(bytes.toByteArray()) : "invalid_hash");
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-UncompressedMD5", jar.md5);
+ response.setHeader("Sonar-Compression", "pack200");
+ server.enqueue(response);
+ }
+ private static InstalledPlugin newInstalledPlugin(String pluginKey, String fileChecksum) {
+ InstalledPlugin plugin = new InstalledPlugin();
+ plugin.key = pluginKey;
+ plugin.hash = fileChecksum;
+ return plugin;
+ }
+ private static void verifySameContent(File file1, FileAndMd5 file2) {
+ assertThat(file1).isFile().exists();
+ assertThat(file2.file).isFile().exists();
+ assertThat(file1).hasSameContentAs(file2.file);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Packing and unpacking a JAR generates a different file.
+ */
+ private void verifySameContentAfterCompression(File file1, File file2) throws IOException {
+ assertThat(file1).isFile().exists();
+ assertThat(file2).isFile().exists();
+ assertThat(packAndUnpackJar(file1)).hasSameContentAs(packAndUnpackJar(file2));
+ }
+ private File packAndUnpackJar(File source) throws IOException {
+ File packed = temp.newFile();
+ try (JarInputStream in = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(source.toPath())));
+ OutputStream out = new GZIPOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(packed.toPath())))) {
+ Pack200.newPacker().pack(in, out);
+ }
+ File to = temp.newFile();
+ try (InputStream input = new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(packed.toPath())));
+ JarOutputStream output = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(to.toPath())))) {
+ Pack200.newUnpacker().unpack(input, output);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(e);
+ }
+ return to;
+ }
+ private void expectISE(String pluginKey, String message) {
+ expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class);
+ expectedException.expectMessage(new TypeSafeMatcher<String>() {
+ @Override
+ protected boolean matchesSafely(String item) {
+ return item.startsWith("Fail to download plugin [" + pluginKey + "]") && item.contains(message);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void describeTo(Description description) {
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ private class FileAndMd5 {
+ private final File file;
+ private final String md5;
+ FileAndMd5(File file, String md5) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.md5 = md5;
+ }
+ FileAndMd5() throws IOException {
+ this.file = temp.newFile();
+ FileUtils.write(this.file, RandomStringUtils.random(3));
+ try (InputStream fis = FileUtils.openInputStream(this.file)) {
+ this.md5 = DigestUtils.md5Hex(fis);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to compute md5 of " + this.file, e);
+ }
+ }
+ }