diff options
authorUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <ulima.ums@googlemail.com>2018-11-12 12:00:03 +0100
committerUlrich-Matthias Schäfer <ulima.ums@googlemail.com>2018-11-12 13:01:01 +0100
commit6ea72cae2c761848b7db2c9457fd41c62d0336d6 (patch)
parentc108c060152add00cac72a4911f6e998ffb4eb83 (diff)
make List return new lists on method calls, add map to array polyfill so that this works, fix runner
8 files changed, 1643 insertions, 1568 deletions
diff --git a/dist/svg.js b/dist/svg.js
index 670b1fd..d7dfcd1 100644
--- a/dist/svg.js
+++ b/dist/svg.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
* @copyright Wout Fierens <wout@mick-wout.com>
* @license MIT
-* BUILT: Mon Nov 12 2018 12:58:46 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
+* BUILT: Mon Nov 12 2018 13:00:40 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
var SVG = (function () {
'use strict';
@@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
var subClassArray = function () {
try {
// try es6 subclassing
- return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', ['baseClass = baseClass || Array', 'return {', '[name]: class extends baseClass {', 'constructor (...args) {', 'super(...args)', '_constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)', '}', '}', '}[name]'].join('\n'));
+ return Function('name', 'baseClass', '_constructor', ['baseClass = baseClass || Array', 'return {', ' [name]: class extends baseClass {', ' constructor (...args) {', ' super(...args)', ' _constructor && _constructor.apply(this, args)', ' }', ' }', '}[name]'].join('\n'));
} catch (e) {
// Use es5 approach
return function (name) {
@@ -1237,6 +1237,13 @@ var SVG = (function () {
Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype);
Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr;
+ Arr.prototype.map = function (fn) {
+ var arr = new Arr();
+ arr.push.apply(arr, Array.prototype.map.call(this, fn));
+ return arr;
+ };
return Arr;
@@ -1247,6 +1254,8 @@ var SVG = (function () {
extend(SVGArray, {
init: function init(arr) {
+ // This catches the case, that native map tries to create an array with new Array(1)
+ if (typeof arr === 'number') return this;
this.length = 0;
this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(this.parse(arr)));
return this;
@@ -2729,6 +2738,1179 @@ var SVG = (function () {
+ var sugar = {
+ stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
+ fill: ['color', 'opacity', 'rule'],
+ prefix: function prefix(t, a) {
+ return a === 'color' ? t : t + '-' + a;
+ } // Add sugar for fill and stroke
+ };
+ ['fill', 'stroke'].forEach(function (m) {
+ var extension = {};
+ var i;
+ extension[m] = function (o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'undefined') {
+ return this.attr(m);
+ }
+ if (typeof o === 'string' || Color.isRgb(o) || o instanceof Element) {
+ this.attr(m, o);
+ } else {
+ // set all attributes from sugar.fill and sugar.stroke list
+ for (i = sugar[m].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (o[sugar[m][i]] != null) {
+ this.attr(sugar.prefix(m, sugar[m][i]), o[sugar[m][i]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ registerMethods(['Shape', 'Runner'], extension);
+ });
+ registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
+ // Let the user set the matrix directly
+ matrix: function matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ // Act as a getter
+ if (mat == null) {
+ return new Matrix(this);
+ } // Act as a setter, the user can pass a matrix or a set of numbers
+ return this.attr('transform', new Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f));
+ },
+ // Map rotation to transform
+ rotate: function rotate(angle, cx, cy) {
+ return this.transform({
+ rotate: angle,
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map skew to transform
+ skew: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
+ skew: x,
+ ox: y,
+ oy: cx
+ }, true) : this.transform({
+ skew: [x, y],
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ shear: function shear(lam, cx, cy) {
+ return this.transform({
+ shear: lam,
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map scale to transform
+ scale: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
+ return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
+ scale: x,
+ ox: y,
+ oy: cx
+ }, true) : this.transform({
+ scale: [x, y],
+ ox: cx,
+ oy: cy
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map translate to transform
+ translate: function translate(x, y) {
+ return this.transform({
+ translate: [x, y]
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map relative translations to transform
+ relative: function relative(x, y) {
+ return this.transform({
+ relative: [x, y]
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Map flip to transform
+ flip: function flip(direction, around) {
+ var directionString = typeof direction === 'string' ? direction : isFinite(direction) ? 'both' : 'both';
+ var origin = direction === 'both' && isFinite(around) ? [around, around] : direction === 'x' ? [around, 0] : direction === 'y' ? [0, around] : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction] : [0, 0];
+ this.transform({
+ flip: directionString,
+ origin: origin
+ }, true);
+ },
+ // Opacity
+ opacity: function opacity(value) {
+ return this.attr('opacity', value);
+ },
+ // Relative move over x and y axes
+ dmove: function dmove(x, y) {
+ return this.dx(x).dy(y);
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('Element', {
+ // Relative move over x axis
+ dx: function dx(x) {
+ return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this.x()));
+ },
+ // Relative move over y axis
+ dy: function dy(y) {
+ return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this.y()));
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('radius', {
+ // Add x and y radius
+ radius: function radius(x, y) {
+ var type = (this._element || this).type;
+ return type === 'radialGradient' || type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr('r', new SVGNumber(x)) : this.rx(x).ry(y == null ? x : y);
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('Path', {
+ // Get path length
+ length: function length() {
+ return this.node.getTotalLength();
+ },
+ // Get point at length
+ pointAt: function pointAt(length) {
+ return new Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length));
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
+ // Set font
+ font: function font(a, v) {
+ if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
+ for (v in a) {
+ this.font(v, a[v]);
+ }
+ }
+ return a === 'leading' ? this.leading(v) : a === 'anchor' ? this.attr('text-anchor', v) : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style' ? this.attr('font-' + a, v) : this.attr(a, v);
+ }
+ });
+ registerMethods('Text', {
+ ax: function ax(x) {
+ return this.attr('x', x);
+ },
+ ay: function ay(y) {
+ return this.attr('y', y);
+ },
+ amove: function amove(x, y) {
+ return this.ax(x).ay(y);
+ }
+ }); // Add events to elements
+ var methods$1 = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].reduce(function (last, event) {
+ // add event to Element
+ var fn = function fn(f) {
+ if (f === null) {
+ off(this, event);
+ } else {
+ on(this, event, f);
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ last[event] = fn;
+ return last;
+ }, {});
+ registerMethods('Element', methods$1);
+ function untransform() {
+ return this.attr('transform', null);
+ } // merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
+ function matrixify() {
+ var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || ''). // split transformations
+ split(transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
+ // generate key => value pairs
+ var kv = str.trim().split('(');
+ return [kv[0], kv[1].split(delimiter).map(function (str) {
+ return parseFloat(str);
+ })];
+ }).reverse() // merge every transformation into one matrix
+ .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
+ if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
+ return matrix.lmultiply(Matrix.fromArray(transform[1]));
+ }
+ return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1]);
+ }, new Matrix());
+ return matrix;
+ } // add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
+ function toParent(parent) {
+ if (this === parent) return this;
+ var ctm = this.screenCTM();
+ var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse();
+ this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm));
+ return this;
+ } // same as above with parent equals root-svg
+ function toDoc() {
+ return this.toParent(this.doc());
+ } // Add transformations
+ function transform(o, relative) {
+ // Act as a getter if no object was passed
+ if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
+ var decomposed = new Matrix(this).decompose();
+ return decomposed[o] || decomposed;
+ }
+ if (!Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
+ // Set the origin according to the defined transform
+ o = _objectSpread({}, o, {
+ origin: getOrigin(o, this)
+ });
+ } // The user can pass a boolean, an Element or an Matrix or nothing
+ var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : relative || false;
+ var result = new Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o);
+ return this.attr('transform', result);
+ }
+ registerMethods('Element', {
+ untransform: untransform,
+ matrixify: matrixify,
+ toParent: toParent,
+ toDoc: toDoc,
+ transform: transform
+ });
+ function isNulledBox(box) {
+ return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y;
+ }
+ function domContains(node) {
+ return (globals.document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
+ // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
+ while (node.parentNode) {
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return node === document;
+ }).call(globals.document.documentElement, node);
+ }
+ var Box =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Box() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Box);
+ this.init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ _createClass(Box, [{
+ key: "init",
+ value: function init(source) {
+ var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
+ source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, source.top != null ? source.top : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [].slice.call(arguments) : base;
+ this.x = source[0] || 0;
+ this.y = source[1] || 0;
+ this.width = this.w = source[2] || 0;
+ this.height = this.h = source[3] || 0; // Add more bounding box properties
+ this.x2 = this.x + this.w;
+ this.y2 = this.y + this.h;
+ this.cx = this.x + this.w / 2;
+ this.cy = this.y + this.h / 2;
+ return this;
+ } // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
+ }, {
+ key: "merge",
+ value: function merge(box) {
+ var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
+ var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
+ var width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x;
+ var height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y;
+ return new Box(x, y, width, height);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "transform",
+ value: function transform(m) {
+ var xMin = Infinity;
+ var xMax = -Infinity;
+ var yMin = Infinity;
+ var yMax = -Infinity;
+ var pts = [new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(this.x2, this.y), new Point(this.x, this.y2), new Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
+ pts.forEach(function (p) {
+ p = p.transform(m);
+ xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
+ xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
+ yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
+ yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
+ });
+ return new Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "addOffset",
+ value: function addOffset() {
+ // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
+ this.x += globals.window.pageXOffset;
+ this.y += globals.window.pageYOffset;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "toArray",
+ value: function toArray() {
+ return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "isNulled",
+ value: function isNulled() {
+ return isNulledBox(this);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Box;
+ }();
+ function getBox(cb) {
+ var box;
+ try {
+ box = cb(this.node);
+ if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
+ throw new Error('Element not in the dom');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ try {
+ var clone = this.clone().addTo(parser().svg).show();
+ box = cb(clone.node);
+ clone.remove();
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw new Error('Getting a bounding box of element "' + this.node.nodeName + '" is not possible');
+ }
+ }
+ return box;
+ }
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Get bounding box
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ return new Box(getBox.call(this, function (node) {
+ return node.getBBox();
+ }));
+ },
+ rbox: function rbox(el) {
+ var box = new Box(getBox.call(this, function (node) {
+ return node.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }));
+ if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
+ return box.addOffset();
+ }
+ },
+ viewbox: {
+ viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
+ // act as getter
+ if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
+ return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ function rx(rx) {
+ return this.attr('rx', rx);
+ } // Radius y value
+ function ry(ry) {
+ return this.attr('ry', ry);
+ } // Move over x-axis
+ function x(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.cx() - this.rx() : this.cx(x + this.rx());
+ } // Move over y-axis
+ function y(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.cy() - this.ry() : this.cy(y + this.ry());
+ } // Move by center over x-axis
+ function cx(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.attr('cx') : this.attr('cx', x);
+ } // Move by center over y-axis
+ function cy(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.attr('cy') : this.attr('cy', y);
+ } // Set width of element
+ function width(width) {
+ return width == null ? this.rx() * 2 : this.rx(new SVGNumber(width).divide(2));
+ } // Set height of element
+ function height(height) {
+ return height == null ? this.ry() * 2 : this.ry(new SVGNumber(height).divide(2));
+ }
+ var circled = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ rx: rx,
+ ry: ry,
+ x: x,
+ y: y,
+ cx: cx,
+ cy: cy,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ });
+ var Shape =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Shape, _Element);
+ function Shape() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Shape);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Shape).apply(this, arguments));
+ }
+ return Shape;
+ }(Element);
+ register(Shape);
+ var Circle =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Circle, _Shape);
+ function Circle(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Circle);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Circle).call(this, nodeOrNew('circle', node), node));
+ }
+ _createClass(Circle, [{
+ key: "radius",
+ value: function radius(r) {
+ return this.attr('r', r);
+ } // Radius x value
+ }, {
+ key: "rx",
+ value: function rx$$1(_rx) {
+ return this.attr('r', _rx);
+ } // Alias radius x value
+ }, {
+ key: "ry",
+ value: function ry$$1(_ry) {
+ return this.rx(_ry);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(_size) {
+ return this.radius(new SVGNumber(_size).divide(2));
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Circle;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Circle, {
+ x: x,
+ y: y,
+ cx: cx,
+ cy: cy,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ });
+ registerMethods({
+ Element: {
+ // Create circle element
+ circle: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (size) {
+ return this.put(new Circle()).size(size).move(0, 0);
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Circle);
+ var Ellipse =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Ellipse, _Shape);
+ function Ellipse(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Ellipse);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ellipse).call(this, nodeOrNew('ellipse', node), node));
+ }
+ _createClass(Ellipse, [{
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width$$1, height$$1) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width$$1, height$$1);
+ return this.rx(new SVGNumber(p.width).divide(2)).ry(new SVGNumber(p.height).divide(2));
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Ellipse;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Ellipse, circled);
+ registerMethods('Container', {
+ // Create an ellipse
+ ellipse: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width$$1, height$$1) {
+ return this.put(new Ellipse()).size(width$$1, height$$1).move(0, 0);
+ })
+ });
+ register(Ellipse);
+ var Stop =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Element) {
+ _inherits(Stop, _Element);
+ function Stop(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Stop);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Stop).call(this, nodeOrNew('stop', node), node));
+ } // add color stops
+ _createClass(Stop, [{
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(o) {
+ if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVGNumber) {
+ o = {
+ offset: arguments[0],
+ color: arguments[1],
+ opacity: arguments[2]
+ };
+ } // set attributes
+ if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
+ if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
+ if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVGNumber(o.offset));
+ return this;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Stop;
+ }(Element);
+ register(Stop);
+ function baseFind(query, parent) {
+ return map((parent || globals.document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
+ return adopt(node);
+ });
+ } // Scoped find method
+ function find(query) {
+ return baseFind(query, this.node);
+ }
+ registerMethods('Dom', {
+ find: find
+ });
+ function from(x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
+ fx: new SVGNumber(x),
+ fy: new SVGNumber(y)
+ }) : this.attr({
+ x1: new SVGNumber(x),
+ y1: new SVGNumber(y)
+ });
+ }
+ function to(x, y) {
+ return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
+ cx: new SVGNumber(x),
+ cy: new SVGNumber(y)
+ }) : this.attr({
+ x2: new SVGNumber(x),
+ y2: new SVGNumber(y)
+ });
+ }
+ var gradiented = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ from: from,
+ to: to
+ });
+ var Gradient =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Gradient, _Container);
+ function Gradient(type, attrs) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Gradient);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Gradient).call(this, nodeOrNew(type + 'Gradient', typeof type === 'string' ? null : type), attrs));
+ } // Add a color stop
+ _createClass(Gradient, [{
+ key: "stop",
+ value: function stop(offset, color, opacity) {
+ return this.put(new Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity);
+ } // Update gradient
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove all stops
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+ block.call(this, this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Return the fill id
+ }, {
+ key: "url",
+ value: function url() {
+ return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
+ } // Alias string convertion to fill
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.url();
+ } // custom attr to handle transform
+ }, {
+ key: "attr",
+ value: function attr(a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform';
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Gradient.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + this.id() + '"]');
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "bbox",
+ value: function bbox() {
+ return new Box();
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Gradient;
+ }(Container);
+ extend(Gradient, gradiented);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create gradient element in defs
+ gradient: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (type, block) {
+ return this.defs().gradient(type, block);
+ })
+ },
+ // define gradient
+ Defs: {
+ gradient: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (type, block) {
+ return this.put(new Gradient(type)).update(block);
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Gradient);
+ var Pattern =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Pattern, _Container);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Pattern(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Pattern);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Pattern).call(this, nodeOrNew('pattern', node), node));
+ } // Return the fill id
+ _createClass(Pattern, [{
+ key: "url",
+ value: function url() {
+ return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
+ } // Update pattern by rebuilding
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove content
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+ block.call(this, this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Alias string convertion to fill
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return this.url();
+ } // custom attr to handle transform
+ }, {
+ key: "attr",
+ value: function attr(a, b, c) {
+ if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform';
+ return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Pattern.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + this.id() + '"]');
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "bbox",
+ value: function bbox() {
+ return new Box();
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Pattern;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create pattern element in defs
+ pattern: function pattern() {
+ var _this$defs;
+ return (_this$defs = this.defs()).pattern.apply(_this$defs, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ Defs: {
+ pattern: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width, height, block) {
+ return this.put(new Pattern()).update(block).attr({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ width: width,
+ height: height,
+ patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
+ });
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Pattern);
+ var Image =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Image, _Shape);
+ function Image(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Image);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Image).call(this, nodeOrNew('image', node), node));
+ } // (re)load image
+ _createClass(Image, [{
+ key: "load",
+ value: function load(url, callback) {
+ if (!url) return this;
+ var img = new globals.window.Image();
+ on(img, 'load', function (e) {
+ var p = this.parent(Pattern); // ensure image size
+ if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
+ this.size(img.width, img.height);
+ }
+ if (p instanceof Pattern) {
+ // ensure pattern size if not set
+ if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
+ p.size(this.width(), this.height());
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof callback === 'function') {
+ callback.call(this, {
+ width: img.width,
+ height: img.height,
+ ratio: img.width / img.height,
+ url: url
+ });
+ }
+ }, this);
+ on(img, 'load error', function () {
+ // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
+ off(img);
+ });
+ return this.attr('href', img.src = url, xlink);
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Image;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerAttrHook(function (attr$$1, val, _this) {
+ // convert image fill and stroke to patterns
+ if (attr$$1 === 'fill' || attr$$1 === 'stroke') {
+ if (isImage.test(val)) {
+ val = _this.doc().defs().image(val);
+ }
+ }
+ if (val instanceof Image) {
+ val = _this.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, function (pattern) {
+ pattern.add(val);
+ });
+ }
+ return val;
+ });
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // create image element, load image and set its size
+ image: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (source, callback) {
+ return this.put(new Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback);
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Image);
+ var PointArray = subClassArray('PointArray', SVGArray);
+ extend(PointArray, {
+ // Convert array to string
+ toString: function toString() {
+ // convert to a poly point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push(this[i].join(','));
+ }
+ return array.join(' ');
+ },
+ // Convert array to line object
+ toLine: function toLine() {
+ return {
+ x1: this[0][0],
+ y1: this[0][1],
+ x2: this[1][0],
+ y2: this[1][1]
+ };
+ },
+ // Get morphed array at given position
+ at: function at(pos) {
+ // make sure a destination is defined
+ if (!this.destination) return this; // generate morphed point string
+ for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
+ array.push([this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos, this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos]);
+ }
+ return new PointArray(array);
+ },
+ // Parse point string and flat array
+ parse: function parse() {
+ var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [[0, 0]];
+ var points = []; // if it is an array
+ if (array instanceof Array) {
+ // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
+ if (array[0] instanceof Array) {
+ return array;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Else, it is considered as a string
+ // parse points
+ array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
+ } // validate points - https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/shapes.html#DataTypePoints
+ // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
+ if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop(); // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
+ for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
+ points.push([array[i], array[i + 1]]);
+ }
+ return points;
+ },
+ // Move point string
+ move: function move(x, y) {
+ var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
+ x -= box.x;
+ y -= box.y; // move every point
+ if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
+ for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y];
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Resize poly string
+ size: function size(width, height) {
+ var i;
+ var box = this.bbox(); // recalculate position of all points according to new size
+ for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (box.width) this[i][0] = (this[i][0] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
+ if (box.height) this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // Get bounding box of points
+ bbox: function bbox() {
+ var maxX = -Infinity;
+ var maxY = -Infinity;
+ var minX = Infinity;
+ var minY = Infinity;
+ this.forEach(function (el) {
+ maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX);
+ maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY);
+ minX = Math.min(el[0], minX);
+ minY = Math.min(el[1], minY);
+ });
+ return {
+ x: minX,
+ y: minY,
+ width: maxX - minX,
+ height: maxY - minY
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ var MorphArray = PointArray; // Move by left top corner over x-axis
+ function x$1(x) {
+ return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y);
+ } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
+ function y$1(y) {
+ return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y);
+ } // Set width of element
+ function width$1(width) {
+ var b = this.bbox();
+ return width == null ? b.width : this.size(width, b.height);
+ } // Set height of element
+ function height$1(height) {
+ var b = this.bbox();
+ return height == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, height);
+ }
+ var pointed = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ MorphArray: MorphArray,
+ x: x$1,
+ y: y$1,
+ width: width$1,
+ height: height$1
+ });
+ var Line =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Line, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Line(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Line);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Line).call(this, nodeOrNew('line', node), node));
+ } // Get array
+ _createClass(Line, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ return new PointArray([[this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1')], [this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2')]]);
+ } // Overwrite native plot() method
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ if (x1 == null) {
+ return this.array();
+ } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
+ x1 = {
+ x1: x1,
+ y1: y1,
+ x2: x2,
+ y2: y2
+ };
+ } else {
+ x1 = new PointArray(x1).toLine();
+ }
+ return this.attr(x1);
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine());
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine());
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Line;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Line, pointed);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a line element
+ line: wrapWithAttrCheck(function () {
+ for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+ args[_key] = arguments[_key];
+ }
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a PointArray
+ return Line.prototype.plot.apply(this.put(new Line()), args[0] != null ? args : [0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Line);
+ var List = subClassArray('List', Array, function () {
+ var arr = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [];
+ // This catches the case, that native map tries to create an array with new Array(1)
+ if (typeof arr === 'number') return this;
+ this.length = 0;
+ this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(arr));
+ });
+ extend(List, {
+ each: function each(fnOrMethodName) {
+ for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
+ args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
+ }
+ if (typeof fnOrMethodName === 'function') {
+ this.forEach(function (el) {
+ fnOrMethodName.call(el, el);
+ });
+ } else {
+ return this.map(function (el) {
+ return el[fnOrMethodName].apply(el, args);
+ }); // this.forEach((el) => {
+ // el[fnOrMethodName](...args)
+ // })
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ toArray: function toArray() {
+ return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this);
+ }
+ });
+ List.extend = function (methods) {
+ methods = methods.reduce(function (obj, name) {
+ obj[name] = function () {
+ for (var _len2 = arguments.length, attrs = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
+ attrs[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
+ }
+ return this.each.apply(this, [name].concat(attrs));
+ };
+ return obj;
+ }, {});
+ extend(List, methods);
+ };
+ var Marker =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Container) {
+ _inherits(Marker, _Container);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Marker(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Marker);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Marker).call(this, nodeOrNew('marker', node), node));
+ } // Set width of element
+ _createClass(Marker, [{
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return this.attr('markerWidth', _width);
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return this.attr('markerHeight', _height);
+ } // Set marker refX and refY
+ }, {
+ key: "ref",
+ value: function ref(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y);
+ } // Update marker
+ }, {
+ key: "update",
+ value: function update(block) {
+ // remove all content
+ this.clear(); // invoke passed block
+ if (typeof block === 'function') {
+ block.call(this, this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ } // Return the fill id
+ }, {
+ key: "toString",
+ value: function toString() {
+ return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Marker;
+ }(Container);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ marker: function marker() {
+ var _this$defs;
+ // Create marker element in defs
+ return (_this$defs = this.defs()).marker.apply(_this$defs, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ Defs: {
+ // Create marker
+ marker: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width, height, block) {
+ // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
+ return this.put(new Marker()).size(width, height).ref(width / 2, height / 2).viewbox(0, 0, width, height).attr('orient', 'auto').update(block);
+ })
+ },
+ marker: {
+ // Create and attach markers
+ marker: function marker(_marker, width, height, block) {
+ var attr = ['marker']; // Build attribute name
+ if (_marker !== 'all') attr.push(_marker);
+ attr = attr.join('-'); // Set marker attribute
+ _marker = arguments[1] instanceof Marker ? arguments[1] : this.defs().marker(width, height, block);
+ return this.attr(attr, _marker);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ register(Marker);
Base Class
@@ -3018,369 +4200,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
d: makeSetterGetter('D')
- function from(x, y) {
- return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
- fx: new SVGNumber(x),
- fy: new SVGNumber(y)
- }) : this.attr({
- x1: new SVGNumber(x),
- y1: new SVGNumber(y)
- });
- }
- function to(x, y) {
- return (this._element || this).type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr({
- cx: new SVGNumber(x),
- cy: new SVGNumber(y)
- }) : this.attr({
- x2: new SVGNumber(x),
- y2: new SVGNumber(y)
- });
- }
- var gradiented = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- from: from,
- to: to
- });
- function rx(rx) {
- return this.attr('rx', rx);
- } // Radius y value
- function ry(ry) {
- return this.attr('ry', ry);
- } // Move over x-axis
- function x(x) {
- return x == null ? this.cx() - this.rx() : this.cx(x + this.rx());
- } // Move over y-axis
- function y(y) {
- return y == null ? this.cy() - this.ry() : this.cy(y + this.ry());
- } // Move by center over x-axis
- function cx(x) {
- return x == null ? this.attr('cx') : this.attr('cx', x);
- } // Move by center over y-axis
- function cy(y) {
- return y == null ? this.attr('cy') : this.attr('cy', y);
- } // Set width of element
- function width(width) {
- return width == null ? this.rx() * 2 : this.rx(new SVGNumber(width).divide(2));
- } // Set height of element
- function height(height) {
- return height == null ? this.ry() * 2 : this.ry(new SVGNumber(height).divide(2));
- }
- var circled = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- rx: rx,
- ry: ry,
- x: x,
- y: y,
- cx: cx,
- cy: cy,
- width: width,
- height: height
- });
- var Queue =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- function Queue() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Queue);
- this._first = null;
- this._last = null;
- }
- _createClass(Queue, [{
- key: "push",
- value: function push(value) {
- // An item stores an id and the provided value
- var item = value.next ? value : {
- value: value,
- next: null,
- prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
- };
- if (this._last) {
- item.prev = this._last;
- this._last.next = item;
- this._last = item;
- } else {
- this._last = item;
- this._first = item;
- } // Update the length and return the current item
- return item;
- }
- }, {
- key: "shift",
- value: function shift() {
- // Check if we have a value
- var remove = this._first;
- if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
- this._first = remove.next;
- if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
- this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
- return remove.value;
- } // Shows us the first item in the list
- }, {
- key: "first",
- value: function first() {
- return this._first && this._first.value;
- } // Shows us the last item in the list
- }, {
- key: "last",
- value: function last() {
- return this._last && this._last.value;
- } // Removes the item that was returned from the push
- }, {
- key: "remove",
- value: function remove(item) {
- // Relink the previous item
- if (item.prev) item.prev.next = item.next;
- if (item.next) item.next.prev = item.prev;
- if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
- if (item === this._first) this._first = item.next; // Invalidate item
- item.prev = null;
- item.next = null;
- }
- }]);
- return Queue;
- }();
- var Animator = {
- nextDraw: null,
- frames: new Queue(),
- timeouts: new Queue(),
- timer: globals.window.performance || globals.window.Date,
- transforms: [],
- frame: function frame(fn) {
- // Store the node
- var node = Animator.frames.push({
- run: fn
- }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
- if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- Animator.nextDraw = globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
- } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
- return node;
- },
- transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
- Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
- },
- timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
- delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
- var time = Animator.timer.now() + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
- var node = Animator.timeouts.push({
- run: fn,
- time: time
- }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
- if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
- Animator.nextDraw = globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
- }
- return node;
- },
- cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
- Animator.frames.remove(node);
- },
- clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
- Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
- },
- _draw: function _draw(now) {
- // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
- // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
- var nextTimeout = null;
- var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last();
- while (nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
- // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
- if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
- nextTimeout.run();
- } else {
- Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
- } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
- if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
- } // Run all of the animation frames
- var nextFrame = null;
- var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last();
- while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
- nextFrame.run();
- }
- Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
- el();
- }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
- Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first() ? globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw) : null;
- }
- };
- function isNulledBox(box) {
- return !box.w && !box.h && !box.x && !box.y;
- }
- function domContains(node) {
- return (globals.document.documentElement.contains || function (node) {
- // This is IE - it does not support contains() for top-level SVGs
- while (node.parentNode) {
- node = node.parentNode;
- }
- return node === document;
- }).call(globals.document.documentElement, node);
- }
- var Box =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function () {
- function Box() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Box);
- this.init.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- _createClass(Box, [{
- key: "init",
- value: function init(source) {
- var base = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- source = typeof source === 'string' ? source.split(delimiter).map(parseFloat) : Array.isArray(source) ? source : _typeof(source) === 'object' ? [source.left != null ? source.left : source.x, source.top != null ? source.top : source.y, source.width, source.height] : arguments.length === 4 ? [].slice.call(arguments) : base;
- this.x = source[0] || 0;
- this.y = source[1] || 0;
- this.width = this.w = source[2] || 0;
- this.height = this.h = source[3] || 0; // Add more bounding box properties
- this.x2 = this.x + this.w;
- this.y2 = this.y + this.h;
- this.cx = this.x + this.w / 2;
- this.cy = this.y + this.h / 2;
- return this;
- } // Merge rect box with another, return a new instance
- }, {
- key: "merge",
- value: function merge(box) {
- var x = Math.min(this.x, box.x);
- var y = Math.min(this.y, box.y);
- var width = Math.max(this.x + this.width, box.x + box.width) - x;
- var height = Math.max(this.y + this.height, box.y + box.height) - y;
- return new Box(x, y, width, height);
- }
- }, {
- key: "transform",
- value: function transform(m) {
- var xMin = Infinity;
- var xMax = -Infinity;
- var yMin = Infinity;
- var yMax = -Infinity;
- var pts = [new Point(this.x, this.y), new Point(this.x2, this.y), new Point(this.x, this.y2), new Point(this.x2, this.y2)];
- pts.forEach(function (p) {
- p = p.transform(m);
- xMin = Math.min(xMin, p.x);
- xMax = Math.max(xMax, p.x);
- yMin = Math.min(yMin, p.y);
- yMax = Math.max(yMax, p.y);
- });
- return new Box(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
- }
- }, {
- key: "addOffset",
- value: function addOffset() {
- // offset by window scroll position, because getBoundingClientRect changes when window is scrolled
- this.x += globals.window.pageXOffset;
- this.y += globals.window.pageYOffset;
- return this;
- }
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.width + ' ' + this.height;
- }
- }, {
- key: "toArray",
- value: function toArray() {
- return [this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height];
- }
- }, {
- key: "isNulled",
- value: function isNulled() {
- return isNulledBox(this);
- }
- }]);
- return Box;
- }();
- function getBox(cb) {
- var box;
- try {
- box = cb(this.node);
- if (isNulledBox(box) && !domContains(this.node)) {
- throw new Error('Element not in the dom');
- }
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- var clone = this.clone().addTo(parser().svg).show();
- box = cb(clone.node);
- clone.remove();
- } catch (e) {
- throw new Error('Getting a bounding box of element "' + this.node.nodeName + '" is not possible');
- }
- }
- return box;
- }
- registerMethods({
- Element: {
- // Get bounding box
- bbox: function bbox() {
- return new Box(getBox.call(this, function (node) {
- return node.getBBox();
- }));
- },
- rbox: function rbox(el) {
- var box = new Box(getBox.call(this, function (node) {
- return node.getBoundingClientRect();
- }));
- if (el) return box.transform(el.screenCTM().inverse());
- return box.addOffset();
- }
- },
- viewbox: {
- viewbox: function viewbox(x, y, width, height) {
- // act as getter
- if (x == null) return new Box(this.attr('viewBox')); // act as setter
- return this.attr('viewBox', new Box(x, y, width, height));
- }
- }
- });
var PathArray = subClassArray('PathArray', SVGArray);
function pathRegReplace(a, b, c, d) {
return c + d.replace(dots, ' .');
@@ -3943,6 +4762,361 @@ var SVG = (function () {
+ var Path =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Path, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Path(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Path);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Path).call(this, nodeOrNew('path', node), node));
+ } // Get array
+ _createClass(Path, [{
+ key: "array",
+ value: function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')));
+ } // Plot new path
+ }, {
+ key: "plot",
+ value: function plot(d) {
+ return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new PathArray(d));
+ } // Clear array cache
+ }, {
+ key: "clear",
+ value: function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ }, {
+ key: "move",
+ value: function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Move by left top corner over x-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "x",
+ value: function x(_x) {
+ return _x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x, this.bbox().y);
+ } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
+ }, {
+ key: "y",
+ value: function y(_y) {
+ return _y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y);
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ }, {
+ key: "size",
+ value: function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ } // Set width of element
+ }, {
+ key: "width",
+ value: function width(_width) {
+ return _width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width, this.bbox().height);
+ } // Set height of element
+ }, {
+ key: "height",
+ value: function height(_height) {
+ return _height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height);
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "targets",
+ value: function targets() {
+ return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + this.id() + '"]');
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Path;
+ }(Shape); // Define morphable array
+ Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray; // Add parent method
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped path element
+ path: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (d) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray());
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Path);
+ function array() {
+ return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')));
+ } // Plot new path
+ function plot(p) {
+ return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new PointArray(p));
+ } // Clear array cache
+ function clear() {
+ delete this._array;
+ return this;
+ } // Move by left top corner
+ function move(x, y) {
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
+ } // Set element size to given width and height
+ function size(width, height) {
+ var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
+ return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
+ }
+ var poly = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
+ array: array,
+ plot: plot,
+ clear: clear,
+ move: move,
+ size: size
+ });
+ var Polygon =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polygon, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polygon(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polygon);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polygon).call(this, nodeOrNew('polygon', node), node));
+ }
+ return Polygon;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polygon: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ extend(Polygon, pointed);
+ extend(Polygon, poly);
+ register(Polygon);
+ var Polyline =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Polyline, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Polyline(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Polyline);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polyline).call(this, nodeOrNew('polyline', node), node));
+ }
+ return Polyline;
+ }(Shape);
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a wrapped polygon element
+ polyline: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (p) {
+ // make sure plot is called as a setter
+ return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray());
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ extend(Polyline, pointed);
+ extend(Polyline, poly);
+ register(Polyline);
+ var Rect =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function (_Shape) {
+ _inherits(Rect, _Shape);
+ // Initialize node
+ function Rect(node) {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Rect);
+ return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Rect).call(this, nodeOrNew('rect', node), node));
+ }
+ return Rect;
+ }(Shape);
+ extend(Rect, {
+ rx: rx,
+ ry: ry
+ });
+ registerMethods({
+ Container: {
+ // Create a rect element
+ rect: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width$$1, height$$1) {
+ return this.put(new Rect()).size(width$$1, height$$1);
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ register(Rect);
+ var Queue =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function Queue() {
+ _classCallCheck(this, Queue);
+ this._first = null;
+ this._last = null;
+ }
+ _createClass(Queue, [{
+ key: "push",
+ value: function push(value) {
+ // An item stores an id and the provided value
+ var item = value.next ? value : {
+ value: value,
+ next: null,
+ prev: null // Deal with the queue being empty or populated
+ };
+ if (this._last) {
+ item.prev = this._last;
+ this._last.next = item;
+ this._last = item;
+ } else {
+ this._last = item;
+ this._first = item;
+ } // Update the length and return the current item
+ return item;
+ }
+ }, {
+ key: "shift",
+ value: function shift() {
+ // Check if we have a value
+ var remove = this._first;
+ if (!remove) return null; // If we do, remove it and relink things
+ this._first = remove.next;
+ if (this._first) this._first.prev = null;
+ this._last = this._first ? this._last : null;
+ return remove.value;
+ } // Shows us the first item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "first",
+ value: function first() {
+ return this._first && this._first.value;
+ } // Shows us the last item in the list
+ }, {
+ key: "last",
+ value: function last() {
+ return this._last && this._last.value;
+ } // Removes the item that was returned from the push
+ }, {
+ key: "remove",
+ value: function remove(item) {
+ // Relink the previous item
+ if (item.prev) item.prev.next = item.next;
+ if (item.next) item.next.prev = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._last) this._last = item.prev;
+ if (item === this._first) this._first = item.next; // Invalidate item
+ item.prev = null;
+ item.next = null;
+ }
+ }]);
+ return Queue;
+ }();
+ var Animator = {
+ nextDraw: null,
+ frames: new Queue(),
+ timeouts: new Queue(),
+ timer: globals.window.performance || globals.window.Date,
+ transforms: [],
+ frame: function frame(fn) {
+ // Store the node
+ var node = Animator.frames.push({
+ run: fn
+ }); // Request an animation frame if we don't have one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ } // Return the node so we can remove it easily
+ return node;
+ },
+ transform_frame: function transform_frame(fn, id) {
+ Animator.transforms[id] = fn;
+ },
+ timeout: function timeout(fn, delay) {
+ delay = delay || 0; // Work out when the event should fire
+ var time = Animator.timer.now() + delay; // Add the timeout to the end of the queue
+ var node = Animator.timeouts.push({
+ run: fn,
+ time: time
+ }); // Request another animation frame if we need one
+ if (Animator.nextDraw === null) {
+ Animator.nextDraw = globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw);
+ }
+ return node;
+ },
+ cancelFrame: function cancelFrame(node) {
+ Animator.frames.remove(node);
+ },
+ clearTimeout: function clearTimeout(node) {
+ Animator.timeouts.remove(node);
+ },
+ _draw: function _draw(now) {
+ // Run all the timeouts we can run, if they are not ready yet, add them
+ // to the end of the queue immediately! (bad timeouts!!! [sarcasm])
+ var nextTimeout = null;
+ var lastTimeout = Animator.timeouts.last();
+ while (nextTimeout = Animator.timeouts.shift()) {
+ // Run the timeout if its time, or push it to the end
+ if (now >= nextTimeout.time) {
+ nextTimeout.run();
+ } else {
+ Animator.timeouts.push(nextTimeout);
+ } // If we hit the last item, we should stop shifting out more items
+ if (nextTimeout === lastTimeout) break;
+ } // Run all of the animation frames
+ var nextFrame = null;
+ var lastFrame = Animator.frames.last();
+ while (nextFrame !== lastFrame && (nextFrame = Animator.frames.shift())) {
+ nextFrame.run();
+ }
+ Animator.transforms.forEach(function (el) {
+ el();
+ }); // If we have remaining timeouts or frames, draw until we don't anymore
+ Animator.nextDraw = Animator.timeouts.first() || Animator.frames.first() ? globals.window.requestAnimationFrame(Animator._draw) : null;
+ }
+ };
var time = globals.window.performance || Date;
var makeSchedule = function makeSchedule(runnerInfo) {
@@ -4369,10 +5543,11 @@ var SVG = (function () {
}, {
key: "queue",
- value: function queue(initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
+ value: function queue(initFn, runFn, retargetFn, isTransform) {
initialiser: initFn || noop,
runner: runFn || noop,
+ retarget: retargetFn,
isTransform: isTransform,
initialised: false,
finished: false
@@ -4586,8 +5761,8 @@ var SVG = (function () {
// which has access to the outer scope
- if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
- this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target); // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
+ if (this._history[method].caller.retarget) {
+ this._history[method].caller.retarget(target); // for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
} else {
@@ -4652,6 +5827,16 @@ var SVG = (function () {
value: function clearTransform() {
this.transforms = new Matrix();
return this;
+ } // TODO: Keep track of all transformations so that deletion is faster
+ }, {
+ key: "clearTransformsFromQueue",
+ value: function clearTransformsFromQueue() {
+ if (!this.done) {
+ this._queue = this._queue.filter(function (item) {
+ return !item.isTransform;
+ });
+ }
}], [{
key: "sanitise",
@@ -4688,17 +5873,28 @@ var SVG = (function () {
Runner.id = 0;
- var FakeRunner = function FakeRunner() {
- var transforms = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Matrix();
- var id = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1;
- var done = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
+ var FakeRunner =
+ /*#__PURE__*/
+ function () {
+ function FakeRunner() {
+ var transforms = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : new Matrix();
+ var id = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : -1;
+ var done = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : true;
- _classCallCheck(this, FakeRunner);
+ _classCallCheck(this, FakeRunner);
- this.transforms = transforms;
- this.id = id;
- this.done = done;
- };
+ this.transforms = transforms;
+ this.id = id;
+ this.done = done;
+ }
+ _createClass(FakeRunner, [{
+ key: "clearTransformsFromQueue",
+ value: function clearTransformsFromQueue() {}
+ }]);
+ return FakeRunner;
+ }();
extend([Runner, FakeRunner], {
mergeWith: function mergeWith(runner) {
@@ -4799,7 +5995,9 @@ var SVG = (function () {
value: function clearBefore(id) {
var deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1;
this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0);
- this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner());
+ this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner()).forEach(function (r) {
+ return r.clearTransformsFromQueue();
+ });
return this;
@@ -4992,7 +6190,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
- this.queue(setup, run, retarget);
+ this.queue(setup, run, retarget, true);
this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher);
return this;
@@ -5005,24 +6203,27 @@ var SVG = (function () {
return this._queueNumber('y', _y);
dx: function dx(x$$1) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x$$1);
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('x', x$$1);
dy: function dy(y$$1) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y$$1);
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('y', y$$1);
_queueNumberDelta: function _queueNumberDelta(method, to$$1) {
to$$1 = new SVGNumber(to$$1); // Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to$$1)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
+ if (this._tryRetarget(method, to$$1)) return this; // Make a morpher and queue the animation
var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to$$1);
+ var from$$1 = null;
this.queue(function () {
- var from$$1 = this.element()[method]();
+ from$$1 = this.element()[method]();
morpher.to(from$$1 + to$$1);
}, function (pos) {
return morpher.done();
+ }, function (newTo) {
+ morpher.to(from$$1 + new SVGNumber(newTo));
}); // Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
this._rememberMorpher(method, morpher);
@@ -5137,1164 +6338,6 @@ var SVG = (function () {
to: to
- var sugar = {
- stroke: ['color', 'width', 'opacity', 'linecap', 'linejoin', 'miterlimit', 'dasharray', 'dashoffset'],
- fill: ['color', 'opacity', 'rule'],
- prefix: function prefix(t, a) {
- return a === 'color' ? t : t + '-' + a;
- } // Add sugar for fill and stroke
- };
- ['fill', 'stroke'].forEach(function (m) {
- var extension = {};
- var i;
- extension[m] = function (o) {
- if (typeof o === 'undefined') {
- return this.attr(m);
- }
- if (typeof o === 'string' || Color.isRgb(o) || o instanceof Element) {
- this.attr(m, o);
- } else {
- // set all attributes from sugar.fill and sugar.stroke list
- for (i = sugar[m].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (o[sugar[m][i]] != null) {
- this.attr(sugar.prefix(m, sugar[m][i]), o[sugar[m][i]]);
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- };
- registerMethods(['Shape', 'Runner'], extension);
- });
- registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
- // Let the user set the matrix directly
- matrix: function matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f) {
- // Act as a getter
- if (mat == null) {
- return new Matrix(this);
- } // Act as a setter, the user can pass a matrix or a set of numbers
- return this.attr('transform', new Matrix(mat, b, c, d, e, f));
- },
- // Map rotation to transform
- rotate: function rotate(angle, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({
- rotate: angle,
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map skew to transform
- skew: function skew(x, y, cx, cy) {
- return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
- skew: x,
- ox: y,
- oy: cx
- }, true) : this.transform({
- skew: [x, y],
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- shear: function shear(lam, cx, cy) {
- return this.transform({
- shear: lam,
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map scale to transform
- scale: function scale(x, y, cx, cy) {
- return arguments.length === 1 || arguments.length === 3 ? this.transform({
- scale: x,
- ox: y,
- oy: cx
- }, true) : this.transform({
- scale: [x, y],
- ox: cx,
- oy: cy
- }, true);
- },
- // Map translate to transform
- translate: function translate(x, y) {
- return this.transform({
- translate: [x, y]
- }, true);
- },
- // Map relative translations to transform
- relative: function relative(x, y) {
- return this.transform({
- relative: [x, y]
- }, true);
- },
- // Map flip to transform
- flip: function flip(direction, around) {
- var directionString = typeof direction === 'string' ? direction : isFinite(direction) ? 'both' : 'both';
- var origin = direction === 'both' && isFinite(around) ? [around, around] : direction === 'x' ? [around, 0] : direction === 'y' ? [0, around] : isFinite(direction) ? [direction, direction] : [0, 0];
- this.transform({
- flip: directionString,
- origin: origin
- }, true);
- },
- // Opacity
- opacity: function opacity(value) {
- return this.attr('opacity', value);
- },
- // Relative move over x axis
- dx: function dx(x) {
- return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.x()), true);
- },
- // Relative move over y axis
- dy: function dy(y) {
- return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.y()), true);
- },
- // Relative move over x and y axes
- dmove: function dmove(x, y) {
- return this.dx(x).dy(y);
- }
- });
- registerMethods('radius', {
- // Add x and y radius
- radius: function radius(x, y) {
- var type = (this._element || this).type;
- return type === 'radialGradient' || type === 'radialGradient' ? this.attr('r', new SVGNumber(x)) : this.rx(x).ry(y == null ? x : y);
- }
- });
- registerMethods('Path', {
- // Get path length
- length: function length() {
- return this.node.getTotalLength();
- },
- // Get point at length
- pointAt: function pointAt(length) {
- return new Point(this.node.getPointAtLength(length));
- }
- });
- registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
- // Set font
- font: function font(a, v) {
- if (_typeof(a) === 'object') {
- for (v in a) {
- this.font(v, a[v]);
- }
- }
- return a === 'leading' ? this.leading(v) : a === 'anchor' ? this.attr('text-anchor', v) : a === 'size' || a === 'family' || a === 'weight' || a === 'stretch' || a === 'variant' || a === 'style' ? this.attr('font-' + a, v) : this.attr(a, v);
- }
- });
- registerMethods('Text', {
- ax: function ax(x) {
- return this.attr('x', x);
- },
- ay: function ay(y) {
- return this.attr('y', y);
- },
- amove: function amove(x, y) {
- return this.ax(x).ay(y);
- }
- }); // Add events to elements
- var methods$1 = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave', 'touchstart', 'touchmove', 'touchleave', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'].reduce(function (last, event) {
- // add event to Element
- var fn = function fn(f) {
- if (f === null) {
- off(this, event);
- } else {
- on(this, event, f);
- }
- return this;
- };
- last[event] = fn;
- return last;
- }, {});
- registerMethods('Element', methods$1);
- function untransform() {
- return this.attr('transform', null);
- } // merge the whole transformation chain into one matrix and returns it
- function matrixify() {
- var matrix = (this.attr('transform') || ''). // split transformations
- split(transforms).slice(0, -1).map(function (str) {
- // generate key => value pairs
- var kv = str.trim().split('(');
- return [kv[0], kv[1].split(delimiter).map(function (str) {
- return parseFloat(str);
- })];
- }).reverse() // merge every transformation into one matrix
- .reduce(function (matrix, transform) {
- if (transform[0] === 'matrix') {
- return matrix.lmultiply(Matrix.fromArray(transform[1]));
- }
- return matrix[transform[0]].apply(matrix, transform[1]);
- }, new Matrix());
- return matrix;
- } // add an element to another parent without changing the visual representation on the screen
- function toParent(parent) {
- if (this === parent) return this;
- var ctm = this.screenCTM();
- var pCtm = parent.screenCTM().inverse();
- this.addTo(parent).untransform().transform(pCtm.multiply(ctm));
- return this;
- } // same as above with parent equals root-svg
- function toDoc() {
- return this.toParent(this.doc());
- } // Add transformations
- function transform(o, relative) {
- // Act as a getter if no object was passed
- if (o == null || typeof o === 'string') {
- var decomposed = new Matrix(this).decompose();
- return decomposed[o] || decomposed;
- }
- if (!Matrix.isMatrixLike(o)) {
- // Set the origin according to the defined transform
- o = _objectSpread({}, o, {
- origin: getOrigin(o, this)
- });
- } // The user can pass a boolean, an Element or an Matrix or nothing
- var cleanRelative = relative === true ? this : relative || false;
- var result = new Matrix(cleanRelative).transform(o);
- return this.attr('transform', result);
- }
- registerMethods('Element', {
- untransform: untransform,
- matrixify: matrixify,
- toParent: toParent,
- toDoc: toDoc,
- transform: transform
- });
- var List = subClassArray('List', Array, function (arr) {
- this.length = 0;
- this.push.apply(this, _toConsumableArray(arr));
- });
- extend(List, {
- each: function each(cbOrName) {
- for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {
- args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];
- }
- if (typeof cbOrName === 'function') {
- this.forEach(function (el) {
- cbOrName.call(el, el);
- });
- } else {
- this.forEach(function (el) {
- el[cbOrName].apply(el, args);
- });
- }
- return this;
- },
- toArray: function toArray() {
- return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this);
- }
- });
- List.extend = function (methods) {
- methods = methods.reduce(function (obj, name) {
- obj[name] = function () {
- for (var _len2 = arguments.length, attrs = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {
- attrs[_key2] = arguments[_key2];
- }
- return this.each.apply(this, [name].concat(attrs));
- };
- return obj;
- }, {});
- extend(List, methods);
- };
- var Shape =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Element) {
- _inherits(Shape, _Element);
- function Shape() {
- _classCallCheck(this, Shape);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Shape).apply(this, arguments));
- }
- return Shape;
- }(Element);
- register(Shape);
- var Circle =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Circle, _Shape);
- function Circle(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Circle);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Circle).call(this, nodeOrNew('circle', node), node));
- }
- _createClass(Circle, [{
- key: "radius",
- value: function radius(r) {
- return this.attr('r', r);
- } // Radius x value
- }, {
- key: "rx",
- value: function rx$$1(_rx) {
- return this.attr('r', _rx);
- } // Alias radius x value
- }, {
- key: "ry",
- value: function ry$$1(_ry) {
- return this.rx(_ry);
- }
- }, {
- key: "size",
- value: function size(_size) {
- return this.radius(new SVGNumber(_size).divide(2));
- }
- }]);
- return Circle;
- }(Shape);
- extend(Circle, {
- x: x,
- y: y,
- cx: cx,
- cy: cy,
- width: width,
- height: height
- });
- registerMethods({
- Element: {
- // Create circle element
- circle: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (size) {
- return this.put(new Circle()).size(size).move(0, 0);
- })
- }
- });
- register(Circle);
- var Ellipse =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Ellipse, _Shape);
- function Ellipse(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Ellipse);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Ellipse).call(this, nodeOrNew('ellipse', node), node));
- }
- _createClass(Ellipse, [{
- key: "size",
- value: function size(width$$1, height$$1) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width$$1, height$$1);
- return this.rx(new SVGNumber(p.width).divide(2)).ry(new SVGNumber(p.height).divide(2));
- }
- }]);
- return Ellipse;
- }(Shape);
- extend(Ellipse, circled);
- registerMethods('Container', {
- // Create an ellipse
- ellipse: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width$$1, height$$1) {
- return this.put(new Ellipse()).size(width$$1, height$$1).move(0, 0);
- })
- });
- register(Ellipse);
- var Stop =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Element) {
- _inherits(Stop, _Element);
- function Stop(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Stop);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Stop).call(this, nodeOrNew('stop', node), node));
- } // add color stops
- _createClass(Stop, [{
- key: "update",
- value: function update(o) {
- if (typeof o === 'number' || o instanceof SVGNumber) {
- o = {
- offset: arguments[0],
- color: arguments[1],
- opacity: arguments[2]
- };
- } // set attributes
- if (o.opacity != null) this.attr('stop-opacity', o.opacity);
- if (o.color != null) this.attr('stop-color', o.color);
- if (o.offset != null) this.attr('offset', new SVGNumber(o.offset));
- return this;
- }
- }]);
- return Stop;
- }(Element);
- register(Stop);
- function baseFind(query, parent) {
- return map((parent || globals.document).querySelectorAll(query), function (node) {
- return adopt(node);
- });
- } // Scoped find method
- function find(query) {
- return baseFind(query, this.node);
- }
- registerMethods('Dom', {
- find: find
- });
- var Gradient =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(Gradient, _Container);
- function Gradient(type, attrs) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Gradient);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Gradient).call(this, nodeOrNew(type + 'Gradient', typeof type === 'string' ? null : type), attrs));
- } // Add a color stop
- _createClass(Gradient, [{
- key: "stop",
- value: function stop(offset, color, opacity) {
- return this.put(new Stop()).update(offset, color, opacity);
- } // Update gradient
- }, {
- key: "update",
- value: function update(block) {
- // remove all stops
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
- block.call(this, this);
- }
- return this;
- } // Return the fill id
- }, {
- key: "url",
- value: function url() {
- return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
- } // Alias string convertion to fill
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return this.url();
- } // custom attr to handle transform
- }, {
- key: "attr",
- value: function attr(a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'gradientTransform';
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Gradient.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
- }
- }, {
- key: "targets",
- value: function targets() {
- return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + this.id() + '"]');
- }
- }, {
- key: "bbox",
- value: function bbox() {
- return new Box();
- }
- }]);
- return Gradient;
- }(Container);
- extend(Gradient, gradiented);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create gradient element in defs
- gradient: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (type, block) {
- return this.defs().gradient(type, block);
- })
- },
- // define gradient
- Defs: {
- gradient: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (type, block) {
- return this.put(new Gradient(type)).update(block);
- })
- }
- });
- register(Gradient);
- var Pattern =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(Pattern, _Container);
- // Initialize node
- function Pattern(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Pattern);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Pattern).call(this, nodeOrNew('pattern', node), node));
- } // Return the fill id
- _createClass(Pattern, [{
- key: "url",
- value: function url() {
- return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
- } // Update pattern by rebuilding
- }, {
- key: "update",
- value: function update(block) {
- // remove content
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
- block.call(this, this);
- }
- return this;
- } // Alias string convertion to fill
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return this.url();
- } // custom attr to handle transform
- }, {
- key: "attr",
- value: function attr(a, b, c) {
- if (a === 'transform') a = 'patternTransform';
- return _get(_getPrototypeOf(Pattern.prototype), "attr", this).call(this, a, b, c);
- }
- }, {
- key: "targets",
- value: function targets() {
- return baseFind('svg [fill*="' + this.id() + '"]');
- }
- }, {
- key: "bbox",
- value: function bbox() {
- return new Box();
- }
- }]);
- return Pattern;
- }(Container);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create pattern element in defs
- pattern: function pattern() {
- var _this$defs;
- return (_this$defs = this.defs()).pattern.apply(_this$defs, arguments);
- }
- },
- Defs: {
- pattern: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width, height, block) {
- return this.put(new Pattern()).update(block).attr({
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
- });
- })
- }
- });
- register(Pattern);
- var Image =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Image, _Shape);
- function Image(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Image);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Image).call(this, nodeOrNew('image', node), node));
- } // (re)load image
- _createClass(Image, [{
- key: "load",
- value: function load(url, callback) {
- if (!url) return this;
- var img = new globals.window.Image();
- on(img, 'load', function (e) {
- var p = this.parent(Pattern); // ensure image size
- if (this.width() === 0 && this.height() === 0) {
- this.size(img.width, img.height);
- }
- if (p instanceof Pattern) {
- // ensure pattern size if not set
- if (p.width() === 0 && p.height() === 0) {
- p.size(this.width(), this.height());
- }
- }
- if (typeof callback === 'function') {
- callback.call(this, {
- width: img.width,
- height: img.height,
- ratio: img.width / img.height,
- url: url
- });
- }
- }, this);
- on(img, 'load error', function () {
- // dont forget to unbind memory leaking events
- off(img);
- });
- return this.attr('href', img.src = url, xlink);
- }
- }]);
- return Image;
- }(Shape);
- registerAttrHook(function (attr$$1, val, _this) {
- // convert image fill and stroke to patterns
- if (attr$$1 === 'fill' || attr$$1 === 'stroke') {
- if (isImage.test(val)) {
- val = _this.doc().defs().image(val);
- }
- }
- if (val instanceof Image) {
- val = _this.doc().defs().pattern(0, 0, function (pattern) {
- pattern.add(val);
- });
- }
- return val;
- });
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // create image element, load image and set its size
- image: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (source, callback) {
- return this.put(new Image()).size(0, 0).load(source, callback);
- })
- }
- });
- register(Image);
- var PointArray = subClassArray('PointArray', SVGArray);
- extend(PointArray, {
- // Convert array to string
- toString: function toString() {
- // convert to a poly point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push(this[i].join(','));
- }
- return array.join(' ');
- },
- // Convert array to line object
- toLine: function toLine() {
- return {
- x1: this[0][0],
- y1: this[0][1],
- x2: this[1][0],
- y2: this[1][1]
- };
- },
- // Get morphed array at given position
- at: function at(pos) {
- // make sure a destination is defined
- if (!this.destination) return this; // generate morphed point string
- for (var i = 0, il = this.length, array = []; i < il; i++) {
- array.push([this[i][0] + (this.destination[i][0] - this[i][0]) * pos, this[i][1] + (this.destination[i][1] - this[i][1]) * pos]);
- }
- return new PointArray(array);
- },
- // Parse point string and flat array
- parse: function parse() {
- var array = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : [[0, 0]];
- var points = []; // if it is an array
- if (array instanceof Array) {
- // and it is not flat, there is no need to parse it
- if (array[0] instanceof Array) {
- return array;
- }
- } else {
- // Else, it is considered as a string
- // parse points
- array = array.trim().split(delimiter).map(parseFloat);
- } // validate points - https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/shapes.html#DataTypePoints
- // Odd number of coordinates is an error. In such cases, drop the last odd coordinate.
- if (array.length % 2 !== 0) array.pop(); // wrap points in two-tuples and parse points as floats
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i = i + 2) {
- points.push([array[i], array[i + 1]]);
- }
- return points;
- },
- // Move point string
- move: function move(x, y) {
- var box = this.bbox(); // get relative offset
- x -= box.x;
- y -= box.y; // move every point
- if (!isNaN(x) && !isNaN(y)) {
- for (var i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- this[i] = [this[i][0] + x, this[i][1] + y];
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Resize poly string
- size: function size(width, height) {
- var i;
- var box = this.bbox(); // recalculate position of all points according to new size
- for (i = this.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (box.width) this[i][0] = (this[i][0] - box.x) * width / box.width + box.x;
- if (box.height) this[i][1] = (this[i][1] - box.y) * height / box.height + box.y;
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Get bounding box of points
- bbox: function bbox() {
- var maxX = -Infinity;
- var maxY = -Infinity;
- var minX = Infinity;
- var minY = Infinity;
- this.forEach(function (el) {
- maxX = Math.max(el[0], maxX);
- maxY = Math.max(el[1], maxY);
- minX = Math.min(el[0], minX);
- minY = Math.min(el[1], minY);
- });
- return {
- x: minX,
- y: minY,
- width: maxX - minX,
- height: maxY - minY
- };
- }
- });
- var MorphArray = PointArray; // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- function x$1(x) {
- return x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(x, this.bbox().y);
- } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- function y$1(y) {
- return y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, y);
- } // Set width of element
- function width$1(width) {
- var b = this.bbox();
- return width == null ? b.width : this.size(width, b.height);
- } // Set height of element
- function height$1(height) {
- var b = this.bbox();
- return height == null ? b.height : this.size(b.width, height);
- }
- var pointed = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- MorphArray: MorphArray,
- x: x$1,
- y: y$1,
- width: width$1,
- height: height$1
- });
- var Line =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Line, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Line(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Line);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Line).call(this, nodeOrNew('line', node), node));
- } // Get array
- _createClass(Line, [{
- key: "array",
- value: function array() {
- return new PointArray([[this.attr('x1'), this.attr('y1')], [this.attr('x2'), this.attr('y2')]]);
- } // Overwrite native plot() method
- }, {
- key: "plot",
- value: function plot(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- if (x1 == null) {
- return this.array();
- } else if (typeof y1 !== 'undefined') {
- x1 = {
- x1: x1,
- y1: y1,
- x2: x2,
- y2: y2
- };
- } else {
- x1 = new PointArray(x1).toLine();
- }
- return this.attr(x1);
- } // Move by left top corner
- }, {
- key: "move",
- value: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr(this.array().move(x, y).toLine());
- } // Set element size to given width and height
- }, {
- key: "size",
- value: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr(this.array().size(p.width, p.height).toLine());
- }
- }]);
- return Line;
- }(Shape);
- extend(Line, pointed);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a line element
- line: wrapWithAttrCheck(function () {
- for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- args[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- // x1 is not necessarily a number, it can also be an array, a string and a PointArray
- return Line.prototype.plot.apply(this.put(new Line()), args[0] != null ? args : [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- })
- }
- });
- register(Line);
- var Marker =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Container) {
- _inherits(Marker, _Container);
- // Initialize node
- function Marker(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Marker);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Marker).call(this, nodeOrNew('marker', node), node));
- } // Set width of element
- _createClass(Marker, [{
- key: "width",
- value: function width(_width) {
- return this.attr('markerWidth', _width);
- } // Set height of element
- }, {
- key: "height",
- value: function height(_height) {
- return this.attr('markerHeight', _height);
- } // Set marker refX and refY
- }, {
- key: "ref",
- value: function ref(x, y) {
- return this.attr('refX', x).attr('refY', y);
- } // Update marker
- }, {
- key: "update",
- value: function update(block) {
- // remove all content
- this.clear(); // invoke passed block
- if (typeof block === 'function') {
- block.call(this, this);
- }
- return this;
- } // Return the fill id
- }, {
- key: "toString",
- value: function toString() {
- return 'url(#' + this.id() + ')';
- }
- }]);
- return Marker;
- }(Container);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- marker: function marker() {
- var _this$defs;
- // Create marker element in defs
- return (_this$defs = this.defs()).marker.apply(_this$defs, arguments);
- }
- },
- Defs: {
- // Create marker
- marker: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width, height, block) {
- // Set default viewbox to match the width and height, set ref to cx and cy and set orient to auto
- return this.put(new Marker()).size(width, height).ref(width / 2, height / 2).viewbox(0, 0, width, height).attr('orient', 'auto').update(block);
- })
- },
- marker: {
- // Create and attach markers
- marker: function marker(_marker, width, height, block) {
- var attr = ['marker']; // Build attribute name
- if (_marker !== 'all') attr.push(_marker);
- attr = attr.join('-'); // Set marker attribute
- _marker = arguments[1] instanceof Marker ? arguments[1] : this.defs().marker(width, height, block);
- return this.attr(attr, _marker);
- }
- }
- });
- register(Marker);
- var Path =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Path, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Path(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Path);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Path).call(this, nodeOrNew('path', node), node));
- } // Get array
- _createClass(Path, [{
- key: "array",
- value: function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new PathArray(this.attr('d')));
- } // Plot new path
- }, {
- key: "plot",
- value: function plot(d) {
- return d == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('d', typeof d === 'string' ? d : this._array = new PathArray(d));
- } // Clear array cache
- }, {
- key: "clear",
- value: function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- } // Move by left top corner
- }, {
- key: "move",
- value: function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('d', this.array().move(x, y));
- } // Move by left top corner over x-axis
- }, {
- key: "x",
- value: function x(_x) {
- return _x == null ? this.bbox().x : this.move(_x, this.bbox().y);
- } // Move by left top corner over y-axis
- }, {
- key: "y",
- value: function y(_y) {
- return _y == null ? this.bbox().y : this.move(this.bbox().x, _y);
- } // Set element size to given width and height
- }, {
- key: "size",
- value: function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('d', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
- } // Set width of element
- }, {
- key: "width",
- value: function width(_width) {
- return _width == null ? this.bbox().width : this.size(_width, this.bbox().height);
- } // Set height of element
- }, {
- key: "height",
- value: function height(_height) {
- return _height == null ? this.bbox().height : this.size(this.bbox().width, _height);
- }
- }, {
- key: "targets",
- value: function targets() {
- return baseFind('svg textpath [href*="' + this.id() + '"]');
- }
- }]);
- return Path;
- }(Shape); // Define morphable array
- Path.prototype.MorphArray = PathArray; // Add parent method
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped path element
- path: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (d) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Path()).plot(d || new PathArray());
- })
- }
- });
- register(Path);
- function array() {
- return this._array || (this._array = new PointArray(this.attr('points')));
- } // Plot new path
- function plot(p) {
- return p == null ? this.array() : this.clear().attr('points', typeof p === 'string' ? p : this._array = new PointArray(p));
- } // Clear array cache
- function clear() {
- delete this._array;
- return this;
- } // Move by left top corner
- function move(x, y) {
- return this.attr('points', this.array().move(x, y));
- } // Set element size to given width and height
- function size(width, height) {
- var p = proportionalSize(this, width, height);
- return this.attr('points', this.array().size(p.width, p.height));
- }
- var poly = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({
- array: array,
- plot: plot,
- clear: clear,
- move: move,
- size: size
- });
- var Polygon =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Polygon, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Polygon(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Polygon);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polygon).call(this, nodeOrNew('polygon', node), node));
- }
- return Polygon;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polygon: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Polygon()).plot(p || new PointArray());
- })
- }
- });
- extend(Polygon, pointed);
- extend(Polygon, poly);
- register(Polygon);
- var Polyline =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Polyline, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Polyline(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Polyline);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Polyline).call(this, nodeOrNew('polyline', node), node));
- }
- return Polyline;
- }(Shape);
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a wrapped polygon element
- polyline: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (p) {
- // make sure plot is called as a setter
- return this.put(new Polyline()).plot(p || new PointArray());
- })
- }
- });
- extend(Polyline, pointed);
- extend(Polyline, poly);
- register(Polyline);
- var Rect =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- function (_Shape) {
- _inherits(Rect, _Shape);
- // Initialize node
- function Rect(node) {
- _classCallCheck(this, Rect);
- return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Rect).call(this, nodeOrNew('rect', node), node));
- }
- return Rect;
- }(Shape);
- extend(Rect, {
- rx: rx,
- ry: ry
- });
- registerMethods({
- Container: {
- // Create a rect element
- rect: wrapWithAttrCheck(function (width$$1, height$$1) {
- return this.put(new Rect()).size(width$$1, height$$1);
- })
- }
- });
- register(Rect);
function plain(text) {
// clear if build mode is disabled
if (this._build === false) {
@@ -7019,6 +7062,7 @@ var SVG = (function () {
extend(Shape, getMethodsFor('Shape')); // extend(Element, getConstructor('Memory'))
extend(Container, getMethodsFor('Container'));
+ extend(Runner, getMethodsFor('Runner'));
registerMorphableType([SVGNumber, Color, Box, Matrix, SVGArray, PointArray, PathArray]);
diff --git a/spec/spec/sugar.js b/spec/spec/sugar.js
index f79d7d5..906dfe7 100644
--- a/spec/spec/sugar.js
+++ b/spec/spec/sugar.js
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ describe('Sugar', function() {
it('redirects to x() / y() with adding the current value', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')))
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5')))
it('allows to add a percentage value', function() {
@@ -257,16 +257,16 @@ describe('Sugar', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')))
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('10%')))
it('allows to add a percentage value when no x/y is set', function() {
- expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')), true)
- expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')), true)
+ expect(rect.x).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')))
+ expect(rect.y).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(new SVG.SVGNumber('5%')))
diff --git a/src/animation/Runner.js b/src/animation/Runner.js
index 4de127a..47929fd 100644
--- a/src/animation/Runner.js
+++ b/src/animation/Runner.js
@@ -141,10 +141,11 @@ export default class Runner extends EventTarget {
These methods allow us to attach basic functions to the runner directly
- queue (initFn, runFn, isTransform) {
+ queue (initFn, runFn, retargetFn, isTransform) {
initialiser: initFn || noop,
runner: runFn || noop,
+ retarget: retargetFn,
isTransform: isTransform,
initialised: false,
finished: false
@@ -338,8 +339,8 @@ export default class Runner extends EventTarget {
// for the case of transformations, we use the special retarget function
// which has access to the outer scope
- if (this._history[method].caller.isTransform) {
- this._history[method].caller.isTransform(target)
+ if (this._history[method].caller.retarget) {
+ this._history[method].caller.retarget(target)
// for everything else a simple morpher change is sufficient
} else {
@@ -404,6 +405,15 @@ export default class Runner extends EventTarget {
return this
+ // TODO: Keep track of all transformations so that deletion is faster
+ clearTransformsFromQueue () {
+ if (!this.done) {
+ this._queue = this._queue.filter((item) => {
+ return !item.isTransform
+ })
+ }
+ }
static sanitise (duration, delay, when) {
// Initialise the default parameters
var times = 1
@@ -442,6 +452,8 @@ class FakeRunner {
this.id = id
this.done = done
+ clearTransformsFromQueue () { }
extend([Runner, FakeRunner], {
@@ -538,6 +550,7 @@ class RunnerArray {
let deleteCnt = this.ids.indexOf(id + 1) || 1
this.ids.splice(0, deleteCnt, 0)
this.runners.splice(0, deleteCnt, new FakeRunner())
+ .forEach((r) => r.clearTransformsFromQueue())
return this
@@ -758,7 +771,7 @@ extend(Runner, {
transforms = { ...newTransforms, origin }
- this.queue(setup, run, retarget)
+ this.queue(setup, run, retarget, true)
this._isDeclarative && this._rememberMorpher('transform', morpher)
return this
@@ -774,28 +787,31 @@ extend(Runner, {
dx (x) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dx', x)
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('x', x)
dy (y) {
- return this._queueNumberDelta('dy', y)
+ return this._queueNumberDelta('y', y)
_queueNumberDelta (method, to) {
to = new SVGNumber(to)
// Try to change the target if we have this method already registerd
- if (this._tryRetargetDelta(method, to)) return this
+ if (this._tryRetarget(method, to)) return this
// Make a morpher and queue the animation
var morpher = new Morphable(this._stepper).to(to)
+ var from = null
this.queue(function () {
- var from = this.element()[method]()
+ from = this.element()[method]()
morpher.to(from + to)
}, function (pos) {
return morpher.done()
+ }, function (newTo) {
+ morpher.to(from + new SVGNumber(newTo))
// Register the morpher so that if it is changed again, we can retarget it
diff --git a/src/main.js b/src/main.js
index a7deaaa..701b23b 100644
--- a/src/main.js
+++ b/src/main.js
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import './modules/optional/memory.js'
import './modules/optional/sugar.js'
import './modules/optional/transform.js'
-import List from './types/List.js'
import { extend } from './utils/adopter.js'
import { getMethodNames, getMethodsFor } from './utils/methods.js'
import Box from './types/Box.js'
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@ import EventTarget from './types/EventTarget.js'
import Gradient from './elements/Gradient.js'
import Image from './elements/Image.js'
import Line from './elements/Line.js'
+import List from './types/List.js'
import Marker from './elements/Marker.js'
import Matrix from './types/Matrix.js'
import Morphable, {
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ import PointArray from './types/PointArray.js'
import Polygon from './elements/Polygon.js'
import Polyline from './elements/Polyline.js'
import Rect from './elements/Rect.js'
+import Runner from './animation/Runner.js'
import SVGArray from './types/SVGArray.js'
import SVGNumber from './types/SVGNumber.js'
import Shape from './elements/Shape.js'
@@ -154,6 +155,8 @@ extend(Shape, getMethodsFor('Shape'))
// extend(Element, getConstructor('Memory'))
extend(Container, getMethodsFor('Container'))
+extend(Runner, getMethodsFor('Runner'))
diff --git a/src/modules/optional/sugar.js b/src/modules/optional/sugar.js
index f4c20fc..6001631 100644
--- a/src/modules/optional/sugar.js
+++ b/src/modules/optional/sugar.js
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import Color from '../../types/Color.js'
import Element from '../../elements/Element.js'
import Matrix from '../../types/Matrix.js'
import Point from '../../types/Point.js'
-import Runner from '../../animation/Runner.js'
import SVGNumber from '../../types/SVGNumber.js'
// Define list of available attributes for stroke and fill
@@ -105,19 +104,21 @@ registerMethods(['Element', 'Runner'], {
return this.attr('opacity', value)
+ // Relative move over x and y axes
+ dmove: function (x, y) {
+ return this.dx(x).dy(y)
+ }
+registerMethods('Element', {
// Relative move over x axis
dx: function (x) {
- return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.x()), true)
+ return this.x(new SVGNumber(x).plus(this.x()))
// Relative move over y axis
dy: function (y) {
- return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this instanceof Runner ? 0 : this.y()), true)
- },
- // Relative move over x and y axes
- dmove: function (x, y) {
- return this.dx(x).dy(y)
+ return this.y(new SVGNumber(y).plus(this.y()))
diff --git a/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js b/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js
index 839a970..4d2309f 100644
--- a/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js
+++ b/src/types/ArrayPolyfill.js
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ export const subClassArray = (function () {
Arr.prototype = Object.create(baseClass.prototype)
Arr.prototype.constructor = Arr
+ Arr.prototype.map = function (fn) {
+ const arr = new Arr()
+ arr.push.apply(arr, Array.prototype.map.call(this, fn))
+ return arr
+ }
return Arr
diff --git a/src/types/List.js b/src/types/List.js
index 193ed05..b50a18e 100644
--- a/src/types/List.js
+++ b/src/types/List.js
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import { extend } from '../utils/adopter.js'
import { subClassArray } from './ArrayPolyfill.js'
-const List = subClassArray('List', Array, function (arr) {
+const List = subClassArray('List', Array, function (arr = []) {
+ // This catches the case, that native map tries to create an array with new Array(1)
+ if (typeof arr === 'number') return this
this.length = 0
@@ -13,9 +15,10 @@ extend(List, {
if (typeof fnOrMethodName === 'function') {
this.forEach((el) => { fnOrMethodName.call(el, el) })
} else {
- this.forEach((el) => {
- el[fnOrMethodName](...args)
- })
+ return this.map(el => { return el[fnOrMethodName](...args) })
+ // this.forEach((el) => {
+ // el[fnOrMethodName](...args)
+ // })
return this
diff --git a/src/types/SVGArray.js b/src/types/SVGArray.js
index 4fcb500..7f27ec4 100644
--- a/src/types/SVGArray.js
+++ b/src/types/SVGArray.js
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ export default SVGArray
extend(SVGArray, {
init (arr) {
+ // This catches the case, that native map tries to create an array with new Array(1)
+ if (typeof arr === 'number') return this
this.length = 0
return this