path: root/server/sonar-ce/pom.xml
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iterationDavid Rautureau2016-07-201-1/+1
* [maven-release-plugin] prepare release 6.0-RC16.0-RC1David Rautureau2016-07-201-3/+2
* prepare for next development iterationTom2016-05-201-1/+1
* Upgrade version to 5.6-SNAPSHOTTom2016-04-071-1/+1
* SONAR-7436 replace JMX/RMI by HTTPSimon Brandhof2016-04-051-1/+10
* SONAR-6732 add components from PlatformLevel3 to CE containerSébastien Lesaint2016-03-211-0/+12
* SONAR-7435 add CE process, never stops but does nothing yetSébastien Lesaint2016-03-211-0/+7
* SONAR-7134 add maven module sonar-ceSébastien Lesaint2016-03-211-0/+40