path: root/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js
index 942e86e4ba7..aff1c52366f 100644
--- a/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js
+++ b/server/sonar-web/src/main/js/apps/issues/workspace-home-view.js
@@ -2,169 +2,12 @@ define([
], function () {
- var $ = jQuery;
- Handlebars.registerHelper('issuesHomeLink', function (property, value) {
- return baseUrl + '/issues/search#resolved=false|createdInLast=1w|' +
- property + '=' + (encodeURIComponent(value));
- });
- Handlebars.registerHelper('myIssuesHomeLink', function (property, value) {
- return baseUrl + '/issues/search#resolved=false|createdInLast=1w|assignees=__me__|' +
- property + '=' + (encodeURIComponent(value));
- });
Handlebars.registerHelper('issueFilterHomeLink', function (id) {
return baseUrl + '/issues/search#id=' + id;
return Marionette.ItemView.extend({
- template: Templates['issues-workspace-home'],
- modelEvents: {
- 'change': 'render'
- },
- events: {
- 'click .js-barchart rect': 'selectBar',
- 'click .js-my-barchart rect': 'selectMyBar'
- },
- initialize: function () {
- this.model = new Backbone.Model();
- this.requestIssues();
- this.requestMyIssues();
- },
- _getProjects: function (r) {
- var projectFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'projectUuids' });
- if (projectFacet != null) {
- var values = _.head(projectFacet.values, 3);
- values.forEach(function (v) {
- var project = _.findWhere(r.components, { uuid: v.val });
- v.label = project.longName;
- });
- return values;
- }
- },
- _getAuthors: function (r) {
- var authorFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'authors' });
- if (authorFacet != null) {
- return _.head(authorFacet.values, 3);
- }
- },
- _getTags: function (r) {
- var MIN_SIZE = 10,
- MAX_SIZE = 24,
- tagFacet = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'tags' });
- if (tagFacet != null) {
- var values = _.head(tagFacet.values, 10),
- minCount = _.min(values, function (v) {
- return v.count;
- }).count,
- maxCount = _.max(values, function (v) {
- return v.count;
- }).count,
- scale = d3.scale.linear().domain([minCount, maxCount]).range([MIN_SIZE, MAX_SIZE]);
- values.forEach(function (v) {
- v.size = scale(v.count);
- });
- return values;
- }
- },
- requestIssues: function () {
- var that = this;
- var url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search',
- options = {
- resolved: false,
- createdInLast: '1w',
- ps: 1,
- facets: 'createdAt,projectUuids,authors,tags'
- };
- return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
- var createdAt = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'createdAt' });
- that.model.set({
- createdAt: createdAt != null ? createdAt.values : null,
- projects: that._getProjects(r),
- authors: that._getAuthors(r),
- tags: that._getTags(r)
- });
- });
- },
- requestMyIssues: function () {
- var that = this;
- var url = baseUrl + '/api/issues/search',
- options = {
- resolved: false,
- createdInLast: '1w',
- assignees: '__me__',
- ps: 1,
- facets: 'createdAt,projectUuids,authors,tags'
- };
- return $.get(url, options).done(function (r) {
- var createdAt = _.findWhere(r.facets, { property: 'createdAt' });
- return that.model.set({
- myCreatedAt: createdAt != null ? createdAt.values : null,
- myProjects: that._getProjects(r),
- myTags: that._getTags(r)
- });
- });
- },
- _addFormattedValues: function (values) {
- return values.map(function (v) {
- var text = window.formatMeasure(v.count, 'SHORT_INT');
- return _.extend(v, { text: text });
- });
- },
- onRender: function () {
- var values = this.model.get('createdAt'),
- myValues = this.model.get('myCreatedAt');
- if (values != null) {
- this.$('.js-barchart').barchart(this._addFormattedValues(values));
- }
- if (myValues != null) {
- this.$('.js-my-barchart').barchart(this._addFormattedValues(myValues));
- }
- this.$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ container: 'body' });
- },
- onDestroy: function () {
- this.$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip('destroy');
- },
- selectBar: function (e) {
- var periodStart = $(e.currentTarget).data('period-start'),
- periodEnd = $(e.currentTarget).data('period-end');
- this.options.app.state.setQuery({
- resolved: false,
- createdAfter: periodStart,
- createdBefore: periodEnd
- });
- },
- selectMyBar: function (e) {
- var periodStart = $(e.currentTarget).data('period-start'),
- periodEnd = $(e.currentTarget).data('period-end');
- this.options.app.state.setQuery({
- resolved: false,
- assignees: '__me__',
- createdAfter: periodStart,
- createdBefore: periodEnd
- });
- },
- serializeData: function () {
- return _.extend(Marionette.ItemView.prototype.serializeData.apply(this, arguments), {
- user: window.SS.user,
- filters: _.sortBy(this.options.app.filters.toJSON(), 'name')
- });
- }
+ template: Templates['issues-workspace-home']