path: root/travis.sh
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Decrease amount of maven debug logs on TravisSimon Brandhof2016-01-311-2/+2
* Fix deployment to Artifactory by upgrading to parent 28Simon Brandhof2016-01-301-0/+1
* Reduce volume of logs on TravisSimon Brandhof2016-01-291-2/+0
* Enable deploy to SonarSource maven repositorySimon Brandhof2016-01-291-30/+38
* Disable analysis of external PRsSimon Brandhof2016-01-201-2/+1
* Analyze pull requests with Java 7Simon Brandhof2016-01-141-14/+10
* upgrade to node.js 4 and npm 3, fix deps versions, migrate to gulp-cssnanoStas Vilchik2015-12-281-0/+1
* Fix execution of it-plugins on travisSimon Brandhof2015-12-021-1/+1
* Use token for SonarQube analysisSimon Brandhof2015-12-021-2/+1
* Temporarily disable coverage per test during PR analysisSimon Brandhof2015-11-301-1/+1
* Analyze PR only on master mergeSimon Brandhof2015-11-301-1/+1
* Analyze naming convention to travis.sh env variable GITHUB_TOKENSimon Brandhof2015-11-301-4/+4
* Fix logs of Travis CISimon Brandhof2015-11-241-2/+2
* Improve travis.shSimon Brandhof2015-11-241-38/+49
* Fix analysis mode of pull request analysis on TravisSimon Brandhof2015-11-051-1/+1
* Fix env variables of pull request analysis on TravisSimon Brandhof2015-11-051-3/+3
* Add comments to Travis PR analysisSimon Brandhof2015-11-051-8/+11
* Revert "send coverage report to coveralls"Stas Vilchik2015-11-021-3/+1
* Merge pull request #609 from SonarSource/feature/coverallsStas Vilchik2015-11-021-1/+3
| * send coverage report to coverallsStas Vilchik2015-09-301-1/+3
* | Remove build of orchestratorSimon Brandhof2015-10-271-2/+0
* | SONAR-6942 Reorganize ITsJulien Lancelot2015-10-271-6/+4
* | Switch to jdk8 in pranalysisThomas VĂ©rin2015-10-211-13/+23
* | Update pull request analysis starttomverin2015-10-211-2/+4
* | Replace groupIds org.codehaus by org.sonarsourceSimon Brandhof2015-10-091-1/+2
* use nvm to install node.js 4, add mocha testsStas Vilchik2015-09-301-7/+2
* Fix Disabling of IT category "plugins" on pull requestsSimon Brandhof2015-09-291-1/+1
* Use a single thread because NetworkUtils.freePort()David Gageot2015-09-111-1/+1
* Use latest travis-utilsDavid Gageot2015-09-111-1/+1
* Cleanup travis scriptDavid Gageot2015-09-101-7/+5
* Group itsDavid Gageot2015-09-021-2/+7
* Ignore IT plugins for all PRsDavid Gageot2015-08-271-3/+7
* Upgrade to travis-utils v16Simon Brandhof2015-07-311-1/+1
* Simplify Travis env for integration testsSimon Brandhof2015-07-271-32/+2
* Update travis-utils to v15David Gageot2015-07-241-10/+7
* Add measure and ui IT configuration in travisJulien Lancelot2015-07-241-0/+10
* Update to orchestrator 3.3David Gageot2015-07-241-6/+3
* Revert "Do not redirect surefire logs to file"Simon Brandhof2015-07-231-5/+5
* Do not redirect surefire logs to fileSimon Brandhof2015-07-231-5/+5
* Use latest version of travis-utilsDavid Gageot2015-07-221-1/+1
* Configure plugin ITs (aka it-platform)David Gageot2015-07-221-26/+22
* Add integration tests for manual and common rulesSimon Brandhof2015-07-211-1/+10
* Show the maven command being usedDavid Gageot2015-07-131-3/+12
* Use latest version of travis-utilsDavid Gageot2015-07-131-1/+2
* Revert "Use latest travis-utils"David Gageot2015-07-131-1/+1
* Use latest travis-utilsDavid Gageot2015-07-131-1/+1
* Fix travis.sh scriptDavid Gageot2015-07-091-1/+2
* Fix travis.sh scriptDavid Gageot2015-07-091-2/+2
* Use latest travis-utilsDavid Gageot2015-07-091-54/+2
* Fix travis.sh to execute db tests on mysql and postgresSimon Brandhof2015-07-081-2/+53