path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/BulkChangeForm.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/BulkChangeForm.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/BulkChangeForm.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/BulkChangeForm.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c9b447b231..00000000000
--- a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/BulkChangeForm.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
- * SonarQube
- * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 SonarSource SA
- * mailto:info AT sonarsource DOT com
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- */
-// @flow
-import { debounce, sortBy } from 'lodash';
-import ModalForm from '../../components/common/modal-form';
-import Template from './templates/BulkChangeForm.hbs';
-import getCurrentUserFromStore from '../../app/utils/getCurrentUserFromStore';
-import { searchIssues, searchIssueTags, bulkChangeIssues } from '../../api/issues';
-import { searchUsers } from '../../api/users';
-import { searchMembers } from '../../api/organizations';
-import { translate, translateWithParameters } from '../../helpers/l10n';
-const LIMIT = 500;
-const INPUT_WIDTH = '250px';
-type Issue = {
- actions?: Array<string>,
- assignee: string | null,
- transitions?: Array<string>
-const hasAction = (action: string) =>
- (issue: Issue) => issue.actions && issue.actions.includes(action);
-export default ModalForm.extend({
- template: Template,
- initialize() {
- this.issues = null;
- this.paging = null;
- this.tags = null;
- this.loadIssues();
- this.loadTags();
- },
- loadIssues() {
- const { query } = this.options;
- searchIssues({
- ...query,
- additionalFields: 'actions,transitions',
- ps: LIMIT
- }).then(r => {
- this.issues = r.issues;
- this.paging = r.paging;
- this.render();
- });
- },
- loadTags() {
- searchIssueTags().then(r => {
- this.tags = r.tags;
- this.render();
- });
- },
- assigneeSearch(defaultOptions) {
- const { context } = this.options;
- return debounce(
- query => {
- if (query.term.length === 0) {
- query.callback({ results: defaultOptions });
- } else if (query.term.length >= MINIMUM_QUERY_LENGTH) {
- const onSuccess = r => {
- query.callback({
- results: r.users.map(user => ({
- id: user.login,
- text: `${user.name} (${user.login})`
- }))
- });
- };
- if (context.isContext) {
- searchMembers({ organization: context.organization, q: query.term }).then(onSuccess);
- } else {
- searchUsers(query.term).then(onSuccess);
- }
- }
- },
- 250
- );
- },
- prepareAssigneeSelect() {
- const input = this.$('#assignee');
- if (input.length) {
- const canBeAssignedToMe = this.issues && this.canBeAssignedToMe(this.issues);
- const currentUser = getCurrentUserFromStore();
- const canBeUnassigned = this.issues && this.canBeUnassigned(this.issues);
- const defaultOptions = [];
- if (canBeAssignedToMe && currentUser.isLoggedIn) {
- defaultOptions.push({
- id: currentUser.login,
- text: `${currentUser.name} (${currentUser.login})`
- });
- }
- if (canBeUnassigned) {
- defaultOptions.push({ id: UNASSIGNED, text: translate('unassigned') });
- }
- input.select2({
- allowClear: false,
- placeholder: translate('search_verb'),
- width: INPUT_WIDTH,
- formatNoMatches: () => translate('select2.noMatches'),
- formatSearching: () => translate('select2.searching'),
- formatInputTooShort: () =>
- translateWithParameters('select2.tooShort', MINIMUM_QUERY_LENGTH),
- query: this.assigneeSearch(defaultOptions)
- });
- input.on('change', () => this.$('#assign-action').prop('checked', true));
- }
- },
- prepareTypeSelect() {
- this.$('#type')
- .select2({
- minimumResultsForSearch: 999,
- width: INPUT_WIDTH
- })
- .on('change', () => this.$('#set-type-action').prop('checked', true));
- },
- prepareSeveritySelect() {
- const format = state =>
- state.id
- ? `<i class="icon-severity-${state.id.toLowerCase()}"></i> ${state.text}`
- : state.text;
- this.$('#severity')
- .select2({
- minimumResultsForSearch: 999,
- width: INPUT_WIDTH,
- formatResult: format,
- formatSelection: format
- })
- .on('change', () => this.$('#set-severity-action').prop('checked', true));
- },
- prepareTagsInput() {
- this.$('#add_tags')
- .select2({
- width: INPUT_WIDTH,
- tags: this.tags
- })
- .on('change', () => this.$('#add-tags-action').prop('checked', true));
- this.$('#remove_tags')
- .select2({
- width: INPUT_WIDTH,
- tags: this.tags
- })
- .on('change', () => this.$('#remove-tags-action').prop('checked', true));
- },
- onRender() {
- ModalForm.prototype.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
- this.prepareAssigneeSelect();
- this.prepareTypeSelect();
- this.prepareSeveritySelect();
- this.prepareTagsInput();
- },
- onFormSubmit() {
- ModalForm.prototype.onFormSubmit.apply(this, arguments);
- const query = {};
- const assignee = this.$('#assignee').val();
- if (this.$('#assign-action').is(':checked') && assignee != null) {
- query['assign'] = assignee === UNASSIGNED ? '' : assignee;
- }
- const type = this.$('#type').val();
- if (this.$('#set-type-action').is(':checked') && type) {
- query['set_type'] = type;
- }
- const severity = this.$('#severity').val();
- if (this.$('#set-severity-action').is(':checked') && severity) {
- query['set_severity'] = severity;
- }
- const addedTags = this.$('#add_tags').val();
- if (this.$('#add-tags-action').is(':checked') && addedTags) {
- query['add_tags'] = addedTags;
- }
- const removedTags = this.$('#remove_tags').val();
- if (this.$('#remove-tags-action').is(':checked') && removedTags) {
- query['remove_tags'] = removedTags;
- }
- const transition = this.$('[name="do_transition.transition"]:checked').val();
- if (transition) {
- query['do_transition'] = transition;
- }
- const comment = this.$('#comment').val();
- if (comment) {
- query['comment'] = comment;
- }
- const sendNotifications = this.$('#send-notifications').is(':checked');
- if (sendNotifications) {
- query['sendNotifications'] = sendNotifications;
- }
- this.disableForm();
- this.showSpinner();
- const issueKeys = this.issues.map(issue => issue.key);
- bulkChangeIssues(issueKeys, query).then(
- () => {
- this.destroy();
- this.options.onChange();
- },
- (e: Object) => {
- this.enableForm();
- this.hideSpinner();
- e.response.json().then(r => this.showErrors(r.errors, r.warnings));
- }
- );
- },
- canBeAssigned(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('assign')).length;
- },
- canBeAssignedToMe(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('assign_to_me')).length;
- },
- canBeUnassigned(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(issue => issue.assignee).length;
- },
- canChangeType(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('set_type')).length;
- },
- canChangeSeverity(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('set_severity')).length;
- },
- canChangeTags(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('set_tags')).length;
- },
- canBeCommented(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- return issues.filter(hasAction('comment')).length;
- },
- availableTransitions(issues: Array<Issue>) {
- const transitions = {};
- issues.forEach(issue => {
- if (issue.transitions) {
- issue.transitions.forEach(t => {
- if (transitions[t] != null) {
- transitions[t]++;
- } else {
- transitions[t] = 1;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return sortBy(Object.keys(transitions)).map(transition => ({
- transition,
- count: transitions[transition]
- }));
- },
- serializeData() {
- return {
- ...ModalForm.prototype.serializeData.apply(this, arguments),
- isLoaded: this.issues != null && this.tags != null,
- issues: this.issues,
- limitReached: this.paging && this.paging.total > LIMIT,
- canBeAssigned: this.issues && this.canBeAssigned(this.issues),
- canChangeType: this.issues && this.canChangeType(this.issues),
- canChangeSeverity: this.issues && this.canChangeSeverity(this.issues),
- canChangeTags: this.issues && this.canChangeTags(this.issues),
- canBeCommented: this.issues && this.canBeCommented(this.issues),
- availableTransitions: this.issues && this.availableTransitions(this.issues)
- };
- }