path: root/plugins
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Release 2.122.12Eric Hartmann2011-11-2814-14/+14
* SONAR-2071 Open resource viewer on the correct tabFabrice Bellingard2011-11-221-1/+1
* LCOM4 of Java files without any class - like package-info.java - must be 1Simon Brandhof2011-11-212-3/+23
* Minor UI improvements : alignment in components header + labels in coverage w...Simon Brandhof2011-11-211-4/+4
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2011-11-1414-14/+14
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.12-RC2Eric Hartmann2011-11-1414-14/+14
* SONAR-2792 Improve messages in case if JaCoCo unable to compute coverageEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-111-2/+2
* Fix loading of file exclusions - do not cache exclusions in Projectsimonbrandhof2011-11-112-14/+14
* SONAR-2792 Add default exclusions for JaCoCoEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-113-4/+14
* SONAR-2902 Open the resource viewer on the right tabFabrice Bellingard2011-11-101-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationEric Hartmann2011-11-0914-14/+14
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 2.12-RC1Eric Hartmann2011-11-0914-14/+14
* SONAR-2773 Upgrade native2ascii-maven-plugin to 1.0-beta-1Evgeny Mandrikov2011-11-081-7/+1
* Remove some commented-out codeEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-081-2/+0
* fix violationssimonbrandhof2011-11-071-1/+1
* Fix violationEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-071-2/+1
* Fix violationsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-074-16/+12
* SONAR-2958 some rule parameters have the description 'null' in english bundlesSimon Brandhof2011-11-041-10/+0
* Fix a violationDinesh Bolkensteyn2011-11-041-1/+4
* SONAR-2584 upgrade to checkstyle 5.1.2 and to pmd
* SONAR-2961 Fail silently when deadlock happens during a purgeSimon Brandhof2011-11-033-11/+57
* Fix coding violationsSimon Brandhof2011-11-037-4/+11
* SONAR-2963 fix l10n labels + fix vertical alignmentSimon Brandhof2011-11-032-18/+21
* Remove useless logback-test.xml filesSimon Brandhof2011-11-032-34/+0
* Fix violationsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-031-2/+2
* Fixed some violationsDinesh Bolkensteyn2011-11-032-3/+2
* Do not use commons-configuration in jacoco pluginSimon Brandhof2011-11-024-87/+89
* SONAR-2317 The metric new lines to cover is badly formatedSimon Brandhof2011-11-022-8/+8
* SONAR-2963 rename some labels and metricsSimon Brandhof2011-11-023-18/+42
* SONAR-2963 Add the widget "Integration Test Coverage"Simon Brandhof2011-11-0211-95/+103
* SONAR-2733 New XML format to store duplicationsEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-022-21/+177
* Fixed an if-statement without braces violationDinesh Bolkensteyn2011-11-021-1/+3
* SONAR-2952 add @since comments to new core metrics + remove dead code from ja...simonbrandhof2011-11-014-246/+0
* SONAR-2952 move integration test metrics from jacoco plugin to coresimonbrandhof2011-11-0111-194/+583
* Improve DuplicationDaoTestEvgeny Mandrikov2011-11-014-289/+0
* SONAR-2952 remove the IT Coverage Tab implemented with GWTsimonbrandhof2011-11-011-25/+1
* SONAR-2952 Make the coverage tab support integration test measuressimonbrandhof2011-11-0116-571/+103
* Deprecate org.sonar.api.utils.Logssimonbrandhof2011-11-011-20/+23
* SONAR-2956 Support Boolean type with DerbyEvgeny Mandrikov2011-10-312-9/+15
* Minor modifications to make it easier to write ITsFabrice Bellingard2011-10-281-1/+1
* SONAR-2584 add support for Java7 in PMDSimon Brandhof2011-10-281-3/+31
* SONAR-2584 add support for Java7 in Checkstyle and SquidSimon Brandhof2011-10-283-7/+7
* SONAR-2919 Prevent user from creating twice the same eventFabrice Bellingard2011-10-281-0/+2
* SONAR-2642 use MyBatis ScriptRunner + improve unit test logs + prepare migrat...Simon Brandhof2011-10-273-2/+19
* Improve boolean parameters of Hibernate HQL queriesSimon Brandhof2011-10-2718-27/+30
* SONAR-2733 Display duplicated blocks by group in the resource viewerFabrice Bellingard2011-10-271-0/+2
* SONAR-2642 Use MyBatis instead of Hibernate for CPDEvgeny Mandrikov2011-10-276-78/+210
* Revert "SONAR-2594 Fix tests"Evgeny Mandrikov2011-10-271-4/+0
* Revert "SONAR-2594 FindBugs plugin should support localized violations"Evgeny Mandrikov2011-10-272-11/+0
* SONAR-2941 Exclude isolated methods from LCOM4 computationDinesh Bolkensteyn2011-10-2611-13/+86