path: root/svg.js.d.ts
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Diffstat (limited to 'svg.js.d.ts')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/svg.js.d.ts b/svg.js.d.ts
index 24cdc0f..72c6d7d 100644
--- a/svg.js.d.ts
+++ b/svg.js.d.ts
@@ -309,6 +309,10 @@ declare module "@svgdotjs/svg.js" {
type ElementAlias = Dom | Svg | Rect | Line | Polygon | Polyline | Ellipse | ClipPath | Use |
Text | Path | TextPath | Circle | G | Gradient | Image | Element
+ type ElementTypeAlias = typeof Dom | typeof Svg | typeof Rect | typeof Line | typeof Polygon |
+ typeof Polyline | typeof Ellipse | typeof ClipPath | typeof Use | typeof Text | typeof Path |
+ typeof TextPath | typeof Circle | typeof G | typeof Gradient | typeof Image | typeof Element
type AttributeReference = "href" | "marker-start" | "marker-mid" | "marker-end" | "mask" |
"clip-path" | "filter" | "fill"
@@ -896,41 +900,11 @@ declare module "@svgdotjs/svg.js" {
cancelImmediate(o: object): void
- // use with parent query
- type ParentTypeAlias = typeof Svg | typeof G | typeof A;
- // use with putIn
- type ParentClassAlias = Svg | G | A;
* Just fancy type alias to refer to css query selector.
type QuerySelector = string
- // cannot really avoid using anonymous any string as typescript does not provide
- // runtime type check for example, QuerySelector should contain . or # at least
- // Important: this type alias is provided an overview of how value look as a string
- type ParentQueryAlias = ParentElement | keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | ParentTypeAlias | QuerySelector
- type ParentQueryMapping<T> =
- T extends Tspan | TextPath ? ParentQueryAlias | TextType | ClipPathType | Text | ClipPath | Dom :
- T extends Shape ? ParentQueryAlias | ClipPathType | ClipPath | Dom :
- T extends Element ? ParentQueryAlias | Dom : keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap | Dom
- type ParentQueryResultMapping<T> =
- T extends Tspan | TextPath ? ParentClassAlias | Text | ClipPath | Dom :
- T extends Circle ? ParentClassAlias | Text | ClipPath | Mask | Dom :
- T extends Shape ? ParentClassAlias | ClipPath | Dom : ParentClassAlias | Dom
- type PutInMapping<T> =
- T extends Svg ? ParentClassAlias | Dom | HTMLElement | string :
- T extends Shape ? ParentClassAlias | ClipPath | string :
- T extends Element ? ParentClassAlias | string : HTMLElement | string
- type PutInResultMapping<T> =
- T extends Svg ? ParentTypeAlias | Dom :
- T extends Element ? ParentTypeAlias : Dom
class Dom extends EventTarget {
node: HTMLElement | SVGElement;
type: string;
@@ -955,26 +929,16 @@ declare module "@svgdotjs/svg.js" {
last(): Element;
matches(selector: string): boolean;
- * Get the parent of current element. The input query can be given with string, object type or none (undefined).
- * The input is vary based on the implement in hierarchy of SVG.JS element or dom.
- * 1. If The input is a string, the string value must be a valid HTML element tag name or svg tag name. e.g "svg" or "g" or "div"
- * 2. If the given input is an object type then only SVG.JS object type is accept. e.g Dom, Svg or G
- * 3. if the given input query is undefined then the element will return the closest parent in Dom hierarchy
- *
- * For more information see ParentQueryMapping.
- * @param type can be either string, object type or undefined.
+ * Finds the closest ancestor which matches the string or is of passed type. If nothing is passed, the parent is returned
+ * @param type can be either string, svg.js object or undefined.
- parent<T extends this>(type?: ParentQueryMapping<T>): ParentQueryResultMapping<T>;
+ parent(type?: ElementTypeAlias | QuerySelector): Dom | null;
put(element: Element, i?: number): Element;
- * Put the element into the given parent element. The input parent element can be vary base on the class implementation.
- * 1. If the current class is a Dom then parent input is only accept a valid HTML element or a valid string id of HTML element
- * 2. If the current class is an Svg then parent input can only Dom, Svg, G, A, a valid HTML element and a valid string id of HTML element
- *
- * For more information see PutInMapping.
- * @param parent an object of SVG.JS Dom or implement container or a string id or a valid HTML element object.
+ * Put the element into the given parent element and returns the parent element
+ * @param parent The parent in which the current element is inserted
- putIn<T extends this>(parent: PutInMapping<T>): PutInResultMapping<T>;
+ putIn(parent: ElementAlias | Node | QuerySelector): Dom;
remove(): this;
removeElement(element: Element): this;
@@ -1457,6 +1421,8 @@ declare module "@svgdotjs/svg.js" {
ref(x: string | number, y: string | number): this;
update(block: (marker: Marker) => void): this;
toString(): string;
+ orient(orientation: 'auto' | 'auto-start-reverse' | number | Number): this;
+ orient(): string;
// mask.js
class Mask extends Container {