path: root/server/sonar-docs/src/pages/instance-administration/telemetry.md
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-docs/src/pages/instance-administration/telemetry.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-docs/src/pages/instance-administration/telemetry.md b/server/sonar-docs/src/pages/instance-administration/telemetry.md
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-title: Telemetry
-url: /instance-administration/telemetry/
-Your SonarQube installation sends telemetry data to SonarSource daily.
-This data helps us understand how SonarQube is used, which helps us improve our products.
-## No personally identifiable information is sent
-The telemetry feature only sends anonymized, non-project-specific data related to which features of the product are being used.
-Personal data, such as usernames or email addresses, is never sent. Neither is source code nor any project-specific data such as project name, repository, or author is ever sent. No IP addresses are ever sent.
-The data is sent securely, held under restricted access, and not published outside of SonarSource.
-Protecting your privacy is important to us.
-If you have any concerns about telemetry data collection, please email us at `security@sonarsource.com`.
-## Turning it off
-You can disable telemetry at any time by setting the `sonar.telemetry.enabled` property to `false` in `$SONARQUBE_HOME/conf/sonar.properties`.
-By default, it is set to `true`.
-## What information is sent?
-Once a day (every 24 hours), SonarQube sends a `JSON` payload to `https://telemetry.sonarsource.com/sonarqube`.
-The data that is sent consists of:
-* Anonymized information about the SonarQube instance (version, license type, edition, database type, etc.)
-* Anonymized information about each project on the instance, consisting of:
- * A technical identifier that does not reveal any project-specific details.
- * Information about the project like language, last analysis time, number of lines of code, etc.
-* Anonymized information about each user on the instance, consisting of:
- * A technical identifier that does not reveal any personal information about the user.
- * Information about the user's usage of the instance like last activity time and current status.
-Here is an example of a telemetry payload:
- "id": "ABB010CE-AVcdRncGX_RgEGt_NVoS",
- "version": "",
- "edition": "datacenter",
- "licenseType": "PRODUCTION",
- "database": {
- "name": "PostgreSQL",
- "version": "12.8"
- },
- "plugins": [{
- "name": "iac",
- "version": ""
- },
- {
- "name": "plsql",
- "version": ""
- },
- ],
- "installationDate": "2022-02-01T09:12:32+0000",
- "docker": true,
- "users": [{
- "userUuid": "UI9126NM8DFghgCCDUI9",
- "status": "active",
- "lastActivity": "2022-03-22T13:18:56+0000",
- "identityProvider": "github"
- },
- {
- "userUuid": "YY456Uio878YHOJOM891",
- "status": "active",
- "lastActivity": "2022-09-06T14:08:46+0000"
- "identityProvider": "sonarqube"
- },
- {
- "userUuid": "G5GH76gb65F69Jygf789",
- "status": "active",
- "lastActivity": "2022-09-07T00:28:14+0000",
- "lastSonarlintActivity": "2022-09-07T00:28:14+0000",
- "identityProvider": "SAML"
- },
- {
- "userUuid": "AG7HK457TYITdsYIH67Y",
- "status": "inactive",
- "identityProvider": "sonarqube"
- }
- ],
- "projects": [
- {
- "projectUuid": "AV8WJCz7leTHsONfkGE1",
- "lastAnalysis": "2022-04-14T07:39:45+0000",
- "language": "css",
- "loc": 9722
- },
- {
- "projectUuid": "AV8WJCz7leTHsONfkGE1",
- "lastAnalysis": "2022-04-14T07:39:45+0000",
- "language": "js",
- "loc": 251210
- },
- {
- "projectUuid": "AWHotC4Cb9YxAwKuZDEk",
- "lastAnalysis": "2022-09-05T15:04:31+0000",
- "language": "java",
- "loc": 462
- },
- {
- "projectUuid": "AYAYr6o1Mi128diYBjFX",
- "lastAnalysis": "2022-09-05T15:04:31+0000",
- "language": "ts",
- "loc": 5835
- }
- ],
- "projects-general-stats": [
- {
- "projectUuid": "AV8WJCz7leTHsONfkGE1",
- "branchCount": 1,
- "pullRequestCount": 0,
- "scm": "git",
- "ci": "GitLab CI",
- "devopsPlatform": "gitlab_cloud",
- "hasUnanalyzedC": "true",
- "hasUnanalyzedCpp": "false"
- },
- {
- "projectUuid": "AWHotC4Cb9YxAwKuZDEk",
- "branchCount": 1,
- "pullRequestCount": 8,
- "scm": "git",
- "ci": "Azure DevOps",
- "devopsPlatform": "azure_devops_cloud",
- "hasUnanalyzedC": "false",
- "hasUnanalyzedCpp": "true"
- },
- {
- "projectUuid": "AYAYr6o1Mi128diYBjFX",
- "branchCount": 1,
- "pullRequestCount": 0,
- "scm": "git",
- "ci": "Github Actions",
- "devopsPlatform": "github_cloud",
- "hasUnanalyzedC": "false",
- "hasUnanalyzedCpp": "false"
- },
- ],
- "timestamp": "2022-09-07T01:15:23.901Z",
- "type": "ping"